- Krista tells Leo how amazing Paul was at the hospital
- Paul and Leo share a hug
- Leo agrees to move back to the Penthouse
- Chelsea proposes to Paul
- Felix tells Andrew he's not the sperm donor
- JJ is determined to help Felix with the robbery
- Holly gives Andrew a robbery map that Felix left in a book
- JJ backs the van into scaffolding which falls onto Andrew
Construction Site
Felix is looking at Andrew who is still trapped. The wheels are spinning on the scaffolding. Felix tells JJ firmly to go and to call an ambulance. Felix goes to check on Andrew as JJ makes the call. Felix tells Andrew he will be ok as the sirens are heard. Felix is heading off.
FELIX: I'm sorry I let you down. I love you man.
The Penthouse
Paul is dressed and ready to go out. Chelsea had planned to bring him breakfast in bed. Paul apologises, he's got a lot on. She realises it's too soon to commit to marriage. She wanted them to connect more and it was spur of the moment. He takes her hands and goes to say something when Leo and Abby arrive. Paul gives Abby a hug as Leo brings their stuff in. Chelsea wasn't aware they were moving in. The staff are bringing the rest of Leo and Abby's stuff.
Aaron and Byron are watching Krista who is sitting thinking outside. Byron tells Aaron Krista is eating but isn't sure about sleeping.
AARON: From experience probably not.
Aaron heads out to see Krista. Eden has been in Krista's thoughts. She can't face him so he won't know about the baby. Aaron suggests that they can pass the message on through Eden's lawyer.
AARON: Telling him might close things off for good. The baby is the only thing tying you to him. You're free from him forever.
Aaron suggests a coffee at Harold's. Krista likes the idea but has arranged to meet Leo. They are going to find a garden to hold Hope's memorial in. Aaron is surprised Leo is at the hotel.
Erinsborough Hospital
Terese has come straight from the airport to the hospital. Andrew is a bit out of it at the moment in bed. He has cracked ribs and concussion. Terese thinks that this would have been avoided if the security firm had done their job. Wendy knows Terese isn't to blame. Terese hopes Andrew recovers as quickly as possible, Wendy thanks her.
Wendy goes into Andrew's room and Andrew tries to sit up. Andrew realises Terese was just here. Andrew's colleague was here earlier as well. The colleague wanted a statement when Andrew is ready. Andrew caught Felix in the act. Andrew doesn't know what is best to do.
WENDY: After all that we've done for him.
ANDREW: It wasn't just Felix. JJ was there too. I think he was trying to help him.
Wendy has rung Sadie to see if Felix has been there today, he hasn't. Wendy confirms that Felix knows about what happened to Andrew. Sadie promises to get in contact if she hears from Felix and hangs up.
Byron lets himself in and things are awkward between him and Sadie. Byron had heard what happened to Andrew, the injuries aren't too bad. Byron wanted to check on her as she told him a childhood fear was Andrew didn't return home one day.
SADIE: When I got the call all I could think was 'I can't lose him'. Not like this while we're fighting.
Sadie needs to take things to the hospital so opens the door for him. He takes the hint and leaves. Sadie looks thoughtful.
Ramsay Street
Byron looks thoughtful as he heads down the steps of No.26 and heads off. Felix comes cautiously around the car on the driveway and up towards the house. He spots JJ coming up the Street. JJ is looking at his messages between himself and Felix. JJ has been trying to message Felix but no success. He calls Felix, Felix's phone vibrates, JJ starts his message then hangs up when he spots his parents. They invite him for breakfast. Byron updates them about Andrew but doesn't know JJ was involved. JJ asks after Felix, Byron thinks Andrew is ok. JJ looks relieved to hear this as Cara and Remi are sympathetic. Felix has heard this as well.
The Penthouse
Leo is telling Paul that they found a good place, Eden Hills Garden. Abby is watching a video with her headphones on. Chelsea comes into the room and asks how things are going, they haven't got very far. Chelsea is heading off to an appointment. They've sorted out the time, date and location. Krista isn't sure what she wants to say at the memorial. She looks to advice from Paul if she should use what she said at the hospital. This includes what Krista had seen would happen in Hope's life. She wants to use the song 'This Little Light of Mine' but wants to know what they think, they agree. Chelsea watches as Krista sobs.
KRISTA: It's my daughter's funeral. What if I mess it up? I don't know if I'll be able to say anything.
PAUL: I'll do it.
He tells her that he doesn't have to be authorised and will do it if she agrees. Leo looks grateful for his offer, Krista agrees and thanks him.
Wendy is telling Andrew that Felix has packed a bag so hasn't gone too far. Wendy will search Felix's bag and get back to Andrew. She finds the missing pages of the diary.
Erinsborough Hospital
JJ watches Andrew through the window. Andrew calls out that he has spotted him.
Wendy is reading the pages as Felix comes through the back door and sees her.
WENDY: What's going on?
