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Neighbours Episode 0172 from 1986 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0171 - 0173>>
Episode title: 0172 (Clive Gibbons arrives)
Australian airdate: 21/01/86
UK airdate: 01/07/87
UK Gold: 29/06/93
Writer: Reg Watson
Director: Brendan Maher
Summary/Images by: Graham/Karen (Katie)
Lucy welcoming Paul home to Ramsay Street. Danny asking Paul how come he's home so early. Paul snapping that he was in a convalescent home, not a jail.
Shane realising his wallet his been stolen.
Zoe looking pleased at having stolen Shane's wallet.
Zoe turning up at the Coffee Shop and Daphne demanding that she beat it.
Coffee Shop
Looking surprised, Zoe comments to Daphne that she's not exactly being friendly. Daphne just calls across to Mike and asks him to get the police.
ZOE (looking shocked): Daphne!
MIKE (to Daphne): Are you serious?
DAPHNE (snaps): Yes.
ZOE (to Mike): Of course she isn't... I happen to be Daphne's best friend in the whole wide world.
DAPHNE (curtly): She is nothing of the kind. Now, Mike, do as I say: the police station's just up the street.
Zoe demands to know what's wrong: they haven't seen each other for two years and Daphne's talking about calling the *cops*.
DAPHNE (angrily): I have *a hundred and fifty* reasons for calling the cops, Zoe.
ZOE: A hundred and fifty--; you're not talking about *dollars*?
DAPHNE (retorts): You've got it.
The two women sit down at a table and Zoe says:
ZOE: Look, I know you won't believe this, but that night when I had to leave, I started to write a note to say I was borrowing the money, and then the taxi arrived... and it was all such a matter of life and death - which I wanted to tell you about - and then one thing led to another and, well, you know what I'm like about time! Anyway, better late than never.
With that, Zoe takes a wad of (Shane's) notes out of her pocket and places it on the table. She adds that surely Daphne didn't think she wouldn't pay it back, did she? She then asks what time Daphne finishes. Daphne replies that it'll be 9pm.
ZOE: Good. I'm buying, so book us into the best restaurant!
With that, Zoe dashes out again, leaving Daphne looking flabbergasted!
Ramsay Street
Helen wanders across to Max, who's standing by his van. She passes a multicoloured car parked at the end of No. 22 and comments to Max that she sees the new neighbours have arrived. Max replies that he hasn't seen them yet. Helen then remarks that she hears Max has his sister, Madge, staying with him.
MAX (grunts): Yeah. Bad news travels fast, eh?
HELEN: Don't tell me you two are still arguing?
MAX: We've been daggers-drawn since we clapped eyes on each other forty years ago! I tell you, Helen: she calls herself a moral crusader, but she'd drive any bloke to drink in ten minutes flat!
At that moment, Madge runs down the driveway of No. 24 and throws her arms around Helen, telling her it's nice to see her again after all these years! Helen asks her how long she'll be staying. Madge explains that she'll just stay long enough to make sure Max and the boys get back on their feet again. Max, however, snaps at her:
MAX: Why don't you clear off back to your wowser mates, and leave Ramsay Street alone, eh?
At that moment, the three of them hear a car backfiring. Max dashes round the back of the van and sees the car that was parked outside No. 22 heading off down the road. Max glares at Madge and snaps:
MAX: *Now* look what you've done: I've got neighbours I haven't even *seen* 'cos of you!
With that, he storms off, leaving Madge to comment to Helen that her brother will be a changed man in a few weeks! She then changes the subject and asks how Paul is. Helen replies hurriedly that he's fine.
MADGE: We must get together and have a nice long chat. You can bring me up to date.
With that, Madge heads off back inside the house, leaving Helen to murmur to herself wearily:
HELEN: Yes, we must...
No. 26
Paul sits down on the couch and removes the sling from his arm. Helen comes back in and, looking worried, comments that she thought he had to leave it on for another couple of weeks. Paul, however, is stretching his arm and he tells Helen that it's as good as new. Helen suggests he have a holiday away from Ramsay Street. Paul, however, retorts:
PAUL: No thanks - *last* thing I need's a holiday. What I need is a *job*.
HELEN (looking surprised): But you've *got* a job.
PAUL: Yeah, well I'm thinking of chucking that in.
HELEN: When they're so hard to come by? *Why*, in heaven's name?
PAUL (earnestly): Gran, this is a country with potential. Men have arrived here with a few dollars in their pocket and in a couple of years made millions.
Taking a note out of his pocket, Paul goes on:
PAUL: You see that five dollars, gran? In two years, that's going to be five *million*.
HELEN (smiles): It's a nice dream.
PAUL (coolly): Only *fools* dream, gran - and *that* is one thing I'm never going to be again...
