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Neighbours Episode 9119 from 2024 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<9118 - 9120>>
Episode title: 9119 (Siege at the Waterhole)
Australian and UK airdate: 26/09/2024
Writer: Sarah Mayberry
Director: Guy Strachan
Guests: Felix Rodwell: James Beaufort
Justin Ashton: Richard Sutherland
Quinn Lao: Lou Lè
Snr Sergeant Tony Thompson: Damien Aylward
CIRT Officer Brady: David T Cowell
Summary/Images by:
Previously on Neighbours
- Paul tells Krista that he hired the best person for the job
- Byron sees Wendy and Quinn hugging and awkwardly tells Sadie
- Wendy tells Andrew that she only met with Quinn to say goodbye
- Holly buys and expensive new car
- Holly starts getting threatening texts
- Heath's associate Justin turns up and demands Heath's money from Holly
- Heath holds up the Waterhole with a gun
PAUL: Listen, just take it easy, alright...
JUSTIN: You shut up or I'll shoot her! [Holly] No-one's leaving!
Aaron, Susan, and Paul look terrified.
JUSTIN: No-one's leaving! (To Holly) Where is it?!
Holly tries to keep calm.
JUSTIN: Now, where is it?!
HOLLY: I told you, I don't have it.
Justin looks hard at her.
PAUL: Whatever it is you're looking for, whatever it is you need, I can make it happen.
JUSTIN: What I need is for you to shut your mouth! Alright (To Aaron) Now you, you go and lock all the doors. Now! Lock 'em up!
Susan looks into her handbag. Justin is still looking at Aaron.
JUSTIN: Nothing stupid.
He looks around and spots Susan.
JUSTIN: Hey, what are *you* doing?!
SUSAN: Nothing.
JUSTIN: What's in your bag?
Aaron is closing and locking the front door, peeping outside first. (Why he didn't just leg it I have no idea!)
Meanwhile, Susan withdraws her phone from her bag.
JUSTIN: Phone! Phones! All your phones, give them to me now, on the table!
Nicolette gets a text telling her she needs to come and close up Harold's Cafe (due to staff sickness) and asks Krista if she'll watch Isla for her. She reluctantly agrees.
Justin is peering out of the windows while Aaron and Susan sit with Holly.
AARON: How do you know him? What money is he talking about?
HOLLY: His name is Justin Ashton. He worked for Heather and Tess. He kidnapped Toadie and Mel.
SUSAN: Is that how you could buy the car and all of that other stuff? (Shocked) Holly!
Lassiter's Complex
Nicolette goes into Harold's Cafe while Leo walks across the complex towards the Waterhole.
He tries the door of the Waterhole and is surprised to find it locked, especially as there are still people drinking at the tables around the side.
He gets out his phone and calls the Waterhole landline.
Inside, everyone listens to the phone ring in silence.
Lassiter's Complex
Leo looks around and happens to see Andrew walking by.
LEO: Andrew!
ANDREW: Hey, mate.
LEO: There's something going on in the Waterhole, the door's locked and they're not answering their phone.
ANDREW:(frowns) It shouldn't be closed...
He goes over and knocks on the door.
Everyone reacts to the knock by recoiling in fear.
JUSTIN: Shut up, all of you! Shut up!
The phone rings again and Justin looks very agitated. The four hostages look on.
Finally, Justin snatches up the phone and throws it to the floor. Andrew and Leo hear the physical clatter of the phone from outside.
Andrew starts to knock on the door again.
ANDREW: Open up, this is the police!
Everyone watches on in silence. Justin approaches the door with his gun.
ANDREW: This is the police, open up! This is the police, open up now!
Andrew starts to go around.
PAUL: The police aren't going to go away! You need to take charge of the situation! (To Holly) How much of his money is still left?
HOLLY: I...I hid it in the potting mix that Dad threw out, there's none.
PAUL:(to Justin) That means you need a Plan B. Which means, it means talking to them, OK?
Paul picks up his phone from the bar and dials Andrew's number. He looks very scared.
Outside, Andrew and Leo get the call from Paul.
PAUL: Hi Andrew, it's Paul here. I'm in the Waterhole. I'm with Justin Ashton and he's got a gun.
ANDREW:(in disbelief) Hang on, who else is in there with you?
PAUL: I've got Holly and Susan and Aaron.
ANDREW: Not Wendy?
ANDREW: OK, well what does Justin want?
