Lyn and Rebecca competing for the best Christmas Spirit Trophy.
Lyn telling Lou she feels alive.
Sonya telling Toadie she doesn't 'do' Christmas; there are too many bad memories.
Andrew flirting with Donna at Schoolies.
Ringo gets into his paramedic course; but being torn between taking the course in Sydney, or staying to do the course in Erinsborough to be with Donna.
Number 22
Becca is on the phone to Miranda, telling her that India is looking beautiful. She says hello from the family, including Donna, just as Donna gets a message from Andrew, asking if she wants to meet up. Donna hides her phone. Paul and Rebecca are off out, hoping to win the Christmas Spirit Trophy as the judging is about to happen.
They don't know who's going to judge, and Becca's worried about Lyn's good food that everyone's raving about.
PAUL: The only decent fruitcake in that place is Lyn Scully herself.
Just as they leave, Ringo comes in, greeted by huge hug and kiss from a guilty Donna. Whilst Donna's busy kissing Ringo, and dragging him off to her bedroom, Declan wonders how Kate is - she was acting weird last night - whilst India stares up at the out-of-sight boom.
Lassiter's Complex
Lyn is serving up Christmas pie and eggnog, free of charge. Paul goads her.
PAUL: We are going to blow you out of the water today.
LYN: Oh yeah? Well...reindeer might fly.
Toadie eats Lyn's food as he welcomes the Kennedys, asking how Susan's carriage ride was; she loved it! Toadie reminds Karl that it's the Ramsay Street Christmas lighting competition later, so he'd better be ready. Karl hopes that Toadie is ready with his boxers to do his lap of shame when he loses.
Paul and Lyn tease Karl about his Christmas lights - until he announces that he's the judge for the Christmas Spirit Trophy competition, and pulls out a camera to take some pictures. Suddenly, Lyn can't do enough for him, getting him a table, and offering some complimentary food and drink. Susan shakes her head in comic disbelief, as Paul refuses to grovel to Karl.
PAUL: You miserable scrooge.
KARL: (Taking out his clipboard) Charlie's Bar. Abusive.
PAUL: Oh, alright, alright! I'll go and get you a mulled wine. Complimentary, of course.
Paul is complaining to Becca that he can't believe they're sucking up to Karl Kennedy, whilst Bec complains that she wants something more visual in her bar for Christmas. She also comments that Lucas left his phone there, and he hasn't been back for it, lately...
Karl comes in, wanting some cheese with the wine. Paul passes him some mulled wine, whilst telling him how important this competition is to Rebecca. He wonders what he has to do to win. Karl retorts that given what Paul has done to his family over the years, it would take a miracle. Chasing Karl out of the bar, Paul begs: maybe they could get some live reindeer, or Christmas elves.
KARL: Paul, I would suggest *you* would have to dress up as a Christmas elf to have any chance of winning this competition.
PAUL: Yeah, like that's gonna happen...
Unfortunately for Paul, Rebecca overheard that last snippet...
Cut to moments later where Becca has Paul dressed up as an elf. Ears included. She encourages him to have good Christmas cheer, ushering him out of the bar.
Lassiter's Complex
Walking out of the bar, Paul is met by a gobsmacked Karl, and amused Susan, as well as Lyn who is annoyed that Karl has requested some more brie from Charlie's. Paul hands out gifts from a stocking. Lyn is despondent that she's probably lost the competition, whilst Karl chokes on the cheese. Susan tells him it's karma before slapping his back, hard.
Donna, Ringo and Declan arrive, and Declan goes to take a picture of Paul to send to Elle. In girlfriend overdrive, Donna tells Ringo that next time he goes home, she'd like to join him so she can meet his parents.
Harold's Store
Inside the store, Callum and Toadie tell Lyn that Karl's ready to announce the results. Everyone comes inside to hear the results, and Lyn drags out her last feature - a festive board celebrating all the religions that have different celebrations in December. Paul thinks it's very PC of her, but reminds her it's a Christmas competition.
Rebecca defends Charlie's - it's a very multicultural bar! Karl starts his speech: he thanks the participants, then calls on Paul to present the Christmas Spirit Trophy to Harold's Store. Lyn takes the trophy, forcing Paul to have his photo taken with her for the Erinsborough News.
Number 22
Donna and Ringo arrive home, still laughing about Paul. Donna suggests going to see a movie, one that Ringo's really interested in, and he starts questioning why she's acting all weird. She's in overdrive. Donna claims she hasn't been very supportive of him recently, and she's trying to make it up to him, but he's not buying it. He knows there's more. Donna's mobile rings, and it's Andrew. She rejects the call.
Cut to later, where Donna is in tears, and Ringo is promising to understand whatever the problem is. He wonders who the call was from; she lies and says it was Tegan and Simon. Ringo thinks that perhaps Donna misses her family, so she lies again and tells him that now school has finished and they're going to uni she's really worried - she doesn't want things to change. She wants them to stay as they are.
Ringo promises her he won't let things change between them, and gives her a hug as Donna looks even guiltier than she did before.
Over in the back room of the bar, Rebecca thanks Paul for making the effort as an elf. He says he's going to photoshop the picture of Lyn and add a few extra kilos and pad her out!! Bec passes Paul his mail that Declan brought in, and again asks if he's heard from Lucas. Paul hasn't.
Out in the public area Karl is trying to get Susan to put more food in her handbag, but it's already full of salami. Rebecca tells him to put the food back - especially as he's a traitor. The Ks leave, and as they do, Paul suggests that the food shouldn't go to waste, and they should throw a Christmas party. Rebecca reluctantly agrees - as long as Lyn Scully isn't invited.
