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Neighbours Episodes.com - The largest collection of detailed Neighbours Episode Summaries
1826: 1993 Season Return
1830: Michael Martin embarks on his campaign of terror against Julie Martin; Annalise moves into Number 24
1831: Brad Willis overcomes his fear of water; Pam and Doug Willis reconcile
1833: Stephen Gottlieb and Phoebe Bright marry
1849: Bouncer returns; Philip Martin has a flashback to Loretta Martin's death
1852: Lauren Carpenter arrives
1856: Michael Martin's efforts to kill his stepmother are exposed and he's arrested; Brad Willis and Beth Brennan's engagement party; Lauren Carpenter and Brad Willis discover who each other are
1904: Jim Robinson's death
1918: Brad and Beth's non-wedding
1921: Michael Martin is finally arrested
1938: The Lim family arrive
1946: Julie Martin discovers that Jim Robinson wasn't her father
1949: The Waterhole explodes
1953: Julie finds out she was a product of rape
1962: Darren Stark's first episode
1972: Cathy Alessi comes back to sort Rick out
1981: Doug Willis sells Willis Constructions to Constructacon
1996: Rick Alessi helps Michael Martin to break out of the detention centre
1997: Darren Stark stages an armed robbery; Michael Martin is shot; Cheryl Stark proposes to Lou Carpenter
1998: Darren Stark is arrested; Lucy Robinson returns
1999: Paul Robinson returns
2000: Helen Daniels' birthday; Philip and Julie Martin reconcile; Stephen Gottlieb is no longer confined to a wheelchair
2002: David Kazalian reveals that he's married to Lucy Robinson
2033: Lauren Carpenter meets Barrabas, the cult leader
2057: Danni and Brett Stark's first appearance
2068: Brad Willis and Beth Brennan's wedding
2070: 1993 Season Finale - Gaby Willis and Annalise Hartman's plane crash
4631: 2005 Season Return
4632: Jack Scully reunites with Nina Tucker in Los Angeles
4635: Steph Scully is arrested on suspicion of attempted murder
4645: Steph Scully's trial
4649: Dylan Timmins arrives
4677: Karl Kennedy's heart attack
4688: The General Store and Scarlet Bar open
4691: Janae and Bree Timmins arrive
4699: Kerry's lookalike Gabrielle Walker arrives
4702: Boyd Hoyland undergoes surgery to remove a brain tumour
4712: Bobby Hoyland arrives
4732: Sky Mangel and Dylan Timmins get together
4737: David Bishop finds out about the affair between Liljana Bishop and Paul Robinson
4744: Paul Robinson falls off a cliff
4747: Darcy Tyler wakes up from his coma
4755: Paul Robinson loses his leg
4762: Darcy Tyler reveals Izzy Hoyland's lie about her baby's father to Susan Kennedy.
4769: Annalise returns
4771: Philip Martin, Doug Willis, Rosemary Daniels and Lucy Robinson return
4772: Karl Kennedy finds out that he was not the father of Izzy Hoyland's baby
4773: 20th Anniversary Documentary; Joe Mangel's return
4778: Janelle's novel comes to life in her daydreams!
4782: Sindi Watts and Stu Parker's wedding
4793: Steph Scully finds out she's pregnant
4795: Sindi Parker's last episode
4811: Elle Robinson arrives
4837: The Plane Crash
4853: Dylan and Stingray Timmins are sent to jail
4854: David, Liljana and Serena Bishop's memorial service
4858: Joe Mangel's last episode
4861: Steph dreams of Drew
4871: Katya Kinski arrives
4872: Susan Kennedy and Alex Kinski's wedding; Alex's death
4874: Christmas 2005
4875: 2005 Season Finale - Harold Bishop strangles Paul Robinson
7271: 2016 Season Return
7275: Amber Turner departs for Brisbane
7285: Xanthe Canning arrives
7291: Lyn Scully returns
7296: Charlie Hoyland returns
7298: Mark arrests Paige at their non-wedding
7305: Sonya is elected Mayor of Erinsborough
7337: One-hour special: Josh Willis dies in the rubble of the hotel
7338: Doug Willis dies
7340: Kyle Canning departs
7345: Pam Willis returns
7346: Josh Willis's funeral
7348: "John Doe" wakes in hospital with memory loss
7350: Madison Robinson's first appearance
7352: Daniel and Imogen's wedding
7356: Angus Beaumont-Hannay arrives
7361: Paige and "John Doe" search for his identity in Geelong
7365: Walter Mitchell's first appearance
7376: Ned kisses Lauren
7378: Walter is revealed to be Sonya's father
7379: Nate Kinski departs
7382: Paul is sentenced to 18 years for the murder of Josh and Doug Willis
7390: Sonya meets her sister, Zoe
7391: Gary Canning is released from jail
7393: "John Doe" is revealed to be Jack Callaghan, a Catholic priest
7396: Walter kidnaps Nell
7401: Tyler and Piper fight their feelings for each other
7411: Elly Conway returns
7451: The Pigeon Race
7458: David Tanaka arrives
7459: Leo Tanaka arrives
7461: Ben and Xanthe on the Gold Coast
7465: Sonya offers to be a surrogate for Steph and Mark
7470: Steph meets Adam
7472: The Balloon Crash
7473: Paige and Jack sleep together
7478: The Cannings and Amy appear on "Family Feud"
7482: Xanthe's mum Brooke arrives in Erinsborough
7505: Trixie Tucker returns
7508: Angus Beaumont-Hannay departs
7509: Brad and Lauren's wedding
7510: 2016 Season Finale: Stonie tells Toadie he thinks Dee might still be alive

Daphne Lawrence and Shane Ramsay get together.

