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Neighbours Episode 9133 from 2024 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<9132 - 9134>>
Episode title: 9133 (Boylesque)
Australian and UK airdate: 22/10/24
Writer: Paul Gartside
Director: Kate Kendall
Guests: Victor Stone: Craig Hall
Felix Rodwell: James Beaufort (uncredited)
Rhett Norman: Liam Maguire (uncredited)
Gino Esposito: Shane McNamara (miscredited, does not appear)
Moira Tohu: Robyn Arthur (miscredited, does not appear)
Lindsay Walker: Brett Whittingham (miscredited, does not appear)
- "La Seda Road" by Marcus Bently
- "I Could Change Your Mind" by Luke White
- "Upside Down And Inside Out" by OK Go
- "Gimme That Swing" by Cissie Redgwick
Summary/Images by: Liam/Jeremai
Previously on Neighbours
- Krista and Melanie prepare for Boylesque, but Moira and Hilary have been organising a protest against it
- Leo thinks that Boylesque performer Rhett is 'so into' Aaron, which seems to be borne out by his flirting
- Melanie tells Vic that if they're to be friends, they need to be careful about overstepping boundaries
- Nicolette and Byron are bemused to find Jane and Vic painting together, Jane's antipathy having dissolved
- Holly confides in Felix that she wishes she could be a better person, and thanks him for his support
- But there's trouble when $300 goes missing from the tram's takings; Karl blames Felix and fires him
- Wendy tells Andrew and Sadie via phone that she loves them both as she goes to spend time at her parents'
The Waterhole
Andrew and Sadie are at a table when Felix turns up, and tells them about the $300 that went missing from the tram, and that Karl reckons he stole it.
No 28
Holly vehemently protests Felix's innocence to Karl and Susan, imploring Karl not to get the cops involved.
KARL: Then where did the money go?
HOLLY: I don't know, but he wouldn't take it - not after you've been so good to him!
KARL: Look, I don't want to think the worst of anyone, alright? But unfortunately with Felix, there's precedent.
No 30
In the sunroom, Remi and Cara are also talking about the accusations against Felix.
REMI: And to think I was the one who wanted to give Felix another chance. I absolutely won't make that mistake again.
CARA: Felix only just got that job and started finding his feet. Why would he throw that away now?
The Waterhole
Felix is still with Andrew and Sadie.
FELIX: Do you guys think I did it?
SADIE: ...
ANDREW: Oh, you know. We're just trying to wrap our heads around it all, mate.
FELIX: Whatever. One way or another the truth will come out.
But he looks very worried nonetheless.
Later, Melanie and Sam are busy setting up the pub for the Boylesque performance. Vic turns up, and Mel asks if he's coming to see the show tonight.
VIC: It sounds like fun, but I don't think Byron wants me here. The kids have made it pretty clear I'm to keep my distance.
MELANIE: Oh, well, that's a shame. That means you get to miss out on my fantastic outfit. I believe it's gonna turn a few heads.
VIC: Oh, it definitely sounds worth the price of admission!
MELANIE: But it's obviously the right call to respect the kids' wishes.
VIC: I think so, yeah.
Vic wishes Mel look with the show, and heads off. She smiles at him from the bar as he goes.
No 24
Nicolette looks bemused as Jane and Vic proudly unveil the fully repainted kitchen cabinets. Nicolette opines that they look great.
JANE: Thank you! Although I think your father got more paint on my shirt than he did on the cabinets.
VIC: So, what, I should have used the tiny brush?
JANE: It might've saved me from having to throw that shirt out. Which reminds me, you should come to this Boylesque tonight.
VIC: Well, I assumed Byron would rather I skip it.
JANE: Oh, surely not. It is for charity. I'll text him and ask.
Lassiter's Complex
Quick cut to Byron practising his juggling in the courtyard while talking to Nicolette.
BYRON: Well, if the whole neighbourhood's gonna see me starkers, why not Dad as well? Make it even weirder.
NICOLETTE: Honestly, I think he's coming because of Mum. They're getting along weirdly well. It's actually sort of, kind of, oddly sweet.
BYRON: Hang on, what's going on here? I thought we both agreed we weren't gonna let our guard down around him?
NICOLETTE: I'm not. I'm just letting you know that I think Mum might be. And just so you know, I will have my eyes closed when you perform tonight!
