Previously on Neighbours
- Holly pushes Heath into the crocodile- infested river in the outback, and screams as he gets eaten!
- Vera wants to move into No 32; Nicolette isn't keen, but Byron suggests she can till she's back on her feet
- Nicolette lies to Melanie, saying Vic was hooking up with other women at the same time as chatting to her
- As a result, Melanie tells Vic that Jane is the woman he should be with
- Melanie tells Krista of her plan to leave Erinsborough
- Vic tells Jane he'd love for them to give their relationship another go
- Nicolette admits to Jane about lying to Melanie, but asks Jane not to ruin her own happiness by telling Vic
- When Vic asks Jane what she wanted to tell him, she replies, 'It's nothing'
No 24
Jane and Vic come in, talking about the pub in Gippsland; Jane seems pleased by Vic's idea to set up a book exchange on the premises. She offers him a nightcap, but Vic says it's getting late and is ready to head off.
JANE (disappointed): Oh. Without a goodnight kiss?
Vic obliges, but only with a peck on the cheek. Again disappointed, Jane thinks they can do better than that, so they go in for the pash instead. But at this point Nicolette turns up, interrupting. Seeing them kissing, she averts her eyes and is about to leave again, but Vic assures her it's okay - he's just dropping Jane home. He says he'll see Jane tomorrow for brunch, and then leaves.
NICOLETTE: So you two are okay?
JANE: I didn't say anything.
JANE: No, not good. How can I pretend everything is alright? How can I pretend that I don't feel second- best?
NICOLETTE: You have always been Dad's number one. Melanie is no competition.
JANE: And yet you felt the need to intervene?
NICOLETTE: You and Dad are meant to be!
JANE: He didn't even really want to kiss me just then (...) I don't want to feel like this. No, I have to put it to the test.
Nicolette looks worried.
Lassiter's Complex
Holly is walking through the courtyard when she gets a message from Felix, saying he's missing her and asking how her night shift went. However, she then gets another message from the Crimesborough Podcast, requesting a 'tell- all interview' with her about Heath Silverson, and 'what really went down in the outback'.
Holly is sitting on the edge of the pond outside the hotel as she reads this message. At this point a newcomer walks by. He's talking on the phone via a headset about having just flown into Melbourne; and as he passes, accidentally bumps Holly with his large rucksack. She falls straight into the pond, though manages to keep her phone in the air to prevent it from getting wet.
The newcomer keeps walking, apparently not even having noticed what's happened or heard Holly shouting at him once she's resurfaced!
NEWCOMER (on phone): Yeah, all good, I'm on my way to meet him now.
HOLLY: Hey, you! Stop!
NEWCOMER (on phone): Hey, you know what they call potato cakes in Victoria?
Holly gasps in disbelief as the newbie goes on his way, completely oblivious.
Lassiter's Hotel
Paul is in his office, on the phone to Terese at her rehab facility. Leo comes in as Paul finishes the call; Paul reports to him that Terese is taking the rehab programme seriously and seems to be doing well.
LEO: Right. And what happens to you two when she gets back?
PAUL: It's not something we're really talking about. No, I just want her to get better. Everything else can wait.
Paul asks Leo how things are going at Yorokobi. He reports that they're 'flat out', and that they have a big birthday event coming up which should be good for the profit. Meanwhile the gin business is 'back in the black', he reports.
There's a knock at the door, and Paul is surprised and delighted to see that it's his old friend and original character Shane Ramsay! Shane shakes Leo's hand and greets Paul with a hug.
No 32
Nicolette is annoyed that Byron is making breakfast for everyone, reminding him that they're supposed to be boycotting Vera's cooking rota rather than following it!
BYRON: it's called keeping the peace, Nicolette. You should try it sometime.
Vera comes in.
VERA: Morning, campers!
But she turns her nose up at the breakfast Byron has prepared for her - specifically the poached eggs. She pushes the plate away!
VERA: Look like bags of snot.
NICOLETTE: What, you don't eat eggs, Vera?
