Previously on Neighbours
- Toadie tells Susan and Karl he wants to move to Colac with Nell and Hugo
- Nell tells a disappointed JJ that 'people do long distance all the time' and asks if they can do that
- Terese leaves Mackenzie and Haz's wedding reception when Toadie gets too close
- Hugo tells Toadie that Terese said she'll be happy if she never sees him again
- Felix tells Terese about the furniture collection programme that's run by the halfway house he's staying at
- Cara and Remi are concerned to see Felix arranging to pick up furniture from Eirini Rising, JJ's workplace
- After Felix clears the air with Remi, she tells him it's safe to go to Eirini tomorrow, as JJ isn't working
- But Cara is convinced that Felix is up to something
- Holly taking more cash from her stash in the greenhouse
- Byron can't believe Holly has spent $50,000 on a car; and Karl says it would have required a huge loan
- Holly tells Karl that she isn't going to ask him to bail her out, if that's what is worrying him
- But later, she gets a text from an unknown number, saying, 'I want my money'
No 28
Holly arrives home, looking very worried. She looks again at the scary text message she's received, and replies, asking, 'Who is this???' Karl emerges from the bedroom and asks for her help in preparing for Toadie's party, but she's too distracted to reply.
KARL: Hello? Earth to Holly? You okay?
HOLLY (terse): I'm fine. Car drives like a dream. Best decision that I ever made.
KARL: Okay, I think I know what's going on here. I think you've done the maths and realised you can't afford this car. When you're ready, I can help you brainstorm some options.
Holly doesn't reply, and continues to look worried.
Meanwhile, Karl goes into the back garden to join Toadie and Susan, who are staring disgustedly into the pizza oven.
TOADIE: When's the last time you cleaned this? When I had an undercut?
SUSAN: He's never liked doing it.
KARL: They're self- cleaning... aren't they?
Toadie promises to get it cleaned up for them. Meanwhile Susan is pleased with the overall state of the garden, since Karl has 'cleared up all that half- broken rubbish' she's been pestering him about. Karl has bad news for her, though; he's had to throw out the trestle table from the garage, as the legs were broken.
SUSAN: We can't have a farewell party without a trestle table!
Susan prepares to text Jane, but Toadie has another suggestion - that they don't have a farewell party for him after all.
KARL: What do you mean?
TOADIE: I'm only going to Colac.
SUSAN: Toadie! You're leaving Erinsborough.
TOADIE: Exactly, yes! I'm not dying. So, I'd be pretty happy with coffee and a cake, really.
KARL: We wouldn't! You're a member of this family, and you're leaving us. It's the end of an era!
SUSAN: And it's not just about you. We all need to close this chapter.
KARL: Yeah.
TOADIE: Beginnings and endings.
SUSAN: Yes. They're important.
TOADIE: ... Okey dokey. Rustle up a trestle table and I'll clean up. We're having a partaaaaay!
But despite putting on a front, Toadie still doesn't look all that keen as Susan and Karl walk away. He makes a phone call to a mystery person, and asks if they're free for a chat...
Erinsborough Hospital
Terese is still in her hospital bed, and Nell is with her playing a game of draughts. Nell tells Terese that JJ is taking her out later on a surprise date.
TERESE: Oh! So, do you think you'll be able to make long distance work?
NELL: ... Umm, it's a tough one to talk about.
TERESE: Yeah, well, I'm sure it'll come up organically. The only thing you have to worry about is enjoying your date. Life is for living, okay?
NELL: Do you know when you're gonna get discharged yet?
TERESE: Umm, I think it's tomorrow.
NELL: So, you could potentially come to our goodbye party.
TERESE: ... I'm sorry, Nell. Seeing your dad is still too hard. I'm sure you understand that.
NELL (disappointed): Yeah. I mean, Dad's doing what's right for him; you should be able to do the same. Don't feel bad; I mean, of course I'll miss you, but I get it.
Terese strokes Nell's face and tells her she is 'wise beyond her years'.
Harold's Café
Remi and Cara are quizzing JJ about what he has planned for his last date with Nell. He hasn't decided yet, but has the day off work so he can plan something nice.
REMI: Do you want some Ma wisdom?
JJ: Please, yeah.
REMI: Keep it simple. One of my favourite dates with your mum is, she picked me up after work, we drove to a pretty spot, sat in the back of the ute, and had a bite to eat.