Meanwhile, the pub entrance has been decked out with red curtains in honour of Boylesque, and Melanie tells Krista, Leo, Paul and Aaron that the interior is also undergoing a transformation. Leo asks how Aaron will perform with his hamstring injury; he explains he's reworked his act.
AARON: I am still gonna give the people what they want.
Krista is sure the event will be a hit, but Paul says they shouldn't jump the gun; there is still the protest planned by Hilary and Moira which could derail things. Paul says he's tried to smooth things over (presumably referring to the vouchers he gifted them) but isn't sure whether or not it's worked.
PAUL: I guess we'll find out tonight, won't we?
The Waterhole
Krista, Leo and Aaron come inside and are greeted by Rhett, who's also excited for the performance. Once Rhett has gone, Krista and Leo start teasing Aaron about how much Rhett is into him.
LEO: He gets cartoon love- heart eyes every time he sees you.
AARON: What? No, I told you, he's just being friendly.
KRISTA: You are so oblivious. He's the biggest smitten kitten that I've ever seen.
AARON: Krista, you don't even know if he's actually gay.
LEO: Oh, come on.
KRISTA: Yeah, I do.
Ready to end the conversation, Aaron turns to Sam and asks if they can set up the microphone in order to test it for later. She goes to organise it.
Aaron notices Andrew comforting a forlorn- looking Felix at the bar, and heads over to find out what's happened; Krista and Leo join them too. Felix explains that Karl has accused him of stealing from the tram; he maintains his innocence but says he can't prove it. Andrew confirms the police aren't formally involved yet, but...
KRISTA: If this is still up in the air, maybe it's best you bow out of the performance.
FELIX: But I didn't do anything wrong.
KRISTA: I believe you. But if Karl makes a big deal out of this, it could really derail the night.
Krista apologises to Felix. He grudgingly accepts her decision, but looks miserable.
Lassiter's Lake
Felix and Andrew are sitting at the rotunda.
FELIX: Do you believe me?
ANDREW: Yeah, I do. You've made so many changes for the better; I doubt you'd ruin that for a few hundred bucks.
FELIX: Thanks. That means a lot.
But Remi and Cara are approaching, Remi apparently determined to give Felix a serve.
REMI: We gave you the chance to prove yourself. And all you've done is show us exactly who you are.
ANDREW: Hang on, let's not jump the gun here.
REMI (to Felix): You know, I'm not even upset with you. I'm upset with myself for letting my guard down. But that won't happen again. (to Andrew) This is a parole violation, and theft. Brother or no brother, as a police officer, you have a responsibility to address this.
ANDREW: What about innocent until proven guilty?
REMI: Yeah, well, it seems that's only a matter of time. Because if Karl doesn't make a formal report, I will.
Cara has been unusually silent through this, and says nothing as she follows Remi back towards the complex.
The 82
Vic and Jane are having a pre- show dinner of oysters and champagne! Vic takes the opportunity to broach the subject of Nicolette's exile from No 24 with Jane.
VIC: I know she really misses living with Isla. Do you think you'll ever have her back under your roof?
JANE: Probably. But it'll happen in its own time. Is this your cue to try and plead Nicolette's case? Step in and try and fix everything?
VIC: No, not at all. I mean, I'd love to stick my oar in, but the kids have made it pretty clear it's not my place.
JANE: Well, we all appreciate you taking that on board.
They clink glasses. During this, Cara has appeared in the background across the street, and now we see her gazing across at the tram looking thoughtful...
Harold's Café
Felix is hanging out looking glum when Holly comes in; she says she's been looking for him.
HOLLY: Look, don't worry. Dad's just worked up right now, but I'll make him see some sense.
FELIX: No, it doesn't matter. Remi said she'll report me, even if Karl doesn't.
HOLLY: Well, then I'll work on convincing her too.
FELIX: And then the next person - and the next? Is that just my life now? Needing people to stick up for me? Maybe I should just accept it. From now on, whatever I do, people are only gonna see my past.
HOLLY: Hey, you can't think like that. You're religious now, right? That means that you believe good things happen to good people?
FELIX: If only it was that simple.
HOLLY: Well, it should be. Otherwise what's the point of having faith? Don't give up. I believe in you.
Felix manages a half- smile.
The Waterhole
