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Neighbours Episode 4303 from 2003 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4302 - 4304>>
Episode title: 4303 (Sky Mangel returns)
Australian airdate: 13/08/03
UK airdate: 06/10/03
Writer: Megan Herbert
Director: Gary Conway
Guests: Sky Mangel: Stephanie McIntosh
Tim Collins: Ben Anderson
Nathan Spalding: Michael Roland
Summary/Images by: RAEMAE/Mona
- Karl telling Susan she needs to love and support Libby
- Tim tells Toadie the clients are unhappy
- Libby is upset that Susan won't talk to her
Susan is making dinner. She goes and sets three places at the table, she realizes what she has done and takes two away.
Libby is upset. Karl tells her that Susan has high expectations for them and she sticks to them, unlike some people (meaning himself). Libby says that what happened with Sarah is in the past. Karl says that Susan will come around, she forgave him.
Susan sits down to eat her dinner and the phone rings. She hesitates before answering it. It's someone wanting to do a survey.
Harold is cooking dinner and Lou is sitting on the couch reading the paper. Lou tells Harold that he's smoking out the place and he should put a fan on. Harold says that reminds him and he rushes over to Lou to show him a gift he got sent from Valda, it's a little fan. Harold asks Lou what he got, Lou pretends he's not interested saying 'nothing', adding if that's all it is he's glad he's not on the list. Harold turns to go back into the kitchen and gets a fright when he sees a young girl standing there. When Harold asks her who she is and what she is doing here, she says she's a Girl Guide selling cookies and she used the back door to be resourceful. Lou tells Harold to call the police. The girl says she can't believe it, she came all this way and this is the welcome she gets. She asks Harold if he remembers her. She then tells him... "I'm Sky Mangel... your granddaughter"
Lyn is on the couch trying to get comfortable. She calls out for Joe and asks for a special massage. Joe snaps 'no' at her saying he's not feeling very well. Lyn follows him into the kitchen and asks what's wrong. He says he has a pain in his stomach. Lyn realizes he's been eating more of the gourmet food that made him sick the night before. She calls him a greedy pig and tells him she wants a peppermint tea with honey and her heat pack warmed up again.
Harold tells Sky he's a little shocked and that she's grown up so much and turning up out of the blue was like what her mother did all those years ago. He keeps fussing over her and she tells him to calm down. She says she's on her own. Harold suggests they call Joe Mangel to let him know she arrived safely. She says it's ok, he's out of range mustering with Toby. She says she's staying a couple of weeks and will do her schooling by correspondence like she did at home. She then asks Harold if her room has an en suite.
The next morning, Toadie is asleep on the couch. There's a knock at the door and it's Tim picking him up for work. Toadie is still dressed in the shirt and tie from the day before. Tim suggests he have a shower and a shave before they go.
Coffee Shop
Lou asks Harold if he spent the night chatting to Sky. Harold says she went to her room to listen to Heavy Metal music. Tim and Toadie walk in and order coffees, and Toadie orders a muffin. They sit at a table. Lou asks Harold if he checked Sky's story, Harold says no, her explanation seemed reasonable. Harold notices that Lou has a package and asks if it's from Valda. Lou says probably but he'll open it after breakfast. Tim tells Toadie he needs to be on the ball, they have a big divorce case on today. Harold puts a muffin down infront of Toadie and asks if Chocolate is ok. Toadie says he didn't order a muffin, he's not even hungry. Toadie gets up and leave, Tim apologizes to Harold before following Toadie out.
Ramsay Street
Susan is going to her car and Lyn is outside. Lyn asks if she's going to work. Susan she's she going in to do prep, Lyn invites Susan in for a homemade muffin, tea and a chat. Susan agrees. Karl pulls up. Lyns says she's going inside to put the kettle on. Karl tells Susan that Libby is really hurting and she was up half the night crying. Susan tells him that Libby is not a child and needs to live wit the consequences of her actions. Karl tells her if she leaves it much longer, Libby may not want her forgiveness.
Coffee Shop
Lou has finished his breakfast and Harold says he can now open his package. Lou tells him it can wait. Harold tells Lou he took his advice and left a message for Joe Mangel, he trusts her but he'd 'like to hear from the horses mouth.' Sky catches Harold and Lou taking about her. Sky says if he's so worried she'll give him the emergency number. Harold says no but Sky keeps going about calling Joe and stopping the muster and that Joe thought she's be welcome no matter what. Harold tells her to keep the number for a real emergency. He asks her what she would like for breakfast adding "It's all on the house for granddaughters"
