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Neighbours Episode 9116 from 2024 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<9115 - 9117>>
Episode title: 9116
Australian and UK airdate: 23/09/24
Writer: Fiona Bulle
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Felix Rodwell: James Beaufort
- "Sweet" by Velvet Road
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Jeremai
- Holly reassuring Karl/Susan she isn't getting into debt.
- Holly explaining herself to Wendy.
- Holly handing over some of Heath's money to Andrew.
- Wendy agreeing to keep quiet over what Holly did.
- Holly agreeing a deal to buy a car for $50k.
- Felix offering to pray for Wade.
- Remi wondering if Felix has changed… but Cara thinks he's just a liar!
- The Rodwell's reconnecting with each other.
- Wendy lying to Andrew over a message from Quinn.
- Byron spotting Wendy meeting Quinn… and hugging him!
Number 28
Holly is suss when Karl gives her a coffee the moment she comes out of her room - its his way of bribing Holly into helping find someone to shift the furniture at Eirini Rising. The lass though has other plans (but refuses to say what they are) so turns her dad down and heads out of the house.
Ramsay Street
When they run into each other, Byron unloads to Holly about finding Quinn and Wendy together (including the hug but thankfully they did part to go their separate ways) and asks her opinion if he should say something and to whom? Holly is preoccupied though with an incoming message and so Byron comes up with the answer himself - he will talk to Sadie.
Harold's café/Hospital
Over the phone, Karl lets Terese know that he can't find anyone to shift Gino's furniture and it looks now as if it will be thrown out given they can't find anyone to give it to/take it away. Felix seems very interested in the conversation before he exits the café.
Felix drops by the hospital to apologise to Terese for how she ended up in hospital and for what happened previously at Eirini Rising. She thanks him for that (and the coffee he brought too) and after hearing Felix's pitch for how to make use of Gino's furniture (the half- way house he is staying at could use it and collect it too), Terese suggests he runs his idea past the K's and if they are on board, she will be too.
The Waterhole
Wendy continues to lie to Andrew over the 'Uni stuff' she got called away to sort. The pair are pashing when Sadie comes in and isn't too amused to see what her parents are up to especially in public!
Lassiters Complex
Given the behaviour of her parents, Sadie is adamant (when she literally runs into Byron) that they have to find somewhere else for drinks! Byron is just about to spill about what he saw when their attention is drawn to a car pulling up into the car park and realise who the driver is.
Holly is high as a kite over her new car especially given it isn't the hatchback she was intending on buying. Sadie questions if this is some sort of "quarter life crisis" Holly is going through but given what she's been through lately, Holly's mantra is to make the most of life including getting "out on the great open road" in her hybrid new wheels without "a care in the world."
Eirini Rising (outside)
Cara meets up with Remi after she's been to see Harold and they are trying to figure out JJ's car situation when they come across Felix and Karl dealing with Gino's furniture. Even after Karl explains what they are up to, Cara isn't amused to see Felix there especially given JJ works at Eirini Rising and goes to school next door. The proximity [to JJ] is something Felix hadn't considered and so Cara demands that he "stays away from anywhere JJ might be."
Harold's café
Cara is still very much anti- Felix despite Remi almost trying to defend him including the fact he has kept away from JJ but should that change, then they will deal with it. Remi does go along with Cara wanting to let Andrew know what Felix was up to before she heads to the hospital for her shift.
The Waterhole
With her dad nowhere to be seen, it's safe for Sadie (and Byron) to visit the pub! Sadie admits to Byron that she hadn't realised how upsetting it was watching her parents fight and is very much relived that it's over.
Holly joins them and Sadie admits she was looking forward to going car shopping with her. "Sorry babe, it was an impulse buy," Holly explains to justify her purchase. Byron goes online to see how much she paid and can't believe the $50k costs (neither can Sadie nor Wendy who arrived with their drinks). "Did you win the lottery or something?!" Sadie asks as Holly tries to defend paying that much for a car.
On the pretence of getting the table some chips, Holly heads to the bar but it's really a ruse to speak to Wendy. Holly tries to claim that she got a good deal from the salesperson and financed it using her savings, selling some things as well as taking out a loan.
WENDY: Why are you telling me this?
HOLLY: I don't want you to think that I'm dodgy.
WENDY: Then congrats on your big purchase. I'm sure you earned it.
Remi is surprised to see Felix again (he's been in seeing Terese) and he thanks her for helping diffuse the situation with Cara earlier. Even if Cara thinks otherwise, Remi believes he didn't have any hidden agendas but does suggest he contacts Cara first to ensure it safe to visit the school/Eirini Rising. When Felix then mentions he planned to go there tomorrow [to get the furniture], Remi thinks that will be safe.
Number 32 (next day)
After Sadie stays over, Byron finally plucks up the courage to tell her about seeing Quinn with her mum and that they were hugging more than friends would do. Sadie takes the news well, and is glad he told her too, but isn't sure yet what to do with this information.
SADIE: I cannot screw this up again.
Number 28
Wendy helps Karl home with bags of stuff and they chat about a day Karl isn't looking forward to - Toadie's farewell. She admits that both Andrew and herself aren't looking forward to that day either before changing topics to talk about Holly's new car. Karl hadn't heard she'd bought one and thanks Wendy for filling him in on this news.
The Waterhole
Remi and Cara debate whether to tell JJ about Felix visiting Eirini Rising or not and decide to go with the latter so not to upset the lad further, what with Nell leaving.
Andrew interrupts to apologise for the stress caused with Felix and the furniture - he did think his brother was genuinely trying to help. "I don't!" Cara immediately replies back and Remi asks Andrew if he genuinely thinks Felix has changed?
ANDREW: I'd like to believe that he has… but I don't know. I mean, we've been down this road so many times, and every time he's let me down.
Cara thinks this is added justification not to trust Felix, and Remi accuses her of putting words in Andrew's mouth! Thankfully a text summoning Andrew is his excuse to leave although before he does go, Andrew admits he isn't sure "how this is all gonna pan out" however the "number one priority is to protect JJ" and should Felix jeopardise that, he will take immediate action. While Remi seems satisfied with his plan, Cara isn't!
Harold's café
Wendy and Sadie are nonchalantly chatting when Andrew arrives as summoned! Sadie gets right to it and brings up what Byron witnessed. Andrew didn't know about Wendy meeting with Quinn, which she doesn't deny doing, and at this point, Sadie bails to allow them to talk.
We hear Wendy explain to Andrew that she did initially ignore Quinn's calls/texts but he got more and more upset as she continued to ignore him. Turns out his family are putting pressure on him to change courses and study medicine (rather than sports science) because it's more prestigious and so he "just needed a friend" and picked Wendy given she's got "a similar lived experience."
WENDY: I only met with him to tell him that I couldn't see him anymore. And that hug? It was just to say goodbye. You know, I'm done with being friends with him… I promise!
Number 28
Karl is ready and waiting for Holly to arrive home so he can talk to her about the car. Holly thought it would be best to buy it then tell her dad especially when he is concerned about her making a big purchase at such a young age. The pair go head- to- head over the costs and Karl is fearful that she won't be able to keep up with the loan repayments - something she is adamant won't be happening. "I'm not a baby," Holly reminds him and understands what the consequences are of her choices. When he brings up about her recent traumatic experiences, that is the last straw for her and she storms out of the house 'thanking' him for ruining her day!
Harold's café
Wendy returns with a slice of "apology cake" to Andrew. He wants to know why she didn't tell him [about meeting Quinn] and her explanation is they were in such a good place after their meditation session, they'd got their "old spark back" and so she didn't want to "derail that." Andrew asks what happens if Quinn asks to see her and Wendy plans to stick to her guns and tell him "no" and he "can go find someone new!"
ANDREW: That's what you promised last time and look at where we are.
ANDREW: What if I did something like that? How would you feel?
WENDY: Terrible.
Andrew does reassure her that he trusts her "but you can't keep these things from me" and adds that she must say something should a similar situation arise. "I will. I promise," she immediately replies back even doing a 'pinkie swears' with him to emphasise her commitment. With a "we're good" from the both, they share a hug although the face Andrew has would suggest he isn't as good as Wendy is.
Ramsay Street
Holly is destressing listening to music in her car when she gets a text message from an anonymous number. The sender wants their money!
Coming up on Neighbours
- Terese admitting to Susan she isn't okay.
- Melanie telling Toadie he needs to forgive himself.
- Nell questioning if she can do a long distance relationship with JJ?
<<9115 - 9117>>
Holly Hoyland, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9116
Holly Hoyland, Karl Kennedy