Cut to later where people are putting more party decorations up, and Bec has put her guest list together. Declan asks his mum if she's asked Kate, but Donna butts in quickly: Harry's home so they should let the Ramsays spend their Christmas together. Meanwhile, a hired Santa comes in with a present from Paul to Rebecca - a lovely red dress which he wants her to wear to the party. She kisses and thanks him for spoiling her.
Cut to later again where people are arriving for the party and Santa is handing out streamers. Susan compliments Susan on her beautiful dress, whilst Toadie tells Callum that Sonya won't be coming to the party because she's not into Christmas. Cal admits to his dad that he called Sonya and asked her to come anyway; Toadie says he's confiscating Callum's phone.
Lyn arrives, clutching her trophy protectively. She's annoyed she didn't get an invite, but is warmly welcomed by Susan.
Paul calls everyone to order: he thanks them for coming but has a confession to make.
LYN: Oh, who's he slept with now?
SUSAN: Ssshh!
PAUL: This isn't really a Christmas party. And, dare I say, this isn't a real Santa. Everybody, meet Eddie. He's a marriage celebrant.
He turns to Becca.
PAUL: All the paperwork came through this afternoon. So this, all of this, is our wedding. You and I are getting married right here, right now. If you'll do me the honour.
Shocked, Rebecca checks with Declan, and agrees. Everyone is thrilled. Everyone, except Lyn Scully who looks utterly downcast.
Cut to later where Declan walks Becca into the bar, and Lyn takes a deep breath. The marriage celebrant begins the ceremony, and they make their vows.
BECCA: I first fell for you a long time ago. But then we went our separate ways, but I know that what I feel for you's real. And true. (She cries) Sorry. And it's gonna last for life.
PAUL: You showed me the true meaning of real love. And that's a love I'm going to return to you every single day of my life.
They exchange rings. Rebecca cries some more. Eddie pronounces them Mr and Mrs, and they kiss and hug whilst Lyn quietly slips out.
Cut to later again, where Bec and Paul are dancing. Ringo and Donna join them. The Kennedys sway together on the bar stools. Declan sits alone. Donna kisses Ringo and thanks him again for being with her. She tells him she loves him. Toadie gets a call from Sonya.
Karl then makes an announcement to say that everyone involved in the Ramsay Street Christmas lights competition is going to duck off for a bit to see who's won. Toadie, still on the phone to Sonya, tells her they're going off to Ramsay Street, and she agrees to join them for the lights.
Susan sees Lyn's trophy sitting on the side and picks it up on her way out.
Ramsay Street
Ringo, Donna, Declan, Karl, Toadie, Sonya and Callum are out for the lights competition, along with Eddie the Santa. Karl and Toadie switch their lights on. Beautiful! But not for long - Toadie's conk out. Ringo suggests that that no-one wants to see Karl in his Y-fronts, so Eddie declares - in the interests of public decency - that the Kennedys are the winners!
Toadie can't believe it, and Sonya takes her jeans off to reveal some of Toadie's boxers. Some mysterious cheering sounds in the background, not belonging to any one of our people on the street, and gets louder as Toadie takes his jeans off.
The cheering continues - despite no-one being there - as Toadie, Sonya and Callum jog around the street.
Number 26
The cheering can still be heard at number 26 when Susan drops off the trophy to Lyn. She's crying, and Susan wonders what's wrong. She notices the divorce papers on Lyn's coffee table, and tells her friend that it's time to let go.
SUSAN: It's time to get on with your life and stop hating him.
LYN: (surprised) I don't hate Paul.
SUSAN: Well you're still very angry at him. And what he did was awful, but it was years ago.
LYN: (shaking her head) You don't understand.
SUSAN: Understand what?
Lyn makes her 'I just can't help it' face.
LYN: I've tried hating him! I have! I can't, I....I love him, Susan. I just do.
Susan's face is a picture of comic disgust as she turns up her nose and mouth at the idea of anyone being in love with Paul Robinson.
The Ks are back at the party, and Declan brings over a stool for Susan to sit down. How thoughtful. He approaches his mum, who's kissing her new husband.
DECLAN: Geez, are you guys still in love? It's already been an hour.
PAUL: Who said it wouldn't last?!
Ringo and Donna watch them, wondering if that will be them one day. Maybe. Or maybe not, as Andrew from Schoolies walks in. Donna stares, horrified. But Andrew isn't there for Donna, he's here to see Paul Robinson: it's personal.
Paul comes over.
PAUL: Yeah, what is it? (pausing) Have we met?
ANDREW: You could say that.
PAUL: Oh my God!
ANDREW: I'm Andrew. Your son.
Rebecca seems none too pleased, whilst Donna is ready to die a death.
SCOTT MAJOR: Stay tuned!
Shot of Lucas being rushed into hospital, Steph desperate to see him.
STEPH: Can you just wake up...can you hear me?
Shot of a church.
STEPH: Surprise!
TOADIE: (to Sonya) But I love Steph and I want to be with her.
Sonya runs off, sobbing.
JUDGE IN COURT: What does the defendant plead?
ZEKE: Not guilty.
Zeke being pushed into a TINY police van.
JUDGE: Do you understand that you face a custodial sentence?
Donna and Andrew kissing.
ANDREW: The sooner we stop fighting our feelings for each other the better.
Donna crying.
RINGO: How long?
Ringo grabs Andrew.
Declan pushing Kyle Canning at the bar.
DECLAN: This guy's a sleaze!
Libby collapsing next to Sonya.
Lyn throws cream all over Rebecca.
Kate hugging Declan.
KATE: I'm so happy!
Lou winking.
Some dance stuff.
SCOTT MAJOR: Neighbours. 2010.