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Neighbours Episode 9118 from 2024 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<9117 - 9119>>
Episode title: 9118 (Toadie Rebecchi departs)
Australian and UK airdate: 25/09/24
Writer: Elizabeth Packett
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Justin Ashton: Richard Sutherland
Dee Bliss: Madeleine West (archive footage, uncredited)
Kyle Canning: Chris Milligan (archive footage, uncredited)
Lou Carpenter: Tom Oliver (archive footage, uncredited)
Amy Greenwood: Jacinta Stapleton (archive footage, uncredited)
Billy Kennedy: Jesse Spencer (archive footage, uncredited)
Drew Kirk: Dan Paris (archive footage, uncredited)
Connor O'Neill: Patrick Harvey (archive footage, uncredited)
Stuart Parker: Blair McDonough (archive footage, uncredited)
Angie Rebecchi: Lesley Baker (archive footage, uncredited)
Callum Rebecchi: Morgan Baker (archive footage, uncredited)
Young Hugo Rebecchi: John Turner (archive footage, uncredited)
Young Nell Rebecchi: Scarlett Anderson (archive footage, uncredited)
Shane Rebecchi: Nicholas Coghlan (archive footage, uncredited)
Sonya Rebecchi: Eve Morey (archive footage, uncredited)
Stonefish Rebecchi: Anthony Engelman (archive footage, uncredited)
Joel Samuels: Daniel MacPherson (archive footage, uncredited)
Lyn Scully: Janet Andrewartha (archive footage, uncredited)
Steph Scully: Carla Bonner (archive footage, uncredited)
Anne Wilkinson: Brooke Satchwell (archive footage, uncredited)
Lance Wilkinson: Andrew Bibby (archive footage, uncredited)
Niklas Kruger: Frank Handrum (archive footage, uncredited)
- "So Long" by Bill Bingley
- "Begin Again" by Didirri
- "Now Its Summertime" by Zest Music
Summary/Images by: Liam/Jeremai
Previously on Neighbours
- Toadie and Melanie are cornered by Tess and Heath's henchman Justin as they poke around their posh house
- Holly asks after the bag of potting mix (where her cash was hidden); but Karl has thrown it out by accident
- Meanwhile, Holly is getting threatening texts from (presumably) Justin demanding she give him the cash
- Holly tells Karl and Susan she made a mistake buying the expensive car, and intends to sell it
- Toadie tells the Kennedys he wants to move to Colac with Nell and Hugo
- Terese asks Nell if she thinks she can make a long distance relationship with JJ work
- On their final date, Nell and JJ agree to stay together and visit one another as much as possible
- A tearful Terese tells Susan that Toadie has hurt her so deeply, she doesn't ever want to see him again
- Melanie tells Toadie he needs to find a way to forgive himself
- Later, Mel visits Terese and tells her she thinks she should come to Toadie's farewell party
Ramsay Street
Toadie gets out of his car with a gift box, and is about to head into No 28... but then stops to take in his surroundings. He puts the gift box on the bonnet of the car and purposely takes a moment to gaze around the street he's spent nearly 30 years of his life living in. Aptly set to the tune of Bill Bingley's 'So Long', we are treated to a final, bittersweet memory- montage of Toadie's time in Erinsborough.
We start with Toadie as a smart- alec teenager with his famous mullet (or more accurately, apparently, his undercut), being chased around No 28 by Karl and Susan. This is intercut with scenes of Toadie attacking best friend, the Kennedys' son Billy, with a water pistol, and later doing the Full Monty with Karl, Billy, Joel Samuels and Drew Kirk.
Toadie smiles as he remembers - then flashes back again to Lou Carpenter cutting off his mullet, to the delight of Billy, Anne Wilkinson and Amy Greenwood; Toadie looking sheepish with housemates Connor O'Neill and Stuart Parker; kissing his first wife- to- be Dee Bliss; and trying on his Lawman wrestling outfit in front of an unconvinced- looking Lyn Scully!
Further clips feature Toadie and Susan peering over the couch at a sleeping Karl; Toadie looking stern with second wife Steph standing behind him; Toadie laughing with a fake red nose on; an emotional Toadie hugging Susan; Toadie looking scary in an army outfit; his mum Angie looking despairing; and Toadie cremating some meat in the great barbecue competition of 2001!
The next set of clips documents Toadie's later years, including his introduction by Steph to his adoptive son, Callum; happy times at No 30 with his third wife, Callum's mum Sonya; Toadie, Stuart, former housemate Lance Wilkinson and brother Stonefish all dressed up as cut- price Teletubbies at his birthday party, while other brother Shane looks on; and Karl, Toadie and his client's husband Niklas at a naturist lunch!
