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Neighbours Episode 1350 from 1990 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<1349 - 1351>>
Episode title: 1350 (1990 Season Finale - Paul Robinson proposes to Christina Alessi; Glen Donnelly claims Jim Robinson is his father)
Australian airdate: 07/12/90
UK airdate: 21/01/92
UK Gold: 02/01/98
Summary/Images by: Gemma (Fandabidozi)
No 32
Tom is complaining that Gemma wouldn't listen to reason, but Madge and Harold don't think Tom was speaking reason. The phone rings - it is Erinsborough Hospital.
Erinsborough Hospital
Matt is coming to, he has had to have stitches in his leg and has sprained his arm and he may possibly have concussion. He enquires about Gemma, she's been taken straight to surgery, the Doctor promises to find out about her.
No 22
Jim enters, talking to Chrissie about how excited Paul is about Lefty's visit. Jim invites her to dinner the next evening before he warns Chrissie about Paul's previous relationship disasters.
No 30
Lefty doesn't think what he could say to the kids at the speech night would be appropriate so Dorothy shows him the speech she has prepared. He thinks it looks good, but he wants to add in a few jokes; Dorothy looks reluctant.
Jim enters, he knew Lefty from school and they joke around.
Erinsborough Hospital
Madge, Harold and Tom are waiting at the hospital when Matt comes to talk to them. He can't remember the accident fully but Tom is adamant the accident is his fault. The surgeon enters; Tom asks if she is alright. The surgeon tells him only time will tell with a serious operation.
No 30
Lefty is telling a joke about a woman undressing as Dorothy looks worried; she thinks that perhaps Lefty should only present a prize rather than making a speech. Paul suggests he should give some boxing lessons, but Dorothy doesn't think he is in a good enough condition to do so. He makes Dorothy feel his biceps, before checking out hers and is pleasantly surprised.
DOROTHY: I was known as 'killer' in netball circles(!)
Lefty is discussing his last fight and ropes Dorothy into acting it out with him.
DOROTHY: Put some ginger into it woman!
Dorothy does just that, flooring Lefty in the process!
DOROTHY: Oh! Well they don't call me 'killer' for nothing(!)
Erinsborough Hospital
Matt is talking to Gemma; in surgery they had to operate on her legs.
GEMMA: Mat, I can't feel my legs - is my spine hurt?
Apparently there is not but they gave her something to stop the pain, so she shouldn't be able to feel them. They both claim blame but Gemma tells him she was talking about her dad, making him look around and crash.
TOM: Why don't you just get out of here? I don't want to see you anywhere near my daughter!
Gemma begs Matt to stay.
No 32
Madge enters, asking if anyone from the hospital has called about Matt and Gemma. Jim opens a bill, it is for the funeral of someone called Maureen Donnely and it is over three thousand dollars. There is a note with the bill:
Though I've never met you Mr Robinson I think the least you can do is pay the balance of one thousand dollars still owing on this bill. I'm sure you'll know why. Glen Donnely.
Jim doesn't know anyone called Donnely, he'll send the bill back explaining it has nothing to do with him.
No 30
Ryan isn't working with Joe today because he has run off with Sky, according to Melanie. Dorothy thinks it is up to Ryan to take up the slack.
No 22
Paul is off to make cocktails for Chrissie, whilst Helen talks with her. Chrissie is annoyed that no-one seems to think they can make a go of it. Helen doesn't want to see either of them hurt.
Helen is on the phone - someone was asking if the Jim Robinson who lives there served in Vietnam. When Helen confirmed this was the case they hung up.
Erinsborough Hospital
Tom apologises but Gemma is in a lot of pain. The doctor is rather non-committal about how long the leg will take to heal, so Tom is going to try to get a straight answer first. The doctor wants to talk to Tom, there is a problem - Gemma may lose her leg.
No 22
Paul and Chrissie are discussing the voices of dissent regarding their relationship. Chrissie wants reassurance that she is not the rebound girl and Paul knows how to give it to her.
PAUL: By telling you that I love you and I want you to marry me as soon as possible.
CHRISTINA: Marry? Um, I told Caroline I wouldn't rush into anything!
PAUL: To hell with Caroline. To hell with them all. I know that I love you, and if you feel the same way about me then what's stopping us? Or aren't you really sure about the way you feel about me?
CHRISTINA: Yes, of course I am.
PAUL: Well then, what do you say? Will you marry me?
No 26
There is a young man at the door asking for Jim Robinson. The man thinks Jim has a hide to return the bill, but Jim is adamant that he doesn't know the woman. Helen asks about who she was, the man (presumably Glen) tells them that she was his mother and he couldn't afford the last thousand.
GLEN: She's my mother, and he knows her alright.
HELEN: How do you know that?
GLEN: Because he's my father.
<<1349 - 1351>>
Tom Ramsay, Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1350
Tom Ramsay, Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop

Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1350
Madge Bishop

Dr. Morgan, Matt Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1350
Dr. Morgan, Matt Robinson

Jim Robinson, Christina Alessi in Neighbours Episode 1350
Jim Robinson, Christina Alessi

Lefty Benson, Dorothy Burke in Neighbours Episode 1350
Lefty Benson, Dorothy Burke

Ryan McLachlan in Neighbours Episode 1350
Ryan McLachlan

Tom Ramsay, Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop, Matt Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1350
Tom Ramsay, Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop, Matt Robinson

Tom Ramsay, Dr. Morgan in Neighbours Episode 1350
Tom Ramsay, Dr. Morgan

Lefty Benson, Dorothy Burke, Paul Robinson, Christina Alessi, Ryan McLachlan, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1350
Lefty Benson, Dorothy Burke, Paul Robinson, Christina Alessi, Ryan McLachlan, Jim Robinson

Lefty Benson, Dorothy Burke in Neighbours Episode 1350
Lefty Benson, Dorothy Burke

Gemma Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 1350
Gemma Ramsay

Gemma Ramsay, Tom Ramsay, Madge Bishop, Matt Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1350
Gemma Ramsay, Tom Ramsay, Madge Bishop, Matt Robinson

Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1350
Jim Robinson

Ryan McLachlan, Dorothy Burke in Neighbours Episode 1350
Ryan McLachlan, Dorothy Burke

Christina Alessi, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 1350
Christina Alessi, Helen Daniels

Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 1350
Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels

Gemma Ramsay, Tom Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 1350
Gemma Ramsay, Tom Ramsay

Tom Ramsay, Dr. Morgan in Neighbours Episode 1350
Tom Ramsay, Dr. Morgan

Tom Ramsay, Matt Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1350
Tom Ramsay, Matt Robinson

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1350
Paul Robinson

Christina Alessi in Neighbours Episode 1350
Christina Alessi

Glen Donnelly, Helen Daniels, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1350
Glen Donnelly, Helen Daniels, Jim Robinson

Glen Donnelly in Neighbours Episode 1350
Glen Donnelly

Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1350
Jim Robinson

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