Evening, and Melanie is dressed in a delightfully camp compère outfit, preparing for the night's entertainment with Krista. The pub is filling up with extras, plus Susan who is sitting chatting to Sam and Krista when Terese arrives. On seeing a waitress pass with a tray of champagne flutes, Terese looks sorely tempted to take one. But at this point Remi arrives.
Remi apologises to Terese for intruding when she called round to check on Terese the other day. Terese says there's no need, and says she was just rude and grumpy because of her migraine. Terese insists she's fine now, though, and asks after Cara. Remi says Cara was meant to be meeting her here, and is surprised she hasn't turned up yet. The champagne waitress does another round, and Remi takes one. Terese looks jealous.
Vic and Jane arrive together, and are soon joined by Nicolette. Vic offers them drinks and Jane is keen for some bubbly, but Nicolette declines, trying to maintain her coolness with Vic. Once he's out of earshot...
NICOLETTE: What is it with you two?
JANE: Oh, we just caught an early dinner, that's all.
NICOLETTE: Like a date?
JANE: No. Like two people with a lot of history catching up before their son's show. What are you getting at?
NICOLETTE: You two just seem awfully close all of a sudden, and it's making my head spin.
JANE: I'm just being civil, for the sake of the family. That is all.
But neither of them look convinced.
At the bar, Vic has run into Melanie.
VIC: You weren't kidding about that outfit!
MELANIE: This old thing? Oh, you should see it when I *really* make an effort.
Leo comes to find Krista and Paul, who has also arrived for the event, to alert them to something outside...
Lassiter's Complex
The anti- Boylesque protest has begun outside - but with no sign of Moira or Hilary, just two randos with placards marching up and down shouting 'stop the smut'. Aaron, Byron, Holly and Sadie are gathered nearby when Krista, Paul and Leo emerge. But Krista is most unconcerned by the small scale of the protest.
KRISTA: What happened to Hilary and Moira? I thought they were gonna bring half of the Eirini residents?
LEO: It seems like those vouchers you got paid off, Dad.
PAUL: No, Susan said Moira didn't take them.
Krista and Leo decide to accept the win, and head over to ask the pair of protesters to move along. Meanwhile, Byron is panicking about being the first act on- stage and the possibility he'll mess up.
SADIE: I've seen what you're showing, and nobody will be disappointed.
BYRON: That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying, what if I mess up and everything goes too fast? And I end up showing the audience all my bits. Everything just comes out - it's hanging in the wind...
Holly laughs as Aaron tries to calm Byron down.
AARON: We have bigger issues than that. Felix has pulled out - we're a man down!
But Karl, who has been loitering nearby, seizes his opportunity.
KARL: Umm, I could help?
AARON: (groans)
KARL: Oh, come on! You're a man short, and I'm ready for the spotlight. Hey - the show must go on...
The Waterhole
Indoors, the show begins, with compère Melanie putting on an (I'm going to say European!) accent as she kicks off proceedings. Nicolette, Terese, Susan, Sadie, Remi, Jane, Vic, Holly, Leo, Krista and Paul are among those gathered amongst the extras watching, while Aaron, Rhett, Byron and Andrew are gathered outside looking in through the window, waiting for their turns in the spotlight... and Karl is there too!
MELANIE: Welcome, my friends, to the home of your deepest desires. It's going to be hilarious! It's going to be cheeky, and when I say cheeky, I mean *cheeky*! And best of all, it's all for fabulous cause. So, sit back, relax and put your hands together for the lads of the Erinsborough Boylesque!
There's lots of cheering and whooping as Byron takes to the stage. He is in a top hat and fully clothed for now - but as per rehearsals, he is juggling (one- handed, no less!) and the rules of the game are quickly established - every time he drops the balls, something must come off. The jacket is first, and he dances while moving it between his legs before throwing into the audience... at a horrified Nicolette!
Everyone cheers as another ball is dropped and Byron loses his shirt. The trousers come off soon after, and when he drops the balls a third time, Susan jokingly covers Holly's eyes as Byron apparently prepares to remove his sparkly red shorts. We obviously don't see this, only Holly's shocked reaction when she removes Susan's hand!