Coffee Shop
Mike is standing behind the counter as Shane places an order. Daphne comes in carrying a large box, and Shane asks if she's been spending the profits! Daphne, however, explains that it's just a new dress. She then asks Shane what he's doing there. Shane explains that one of the bosses is in a meeting up the road. Changing the subject, he asks Daphne how much money she's got on her, and he explains about losing his pay this morning. Daphne smiles that someone's just repaid a loan, and she offers him $150. Shane smiles that that's fantastic!
A street
Zoe is walking along a street. She stops outside a bookie's, looks in the window, then heads inside.
No. 24
Madge takes some baking out of the oven and yells to Max that she's made some tea. Max comes in and Madge tells him that she's made him a surprise. Max looks at the baking and mutters:
MAX: I don't *like* biscuits.
MADGE (impatiently): Oh of course you do: they're our mum's recipe.
Max takes a biscuit when Madge isn't looking and hides it in the pocket of his overalls! Madge then says that she really does think that they should try and make the best of this situation.
MADGE: I really thought that I could comfort you and the boys when I heard about Maria walking out on you.
MAX (curtly): She *didn't* walk out; she drove off in a cab with my blessing.
MADGE: Yes, she *would* have your blessing... That's one thing about you, Max: you really loved Maria; and I can understand how your pride won't let you show how hurt you are by the break-up of your marriage.
MAX (snaps): Why don't you go home?
MADGE: It hasn't been a good year for you, has it? First Shane's accident... I remember Maria telling me how obsessed you were about him becoming an Olympic diving champion. Look at him now: a chauffeur.
MAX (angrily): There's nothing wrong with being a chauffeur - and there's nothing wrong with being a plumber. I mean, look at you with all your airs and graces; look at you: married a parking inspector!
MADGE (growls): Oh you're impossible! Max, I am your only sister and I'm trying to help - but we just don't seem able to communicate, do we?
MAX (yells): Oh you want me to communicate, do you? OK, I'll tell you what I'll do: you go back and look after your own family, and I'll write you a nice long letter! If I can just get you out of my hair, I'll communicate with you like mad - by post!
Ramsay Street
Max is back outside, working on his van. The multicoloured car is parked back at the bottom of No. 22. Max walks round to where Danny is working in the back garden of No. 24, and Danny asks his father if he's come to give him a hand.
MAX: Anything to get out of that damn woman's way!
DANNY: Aunty Madge *is* very straight-laced, isn't she?
MAX (mutters): Proper wowser, she is. I pity the poor mug who *married* her.
DANNY: I don't remember him.
Max explains that he's in Coffs Harbour, looking after the kids.
DANNY: She showed me a photo of Charlene: she looks like a real raver!
MAX (astonished): Charlene? A raver? With a mother like that, you've got to be kidding!
Max suddenly hears a noise from No. 22 and he dashes over to a small hole in the fence. He peers through and then calls to Danny to have a look. Max can see a couple of dark brown hairy legs next door, and can hear a growling noise! When Danny has a look, though, he can't see anything. Max insists that he saw two dark hairy legs! With that, he dashes round to the front of the house and across the lawn of No. 22, to investigate. Danny follows close behind. Max hammers on the door, but there's no answer. He then edges carefully over to the front window and peers inside.
MAX: Yeah, well. I pay a neighbourly call, the least they can do is answer the door! Oh, to hell with it!
With that, he storms off. Danny follows him. Neither of them sees the curtain in the front window of No. 22 being pulled back and someone wearing a gorilla outfit peering out at them!
Ramsay Street
A while later, the person in the gorilla outfit emerges from No. 22, walks down the driveway and goes and stands by the wall at the end of the garden. Danny comes down the driveway of No. 22 and looks across at the gorilla, which appears to be doing stretching exercises! He approaches the gorilla - which just says to him:
GORILLA: Bog off!
DANNY: What's going on here?
GORILLA (sounding annoyed): Get out of here, will you?
A man standing in the street suddenly calls out:
MAN: Come on, Clive, I'm running out of light.
The man called Clive tells Danny impatiently that they're trying to get some photos taken. He then pulls off his gorilla mask and gasps that it's hot in that thing. The two of them sit down and Danny introduces himself. Clive replies:
CLIVE: Hi, Danny. Clive Gibbons.
DANNY (muses): Gibbons... gorilla!
CLIVE (wearily): Yeah, it's all been said before.
DANNY: And you do those gorilla telegrams, right?
CLIVE: That's right - that's me. And the chicken ones: you name it, I do it.