JJ: Is that it?
REMI: Mm- hm.
CARA: Yeah, well, when you love someone, you just want to spend time with them.
JJ thanks them for the input, and heads to the counter to order. But he's received a text from Harold, asking if JJ could pick up some mulch and bring it to Eirini Rising...
No 28
Holly is folding washing, and staring at her phone as if waiting for the next threatening message. There's a sharp bang on the door that startles her - but it's only Melanie, who explains that Toadie has asked her to come round. But she notices Holly is looking shaken.
HOLLY: What did the guy that kidnapped you look like?
MELANIE: Oh! So we're going there before we've even said hello to each other?
HOLLY: I've just been thinking a lot about Heath lately, and it reminded me that they never caught his muscle, did they?
MELANIE: His name's Justin. And you're right - the police never found him. Why do you want to know what he looks like?
HOLLY: Just painting a picture in my head.
MELANIE: Well, from what I remember, he was tall and beefy...
Melanie takes Holly's hands reassuringly.
MELANIE: Heath's gone. He can't hurt you again. And Justin was only here because of him.
HOLLY: If for some reason, he were to come out of the woodwork... do you think that he's a dangerous person?
MELANIE: He kidnapped Toadie and I, so... yeah! He's scary. We begged him to let us go, and he wouldn't. I do remember at one point, though, waking up and hearing him on the phone. He was telling someone how to do something... but he sounded caring. I think he might've been talking to his son?
HOLLY: Creep by night, family man by day...
Melanie shrugs. Holly thanks her, and tells her that Toadie is out in the back yard. As Melanie goes outside, Holly glances at her phone again.
Eirini Rising
JJ has arrived and is speaking on the phone to Harold, asking him if it's okay to leave the mulch he's brought in the courtyard. Apparently it is, and JJ is just on his way out again when he comes face to face with Felix, who's with another guy collecting Gino's furniture from the courtyard as arranged.
FELIX: JJ... we're just getting some furniture. I told your mum we were coming. She said you wouldn't be here.
JJ stares for a while, unsure how to react, then hurries past Felix, eyes down, mumbling something about being here to help Harold.
FELIX: Sorry for springing this on you. We'll be quick.
JJ: It's okay, I was just leaving.
JJ doesn't look back as he speaks, and Felix looks sad as he watches him go.
No 28
Melanie sits down with Toadie in the garden. He reveals he's asked her here because he just wanted to say a proper goodbye, and to let her know that he'll make sure Nell and Hugo stay in touch with her.
MELANIE: Believe me, so am I. But it's nice to hear you say it.
TOADIE: ... You deserve all the good things, Mel. And I really hope you get 'em.
MELANIE: Thank you. I've been thinking the same thing myself, actually. In fact, you could say that I am actively looking for them.
TOADIE: ... Are you dating? Online?
MELANIE: There's one guy that I'm messaging.
TOADIE: Good for you!
MELANIE: It's just a bit of fun. I'm not unpacking the tiger print quite yet.
But this reminder of their relationship makes Toadie become sombre and emotional all of a sudden. Mel touches him reassuringly.
MELANIE: You know, we're not failures because it didn't work out with us. We're just people.
He looks unconvinced, but she takes his hands in hers.
MELANIE: Forgiving myself has been my way through. You need to find a way to forgive yourself.
TOADIE (tearful): What if I can't?
MELANIE: Then let me do it for you. I forgive you, Toadie Rebecchi, for being human, and all the things that go along with that. And I hope, one day, you will believe those words too.
A very emotional Toadie takes some deep breaths and nods in acknowledgement.
Erinsborough Hospital
Terese is packing away the draughts game she was playing with Nell. She looks at her phone, at a photo of her wedding day to Toadie a year ago, and becomes tearful as she scrolls through the whole photo album. At this point, Susan turns up to visit and asks what's wrong.
TERESE (tearful): How did Toadie and I get here? I just... I don't understand!
Susan gives Terese a hug as she breaks into sobs.
Harold's Café
JJ has dressed up for his date with Nell, and is packing items into a picnic hamper. Meanwhile, Cara and Remi are quizzing him about his encounter with Felix. JJ insists that Felix didn't really say anything to him, but says it was 'just weird'.
JJ: He was equally surprised to see me.
REMI: He did ask my permission. We didn't tell you cos we didn't want you to be upset, and I didn't think you were on shift.
JJ explains about Harold's request.