VERA: Only fried, love. I'll get the trots if I eat these slimy nuggets.
Vera is about tell Byron and Nicolette something significant, but she's interrupted by Holly coming in and moaning about the guy who accidentally landed her up in the pond. She complains that he didn't stick around to check if she was okay.
BYRON: And are you?
HOLLY: Well, yeah, but that's not the point! He just ignored me and walked away. I could have, like, a terrible spinal injury.
Vera, who seems unmoved by Holly's anecdote, then breaks her news.
VERA: I've decided to rent out the back room to a new tenant (...) Sadie doesn't want to go on the lease, and I need a little certainty on the payments front. Plus, if the rent is split with an extra person, it's cheaper for everyone.
NICOLETTE: We need to talk about this.
BYRON: Vera, you can't just bring someone new into the house. I mean, you're not even a permanent tenant.
VERA: Sorry, kids, my mind's made up. And I've already posted the ad.
Byron and Nicolette look annoyed.
Lassiter's Hotel
Paul, Leo and Shane are still in the office, having a coffee. Paul asks Shane why he's back in town.
SHANE: Oh, just some family stuff to take care of.
Shane asks how Paul and Leo are doing; Paul admits it's been a tough year, and Leo thanks Shane for the cards and flowers he sent for David's funeral.
SHANE: Izzy and I are sorry we couldn't be here for the funeral.
PAUL: Yeah. Speaking of Izzy - where is the infamous Ms Hoyland, hmm? In the day spa, I'm assuming?
SHANE: No, she's not with me (...) We're not together anymore.
PAUL: Oh. Let me guess, she's run off with a guy who's got a bigger trading account than yours, yeah?
SHANE: Not quite.
PAUL: What's happened?
SHANE: I don't know. One minute we're on the French Riviera, rubbing sunscreen into each other's backs, and the next, she's telling me it's all over.
LEO: What, she didn't give you an explanation?
SHANE: An explanation from Izzy? Lucky I got an au revoir.
Harold's Café
Melanie is sitting at a table looking glum, a road atlas in front of her, while Nicolette is working. Noticing the atlas, Nicolette asks if Melanie's planning her route for her road trip. Mel confirms she is, but doesn't seem that happy about it, presumably still
NICOLETTE: Not everyone just gets to pack up their lives and go on an adventure like this. You're lucky.
MELANIE: You're right. I just need to get the van serviced and then, I'm off.
NICOLETTE (slightly guiltily): That quick? Wow.
MELANIE: Yeah, the sooner the better.
NICOLETTE: Well, I'm jealous! You're gonna meet the most interesting people, see the most fabulous places...
MELANIE: Yeah. The world is my oyster, as they say.
Nicolette goes to get Mel a coffee, looking smugly satisfied that her plan to keep her away from Vic is working out nicely.
No 24
Vic knocks at the door, having come to pick up Jane for brunch. Jane is still in her negligee and trying her best to look alluring for him, but he doesn't take the bait.
VIC: I'm not early, am I?
JANE: No, I'm just running late.
VIC: Well, you'd better skedaddle, put some clothes on or we'll lose the table.
Jane looks disappointed that her seduction attempt hasn't had any effect, so doubles down.
JANE: Or, we could just take our time.
VIC: Are you... are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?
JANE: Well...
VIC: I thought we were taking things slowly - doing it right this time?
JANE: It doesn't mean we can't be spontaneous.
VIC: Well, I don't need to be told twice!
Jane takes him by the hands and leads him to the bedroom.
No 32
Holly is asking Byron's advice on whether or not she should do the interview with the Crimesborough podcast, but they are interrupted by Vera.
VERA: Are you free this afternoon, B- Dog? There's been a lot of interest on the room, and I'm keen to get the interviews started today.
BYRON: Oh, gee, already, Vera? I mean, we haven't really spoken about it properly.
VERA: Oh, well, time is money, toots.
BYRON (lying): ... Oh, well, I can't today, I've got plans with Holly.