DANNY: And you're our new neighbour?
CLIVE: That's me!
DANNY (grins): Wait 'til my old man hears about this...!
A street
Zoe emerges from the betting shop and tears up a betting slip. She throws it in a bin, looking disappointed.
Coffee Shop
Mike is doing some washing-up in the kitchen when Daphne comes in and asks how it's going. He replies that he's enjoying it. He then asks Daphne:
MIKE: Do you *own* all this?
DAPHNE: Oh no, no! I have a grandfather who's not like most grandfathers; *he* owns it.
MIKE: Where is he?
DAPHNE: Noosa. He's trying to attract very beautiful young ladies with money! He's great fun!
MIKE: It must be good to have a grandfather like that!
DAPHNE: Well, sometimes! What about *your* family, Mike?
MIKE (quickly): What about them?
DAPHNE: Is it just your mum and dad?
MIKE (slightly shiftily): Yeah, just them.
With that, Daphne heads back out into the main shop - where Zoe is standing waiting. She says quickly:
ZOE: You haven't booked the restaurant yet, have you?
DAPHNE: No, not yet.
ZOE: Good. Why don't we eat at your place?
DAPHNE (looking surprised): I thought *you* were buying...
ZOE: I was, but I thought we could just relax and chat about old times; just the two of us.
DAPHNE: Three of us.
ZOE: OK, three of us. Who's the third?
DAPHNE: A guy. Des Clarke.
ZOE: Des? Nice name! Hey, you're not married or anything like that, are you?
ZOE: You *are*! OK, OK, we'll talk about it tonight!
With that Zoe heads back out. Mike emerges from the kitchen and asks Daphne in amusement:
MIKE: Is she *really* your best friend?
DAPHNE: No - I'm *her* best friend!
No. 26
Helen is putting some trinkets on the shelves in the lounge room, following the recent decorating. She comments that Rosemary gave one of them to her for her birthday about twenty years ago. Paul, however, who's sitting on the couch, sneers sarcastically:
PAUL: Come on, grandma: you adopt a kid, you give her everything and then she belts off to America and forgets about you.
HELEN: Paul, that just isn't fair. Rosemary's very successful and she *deserves* to be: she's worked damned hard to get where she is over there. Just because she doesn't 'phone me every five minutes doesn't mean she's forgotten me - *or* anyone else.
PAUL (shrugs): If you say so. Anyway, why'd you adopt her? You already had mum.
HELEN: Well, when your mother was born, I was told that I couldn't have any more children. In those days, the laws weren't so strict, so a friend of a friend asked if we'd take Rosemary.
She sits down on the couch opposite Paul as she adds:
HELEN: She was one of those people you were talking about earlier: you could give her a few dollars and she'd make them earn a lot of money for her.
PAUL: I suppose I've got to hand it to her, then: I mean, an Aussie's really got to battle to get ahead in the States, haven't they?
HELEN: Especially if you're a woman.
PAUL: Oh, I don't know: with their killer instincts, it shouldn't be that much harder...
HELEN (pointedly): Paul, do you know what I'm looking forward to?
PAUL: What?
HELEN: Your forgetting to be so cynical and becoming my nice grandson we all loved so much.
PAUL: Yeah, well I might just go for a walk - and I'll leave you to put your memories back on the wall.
With that, Paul heads out, leaving Helen sitting there looking worried.
No. 28
It's dark when Daphne arrives home with Zoe. Zoe looks around the house and comments that the place is fantastic. She adds:
ZOE: And you live here with Des?
ZOE: Just the two of you?
DAPHNE: Well there's been *my* grandfather and *his* mother and cousin, but yes, Zoe, mostly just the two of us.
ZOE: Just 'sharing'?!
DAPHNE (retorts): Just *sharing*.
Daphne then suggests curtly that they get something to eat. Zoe asks where the mysterious Des Clarke *is*, and Daphne explains that he's doing a computer course at the bank where he works. Zoe then smiles:
ZOE: It really is lovely here. How many bedrooms have you got?
DAPHNE: Three.
ZOE: Great!
No. 24
Danny arrives home from work. Shane is in the kitchen and he tells Danny that Max has gone to the pub to get away from Madge, and Madge has gone to her room. He adds that something's wrong: Madge had a 'phone call about ten minutes ago and she went all quiet; it looked like she was crying. At that moment, Madge emerges from her room and tells the boys that she's going to have an early night. She sounds upset.
SHANE: Aunty Madge, are you all right?
MADGE: Yes, thank you, Shane. Good night.
With that, Madge returns to her room. Changing the subject, Danny tells Shane that the most incredible thing happened tonight at the computer course: there was this girl...
DANNY: I overheard her talking - during a break - and they were talking about that show 'Perfect Match', and this girl-
SHANE: *Your* girl?
DANNY: OK, my girl - Marcia: she said if she could get a guy to take her one of those weekends to Surfers, she'd do *anything*.
SHANE: 'Anything'?