JJ: One minute I was dumping mulch, and the next minute I'm staring at Felix.
REMI: Are you okay?
JJ: I decided not to see Felix when he was in hospital cos it didn't feel right - and yeah, it just still doesn't.
CARA: I'm sorry, buddy (...) Look, just forget about Felix, okay? He's not worth it. Why don't you go and have a nice arvo with your girl?
JJ turns around to see that Nell has emerged from the lakeside entrance. JJ brightens up immediately and goes over to join her with the picnic supplies.
Meanwhile, Nicolette is serving Holly at the counter. Holly is on her phone, asking colleague Katrina if she ever saw Heath's security guy (Justin) at the hotel.
HOLLY: Maybe by the lockers?
Nicolette's interest is piqued. But Katrina doesn't seem able to assist in Holly's questions, leading Holly to take revenge by refusing to cover her Saturday shift ('you weren't even helpful!) As she wraps up the call, Nicolette hands Holly her coffee, and Holly rushes out without a word.
NICOLETTE: You're welcome (!)
Lassiter's Lake
JJ and Nell have set up the picnic blanket by the lake, near to Sonya's memorial tree.
NELL: This is my favourite spot in Erinsborough.
JJ: I know.
JJ has brought lots of 'non- nutritious food groups', plus a Polaroid camera because 'if we don't document it with pictures, then legally, it never happened'.
NELL: This is perfect. Exactly what I felt like doing.
JJ: I'm glad.
NELL: I can't believe you pulled it all together after seeing Felix.
JJ: No, no - I did all this before I ran into him.
NELL: You want to talk about it?
JJ: Not really. I just want to hang out with the coolest girl I know.
NELL: You know, umm... we won't be able to do this anymore after tomorrow.
JJ: Yeah... yeah, I don't really want to think about that right now.
She takes his hand.
NELL: Look, I know we said we'd do long distance... but can we really? JJ, should we just end this now?
Erinsborough Hospital
Susan is still visiting Terese, who is still emotional about Toadie.
TERESE: He is leaving almost to the day of our anniversary. We were supposed to have a big party. I thought Toadie was gonna be forever, but we didn't even make a year.
SUSAN: He says he hasn't properly processed his grief.
TERESE (tearful): Well, how fun for me to be the one to help him see that (!) For my troubles, I'm going through my third divorce. I feel used. I'm not okay, Susan. I am aching all over, and it is not just from the car accident. Toadie has hurt me so deeply that I don't want to see him ever again!
Lassiter's Lake
Nell is gazing sadly at Sonya's tree for what may be the last time in a while. She rejoins JJ on the picnic blanket.
NELL: Are you ready to share your pros and cons?
JJ: (...) Okay. Umm, yeah - reasons why we shouldn't end this. You're awesome.
NELL: Obviously.
JJ: You like B- grade wrestling movies, and you draw some of the most beautiful pictures. Plus, if I got jumped by a dodgy perp, you could body- slam the heck out of them.
NELL: So, you want to stay with me so I can be your bodyguard?
JJ: Maybe! No, uh... my biggest thing is that you don't judge me. You still like me, even though I can make a lot of dumb choices sometimes. Your turn.
NELL: ... You're sweet and funny, and protective. Not just of me. The way you look out for Dex, and Harold, and your mums... makes me like you even more.
JJ: Umm, I only have one con on my list. It's distance.
NELL: We can try and visit each other as much as possible. I mean, Colac isn't that far.
JJ (happily): So we're still gonna do this?
NELL (smiling): I guess you're stuck with me.
JJ pulls out the camera and takes some photos of them to mark the moment.
No 28
In the garden, Toadie tells Melanie about the farewell party the Kennedys are throwing for him and the kids tomorrow.
TOADIE: You should come, because we'd love you to be there.
MELANIE: Well, that sounds very nice. I might bring my date. Not!
She does the laugh!
TOADIE: I wish Terese was as easy to talk to you as you are. I mean, she won't even see me.
Mel promises to be back tomorrow, and heads off, just as Holly emerges into the garden. She sends another text to the unknown number, saying, 'Is this Justin? I'll return your money.' Then she goes into the greenhouse to collect the cash - but is horrified to find that the bag of potting mix she was storing has gone!
Karl has come out to see how Toadie's doing cleaning the pizza oven. Holly exits the greenhouse and asks him where the open bag of potting mix has gone.