We then see some more family clips: Sonya and Toadie doing their wedding dance, while Kyle Canning looks on laughing; Sonya and Toadie looking proudly at an ultrasound of baby Nell; more happy times at No 30 with Toadie, Sonya and Nell as a young family; and years later, a young Hugo added to the mix, playing on the lawn with Toadie and Nell.
We then flash to 2022 finale week, as Susan takes a photo of Karl, Callum, Toadie, Harold and Hugo on the day of Toadie's wedding to Melanie. We see him kissing Melanie at their ceremony in Lassiter's Park, and then kissing Terese, shortly after their own wedding at the vineyard. Back in the present, Toadie looks wistful at the flood of memories - then retrieves the gift box from the car and makes his way towards No 28.
No 28
In the garden, Hugo and Nell have joined Karl and Susan as they prepare for the party. Karl is blowing up some inflatable bowling pins. Nell asks what pizzas Karl has in store, which precipitates a discussion about the House of Trouser; Nell explains to Hugo that this is a reference to Toadie's younger days, when he and his housemates sat around in their undies all day.
HUGO: Cool!
Karl says he'll be doing meat lover pizzas in honour of those times.
KARL: And in honour of your mum, who always tried to encourage your dad to make healthy choices, there'll be vegetarian as well.
Karl falters as he says this, noticing Toadie approaching and not wanting to upset him. Toadie is still carrying the gift box which he wants to present to Karl and Susan. But they both seem oddly keen to make excuses, perhaps delaying the inevitable of saying a proper goodbye; and the gift goes unopened for now. Susan rushes off with the kids to the hospital so they can say goodbye to Terese there.
Erinsborough Hospital
Terese is sharing goodbye hugs with Nell and Hugo.
NELL: We're gonna miss you so much.
HUGO: Yeah. Even though you can't cook, you always order the best takeaway.
Touched by this compliment (!) Terese tells the kids how much she's going to miss them too.
TERESE: It's been an absolute joy and a privilege.
NELL: Even after I was so horrible to you at the start?
TERESE: Well, we've come a long way since then. And I couldn't be more proud of the gorgeous young woman you've become.
HUGO: Am I gorgeous too?
TERESE: Yes, of course you are! But listen, I want you to both remember that I will always be here for you. Do you understand?
Nonetheless, when Hugo asks if this means she'll be coming to the farewell party, Terese tells him she's 'still not feeling great' so it's probably best that she doesn't. She exchanges a glance with Nell, who knows this is only half the truth.
No 28
Toadie is looking at the Ramsay Street History Book - specifically, the page dedicated to his wedding to Terese - and closes it, evidently still feeling guilty with how things have turned out. Harold arrives, and Toadie greets him as 'the guest of honour'.
HAROLD: I rather think that might be you today.
TOADIE: Yeah, does kind of feel a bit that way, doesn't it?
HAROLD: Well, come on - people want to celebrate you. You're gonna be sorely missed here.
TOADIE: Mm. I know it's the right thing to do, for all of us. But it does still feel a bit weird - actually leaving.
HAROLD: I think I'm living proof that nobody actually leaves Erinsborough.
This prompts a bit of a chat about Gino Esposito having moved into Eirini Rising. Harold says they'll all be back on showtunes before you can say 'Sondheim'! Harold then goes a bit sheepish and says...
HAROLD: Jarrod... sorry I've been so harsh over our last couple of meetings. I know that family is everything to you, and for you to walk away from your marriage, it couldn't have been an easy thing to do. The only reason I lashed out was, I was worried about Terese. Since I've come to live here at Eirini Rising, well, we've become very close.
TOADIE: Mate, I'm not gonna blame you for defending Terese - she's an amazing woman. I just... can't be with anyone right now. Not until I sort myself out.
Harold takes his hand.
HAROLD: Well, then, it was the right and proper thing to do. And you have my full support.
At this point, Aaron, Jane, Krista and Leo show up in classic Toadfish- style attire.
JANE: You know, I was considering putting my hair into a ponytail and just shaving a little undercut.
TOADIE: Thank you, Jane, for calling it that. Because everyone calls it a mullet, but technically it wasn't!
LEO: Well, mullet or not, we're here to celebrate everything about you.
KRISTA: Yes, so let's get this party started.
HAROLD: In true Toadfish style!
Harold pulls open his own coat to reveal another Toadie- style Hawaiian shirt, and everyone starts cheering and daggy dancing!
