- Angus annoyed at the news about his mum being kept from him.
- Tyler telling Piper that they're more than just friends.
- Madison back after getting a cadetship at the West Warratah Star.
- Toadie discovering that Nell is a match for Zoe but refusing to give his consent.
- Toadie telling Sonya that he thinks Walter has taken Nell.
Steph and Zoe are comparing stories of time in oncology wards when Walter (and Nell) arrive in her room. He's surprised to see Steph there and suggests that they go to the park with Nell for some fresh air, confident the doctors will give her a temporary out pass. Once Steph leaves for her check-up, he can't get Zoe's trainers on quick enough and cancels the incoming call from Sonya on the pretence that hospitals don't like you using mobile phones.
Cue titles!
Number 30
Both Toadie and Sonya leave voicemails for Walter/Zoe asking them to call. Sonya then calls the hospital and discovers that Walter and Zoe have left the hospital and that Nell was with them. Toadie wants to call the police but Sonya forbids that and instead sends him off to the hospital to make enquiries there.
Harold's café
Susan is thrilled that Angus is so into doing an assignment at school because it's something he's into (designing a skateboard) and suggests that he might consider it as a career. He comments that Sarah wants him to do finance but Susan points out a career is better if you're doing something you actually enjoy.
At the other side of the café, Paul is giving his niece the lowdown on which RSRs to go to for information and suggests she could do a community feature on. She breaks off from her uncle to go say hello to Piper and the pair head off on the grand tour of Erinsborough (Imogen's orders!) and so she can interview Piper for the feature.
The duo make their way to the garage and Madison show's off her mechanic skills to Tyler by suggesting the issue for the car he is working on. He's surprised that she is right and asks her to stick around to help, and Piper looks extremely jealous that the pair seem to have clicked.
Number 28
Karl is as surprised as Susan was when she tells him about Angus and his skateboard designs. She then brings up the money Angus found in the bar and Karl claims they are tips.
SUSAN: You're not that good!
Karl tries to move the conversation on to Sarah's visit and gets a bit of relief when Sonya calls Susan looking for Walter.
Number 30
Sonya's had no luck in her call-rounds and a very peeved Toadie is back from the hospital too after not finding them there (Steph is going to stay there in case they come back). He's fearful, despite Karl telling Sonya that nobody would go ahead with the procedure without her parents' consent that Walter will somehow persuade them to go ahead. The pair have a domestic over Walter and extremely reluctantly, Sonya concedes into letting him call the police to report that Walter has kidnapped Nell.
Number 28
Susan notices that the money is missing and tries to quiz Karl on it but Sarah's arrival interrupts the grilling. The pair welcome her into the house and are thrilled to hear that the treatment is working.
Piper doesn't seem too impressed at how well Tyler/Madison are getting on and decides to leave them to it.
Number 28
Sarah is appalled to hear what Angus has been up to when she was in Germany but Susan adds that once the boundaries were set, he settled down.
Just at that, Angus arrives home and tentatively greets his mum. Sarah apologises for not telling him the truth but reassures him that she was thinking about him when she was away, and he replies that he was thinking about her too.
"Where's Nell?!" Steph greets Walter with when she spots him entering the hospital. He replies that he doesn't know and that Zoe is missing too - she twigged something was up when they were on the way to see a friend of his and when they stopped for petrol did a runner with Nell and he thought they'd come back to her room. Steph has a right go at him and after getting where the girls did a runner from, she calls Mark and passes on the info.
Number 30
Toadie finds out the information via a call from Mark and passes it onto Sonya. She's beating herself up at missing the signs and Toadie is doing his best not to have another domestic with his wife. Both however are overjoyed when Zoe/Nell enter the house and lavish hugs/kisses onto Nell before then being concerned at the state Zoe is in. The poor lass is deeply upset at what her dad was planning, oblivious to herself, and Sonya hugs and reassures her that things will be okay.
Walter (and Steph) are back from the hospital and Toadie explains about Zoe/Nell taking back roads home to avoid him seeing them. He does reassure Walter that Karl has checked them over and that they are both resting.
WALTER: I can't even imagine what you've both been through.
Toadie is still irate at him and Steph asks what they are going to do about the police. "Let them charge me," Walter declares and when Toadie defers to Sonya, she doesn't want him charged as it will cause problems for Zoe and her health is priority.
TOADIE: You are so lucky you have some amazing daughters mate.
WALTER: I know.
Zoe comes through from the bedroom and after commenting on them all suddenly going quiet, runs over to her dad and hugs him. He can't but apologise enough to her and Sonya asks if she can understand why they are holding back on a decision about Nell. "Of course," she replies and tries to take the tension out of the air by making a joke with them.
Harold's café
After she catches up with Piper, Madison comes straight to the point - is there something going on with her/Tyler? "I'm in love with him," she eventually replies but also adds that she is too young and sometimes she can handle that, sometimes she can't, today when she saw them was the later. Madison is quick to say she isn't into Tyler and hears Piper rant off about everyone having an opinion about dating him because she is still at school. Piper is pleased to hear that she'd support them.
MADISON: He's a nice guy and if it feels right for both of you then go for it.
Number 30
Sonya and Zoe are having a final bonding session when they receive some fantastic news - there was a mix-up with Callum's test results and turns out he is a match for her and is willing to donate! Zoe thinks someone is playing a joke on her but Sonya reassures her it isn't, she's found her match!
Sonya is telling Walter the happy news and if they have to go to the US for the procedure, they'll chip in some air miles to help get them there. Walter is very grateful given everything that has happened and the pair hug/say their goodbyes with Sonya. Once they've left, Toadie announces that he's off to the office to do some work.
Number 28
Sarah is also impressed with the skateboard designs Angus has done and gives him the greenlight to study design at Uni, explaining that the finance idea she had suggested was because she's familiar with. She apologises for not telling him about the cancer, keeping things from him was a trait developed when things started going wrong with Peter, and wants him to come back to Germany with her.
ANGUS: Shouldn't you focus on your recovery?
Sarah assures him she's past the worst of it and that she's now allowed to live outside of the centre now, so has found them somewhere to live and there is a good school for him too.
SARAH: What do you say?
"I'll only distract you," is his response but she pleads with him that she needs her family around. The lad isn't exactly enthusiastic, so Sarah asks if there is a problem. "No," he nonchalantly replies and Sarah encourages him to say what he's thinking.
ANGUS: I'm really glad you're better, I am, but if I'm being honest, I think I'd prefer to stay here with Susan and Karl.
The K's lurking in the kitchen look as surprised at Sarah is with what Angus has just said.
- Amy/Steph commenting upon being set up.
- Sarah despondent about getting her life back on track if Angus doesn't want to be part of it.
- Angus explaining things to Susan.
- Piper opening up to Tyler about how she feels about him.