Byron Stone, Holly Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 9116
Byron Stone, Holly Hoyland

Felix Rodwell, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9116
Felix Rodwell, Karl Kennedy

Terese Willis, Felix Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9116
Terese Willis, Felix Rodwell

Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9116
Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell

Sadie Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9116
Sadie Rodwell

Holly Hoyland, Byron Stone, Sadie Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9116
Holly Hoyland, Byron Stone, Sadie Rodwell

Holly Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 9116
Holly Hoyland

Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9116
Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy

Karl Kennedy, Felix Rodwell, Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9116
Karl Kennedy, Felix Rodwell, Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy

Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9116
Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy

Holly Hoyland, Sadie Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell, Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 9116
Holly Hoyland, Sadie Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell, Byron Stone

Holly Hoyland, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9116
Holly Hoyland, Wendy Rodwell

Remi Varga-Murphy, Felix Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9116
Remi Varga-Murphy, Felix Rodwell

Byron Stone, Sadie Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9116
Byron Stone, Sadie Rodwell

Karl Kennedy, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9116
Karl Kennedy, Wendy Rodwell

Cara Varga-Murphy, Andrew Rodwell, Remi Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9116
Cara Varga-Murphy, Andrew Rodwell, Remi Varga-Murphy

Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell, Sadie Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9116
Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell, Sadie Rodwell

Karl Kennedy, Holly Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 9116
Karl Kennedy, Holly Hoyland

Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9116
Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell

Holly Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 9116
Holly Hoyland

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