The next act is Andrew, who's dressed in a classic British police constable's outfit complete with a helmet and truncheon, and putting on a London accent.
ANDREW: Someone in this room has been very, very bad! Well, it is my duty to pull them back into line.
He puts his truncheon on Jane's shoulder, and leads her to the stage, where she takes a seat as Andrew performs a personal- style striptease for her, putting the policeman's helmet on her head as part of the act. Jane is laughing her head off as fluffy pink handcuffs are unveiled...!
Lassiter's Complex
Terese has come out for a breather, and is sitting in the courtyard. Paul appears, evidently having seen her leave, though he claims he's here for the fresh air too. Terese thanks him for the card and the cactus he sent the other day. Things go quiet for a little while, then...
PAUL: You know, Terese, I really wish things were different. I miss you.
Terese is wrongfooted by this, but then allows herself a slight smile.
TERESE: I miss you too.
But that's as far as it goes, and Paul heads back inside. Terese looks conflicted.
The Waterhole
Karl is now doing his impromptu act, which of course involves his guitar. He is wearing leathers, and starts singing a song about... himself. Susan seems to find it hilarious, while Holly is wearing what can only be described as an appalled half- smile!
KARL: It's Karl with a 'K', don't care what you say,
I give performance in every way,
Feeling ill? Don't take a pill,
Come see me, I'll make you well - alright!
I'm always on call, I'm just down the hall,
Give me a shout, I'll be at your door,
Just be smart, bring your Medicare card,
Then Dr Karl won't have to charge!
Inevitably this leads neatly into...
KARL: Oh, it'll be free, free as river - sing it with me!
It'll be free, free as a river...
Everyone starts clapping along, and as Karl finishes his song, he turns around to reveal that the leather trousers he is wearing are (presumably) the ones Susan had to cut him out of; there's a massive hole at the back and he's wearing some kind of a g- string that means his bum is on full display. Susan is now whooping at full volume, and this time a horrified Holly covers her eyes voluntarily!
The next act is Aaron, and he's dressed as a circus strong- man, initially dancing with a giant fake set of weights, before quickly proceeding to a striptease. He takes off his shirt then pulls off a pair of rip- away trousers and throws them into the audience to reveal superhero undies, before sitting on the lap of a now far happier- looking Terese in the front row!
Next up is Rhett. The idea is that he's plausibly naked except for being covered largely in blue balloons, and a larger red one covering his groin area! He starts popping the balloons as he dances. But this doesn't last long as Melanie gets impatient and starts popping them for him, including the big red one, although seemingly he's wearing at least something underneath.
MELANIE: We have come down to it at last - the grand finale. But I promise we won't leave you high and dry.
At the back, Rhett congratulates Aaron on his 'amazing' act. Aaron returns the compliment.
RHETT: I was thinking afterwards, maybe we could get a drink?
AARON: Of course, yeah. I think we're all gonna deserve a drink after this.
RHETT: Yeah - I was thinking, maybe just you and me?
Aaron goes quiet and looks awkward - but Melanie rescues him by announcing the return of the Boylesque boys to the stage. Karl sits this one out, but Rhett, Byron, Aaron and Andrew are all in what look like karate gowns for a final dance and striptease. The gowns soon come off after some more dancing, leaving the boys wearing just towels, which they then take off but hold together so all of them are still covered.
After this segment, Rhett is looking so admiringly at Aaron that, when the boys break off into pairs as part of the dance, Aaron breaks away from Rhett who he's meant to be paired with and takes Andrew instead, gesturing at Byron to go with Rhett. The big towels are dropped to reveal smaller towels, and then finally, sparkly golden undies, as the show comes to an end. Everyone gives a standing ovation.
Lassiter's Complex
At the pub entrance, Leo congratulates Krista on a perfect show, saying she should be proud of herself.
PAUL: Yeah, I'll second that. Well, I've just spoken to the police youth outreach team, and they are absolutely thrilled. Oh, and not to mention the brilliant PR it's been for Lassiter's.
KRISTA: Oh! So, what I'm hearing is that you were wrong to ever doubt me and it'll never happen again!