HOLLY: You do? Oh, yeah - of course. That *thing*.
BYRON: And Nic can't either, you know, she's got work, so... guess we're just gonna have to postpone.
VERA: Oh, no worries, love. I'll just do the interviews by myself.
BYRON: Uh, Vera, one second. I know that you said things were getting a bit tight. You're not gambling, are you? Because I'd hate to be the reason for you to relapse.
VERA: Oh, aren't you a doll, worrying about little old me? (to Holly) Isn't he gorgeous?
BYRON: You know, I don't want those extra savings to fuel a bad habit. I think, maybe we just... give it some time, eh?
VERA: Don't you worry your pretty little head. I am on the wagon. And it's just about me getting back on my feet, that's all.
BYRON: Okay, good... but then there's Sadie. Maybe we should wait till she comes back from seeing her mum in Clunes. I wouldn't want her to think that we're pushing her out.
VERA: Look, she doesn't mind! She's here for a good time, not a long time. Oh, look - maybe there is no harm if we just put the brakes on for a bit.
Byron lets out a sigh of relief.
Lassiter's Complex
Byron and Holly are hanging out, as his excuse to get away from Vera. Holly is still worried about whether to do the Crimesborough interview. But at this point, she spots the guy who knocked her into the pond earlier, and rushes over to confront him. Byron follows.
HOLLY: Oh, hey, knucklehead!
NEWCOMER: Excuse me?
HOLLY: Don't play dumb. You knocked me into that pond this morning, and you didn't stop to help or say sorry! What kind of a psycho are you?!
NEWCOMER: Chill out, Karen! Who spat in your latte?
HOLLY: Did you call me a Karen?!
BYRON: Hey, why don't we just take a breath?
NEWCOMER: Yeah, tell your yappy friend here to back off!
BYRON (getting up close): Oi, I really don't appreciate your tone.
NEWCOMER (mocking): Hey, buddy, I really don't appreciate *your* tone.
Melanie then appears and asks what's going on, causing Byron to back down. Holly tells him the newbie isn't worth it.
NEWCOMER: I'm leaving anyway. Maniacs.
The guy walks off, and Holly snorts in disgust.
No 24
Jane is looking sadly at Vic, who's next to her on the sofa, as he drinks a glass of water. It seems their plans to elevate the relationship to the next level didn't go smoothly.
VIC (worried): It happens to everyone, you know? It's just that I haven't... you know, since the cancer treatment. I guess I'm a bit out of practice.
JANE: I'm sorry, I didn't realise.
VIC: You know it's not about you, right?
JANE: ... I wonder if it might be about someone else.
VIC: It has nothing to do with Melanie. You know, I just... I just don't want to mess things up. And I know how lucky I am to be given a second chance.
JANE: Vic, before we go any further... there is something that you need to know.
The Waterhole
Byron and Holly are moaning to Melanie about the snarky newcomer. Melanie hopes it's the last they've all seen of him.
HOLLY: I don't know. I feel like I've seen him before. Maybe he's a hotel guest?
BYRON: Well, let's hope he doesn't connect you to work. The last thing you need is somebody complaining.
At this point, Paul, Shane and Leo come in. Holly is excited to see Shane, assuming her mum is in town with him - forcing Shane to explain to her that he and Izzy have broken up. It's the first Holly has heard of it.
HOLLY (to Melanie and Byron): God, I can never keep up with Mum's boyfriends; it's all such a blur. (to Shane) Sorry - I mean, not you. I thought you guys were amazing!
Shane sees Melanie and gives her a kiss by way of greeting. He says he was sorry to hear that she and Toadie had split up.
SHANE: Seems like we're all a little unlucky in love.
MELANIE: Well, sometimes these things aren't meant to be. But we live and we learn. I'm about to start a new chapter, and I can't wait.
No 24
Jane has told Vic about Nicolette having told Melanie that he was seeing other women while talking to her online.
VIC: I just can't believe that Nic would do something so calculating. I mean, she knew that Melanie was the only woman I was interested in... online, I mean.