Indoors, Susan, Karl and Holly are preparing food while Nell and Hugo are at the bench nearby. They hear a familiar laugh from outside the door.
KARL: Here's trouble.
Sure enough it's Melanie, plus further guests Andrew, in an Essendon footy shirt, Dex in a bowling shirt, and JJ - who has gone the whole hog and is wearing not only a Hawaiian shirt and lei, but a teenage- Toadie- style wig with ponytail! (Prediction - Nell will never be able to unsee this!)
KARL: I feel like I'm at a Hawaiian luau, a bowling alley and the MCG all at once.
MELANIE: Sounds like Toadie heaven!
Susan shows Andrew and Dex into the garden to greet the guest of honour. Meanwhile, Karl notices that Holly is looking distant and asks if she's okay. She insists she's fine.
JJ: So, do I look like a teenage version of your dad, or what?
NELL: Not at all. And please don't ever make that comparison again!
Melanie asks for a quick word with Nell and Hugo, so JJ leaves them to it and heads into the garden. Mel hugs the kids close to her.
MELANIE: Now, I know that I have said this before, but I am gonna say it again, because I truly- ruly mean it. I love you both so very, very, very much. And if you ever need me for anything, you just call, and I will be right there.
HUGO: That's exactly what Terese said.
MELANIE: Well, aren't you lucky to have both of us? Group hug.
The kids oblige. Meanwhile, Holly furtively checks her phone, to see if her ad for the car she's just bought and is now selling again has garnered any interest...
Erinsborough Hospital
Terese is getting ready to leave the hospital and her chauffeur has arrived - Paul.
TERESE: Listen, I can't go straight home. Toadie's farewell's across the road.
PAUL: Ah. And you don't feel the urge to just pop in?
TERESE: No. I've got nothing more to say.
Paul looks thoughtful.
No 28
In the garden, the party is now in full swing. Toadie is chatting to Andrew, and thanking him for his friendship.
TOADIE: The last few years of my life have been an emotional bin fire, and you have been there all the way, supporting me. Love you to bits.
ANDREW: Love you too, mate. Miss ya.
They share a hug, then Toadie heads over to the Kennedys to make a second attempt to give them their present, which is waiting for them indoors. But Susan and Karl once again make excuses, insisting they have to attend to guests with food and drink.
Harold heads over to Toadie and remarks on what a 'nice young fella' JJ is.
TOADIE: Yeah. Nell's keen on him.
HAROLD: Oh... what, you've got reservations?
TOADIE: I don't know that I do now.
Toadie goes over for a chat with JJ, who looks rather nervous.
TOADIE: Listen, I just want to let you know, you're actually a good kid. And I've been unfair, ever since Felix. You haven't actually done anything wrong - I've just had a whole bunch of my own stuff going on, and I've taken it out on you. So I'd like to apologise for that.
JJ: ...
TOADIE: If you ever feel like a trip down to Colac, mate, I promise that you *might* make it back alive.
JJ (laughs): Alright, thanks. Thank you, Toadie.
Nell is watching from a distance, and smiles as she sees the tension between Toadie and JJ broken. Dex then approaches her, and asks if they can have a private word indoors. She follows him inside.
DEX: You were the first friend I made when we moved here. So - just as a friend - I drew this.
It's a picture of Nell as a superhero, which he's labelled 'Half Nell- san'...
DEX: ... because the half nelson is a wrestling move, but the 'san' gives the name a Japanese anime twist.
NELL: I love it. Thank you.
They smile at one another.
Eirini Rising
Terese and Paul have made a pitstop at the Eirini Rising office, so that Terese can avoid going straight back to Ramsay Street and thus, the party.
TERESE: You know, you don't have to stay.
PAUL: It's alright. I don't mind waiting. Besides, you might still decide to go somewhere else.
TERESE: Okay, you know what? If you've got something to say, just say it.
PAUL: Terese, as you know, I've done a lot of things that I regret. But the things that tear you up in life are the regrets about things that you didn't do. Especially when they might help you get some sort of closure.
Terese looks thoughtful.
No 28
In the garden, Harold and Toadie are showing Leo and Krista the Ramsay Street History Book, and have landed on the Full Monty page.
TOADIE: Quite a saucy night, that one.
KRISTA: Hmm. I'm actually putting together a male revue as a fundraising event right now.
HAROLD: Oh, no, no...
TOADIE: Did you hear that, Harold? It's your second chance! He was meant to do this, but he chickened out, didn't ya?
HAROLD: It was all for the greater good! Besides, no one needs to see my nether regions, thank you very much!