DANNY: That's what *I* said: "Do you mean it? You'll do anything?" She looked me all over. She said she meant *anything*...
SHANE: And all *you* have to do is pay for this weekend in Surfers, right?
DANNY: Yeah - so I thought if I could borrow-
SHANE: Forget it, Danny. Look, if anybody takes someone to Surfers for the weekend, it's *me* - but I'm broke, mate; you know that.
DANNY (downcast): Yeah. They haven't found your money, huh?
SHANE: No - and they never will. But I know who took it; if I ever see her again, there'll be fireworks, I can tell you...
No. 28
Daphne and Zoe sit down on the couch and Zoe smiles:
ZOE: Let's talk about Des!
DAPHNE: I told you: he works for the Pacific Bank.
ZOE (prompts): Well, go on!
DAPHNE: And he's nice! Look, why don't you have some more salad?
ZOE: Something's going on here! Why are you so secretive about this Des Clarke guy?
DAPHNE: Zoe, I am *not* being secretive. Now, he'll be home soon; you'll see he's all I said he was.
ZOE: 'Nice'?
DAPHNE: *Very* nice - although if he doesn't hurry up [she looks at her watch] he's going to miss you.
ZOE: It's only quarter to ten.
DAPHNE: Mmm, but he should be home by now. Now, where are you staying?
ZOE: Staying...?
DAPHNE: Yeah - where do you live?
ZOE: Well... I wanted to talk to you about that.
DAPHNE: I see.
ZOE: I only arrived this morning - and I've been rushing around so much, I haven't had a chance to think about a place.
DAPHNE: Oh, that's no problem. There's a good motel not far from here.
ZOE: Great! Er, you know that money I gave you this morning?
DAPHNE: The hundred and fifty bucks?
ZOE: Yeah. I was wondering if I could borrow it back again.
DAPHNE (looking astonished): What?!
ZOE: You know I'll pay it back!
DAPHNE (tersely): Zoe, it took you two years to pay it back the *last time*! And anyway, I haven't got it; I've given it to someone else.
ZOE: Well how much *can* you let me have?
DAPHNE: Nothing!
The 'phone suddenly starts ringing and Daphne goes and answers it. The caller is Des. Daphne asks him how long he's going to be. She listens and then says:
DAPHNE: If I'm not home when you get here, it's because I've taken Zoe to a boarding house or something, OK?
Zoe, who has gone wandering round the house while Daphne's talking to Des, suddenly flies out of the bedroom area holding the dress that was in the box Daphne had earlier. She screams:
ZOE: Daphne! Daphne, look at this! It's a wedding dress! You're getting married!
DAPHNE (looking furious): How *dare* you pry into my personal things like that?
ZOE: Oh, don't be like that - it's the most fantastic thing! Now, who's the bloke?
DAPHNE (curtly): It's none of your business.
ZOE: It's Des, isn't it! It's *got* to be Des. It all fits!
DAPHNE (sighs): All right, it's Des. Now are you satisfied? If you dare breathe a word of this, I'll kill you with my bare hands!
ZOE: *Why*? If *I* was getting married, I'd want to tell the whole world!
DAPHNE: It's a long story, but Des doesn't like weddings.
ZOE: He doesn't like weddings and you're getting married?!
DAPHNE: Zoe, we are friends - in spite of the things you do to me. I really love Des, and if I hadn't proposed, we wouldn't be getting married - so please don't spoil it.
ZOE: *You* had to propose to *him*?! Boy, this guy sounds like something else! I can't wait to meet him!
Daphne just glares at her!
<<0171 - 0173>>
Daphne Lawrence, Zoe Davis, Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0172
Daphne Lawrence, Zoe Davis, Mike Young

Max Ramsay, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0172
Max Ramsay, Helen Daniels

Madge Mitchell, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0172
Madge Mitchell, Helen Daniels

Paul Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0172
Paul Robinson, Helen Daniels

Daphne Lawrence, Shane Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0172
Daphne Lawrence, Shane Ramsay

Madge Mitchell, Max Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0172
Madge Mitchell, Max Ramsay

 in Neighbours Episode 0172

Danny Ramsay, Max Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0172
Danny Ramsay, Max Ramsay

Danny Ramsay, Max Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0172
Danny Ramsay, Max Ramsay

Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 0172
Clive Gibbons

Danny Ramsay, Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 0172
Danny Ramsay, Clive Gibbons

Danny Ramsay, Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 0172
Danny Ramsay, Clive Gibbons

Zoe Davis, Daphne Lawrence in Neighbours Episode 0172
Zoe Davis, Daphne Lawrence

Shane Ramsay, Danny Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0172
Shane Ramsay, Danny Ramsay

Daphne Lawrence, Zoe Davis in Neighbours Episode 0172
Daphne Lawrence, Zoe Davis

Zoe Davis in Neighbours Episode 0172
Zoe Davis

Daphne Lawrence, Zoe Davis in Neighbours Episode 0172
Daphne Lawrence, Zoe Davis

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