PAUL (smiling): Yeah, don't push it.
Leo is still confused as to why the protest was so small, but Susan overhears this as she is coming out with Karl.
SUSAN: Oh, I can shed some light on that. Eirini Rising got hold of some free tickets for an over- 70s swing dance event, and Moira and Hilary were more than happy to take them off our hands!
PAUL: Really? And that was all your doing?
SUSAN: I couldn't possibly comment, Paul.
KRISTA: Susan, you saved our butts. Thank you!
At this point Cara turns up, with Felix in tow. They pull Karl away for a chat, and Remi and Holly join in. Cara explains why she missed the show.
CARA: Something felt off about the whole tram situation, so I spent some time sussing the place out.
HOLLY: I thought I was the only amateur sleuth around here!
KARL: I'm not sure I'm comfortable with you rifling through my business.
CARA: Well, does this change your mind?
Cara passes Karl an envelope, containing the missing $300!
CARA: It had fallen down a gap between the counter and the register.
KARL: But we searched there.
CARA: Well, I had to unscrew that loose panel to get to it.
FELIX: It seems I was a bit careless.
CARA: But not a thief.
HOLLY: I knew it.
Karl and Remi both look very guilty.
KARL: Felix, I don't know what to say - I'm mortified. I'm sorry.
REMI: So am I.
KARL: Can you accept my apology? And would you come back to work at the tram?
FELIX: Deal. Clean slate?
KARL: Clean slate - yeah.
FELIX (to Cara): I can't thank you enough.
Cara nods in acknowledgement.
The Waterhole
Vic and Melanie are sitting on the stage together chatting.
VIC: You were spectacular! You were funny, charming...
MELANIE: You are far too kind.
VIC: Not at all. And can I mention, you look breathtaking.
MELANIE: Yeah, you did. But you can do it again if you really want! Honestly, it was just so good that you could make it.
VIC: Yeah. I saw a whole other side of you - and I don't just mean the outfit. You're a very special person, Mel.
Meanwhile, Terese is sitting by herself when a thought occurs to her. She heads round the corner to where there are a few bottles of wine stashed on a shelf, ready for the waiting team. Meanwhile Aaron and Rhett are glancing at each other across the bar, but it's still awkward.
Vic pokes his head around the corner and catches Terese in the act of pouring a glass of wine - but not realising she has a drinking problem, he's none the wiser, and reveals he's here to grab a free drink too! Terese awkwardly waits for him to leave, then looks worried...
Lassiter's Hotel
Susan, Karl, Terese, Jane and Vic have come to the new piano bar in the foyer for after- drinks. Jane admits it was odd seeing Byron do a striptease, but Vic says he was just impressed by Byron's dance moves, which he hasn't inherited from his dad!
TERESE: I might head home. I need to pack.
SUSAN: Pack? You're going away?
TERESE: Yep. Last- minute decision. I'm going to Adelaide for a few days. I think it might be nice to visit Piper.
Susan and Karl agree to hold the fort at Eirini Rising while she's gone, and tell her to give their love to Piper. Susan looks a bit worried about Terese as she leaves. Susan then has a quiet word with Jane while Vic is at the bar.
SUSAN: I was surprised you invited Vic to join us for a nightcap.
JANE: Oh? Surprised, why?
SUSAN: Because five minutes ago, you didn't want to know him. Now, you're getting on like a house on fire.
JANE: You sound like Nicolette.
SUSAN: Well, that just tells me that I'm right! Is there something going on between you two?
JANE: Oh, I dunno. I suppose I realised I may have been a little hasty in writing him off. He really is trying.
SUSAN: Are you developing Feelings™ for him again?
JANE (quietly and nervously): It's caught me by surprise more than anyone. But yes, I think I'm falling in love with him again.
Jane gazes adoringly at Vic as we fade to black...
Coming up on Neighbours
- Sadie tells Andrew that she doesn't think Wendy is coming home yet, but he looks sceptical
- Aaron tells Rhett he's just a little overwhelmed; Rhett asks if that's because he asked him for a drink
- Vic tells Jane that their last few years together weren't all bad
- Jane agrees, saying there were good memories - you just need to dig for them
<<9132 - 9134>>
Sadie Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell, Felix Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9133
Sadie Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell, Felix Rodwell