JANE: I suppose she was just trying to help me.
VIC: Well, I understand that, Jane, but she's not ten - she's a grown woman.
JANE: No, I agree!
VIC: Poor Melanie.
Jane looks heartbroken as it becomes clear to her where Vic's heart lies.
VIC: Gosh, she must think I'm a total sleaze.
JANE: So how does that make you feel? Knowing that that is probably the only reason that she rejected you?
VIC: ... That doesn't change how I feel about you.
JANE: Are you sure, Vic? Are you absolutely positive?
Lassiter's Complex
Melanie and Holly are leaving the pub. Holly asks Melanie for advice about what she should do as regards the Crimesborough Podcast's interview request - explaining that the previous podcaster Liv Bellen has sold it to a new host. Melanie doesn't seem to think it's a good idea.
HOLLY: Liv was a shady attention- seeker, but the podcast has been going in a new direction with this serious host.
MELANIE: It still sounds risky, Hol.
HOLLY: I guess... but what if this is my only chance to get my side of the story out there?
MELANIE: Hmm. I think you should do whatever is going to make you feel better. If that means doing the interview, I think you should go for it.
Holly thanks Mel, and they share a long hug.
HOLLY: I'm really gonna miss you. Do you have to go?
MELANIE: Mm. I think I do.
MELANIE: Because I need to learn from my mistakes.
HOLLY: Well, can you let me know how that goes, cos it's still on my to- do list.
MELANIE: Mm. You'll get there, babe.
Holly says that Mel should at least come over for a meal before she leaves, so they can say a proper goodbye. Mel says she would love that, and kisses Holly before going on her way. Once Mel's gone, Holly heads back into the pub.
The Waterhole
Paul is at the bar while Leo and Byron are talking about Yorokobi nearby. Shane is sitting glumly at a table, and Holly comes back in to join him, keen for the gossip on Izzy.
HOLLY: So, Shane, what exactly happened with you and Mum? Did she clear out your accounts and leave you with magic beans?
SHANE: No, nothing like that.
HOLLY: Well, she must have done something outrageous? She always does.
SHANE: We just weren't suited to each other in the end.
Paul intervenes, asking Holly to help him carry some drinks - and at the bar, tells her to stop pestering Shane with her 'inane questions about his relationship'!
HOLLY: I just want to know what happened.
PAUL: Yeah, well, he obviously doesn't want to tell you, so just let it go, hm?
HOLLY: Fine. I'll just ask Mum later.
As Paul and Holly rejoin Leo, Byron and Shane at the table with the drinks, the newbie who knocked Holly into the pond comes in.
HOLLY: Oh, look, here comes the dum- dum in the $500 jeans.
BYRON: Oh, he can't seriously be up for Round 2.
NEWCOMER: Hey, Shane.
SHANE: Hey, hey! Everyone, this is Max. Max Ramsay the second. My son.
Holly looks horrified!
No 24
Vic comes in and joins Jane, who is sitting at the table looking solemn.
JANE: I think it's time to be honest, Vic. I'm not the one that you want to be with.
VIC: ... Let's not make any rash decisions.
JANE: No, hardly rash. We've got three decades between us. You know, during the last few years of our marriage, I... I was always so insecure, just... just never knowing what you were up to, what you were thinking. I wanted to trust you, and I just... couldn't.
VIC: I would never hurt you again, Jane. I promise.
JANE: But you haven't, Vic. You haven't - no, you and Melanie haven't done anything wrong.
VIC: Yeah, but it was such early days for us.
JANE: Maybe that's what you both need - a fresh start, unencumbered by all of the baggage that we have. I think it's too late for us, Vic.
Vic looks sad.
VIC: I just... wish we could've had a clean slate.
JANE: Yeah. Me too. But if you do have a connection with Melanie, then... I think you should pursue it.
VIC (tearful): No. I couldn't do that to you, Jane.
JANE: Vic, I want you to be happy. Because we both deserve to be with people who are right for us.
Vic nods, very emotional.