KARL: Annoyingly, it got mixed up with all the rubbish that Susan made me throw out.
Holly looks alarmed...
Lassiter's Complex
Melanie runs into Nell, who's just finished up her date with JJ. Nell enthuses about how well it went; she admits she freaked out momentarily when she thought JJ would have second thoughts about their long distance relationship, but says it's all sorted now.
MELANIE: So, tomorrow is the big day.
NELL: You are coming to our goodbye party, right?
MELANIE: Of course I am! I have to soak up every last second I can with you kids. You didn't think I'd miss it?
NELL: No, I was just checking. Terese isn't up for it, and I get why. It's just, umm... leaving town without her there feels wrong.
Melanie gives Nell a comforting hug.
The Waterhole
Remi asks Aaron what time Toadie's farewell party is starting tomorrow. Aaron doesn't know, but says he'll definitely be there.
REMI: Nell and JJ had their farewell date today.
AARON: Oh, did they? I was so happy when they got together.
REMI: First love is so special.
AARON: Yeah. The only thing better is meeting your soulmate.
As Aaron gets back to work, Felix comes in and asks Remi if she's heard that he ran into JJ at Eirini Rising. She confirms she did.
FELIX: I'm so sorry. The last thing I want to do is upset him.
REMI: Well, JJ was shocked to see you. He wasn't expecting it. But he's okay. And we know it wasn't your fault. He wasn't supposed to be at work. No one's blaming you.
FELIX: Thank you for saying that.
Felix goes on his way; Remi looks thoughtful.
No 28
Holly has been searching the bins for the stuff from the garden that got thrown out, but to no avail. Susan explains that Karl took it out for hard rubbish. Karl comes in, and says he dumped the stuff on Oakview Street - but Susan reveals that she came along that route on her way back from the hospital, and the stuff is all gone now; the council must have taken it already.
Holly looks worried, and even more so when she gets a further text from the number she assumes to be Justin's, saying, 'I want the $$ tomorrow morning.' Susan notices how worried Holly looks and asks her if she's okay, but she brushes it off, telling Karl and Susan by way of explanation...
HOLLY: You guys were right. I should never have bought that car.
KARL: Exactly. What are you gonna do about it)
HOLLY: Sell it. As soon as possible.
Karl and Susan are both relieved, but Holly is looking very panicked now.
The Waterhole
At the bar, Cara and Remi are having a glass of wine while chatting to Aaron who's serving.
REMI: Felix was really apologetic about JJ...
AARON: There's definitely something different about him this time.
CARA (scoffs): Or he somehow arranged to JJ to be there.
REMI (laughs): Oh, you can't seriously believe that?
CARA: Well, I can't put it past him either.
Aaron looks sceptical and leaves them to their chat.
REMI: And how would he have arranged that? What, he's secretly in cahoots with Harold?
CARA: Maybe he tricked him.
REMI: Or it was just bad luck.
CARA: Right. So Felix just happens to offer Terese help at the place where JJ works, and then he just happens to be there when JJ is?
REMI: Yeah.
CARA: No. I don't buy it.
REMI: Do you think you're maybe being a bit paranoid?
CARA: Absolutely. Doesn't mean I'm wrong.
Erinsborough Hospital
Melanie has dropped in to see Terese with a 'Berry Buster', one of the Drinks Divas specialities, to top up her antioxidants. Terese says that's very kind, but is visibly weary.
TERESE: Look, can I be honest? Why are you here?
MELANIE: ... I think you should come to Toadie's farewell party.
TERESE: I'm not going.
MELANIE: Well, just think about it, for a moment. Closing the chapter with Toadie was really cathartic for me; it might be for you too.
TERESE: Look, Melanie, your situation is very different to mine. And just to be clear, you have no idea what is gonna help me to move on.
MELANIE: How are you gonna let Toadie go if you don't say goodbye? Come to the party. Not just for Toadie, but for you. And for Nell and Hugo, too.
But Terese looks deeply unconvinced.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Harold tells Toadie he's going to be sorely missed here
- Susan, Karl, Holly, JJ, Dex, Andrew and Melanie have gathered to bid the Rebecchis farewell
- Jane tells Toadie the street won't be the same without him
- Toadie tells an emotional Susan and Karl, 'What you two mean to me... I don't know where to start'
- Paul tells Terese that the things that tear you up in life are the regrets about things you didn't do