Amidst the party, Holly is standing alone, looking anxiously at her phone. Wendy notices this while chatting to Melanie...
Ramsay Street
Wendy has followed Holly out into the street, and asks her if she's okay. Holly gestures at her new car, saying she should never have bought it as 'the repayments are through the roof'.
WENDY: Well, if you want me to look at the loan agreement, I can?
HOLLY (panicked): What?
WENDY: If you bought the car with a loan, there's gonna be documentation. Unless of course you bought it with stolen cash.
It looks as if Wendy is joking, but Holly isn't sure. She goes inside to her room in the pretence of looking for the loan documentation. But across the street, unseen by Holly and Wendy, someone is watching them from the seat of another car. It's Tess and Heath's henchman Justin, who kidnapped Toadie and Melanie...
No 28
Back in the garden, Wendy asks Susan for a chat, telling her she's worried about Holly - but rather than following them, we shift to Krista, Melanie and Leo all trying to persuade Aaron to take part in the male revue. He says it's a long time since he did any professional dancing, but then shows off one of his moves, to everybody's delight, proving that he hasn't forgotten them.
Jane brings Toadie (who is with Harold) a drink, and tells him Ramsay Street won't be the same without him, and that whenever he visits, it will feel like he never left.
JANE: It always feels that way for me.
HAROLD: Likewise. And this place always does seem to call you back.
TOADIE: Even from half the world away.
JANE: Yeah. Erinsborough isn't London, but... it will always be home.
Ramsay Street
Nell and JJ are sitting together on the set of steps outside No 28. In the plants nearby, Nell finds a piece of confetti from the 2022 street party for Toadie's wedding.
NELL: I can't believe it. It's like the first time we met. Except, umm... now it feels like it's all ending.
He puts a reassuring arm around her.
JJ: Hey, well, that's not true. Remember what we said? We're just getting started now.
They kiss, and smile at one another.
No 28
In the garden, Wendy is giving Toadie a goodbye hug. She then tells Andrew that she has to go and meet her uni mentor, and leaves; things still feel awkward between them. Meanwhile, Harold tells Toadie he's going to slip away before the final goodbyes.
HAROLD: Had far too many final farewells on Ramsay Street.
TOADIE: Yeah, yeah, of course, mate. Hey, thanks for coming.
HAROLD: I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
They hug, and Harold goes on his way. Melanie then approaches.
MELANIE: I'm sorry that Terese didn't come.
TOADIE: At least you and I can part on good terms.
They hug, too. As Melanie heads indoors, Toadie makes his third attempt to give Susan and Karl their farewell gift. This time, they're unable to put it off any longer, and admit they've been avoiding this moment.
TOADIE: Well, it hasn't been easy for me either. What you two mean to me... I don't even know where to start.
KARL: I know what I thought of *you* at the start. You were a ratbag. A terrible influence on William.
SUSAN: Well, I was lucky. I got to know you as your teacher. I could see how bright you were. You were just... bursting with untapped potential. And look what you've become.
TOADIE: Yeah. A guy who's had a nervous breakdown and is about to get divorced again.
SUSAN: Someone who's struggled, and tried, and sometimes fails, but... always gets right back up and does the right thing in the end.
KARL: Yep. And someone who's a very good father.
SUSAN: A loyal friend.
KARL: Always with a wonderful sense of humour.
SUSAN (welling up): And someone... that we love like a son.
TOADIE: Well, that's a relief to hear you say that. Cos otherwise, umm... this present might be a little bit awkward.
He opens the box, which contains a painted portrait of him as a teenager (seemingly based on a 1995 publicity shot!) complete with ponytail, undercut and Hawaiian shirt!
TOADIE: That's me, 1995. The first year I came to the street. And it's also the year that you got Helen Daniels to paint the portrait of your kids for Susan's birthday. Now obviously, I couldn't get Helen Daniels to paint it herself - but I did get it done in the Helen Daniels style.
Karl and Susan are more or less speechless!
TOADIE: I mean, if you don't like it, you can just put it on the dunny door, or use it as a dartboard - whatever.
KARL (tearful): It's ridiculously funny!
SUSAN (sobbing): And this is why... this is why we love you!
KARL: Oh, yes, Toad. And we always will.
They both embrace him as the camera pans downwards and lingers on the Toadie portrait...