Holly Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 9133
Holly Hoyland

Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9133
Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy

Melanie Pearson, Victor Stone in Neighbours Episode 9133
Melanie Pearson, Victor Stone

Nicolette Stone, Victor Stone, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 9133
Nicolette Stone, Victor Stone, Jane Harris

Nicolette Stone, Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 9133
Nicolette Stone, Byron Stone

Aaron Brennan, Leo Tanaka, Krista Sinclair, Rhett Norman in Neighbours Episode 9133
Aaron Brennan, Leo Tanaka, Krista Sinclair, Rhett Norman

Felix Rodwell, Krista Sinclair, Leo Tanaka, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9133
Felix Rodwell, Krista Sinclair, Leo Tanaka, Andrew Rodwell

Andrew Rodwell, Felix Rodwell, Remi Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9133
Andrew Rodwell, Felix Rodwell, Remi Varga-Murphy

Victor Stone, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 9133
Victor Stone, Jane Harris

Holly Hoyland, Felix Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9133
Holly Hoyland, Felix Rodwell

Krista Sinclair, Sam Young, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9133
Krista Sinclair, Sam Young, Susan Kennedy

Remi Varga-Murphy, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 9133
Remi Varga-Murphy, Terese Willis

Jane Harris, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 9133
Jane Harris, Nicolette Stone

Aaron Brennan, Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 9133
Aaron Brennan, Byron Stone

Holly Hoyland, Aaron Brennan, Karl Kennedy, Byron Stone, Sadie Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9133
Holly Hoyland, Aaron Brennan, Karl Kennedy, Byron Stone, Sadie Rodwell

Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 9133
Melanie Pearson

Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 9133
Byron Stone

Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 9133
Byron Stone

Jane Harris, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9133
Jane Harris, Andrew Rodwell

Jane Harris, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9133
Jane Harris, Andrew Rodwell

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 9133
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9133
Karl Kennedy

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9133
Karl Kennedy

Sadie Rodwell, Holly Hoyland, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9133
Sadie Rodwell, Holly Hoyland, Susan Kennedy

Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 9133
Aaron Brennan

Melanie Pearson, Rhett Norman in Neighbours Episode 9133
Melanie Pearson, Rhett Norman

Rhett Norman, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 9133
Rhett Norman, Aaron Brennan

Rhett Norman, Byron Stone, Aaron Brennan, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9133
Rhett Norman, Byron Stone, Aaron Brennan, Andrew Rodwell

Leo Tanaka, Krista Sinclair, Susan Kennedy, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9133
Leo Tanaka, Krista Sinclair, Susan Kennedy, Paul Robinson

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Remi Varga-Murphy, Holly Hoyland, Felix Rodwell, Cara Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9133
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Remi Varga-Murphy, Holly Hoyland, Felix Rodwell, Cara Varga-Murphy

Cara Varga-Murphy, Felix Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9133
Cara Varga-Murphy, Felix Rodwell

Victor Stone, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 9133
Victor Stone, Melanie Pearson

Terese Willis, Victor Stone in Neighbours Episode 9133
Terese Willis, Victor Stone

Susan Kennedy, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 9133
Susan Kennedy, Jane Harris

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