PAUL:(to Justin) See? See? We're already negotiating. You need to tell him what you want, alright? Let him know your demands. They can get you your money, you see?
Paul holds out the phone to Justin (it's on speakerphone)
ANDREW: OK, so talk to me, Justin, we can work this out together, OK?
JUSTIN: *You* need to back off or someone is going to get hurt!
ANDREW: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hang on. No-one is going to come rushing in, I can promise you that. You just need to stay calm, OK? Justin, I'll try to get you anything that you need. You just need to let these people go.
Justin hits the phone out of Paul's hand.
JUSTIN: No! No, no! (To Paul) Now you can sit down with the rest of them and *shut your mouth*!
SUSAN: Please! Please, we just want to go home.
Justin has a flicker of sympathy for a moment.
JUSTIN: So do I. So do I. If you want to blame anyone for this, you blame her.
He points at Holly.
(A short while later)
Lassiter's Complex
Police backup has arrived and they are clearing the complex of people. They have already set up a pop- up situation room with photographs of Holly, Aaron, Susan, Paul and Justin too. Andrew is debriefing his superior officer.
Sadie, Terese and Karl have arrived, deeply concerned. Andrew assures Sadie that Wendy is with her mentor, so she's not inside.
Holly stands up.
JUSTIN: You shouldn't have stolen from me.
HOLLY: I know...I'm sorry. Can you just put the gun down? We can...we can work it out.
AARON:(whispers) Stop.
He pulls her back down into her seat.
AARON:(whispers) He's way too jumpy. We have to be prepared in case he loses it.
SUSAN: I dont' think anyone could get through to him.
AARON: Susan, next time he's distracted, you have to make a run for it. There's a staff exit through the kitchen door.
Paul gets up.
PAUL: Justin. I just want you to know that I own this complex. The whole place. So whatever Holly stole from you, I can get back for you, two- fold. I...I can.
Justin takes this in.
PAUL: Now, I've got connections...I know people who can get you out of this.
JUSTIN: I know people, too. And I know what's going to happen to me if I don't pay my debts.
Justin has his back to the other three now.
JUSTIN:(to Paul) I *need* that money. Your connections aren't going to do anything for me and these cops aren't going to let me go without a fight.
PAUL: No, exactly. And that's why you need to keep talking to me.
JUSTIN:(grabbing Paul) You need to shut your cakehole!
He throws Paul over a table and he lands, hitting his head on the floor.
Aaron helps him up.
Lassiter's Complex
Karl, Terese and Leo are anxiously waiting for developments. Sadie tells Byron that she can't get hold of Wendy. Byron reassures her that she's with her mentor.
Krista has heard the news and wants to get down to Lassiter's to support Paul and Leo. Nicolette says she can't come home because she has to be there for Aaron. She tells Krista to take Isla over to Jane's.
Felix has turned up and is surveying the scene. He overhears Andrew talking to his superior officer about Justin.
TONY: What do we know about this guy.
ANDREW: Well, he was involved with Tess Carmichael and Heath Silverton. Did some time in prison for armed rob and other armed charges.
TONY: So he knows what's coming down the pipeline at the end of this.
Andrew nods.
ANDREW: And that's what worries me. We dont'w ant him to think he has nothing to lose.
TONY: We need to know what's happening inside.
FELIX:(interrupting) What about an exchange? Sending someone in with a hidden camera in exchange for a hostage?
ANDREW: We've got this. You should go home.
As Andrew and Tony walk away, Felix looks thoughtful.
He slowly walks up to the police tape, quietly goes under it and goes around the back of The Waterhole.
Felix's shadow appears on the glass back door of the bar.
Holly sees the door open but luckily Justin is looking the other way. Felix crawls behind the bar and to cover the slight noise, Holly stands up.
HOLLY: Can I get my jacket? It's...it's just there. I'm cold.
JUSTIN:(taking out his gun) Don't muck around.
Holly retrieves her jacket and sits back down.
Felix is sitting behind the bar. He takes an apron and puts it on. Then he texts Andrew. "Inside the Waterhole. Take my call on mute"