Ramsay Street
The residents are now gathered in the street for the final goodbye. Nell and JJ take a moment alone.
JJ: I'll be calling you tonight.
They kiss again, as Toadie leaves No 28 with Susan and Karl to join Hugo, Melanie, Krista, Leo, Aaron, Holly and Dex in the driveway.
TOADIE: Yes, well, I don't wanna drag this on any longer that what I have to, so... love youse all!
He's about to get into his car, when another car pulls up - Paul is driving, and Terese is in the passenger seat. Terese gets out and approaches Toadie.
TOADIE: Didn't think I'd see you again.
TERESE: Well, you can thank Paul for convincing me to come.
Paul gives Toadie a subtle nod of acknowledgement from the other side of the car.
TERESE: I just wanted to wish you well.
She kisses him on the cheek; we sense it's a difficult moment for her, but one that Toadie truly appreciates.
TOADIE (emotional): It's, uh... that means everything.
As he gets into his car, he smiles over at Terese and Paul. Nell has become tearful and gives Melanie a final hug, before climbing into the passenger seat; Hugo is in the back.
TOADIE: Are we ready to rock and roll?
But at this moment Andrew appears, having changed into a familiar- looking outfit - that of the Lawman, Toadie's legendary wrestling alter- ego! Andrew throws himself onto the car bonnet, rolls across it and then points a finger- gun in Toadie's direction.
ANDREW: Stop in the name of the law!
TOADIE: Oh my god.
HUGO: This is the best!
Everyone then gathers around to sound air horns and fire silly string all over the car. Even Paul and Terese are laughing.
HUGO: *This* is the best!
In a final parting gesture, Leo, Aaron and Karl gather around the front of the car and drop their trousers, putting their brightly coloured comedy undies on display, much to the mingled amusement and consternation of Hugo, Nell and Toadie.
HUGO: This is the best, too!
TOADIE: It's *all* been the best...
Everyone cheers and waves as the car rolls away.
TOADIE: ... every single glorious second.
No 28
Back indoors, Jane, Melanie, Terese, Paul and Holly are gathered around as Susan and Karl place the portrait of Toadie in its new rightful place on the shelf.
SUSAN: It's certainly gonna be strange not having him around.
PAUL: Well, he was definitely a permanent fixture in the neighbourhood, wasn't he?
KARL: Yep. One of a kind.
Terese is looking tired and emotional, and Melanie asks how she's holding up. She makes out she's fine, but says her bed is calling. Paul offers to escort her home, but Jane is quick and pointed in stepping in to volunteer instead!
TERESE (to Paul): Thanks for everything today.
Jane and Terese leave, and Melanie announces she's going too.
MELANIE: Nighty- night, spunks.
Aaron and Holly then come in. Aaron asks if anyone wants to join him for a last drink at the Waterhole. Holly seems eager to get out, and says she'll come; but Susan, who is evidently worried about Holly, then says she'll join them too. Holly looks worried. The three of them and Paul head off to the pub.
The Waterhole
Paul, Aaron, Susan and Holly arrive at a curiously empty pub. As Aaron mans the bar, Paul announces he'll get a round in, while Susan checks in with Holly, who insists she's alright. But at this point, Justin walks into the pub behind them. He glares at Holly until she realises who he is - and walks over to him to talk, ignoring Paul and Susan's questions about what she'd like to drink.
HOLLY: Look, I know you want your money, and I will get it to you eventually. I just need some more time.
JUSTIN: No. I need my money *now*.
Panicking, Holly tries to make a run for the exit, but Justin grabs her, to Susan's alarm. Aaron rushes over and punches Justin, allowing Holly to escape his grasp - but at this point, Justin pulls a gun from his pocket.
JUSTIN: Alright. No one is going nowhere... until I get my cash.
Everyone looks alarmed, and Holly most of all.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Justin is still holding the residents at gunpoint
- Aaron furtively asks Holly how she knows Justin and what money he's after
- Leo tells Andrew that something's going on in the pub; the door's locked and no one's answering the phone
- Susan begs Justin to let everyone go home
- Justin looking angry
- Police turning up outside the pub
- Karl, Leo, Sadie, Andrew and Terese are looking worried
- 'Someone in here is gonna die,' says Justin, one hand on Susan's shoulder, pointing his gun with the other
<<9117 - 9119>>
Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9118
Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9118
Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy

