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Neighbours Episode 8223 from 2019 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8222 - 8224>>
Episode title: 8223 (Scarlett stabs Ned)
Australian and UK airdate: 30/10/19
Writer: Keir Wilkins
Director: Chris Langman
Guests: Scarlett Brady: Christie Whelan Browne
Marianna Brookes: Amy Christian
Constable Jet Cassidy: Slavko Zwirn
Scott Mayfair: Tom Jackson
- "Ease Bruisily" by Winston Surfshirt
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
- Paul tries to fire Scarlett, but she blackmails him, revealing she knows about the hotel room camera
- Scarlett suggests to Ned that they have a couple of nights away together
- Kyle's surprised when Scarlett suggests she might marry Ned at the B&B; she claims she's joking
- Kyle tells Yashvi that Scarlett's coming across as a bit full- on
- Yashvi tells Toadie she's worried about Ned; Toadie says Ned has his own mates to look out for him
- Kyle repeats his view of Scarlett being 'full- on' to Ned, but Ned says Scarlett's just distracting herself
- Bea tells Yashvi that Scarlett has Ned right where she wants him to be
- Kirsha and Yashvi cyber- stalk Scarlett's ex on social media
- While Yashvi's out, the ex messages her laptop, saying to stay away from Scarlett; she's dangerous
- The last message reads, 'SHE TRIED TO KILL ME'
No 22
Terese, Paul, Amy and Kyle are preparing for dinner. Amy wonders if she should set a place for Ned; Terese says not, adding that Ned was evasive when she asked him about dinner.
AMY: Why would he be like that about a lunch invite?
KYLE: Scarlett? He's taken off with her for a couple of days (...) Some B&B down the peninsula.
TERESE: Oh. So they really are official. I didn't realise he'd moved on so quickly.
KYLE: Well, pretty sure it's Scarlett steering that ship. She was joking about them getting married.
AMY: Seriously? That's the stuff that worries me about her.
Faced with further probing by Paul, Kyle admits that he's beginning to think Amy and Bea were right; there's something off about Scarlett. He admits he tried to talk to Ned about it but it just got his back up. Terese is sure Ned will figure it out if there is something off with Scarlett. Paul looks worried.
No 32
Scarlett and Ned are packing bags for their country getaway. Paul comes in, and Scarlett leaves the room, supposedly to make a confirmatory call to the B&B - when in fact she's just listening in from behind the door, Nanny Alice-style! Paul tries to convinced Ned to move back home, saying Terese is missing him. But Ned says the arrangement is just temporary while Scarlett's ex is a danger.
Paul begins to tell Ned something else - and sensing it's going to be about her, Scarlett rushes back into the room to interrupt, pretending she needs Ned's driving licence from his wallet to confirm the booking. Ned goes to find it, cutting his chat with Paul short; he asks Paul to tell Terese he'll speak to her when he gets back from his break.
As Ned follows Scarlett out of the room, Paul hears a phone make a message sound, and keen to dig some dirt, goes to retrieve it from Scarlett's bag. A message from an unsaved number reads, 'U still owe me for the last job'. He photographs the message and number with his own phone, then replaces Scarlett's in her bag, and leaves.
No 30 / a road somewhere
Yashvi comes in with her footy, and returns to the laptop, still open on the table where she left it. She sees the message from Scarlett's ex, Scott Mayfair, saying that Scarlett is dangerous and tried to kill him. Shocked, Yashvi grabs her phone and makes a call...
On a road somewhere, Scott Mayfair is sitting in a car when his phone rings. He answers it.
YASHVI: Hi, my name is Yashvi. I'm calling about the messages that you sent earlier.
SCOTT: Scarlett hasn't put you up to this, has she?
YASHVI: No, she doesn't know I'm calling you. She's dating one of my friends, and I don't know if I can trust her.
SCOTT: You can't.
YASHVI: But, you were going out with her, weren't you?
SCOTT: Things ended last month.
YASHVI: She said she was dating a guy called Rex last month.
SCOTT: I don't know any Rex.
YASHVI: (...) You said that she was dangerous, and I'm really worried for my friend.
SCOTT: If Scarlett finds out where I am -
YASHVI: Please, just tell me what happened between you two.
SCOTT: She booked us a weekend away. I almost didn't make it back.
No 22
Paul is on the patio, calling the person who texted Scarlett earlier. He claims Scarlett is a mutual friend of theirs, and that he has some work for this person. They arrange to meet and Paul hangs up, but Terese has overheard the end of the conversation.
TERESE: What was that about?
PAUL: Ah, nothing - just a bit of a hiccup at the backpackers' -
TERESE: Don't, Paul. Don't you dare try to pretend that what I just heard was nothing.
PAUL: Alright, fine. What I meant to say was, I'm trying to keep you out of it.
TERESE: Trying to keep me out of what?!
PAUL: ... It's about Scarlett, and the hotel, and you're not gonna like it.
No 32
Scarlett is packing her bag when Yashvi walks in uninvited, demanding to speak to Ned. Scarlett says he's out at the shops.
YASHVI: I spoke to Scott.
SCARLETT: ... Am I supposed to know who that is?
YASHVI: Your ex-boyfriend.
SCARLETT: You mean Rex?
YASHVI: No, I mean the guy that you attacked when he wouldn't marry you.
SCARLETT: Is that what he told you? You didn't give him your name, did you?
YASHVI: Yeah, but -
SCARLETT: Oh, now he's gonna try and use you to get to me!
YASHVI: No, no - he said that you were the dangerous one.
SCARLETT: Oh, of course he did!
YASHVI: He said that you took him on a holiday, and you rocked up in a wedding dress, so he did a runner and you tried to stab him.
SCARLETT: That is what these guys do, Yashvi - they twist it all around and make the other person look crazy!
YASHVI: Wait, so you're saying that Scott is Rex?
SCARLETT: I've only ever known him as Rex, but if he's going by Scott now, it's probably because he knows the police are after him! He's not stupid.