Lassiter's Complex
Andrew sighs in exasperation, but takes the call a few seconds later.
Felix quietly slides his phone, with the open call to Andrew, on to the bar.
PAUL: So, who do you owe money to?
JUSTIN: You trying to be my mate now, are you?
PAUL: No, I'm just trying to understand.
JUSTIN: People you don't want to mess with. People like me.
Outside, Andrew starts recording.
PAUL: So, why don't you get on with giving your terms to the police then?!
HOLLY: Heath messed with both of us. The police will understand that you just want your money.
JUSTIN: Heath should've finished you off when Heath had a chance!
SUSAN: Leave her alone!
JUSTIN: Oh, shut up!
Sensing things are about to boil over, Felix decides to cause a distraction through revealing his presence by knocking over some cutlery.
JUSTIN:(shocked) Where did you come from?
FELIX: Nowhere. I just work in the kitchen...I'm sorry, I didn't know what to do.
JUSTIN: You get out of here! (to the others) Back! (to Felix) Get in.
Felix comes forward with his hands up.
JUSTIN: Where's your phone?
FELIX: It's in my locker.
Outside, Terese, Karl and Sadie are still waiting and the call from Felix's phone is still open.
JUSTIN:(to Felix) Empty your pockets, go on.
FELIX: I just want to get home to my wife...
Outside Tony is not happy.
TONY:(to Andrew) Your brother just put everyone in that building at risk!
JUSTIN: Empty your pockets!
Aaron senses an opportunity.
AARON: Holly, you have to go. Now, now.
HOLLY: No, this is my fault!
AARON: Susan.
SUSAN: No, not without Holly. Aaron, *you* have to go. Think of Isla! She's already lost David, she needs you.
Justin is distracted with Felix and has his back to them.
JUSTIN:(to Felix) You'd better not be lying to me!
Aaron has quickly and quietly made his way to the staff exit and got out undetected.
JUSTIN:(to Felix) Anyone else out there?
FELIX: No, it's just me. I'm not lying, I swear.
Lassiter's Complex
Aaron has made it out and is greeted by the police.
KARL: It's Aaron!
Justin has now noticed that Aaron has gone.
JUSTIN:(angrily) Hey, where's the other guy?! You think I'm stupid?! You think you can play me! Well, I'm in charge here!
He takes out his gun and smashes some glasses on the bar.
Then he grabs Holly.
JUSTIN: You! You find something to tie them all up! I want everyone up here in the middle. No more games. Move!
Holly has found some tape.
JUSTIN: Now, you get their hands behind their backs, nice and tight, no funny stuff!
Paul is having difficulty getting up.
JUSTIN: You, get up!
PAUL: Yeah, I'm trying, I'm trying.
JUSTIN: Oh, come off it! Get up!
HOLLY: No, he's got a bad leg, it's hard for him to...
Justin responds by slapping Holly.
SUSAN: No! No!
PAUL: Just leave her alone, will you?!
JUSTIN: Get over there! (To Felix) Alright, you. Tie 'em up nice and tight! No funny business! Well? Tie them up! Get busy, son!
When Justin is out of earshot, Felix whispers to Susan.
FELIX: I let the cops know what's going on. We'll get through this, I promise.
He starts taping their hands.
Lassiter's Complex
AARON: I think I've just made things worse for everyone else in there. I tried to get Susan to leave, but she wouldn't leave Holly. She told *me* to go. Told me to think of Isla, but I...
NICOLETTE: Susan's right! You did the right thing for your family, just like she is.
KARL: Are Susan and Holly OK?
AARON: Yeah. they're holding their own.
LEO: What about Dad?
AARON: He's been the voice of reason in there, he's making sure Justin keep a level head.
Terese closes her eyes.
LEO: Sounds like Dad.
TERESE:(opening her eyes) Yeah, always good in a crisis.
Krista has arrived and has got the floor plans of the Waterhole for the police. Andrew assures her that they'll resolve the situation.
Lassiter's Complex, the following morning
The siege is still going on. Armed police have arrived and there's a sniper on a nearby roof.
HOLLY:(to Susan) You OK?
SUSAN: Yeah, just cramping. It'll pass. Paul, you OK?
PAUL: Yeah.
Lassiter's Complex
A very tired- looking Karl and Terese are sitting outside Harold's Cafe.
KARL: Something has to happen soon, they can't just leave them in there like this.
Sadie goes over to Andrew.
SADIE: Mum didn't come home last night and she's not answering my calls or texts.