Max and Maria break up

Paul Robinson and Terry Inglis's wedding.

Julie Robinson reunites with Philip Martin after he's injured, and his wife dies, in a car accident.

1985 Season Finale - Daphne Lawrence proposes to Des Clarke; Danny Ramsay finds out Max isn't his father.

Gail Lewis arrives.

1988 Season Return.

Paul and Gail Robinson renew their vows. Todd and Katie Landers arrive.

50s night.

Joe Mangel's first appearance.

Jane Harris and Katie Landers depart; Clive Gibbons returns.

Eddie Buckingham arrives.

Todd Landers and Cody Willis get together.

Christina and Caroline Alessi arrive.

Tom Ramsay returns after four years

Doug Willis sells Willis Constructions to Constructacon.

Darren Stark is arrested; Lucy Robinson returns.

Gaby Willis's final episode

Lata Chatterji is sent away.

Pam and Doug Willis leave for Darwin.

Michael Martin returns; Jen Handley moves out of Number 26; Year 12 exam results.

1996 Season Finale - Philip Martin and Ruth Wilkinson kiss; Mal Kennedy has a serious accident.

Ben Atkins reveals to the Wilkinsons that Ruth is his mother

Lisa Elliot's departure.

1997 Season Finale - Ben Atkin's car crash; Karl Kennedy kisses Sarah Beaumont; Philip Martin proposes to Ruth Wilkinson.

Hannah Martin returns from France; Philip Martin's birthday.

Sarah Beaumont and Peter Hannay's wedding.

Harold Bishop finds Tad Reeves unconscious.

Lolly is taken away from Lou

Connor O'Neill arrives.

Max Hoyland arrives.

Angie Rebecchi reappears

Jack Scully leaves for Los Angeles.

David Bishop finds out about the affair between Liljana Bishop and Paul Robinson.

Annalise returns

Elle Robinson arrives.

Stuart Parker's last episode.

Mishka Schneiderova arrives.

Gail Robinson returns.

Izzy Hoyland's last episode.

Lyn and Oscar Scully's departure.

2006 Season Finale - Toadie Rebecchi is shot.

Oliver Barnes arrives.

Stingray Timmins' death.

Lolly Allen's departure.

Toadie Rebecchi proposes to Steph Scully.

Pepper Steiger departs.

Nicola West arrives.

Oliver Barnes departs.

Sam Fitzgerald returns and is pregnant.

Libby Kennedy and Dan Fitzgerald's wedding.

Miranda asks Steve for a divorce

Harry and Sophie Ramsay arrive.

2009 Season Finale - Paul and Rebecca marry and Andrew arrives

Zeke is caught breaking into animal testing labs

Steph and Libby's showdown in the street

The 'Who Pushed Paul Robinson?' culprit is revealed

Sonya sends Troy packing

Malcolm and Jade embark on an affair

Troy Miller returns

Kyle kisses Kate

Summer Hoyland departs

Sarah Beaumont returns

Tash Williams, Andrew Robinson and Sophie Ramsay depart

Kate Ramsay is shot

Lauren and Brad kiss in Adelaide

Lauren realises that Paige is her missing daughter

Kyle and Georgia's hen and bucks parties

Harold returns after four years

Ben Kirk returns

Three-hander episode features only Brad, Terese and Lauren

2015 Season Finale

Lyn Scully returns

One-hour special: Josh Willis dies in the rubble of the hotel

Madison Robinson's first appearance

Walter Mitchell's first appearance

Nate Kinski departs

Steph meets Adam

Paige reveals to her family that she's pregnant

"Fake Dee" arrives

Aaron in Paris

Hamish Roche drowns in the hot tub

Paige, Jack and Gabe depart for Queensland

Susan is arrested for the attempted murder of Finn Kelly

Jim Robinson appears

Finn Kelly realises that his brother Shaun is the father of Elly's baby

Dee and Andrea meet on the cliff-top

Mackenzie Hargreaves arrives

Baby Aster is born; David Tanaka is close to death

Neighbours: Endgame begins

Des and Jane's Promotional Wedding

Melanie and Toadie's first date

Susan manifests Ghostly Finn

Shane and Dipi depart

Nicolette returns with the real baby Isla

2022 Season Return: Terese is rescued from the roof; Amy's daughter, Zara, arrives

Flashback week begins

Chelsea Murphy arrives

Terese discovers that Toadie has cheated on her with Melanie

Mackenzie hits Haz with car

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