Susan and Lyn are talking. Susan asks Lyn how could Libby do this, with out thinking about anyone else. She she's everyone is talking about it. Lyn tells her it will pass. Susan says that when Libby decided to become a teacher she was so proud, Libby is a great teacher, we were a team. Susan adds she finally felt like she got something right as a mother. Lyn tells her it isn't her fault. Lyn then adds that she's going to ell her something because she cares about her. She tells Susan that Libby needs her and she's not the firs person to be hurt by their own family.
Legal Firm
Tim tells their client, Mr Spalding, that Toadie will be outlining the strategies of the case as Tim has to leave to go to court. Toadie starts to run through the case. Talking about the clients affair his secretary. Tim looks on unsure but after a while leaves Toadie to it.
Lyn is in the Kitchen and she tells Susan she has to go shopping and asks her to come. She goes back over to Susan who is crying. Lyn tells her again it's not her fault. Susan asks why the people so close to her keep betraying her. Susan says she knows in her head that she's being crazy but she can't help it, she would never betray Karl or Libby. Susan says that when she found out about Karl she could have hurt him but chose not to. Lyn tells her that what Karl did was in he past and has nothing to do with Libby, adding that no-one is setting out to deliberately hurt her.
Legal Firm
Toadie and Mr Spalding are going through his assets. Mr Spalding says he wants to keep the holiday house because that's where he and his secretary spent most of their time. Toadie asks him if a fling and a sports care are worth more than 20 years of marriage. Toadie starts to lecture him. Mr Spalding asks Toadie who he thinks he is. Toadie replies: "Someone who knows what it's like to have love taken away from them" and he storms out.
Joe is talking to Lou about what Valda sent him. It's a framed boomerang with a picture of Valda. Joe asks Lou about Harold granddaughter saying I hope she's not Jacks age. Lou says she's not really jacks type. Joe says that at Jacks age anyone is Jacks type. Lou adds she's got trouble written all over her. Toadie is sitting at the bar and Tim walks in and up to him asking Toadie how the meeting with Spalding went. Toadie says fine.
(Switching between the Scullys and Kennedys)
Joe is telling Lyn about the dish he made in the gourmet cooking class. He said it was flawless and when Gabrielle asked the class what Joe had done wrong, Joe says Professor Kennedy told Gabrielle that Joe used the wrong spoon to stir the pasta.
Karl is telling Susan that everyone knows you stir pasta with a wooden spoon.
Lyn says she didn't know it made a difference
Karl says the Joe knows absolutely nothing about cooking and that he made a bad joke.
Joe tells Lyn it was a joke. Lyn says that maybe Karl has a lot of stress in his life at the moment. Karl gets up saying I'll give him stress.
Harold comes home and Sky is sitting on the couch eating chips and watching TV. Harold tells her he is cooking up a treat for dinner. Sky seems uninterested. Harold adds he mum use to sit the same way. Sky says she doesn't remember. Harold stops and says he can smell smoke. Sky says she was burning incense before. Harold says it's not incense it smells like marijuana. Sky laughs and walks off. When Harold ask her where she is going she says "To get stoned Man" then adds I wasn't smoking anything.
Bob is starring at a plate of toadies half-eaten dinner. Tim come over saying that he's just spoken to Spalding who wants to change Law firms. Toadie says Spalding's a jerk. Tim says he knows what Toadie is going through is hell and he will help out anyway he can but no the expense of everything he's worked for. He tells Toadie to take a couple for weeks off and he doesn't want to see him in he office... he adds... And feed your dog.
<<4302 - 4304>>
Libby Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4303
Libby Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 4303
Toadie Rebecchi

Harold Bishop, Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 4303
Harold Bishop, Sky Mangel

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 4303
Toadie Rebecchi

Lyn Scully, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4303
Lyn Scully, Susan Kennedy

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 4303
Toadie Rebecchi

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