ANDREW:(confused) What? When was the last time you heard from her?
SADIE: Yesterday afternoon.
Justin is sitting in a chair.
HOLLY: We need another bathroom break.
SUSAN: Holly, don't. No, no, we're fine.
HOLLY: No, no, no, it's been hours since the last one.
JUSTIN: Alright. One at a time.
HOLLY: OK. Susan first.
Susan gets up.
HOLLY:(to Justin) You've got a son, don't you?
SUSAN:(mouths) No!
JUSTIN: How do you know I've got a son?
HOLLY: Melanie told me.
Heath points his knife at her.
JUSTIN: It's none of your business.
There is a long pause.
HOLLY: Look, we all understand that you never meant for any of this to happen. You obviously don't have a plan. If you did, you'd be asking for something. if you talk to the police, you'll be able to find a way out. For your son. Think of your son.
Justin cuts the tape binding Susan's arms and she sighs with relief.
Just then, some metal clatters behind the staff exit. Justin puts his knife down and gets his gun out.
JUSTIN: If that's the cops, someone in here is going to die!
Lassiter's Complex
The policeman monitoring the operation (Felix's phone battery has certainly lasted a long time!) calls Andrew over.
JUSTIN: Come out of there! Come out of there!! Come on!
SUSAN: Please, whoever it is, come out or he's going to shoot me!
Lassiter's Complex
ANDREW: Get ready to go in!
HOLLY: Please let her go.
JUSTIN: Come out of there!
Felix eyes Justin's knife on the table. The police wait tensely outside.
Slowly, the door to the staff area opens and figure with his hands up comes out. To everyone's shock, it's Quinn.
QUINN:(to Justin) Take it easy.
Felix looks again at the knife.
JUSTIN:(to Quinn) Are you a cop?
QUINN: No, I...I was just too scared to come out there.
Lassiter's Complex
Andrew hears Quinn's voice over the call and recognises it.
JUSTIN: Who else is out there?
QUINN: No-one. I'm...I'm...I'm serious.
Justin doesn't believe him.
JUSTIN:(yells) Come out of there! (To Quinn) Get out of my way.
Just then, another voice calls out.
WENDY: Quinn!
Lassiter's Complex
Andrew has heard her over the call.
ANDREW:(shocked) Wendy?
TONY: Isn't that your wife?! Who's Quinn?!
Quinn looks terrified.
Justin has had enough now.
JUSTIN: Someone in here is going to die!
Lassiter's Complex
TONY: Rodwell!
Sensing the endgame has arrived, Felix makes his moves and jumps at Justin from the side. He gets him on the floor and starts to try to wrestle his gun off him.
SUSAN: Felix!
Felix holds Justin down and there is gunshot that everyone hears, inside and outside.
Lassiter's Complex
In slow motion we see and hear Andrew give the order to storm the building.
ANDREW: Go, go, go, go go!
The police run into the Waterhole. Felix has succeeded in knocking the gun out of Justin's hands and the police kick it further away.
POLICE: Hands up! Don't move! Stay where you are!
They grab Justin.
POLICE:(into radio) Shooter has been neutralised, all hostages are safe. I repeat, all hostages are safe.
The hostages are, understandably, in shock.
Lassiter's Complex
Karl, Terese, Sadie and the others wait for news. A musical montage begins.
Susan and Holly make their way through the (now broken) front door of the Waterhole and Karl's face is etched with relief.
Felix exits, taking off his apron.
Karl hugs Susan and Holly to him.
Susan looks at Felix in awe and a moment of understanding passes between them.
Paul exits (limping a little) and Terese smiles in joy. Leo and Krista also look very relieved.
Leo hugs Paul. A moment passes between Paul and Terese.
Wendy staggers out and sees Andrew talking to his colleagues across the complex. He sees her, but doesn't react and carries on with his work.
Sadie sees Wendy go over to Andrew.
WENDY:(touching his shoulder) Andrew!
ANDREW: Why were you with him?!
Wendy just looks at him.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Holly is worried how the police will view her role in the siege
- Paul is pleased that Terese was worried about him
- Andrew tells Wendy that she has indulged Quinn 'so many times' and that she 'needs to take a good look at herself'
<<9118 - 9120>>
Justin Ashton, Aaron Brennan, Paul Robinson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9119
Justin Ashton, Aaron Brennan, Paul Robinson, Susan Kennedy