YASHVI: Ugh. Well, I still want to talk to Ned, and I'll report this guy to the police.
SCARLETT: Yeah, you should! If you've got his details, then you need to report it.
YASHVI: Tell Ned I need to talk to him.
Yashvi leaves, and Scarlett looks worried.
It appears Ned's not at the shops, but in the bathroom, and Scarlett walks in on him as he comes out of the shower. He asks who Scarlett was talking to as he heard voices. She claims she was just finishing the final arrangements for his 'surprise', and seems very eager to hurry him up so they can leave. Ned finds her insistent tone a little odd, but tells her he'll be ready in five minutes.
Shortly afterwards, we're back in the kitchen/dining area and Scarlett is packing her bag again. She takes Ned's phone out of his jacket pocket, finds Yashvi in his contacts list, and blocks her. Ned comes in, seeing Scarlett with his phone; she claims she was checking it was charged, and he believes her.
Scarlett wants to hit the road, but Ned is worried about leaving such a mess in the kitchen, as David will kill them. Scarlett now seems even more desperate to leave, and insists on Ned leaving the washing-up despite his protestations.
NED: Okay, what's wrong? What's going on?
SCARLETT: Nothing. I'm sorry - I just want to get out of here, and get Rex out of my head.
NED: Hey, you know I'll never let him do anything to you, right?
SCARLETT: No, it's not that. He's just made me completely paranoid that I'm gonna ruin this trip.
NED: Why would you think that?
SCARLETT: Well, the last person I went away with was him. And look how that turned out.
NED: Hey, you don't have the pressure of eloping this time. We're just gonna have a nice, stress-free time away. I'm not gonna up and leave you, I promise.
They decide to leave the kitchen in a mess, and head to the car.
No 22
Paul has told Terese about Scarlett finding the camera and blackmailing him about it. He claims he kept it from Terese because she's been under a lot of pressure lately, and didn't want to add to it. Terese nonetheless rages at him for keeping secrets from her.
Paul wants to talk about it later, as he's going to meet the 'grifter' that Scarlett has been employing to do nefarious jobs. Terese asks if it's the same guy who faked Scarlett's reference, but Paul says not - it's a woman named Marianna (the one who threw the brick through the window at No 32, unbeknownst to him).
PAUL: I don't know what Scarlett is paying her to do, but I fully intend on finding out.
TERESE: You mean *we're* gonna find out.
PAUL: No, Terese, no.
TERESE: Just in case you decide whatever you learn isn't worth sharing with me.
PAUL: Fine.
Lassiter's Complex
Yashvi is just leaving the police station having reported Scott Mayfair, when she runs into Kyle and Amy. She asks them if they've seen Ned, and is worried when they tell her he's gone away with Scarlett. She demands to know where they went; Kyle says somewhere on the peninsula. Yashvi repeats that she needs to find Ned, and walks off. They rush after her.
Meanwhile, on the lake, Paul and Terese are meeting with Marianna, Scarlett's paid accomplice. Marianna quickly guesses that Scarlett didn't really give Paul her name, and is about to leave; but Paul offers her double the money Scarlett gave her to tell them what she was paying her to do. When this doesn't work, Terese offers her triple...
No 32
Yashvi, Amy and Kyle rush into the house, shouting out Ned's name. Realising he's already gone, Kyle goes to search for the pamphlet that had the name of the B&B on it, while Amy rings David, to ask if he knows what it was called - but it goes to voicemail. Yashvi then finds the pamphlet on the table, for Dover Gardens B&B.
Kyle then returns from Scarlett's room, having found her Creepy Scrapbook™, complete with a photo of sleeping Ned on the cover.
A road somewhere
Ned is driving the car, while Scarlett's in the passenger seat. Scarlett thanks him for dropping everything and coming away with her; he says he's sorry she's had to go through all this stuff with her ex.
SCARLETT: Well, if I had to go through it, I'm glad it's with you.
She grabs Ned's hand, and he looks slightly uncomfortable. He suggests they forget about Rex and enjoy themselves. Ned's phone rings from his jacket pocket in the back of the car, so Scarlett gets it for him, and says it's Kyle. Ned says it's unlikely to be anything that can't wait.
SCARLETT: Good thinking.
She deletes the multiple missed call notifications from Kyle and Terese, and puts his phone back.
No 32
Kyle, Amy and Yashvi are looking at the scrapbook. They read the newspaper story about Scarlett's whole family dying in a car crash, and her being the only survivor; then find pictures of Scott Mayfair with his eyes scratched out.
KYLE: Holy crap, she's crazy.
YASHVI: And Ned could be next.
Paul and Terese turn up, also looking for Ned; they explain that Scarlett has been paying Marianna to pose as the fictional Rex. She's the one who threw the brick through the window, they explain, and ran at Ned with the motorbike. The abusive texts were sent from a burner phone.
AMY: So there's no violent ex?
TERESE: Only in her imagination.
While Kyle and Amy show Paul and Terese the scrapbook, Yashvi sneaks out of the back door...
No 28
Yashvi has come to see Bea, who's not all that surprised by the 'Scarlett is crazy' news. Yashvi tells her that the police are going to try and contact Scott to verify her story, but Bea thinks that will take too long and Yashvi agrees; Ned could be in serious danger.
Yashvi thinks they should head to the B&B to track down Ned and Scarlett. Bea wants to talk to Finn first, but she can't because he's Not In This Episode™ - and because Yashvi says it will slow them down. So they agree to head straight for the B&B.
No 32
Paul, Terese, Kyle and Amy are discussing what to do next. Paul doesn't want to involve the police, but Terese thinks they should as Scarlett is 'clearly unhinged'. However, Paul is worried that she could opt to reveal the hidden camera scandal if they call the cops on her.
AMY: You're really worried about your reputation right now?