The Waterhole
At the bar, Byron is asking how Holly didn't recognise Max, surprised she hasn't met him through Izzy. Holly explains that Izzy and Shane have spent a lot of time overseas since they got together - but she did think Max looked familiar, so must have seen a photo of him somewhere.
BYRON: Yeah, well, now that Shane and your mum are done, hopefully we won't see old mate again.
Meanwhile, at the table, Shane is telling Max, Leo and Paul that he always felt Erinsborough had a great sense of community, and people who genuinely look out for each other.
SHANE: I think it'd be good for Max.
LEO (to Max): Right, so you're moving here?
MAX: Yeah, apparently.
SHANE: Come on, Max. You know it's time for a change.
LEO: It's a big move to do on your own. Do you know anyone else apart from Dad?
SHANE: Oh, he's a talker. He'll make friends pretty quickly, won't you, mate?
MAX: Yep. Always do.
Paul says Max is welcome to stay at Lassiter's until he finds somewhere permanent, and Shane thanks him.
MAX: Actually, I've already found a place (...) It's pretty close, actually. I think you'll be happy.
No 32
Max is sitting in the spa in his swimming shorts, smiling to himself. Byron and Holly are emerging onto the patio, but haven't seen him yet. Nicolette follows them out.
BYRON: You should've seen Hoyland's face when he called Shane 'Dad'.
HOLLY: I literally died.
NICOLETTE: Haha, yeah, there's something you two should know...
Holly notices Max's expensive jeans hanging on the railing of the pool area, and recognises them immediately. Then she spots Max.
HOLLY (gasps): It's the dum- dum! He's in your spa!
BYRON: Oi! What do you think you're doing in my house, huh? Yeah, you can get out and put some pants on as well, you creep!
MAX (smug): Nah, don't think I will.
NICOLETTE: Byron, this is what I was trying to tell you...
Vera then emerges from the house.
VERA: I see you've met our new housemate! (...) You and Nicolette were so busy, and Max sent such a good profile, I had to act fast. He was easily the best fit!
BYRON: Vera, you can't *do* that!
Max gets out of the spa and Vera rushes over with a towel to help him dry off!
VERA: Here you go. Now, don't you get chilly, love. There we go.
Max smirks at Byron and Holly.
VERA: Isn't he lovely?
Nicolette looks amused, but Byron and Holly are aghast!
702 Eclipse Apartments / The Waterhole
Melanie is at home when she gets a video call from Vic, who's in the pub. Coolly, she tells him it's not a good time, as she's just on her way out.
VIC: I'm sorry to bother you, but... we need to talk. Nicolette lied.
MELANIE: What do you mean?
VIC: She told you that I was hooking up with other women when we connected online. It's not true. She wanted Jane and I to get back together, so... she tried to put you off.
MELANIE: Vic, why are you calling me to tell me all of this?
VIC: After yesterday, I thought that I should give you your space. But I still need you to hear what I have to say.
MELANIE: It doesn't matter what Nicolette said. You're with Jane now. It doesn't change anything.
VIC: Jane pulled the pin on us. She could see I have feelings for you.
MELANIE: ... She did?
VIC: You and I, we have such an amazing connection. You know, I never once thought of dating someone else after we started talking.
MELANIE: Vic, I... I have been here before. It's complicated, and it's sticky, and someone always gets hurt. You're still my friend's ex- husband.
VIC: Don't we owe it to ourselves to... see where this can go?
MELANIE: I have already told you how I feel. I can't do this to Jane. Regardless of whatever she said to you. The connection that we had is gone. So I'd appreciate it if you left me alone. And please, don't bring this up ever again.
Vic looks sad as he ends the call.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Vic gives Nicolette a telling off for interfering in his love life; she says she was doing him a favour
- Nicolette tells Vic that getting involved with Melanie would be a huge mistake; he says it's his decision
- Cara asks Remi how she would feel about someone like Aaron being their sperm donor
- Shane calls round to see the Kennedys with flowers and wine; he wants to talk to them about Izzy