Nicolette Stone, Krista Sinclair in Neighbours Episode 9119
Nicolette Stone, Krista Sinclair

Holly Hoyland, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9119
Holly Hoyland, Susan Kennedy

Andrew Rodwell, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 9119
Andrew Rodwell, Leo Tanaka

Justin Ashton, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9119
Justin Ashton, Paul Robinson

Andrew Rodwell, Sadie Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9119
Andrew Rodwell, Sadie Rodwell

Justin Ashton, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9119
Justin Ashton, Paul Robinson

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9119
Paul Robinson

Terese Willis, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9119
Terese Willis, Karl Kennedy

Sadie Rodwell, Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 9119
Sadie Rodwell, Byron Stone

Krista Sinclair in Neighbours Episode 9119
Krista Sinclair

Andrew Rodwell, Felix Rodwell, Senior Sergeant Thompson in Neighbours Episode 9119
Andrew Rodwell, Felix Rodwell, Senior Sergeant Thompson

Felix Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9119
Felix Rodwell

Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9119
Andrew Rodwell

Justin Ashton, Felix Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9119
Justin Ashton, Felix Rodwell

Aaron Brennan, Holly Hoyland, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9119
Aaron Brennan, Holly Hoyland, Susan Kennedy

Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 9119
Aaron Brennan

Holly Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 9119
Holly Hoyland

Paul Robinson, Holly Hoyland, Susan Kennedy, Felix Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9119
Paul Robinson, Holly Hoyland, Susan Kennedy, Felix Rodwell

Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 9119
Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan

Terese Willis, Sadie Rodwell, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 9119
Terese Willis, Sadie Rodwell, Leo Tanaka

Justin Ashton, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9119
Justin Ashton, Susan Kennedy

Quinn Lao in Neighbours Episode 9119
Quinn Lao

Felix Rodwell, Justin Ashton in Neighbours Episode 9119
Felix Rodwell, Justin Ashton

Terese Willis, Karl Kennedy, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 9119
Terese Willis, Karl Kennedy, Leo Tanaka

CIRT Officer Brady in Neighbours Episode 9119
CIRT Officer Brady

Felix Rodwell, Susan Kennedy, Holly Hoyland, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9119
Felix Rodwell, Susan Kennedy, Holly Hoyland, Karl Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Felix Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9119
Susan Kennedy, Felix Rodwell

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 9119
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9119
Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell

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