PAUL: Darling, right now, I think we all just need to calm down a bit, okay? Now, Ned is a big boy; he'll be back in a few days, and we will deal with Scarlett then, *without* the police.
KYLE: Except Yashvi's already spoken to them.
TERESE: Does anyone know where she went?
Kyle wonders if Yashvi might be back at the police station, telling them about the scrapbook. Terese goes to give her a call. Amy has a go at Paul for not telling them Scarlett knew about the cameras. Paul insists she doesn't have any footage of them, and says he didn't want to worry them unnecessarily. Amy is not reassured.
AMY: She's obviously a crazy lady!
Terese can't get through to Yashvi. Paul grudgingly agrees that Amy can call the police if there's no news in ten minutes, but says they'll have to work out a way to manage the fallout if Scarlett outs their scandal as a result. However, at this point, Constable Jet Cassidy shows up at the door, wanting to speak to Scarlett Brady...
The Peninsula™
Ned and Scarlett have arrived at their destination. Ned's keen to send a photo of the idyllic surroundings to Aaron, but Scarlett says his phone's still in his jacket in the car, and reminds him they're supposed to be off-grid. Scarlett takes a selfie of them with her own phone.
SCARLETT: Oh, how cute are we?! Okay, we've got to get checked in, because the Halloween extravaganza is about to begin.
NED: Uh, that sounds extravagant.
SCARLETT: It is. And once you put your costume on, I'll take you to the secret location.
NED: Wait, hold on - costume?! You're weird, you know that?
SCARLETT: I just feel so lucky that we met. It was Meant To Be™, you know? And now I can't imagine my life without you in it, to protect me and look after me. And I want you to know how much I appreciate that.
Ned looks a little freaked out.
NED: I wouldn't put me too high on that pedestal.
She grabs his face.
SCARLETT: You are perfect, Ned Willis.
He smiles, but looks troubled as she turns from him towards the B&B.
A road somewhere
Bea is driving, with Yashvi in the passenger seat - they're 30 minutes from the B&B. Their plan is to...
YASHVI: Find Ned, tell him the truth about Scarlett, and get him the hell away from her.
BEA: Yeah. I feel like that is easier said than done. What if she loses it, like she did with Scott?
YASHVI: There's three of us, and one of her. She doesn't stand a chance.
Terese calls Yashvi again, but Yashvi doesn't want to speak to her, as she'll 'make us turn around'.
YASHVI: We don't know what Scarlett's next move is. If we turn back or wait for the police, it could be too late. Don't worry - we've got this.
The Peninsula™
Ned is waiting outside a large hedge maze in a Frankenstein's monster outfit, with a joke-shop bolt through his neck. He amuses himself by perfecting his zombie-walk, until Scarlett turns up in her own costume - a wedding dress! She laughs rather manically as Ned processes this.
NED: Wow, you look, er...
SCARLETT: Stunning? Radiant?
NED: I thought you were coming as Frankenstein's bride? You just look like, err... like a real bride!
SCARLETT: I know, because I realised I couldn't get face-paint on this. Don't tell me you're afraid of a white dress?
NED: It is Halloween! So... a maze, yes - this is a very elaborate surprise!
SCARLETT: And this isn't even everything. Come on...
She takes his hand and leads him into the maze.
NED: It's kind of spooky.
SCARLETT: It's supposed to be spooky. And romantic.
NED: ... Do you know where we're going?
SCARLETT: I'm hedging my bets.
NED: Seriously, do you know where we're going?
SCARLETT: What does it matter? Even if we get lost, we're together.
Presently, they come to an area with a table, chairs and champagne for two, all decked out for a romantic meal together. Ned is a little taken aback that she's gone to such lengths.
NED: I mean, all this effort... and the dress...
SCARLETT: Yeah. It's a little preview for when we get married! I know we said we'd take it slow, but I just feel like this is our chance. To just leave everyone else behind, and start a new life!
NED: Scarlett...!
SCARLETT: Don't you want to leave all that negativity behind and start afresh?
NED: This was supposed to be just a little holiday.
SCARLETT: Yeah, our very first holiday together!
NED: ...
SCARLETT: What? What is wrong?
NED: This is too much. I hardly even know you!
Scarlett's expression turns sour.
SCARLETT: That's not true. Why are you being like this, Ned? You're acting exactly like Rex.
NED: Okay, okay - let's just go back to the room. We can get changed; we can talk about this.
SCARLETT: I don't want to talk! I love you, and you love me! And we are Meant To Be Together™!
NED: I can't do this - you're really freaking me out.
Ned is about to walk away, but a very upset and agitated Scarlett grabs a cheese knife from the table and starts waving it about!
SCARLETT: I did all of this for you! Because we are meant to be together forever!
NED: It's gonna be okay. Just... put the knife down.
Scarlett sits at the table and sobs.
SCARLETT: Why are you being like this? After everything I've done for you?!
NED: ... Everything's gonna be okay.
SCARLETT: You liar!
She stands up, and stabs him in the stomach with the knife. Ned grunts in pain and touches the wound - there's now blood on his hand. Scarlett is still sobbing.
SCARLETT: You ruined it!
Ned looks at her in horror, clutching his wound.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Kyle slates Paul and Terese for worrying about their 'stupid jobs' when 'this has happened'
- Amy asks Kyle, 'What if Jimmy sees it? Our families, our friends?'
- Toadie tells Terese that the fallout of this is going to be massive
- An upset Amy tells Paul she can't stop thinking about how many people have seen the video
- Kyle looking worried
<<8222 - 8224>>
Kyle Canning, Amy Williams, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8223
Kyle Canning, Amy Williams, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Paul Robinson, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8223
Paul Robinson, Ned Willis

Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8223
Scarlett Brady

Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8223
Yashvi Rebecchi

Scott Mayfair in Neighbours Episode 8223
Scott Mayfair

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8223
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Scarlett Brady, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8223
Scarlett Brady, Yashvi Rebecchi

Ned Willis, Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8223
Ned Willis, Scarlett Brady

Scarlett Brady, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8223
Scarlett Brady, Ned Willis

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8223
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Yashvi Rebecchi, Amy Williams, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8223
Yashvi Rebecchi, Amy Williams, Kyle Canning

Marianna Brookes in Neighbours Episode 8223
Marianna Brookes

Kyle Canning, Amy Williams, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8223
Kyle Canning, Amy Williams, Yashvi Rebecchi

Ned Willis, Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8223
Ned Willis, Scarlett Brady

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Kyle Canning, Amy Williams, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8223
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Kyle Canning, Amy Williams, Yashvi Rebecchi

Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8223
Bea Nilsson

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Amy Williams, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8223
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Amy Williams, Kyle Canning

Jet Cassidy in Neighbours Episode 8223
Jet Cassidy

Ned Willis, Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8223
Ned Willis, Scarlett Brady

Bea Nilsson, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8223
Bea Nilsson, Yashvi Rebecchi

Ned Willis, Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8223
Ned Willis, Scarlett Brady

Ned Willis, Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8223
Ned Willis, Scarlett Brady

Ned Willis, Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8223
Ned Willis, Scarlett Brady

Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8223
Scarlett Brady

Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8223
Ned Willis

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