Felix asks after Andrew. Wendy doesn't think he's great and it's down to Felix. Wendy wants to know how Felix got the diary pages.
WENDY: Are you JJ's father?
Erinsborough Hospital
JJ apologises, Andrew wonders how he's involved in all this.
Felix shows Wendy his birthmark and tells her JJ has the same birthmark.
Erinsborough Hospital
JJ tells Andrew he and Felix have formed a close friendship. Felix told JJ he was being hassled by the ones who got him in trouble. He needed to pay these guys off and skip town.
Wendy isn't impressed as she points out Felix knew JJ was his son and still involved him in the robbery.
FELIX: It was JJ who wanted to help me.
WENDY: Of course he wanted to help you! He is 16 and idolises you.
Erinsborough Hospital
ANDREW: You broke the law.
JJ realises how dumb his actions were and plans to confess. Andrew agrees that's the right thing to do.
Wendy wants to know if Felix was going to be honest with Andrew. Felix looks at her.
Erinsborough Hospital
Wendy has handed Andrew the diary pages. Andrew is trying to get his head around the fact that Felix knew the truth and still involved JJ. Wendy knows they need to be honest with Cara and Remi.
Cara and Remi are now at the hospital. Remi is looking at the diary pages. They are stunned as the DNA results showed there was no match.
ANDREW: I'm adopted. That's why the DNA test didn't point to our family.
REMI: How could he even be a possibility?
Andrew explains that Felix offered when Andrew said no to Philippa. It didn't occur to Andrew that Felix would do this. The diary pages show though that Felix was the sperm donor. Andrew and Wendy knew there was an outside chance but Felix wasn't honest with them. Cara is trying to get her head around this.
REMI: This doesn't guarantee Felix is JJ's biological father.
Wendy asks if JJ has a birthmark on his back. Cara and Remi are surprised, he does have one. Felix's birthmark is the same in exactly the same spot.
REMI: In some cases birthmarks are hereditary. If they're identical...
Cara comforts her as she gets emotional. They want Felix to do a DNA test but Felix has disappeared. Andrew tells them that Felix was behind the Eirini Robbery.
ANDREW: I caught him at the scene.
WENDY: When we found out that Felix is JJ's Dad this can't wait.
REMI: Tell us already.
Cara and Remi have come out of Andrew's hospital room. Cara is leaving JJ a voicemail asking him to call them. Cara takes Remi's hand as they try and process the news.
REMI: This could change everything.
The Waterhole
Paul gently reminds Terese they were meant to catch up as soon as she returned. She apologises, she hasn't stopped. She tells him about the robbery and they have no idea what happened to the security. She's been dealing with all the calls to try and sort it out. Paul offers to call a contact at WorkSafe to find out what is going on, Terese happily accepts.
Paul greets Chelsea at the bar who has been watching him talk to Terese. He asks Chelsea if Penny has returned from overseas, she doesn't know. He saw that Krista was relieved when he offered to be the Memorial Celebrant. He thought finding out what went wrong with the sauna door might help Krista as well. Chelsea will try and find out and heads off. Paul makes a phone call and confirms the person received his email. He wants them to prioritise something and deliver it as soon as possible.
Ramsay Street
Cara comes from the house to the car where Remi is sitting. JJ isn't at home and Dex hasn't been in contact with him. Remi is staring into space and Cara wants to know what she's thinking.
REMI: I just keep thinking why JJ kept seeking Felix out.
CARA: Even after we banned him.
REMI: It has been documented that when kids unknowingly come across their birth parent, they can feel an instant connection like a biological pull. He even looks like him. What happens when that person is not good? What do we do then?
Cara knows this comes down to a decision made on impulse sixteen years ago. If she'd known back then... Remi wants her to stop beating herself up about this. Remi has forgiven Cara and wants Cara to do the same.
CARA: I love you.
REMI: I love you. We'll get through this together. All of us as a family.
Cara thinks she's worked out where JJ has gone.
The Penthouse
Paul knows the person can't give a definite time but knows Terese will be thrilled anyway. He hangs up. Chelsea wants to make the most of their alone time as Leo and Abby are out. He needs to opt out as he needs to call Terese. He assures her they're fine even after she proposed. He's just got a lot to do.
Construction Site
JJ is sitting and thinking as Cara and Remi arrive. They found him as when he drew Pokemon at 6/7 on the neighbour's fence he went back and sat by the fence for a long time. JJ realises they know what he's done.
JJ: I wasn't sure how to break it to you. I've never screwed up this bad before.
CARA: Yeah this is really bad. We love you but this is next level.
REMI: You have to own it. Face the consequences. Not just vow to do better.
JJ: I think I'm ready to go to the Police Station now.
REMI: We'll go with you. There's something we need to tell you.
CARA: It's about Felix.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Holly and Melanie notice something's going on with Haz
- Terese is involving Karl in her plans
- Wendy realises that all of this has been down to Felix
- Andrew hopes Cara and Remi feel the same about this
- Remi cries as she hugs Cara