Toadie Rebecchi, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9118
Toadie Rebecchi, Billy Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9118
Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy

Lou Carpenter, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9118
Lou Carpenter, Toadie Rebecchi

Billy Kennedy, Amy Greenwood, Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 9118
Billy Kennedy, Amy Greenwood, Anne Wilkinson

Toadie Rebecchi, Connor O
Toadie Rebecchi, Connor O'Neill, Stuart Parker

Dee Bliss, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9118
Dee Bliss, Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 9118
Toadie Rebecchi, Lyn Scully

Angie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9118
Angie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 9118
Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi, Steph Scully

Shane Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Stonie Rebecchi, Stuart Parker, Lance Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 9118
Shane Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Stonie Rebecchi, Stuart Parker, Lance Wilkinson

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9118
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Callum Rebecchi, Hugo Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9118
Callum Rebecchi, Hugo Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Nell Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Hugo Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9118
Nell Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Hugo Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Terese Willis, Hugo Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9118
Terese Willis, Hugo Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi

Jane Harris, Leo Tanaka, Krista Sinclair, Aaron Brennan, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9118
Jane Harris, Leo Tanaka, Krista Sinclair, Aaron Brennan, Toadie Rebecchi

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 9118
Harold Bishop

Dex Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy, Andrew Rodwell, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 9118
Dex Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy, Andrew Rodwell, Melanie Pearson

Nell Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson, Hugo Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9118
Nell Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson, Hugo Rebecchi

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9118
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Andrew Rodwell, Krista Sinclair, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9118
Andrew Rodwell, Krista Sinclair, Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, JJ Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9118
Toadie Rebecchi, JJ Varga-Murphy

Dex Varga-Murphy, Nell Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9118
Dex Varga-Murphy, Nell Rebecchi

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9118
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Wendy Rodwell, Holly Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 9118
Wendy Rodwell, Holly Hoyland

Justin Ashton in Neighbours Episode 9118
Justin Ashton

Leo Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Melanie Pearson, Krista Sinclair in Neighbours Episode 9118
Leo Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Melanie Pearson, Krista Sinclair

Nell Rebecchi, JJ Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9118
Nell Rebecchi, JJ Varga-Murphy

Harold Bishop, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9118
Harold Bishop, Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 9118
Toadie Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson

Toadie Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9118
Toadie Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9118
Karl Kennedy, Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9118
Toadie Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi

JJ Varga-Murphy, Leo Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9118
JJ Varga-Murphy, Leo Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Andrew Rodwell

Hugo Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9118
Hugo Rebecchi

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Melanie Pearson, Dex Varga-Murphy, Leo Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9118
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Melanie Pearson, Dex Varga-Murphy, Leo Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Andrew Rodwell

Melanie Pearson, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9118
Melanie Pearson, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Paul Robinson

Justin Ashton, Susan Kennedy, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9118
Justin Ashton, Susan Kennedy, Paul Robinson

Holly Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 9118
Holly Hoyland

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