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Neighbours Episode 9115 from 2024 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<9114 - 9116>>
Episode title: 9115
Australian and UK airdate: 19/09/24
Writer: Margaret Wilson
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Gino Esposito: Shane McNamara
Quinn Lao: Louis Lè
Melissa Zhang: Brooke Tomlinson
Summary/Images by: Clare/Jeremai
- Sadie tells Andrew something's going on between Wendy and Quinn
- Wendy tells Quinn they can't carry on being friends
- Krista announces Harold's is now owned by Lassiter's
- Terese is found passed out in the crashed car
- Terese has to stay in hospital for observation
- Byron suggests adding Nicolette to the lease
- Vera and Krista didn't think it was a long- term thing
- Aaron realises Isla will arrive every time she wants hers
- Leo doesn't think the parental agreement will be upstanding in court
- Aaron requests to legally adopt Isla
The Waterhole
Byron doesn't know if Nicolette will return to No.24. He is focusing on one thing at a time. Krista didn't comment but was concentrating on Paul. They find Wendy on her laptop, Sadie is surprised to find Wendy looking at meditation classes. Wendy decided to do this after she discovered these classes help reduce stress. Sadie wonders if it is due to the tense situation between Andrew and Wendy. Wendy tells her that's not the reason, she has a lot going on. She is about to clock off and heads off to get some coffees.
SADIE: The vibe between her and Dad is so off.
BYRON: They'll be able to figure it out. They're a solid couple.
SADIE: They were.
Lassiter's Office
Krista is in the new office. She is on the phone telling someone she isn't impressed that she wasn't consulted about Nicolette going on the lease. She hangs up as Paul arrives and tells him this is the new office. He didn't think there was a problem with the old office. He is in the office next door. She tells him that they both have their own space now. He tells her that Terese is doing better. He doesn't want to waste time as he needs to return to the hospital. Krista offers to advertise online for a Manager for Harold's, Paul doesn't object. She mentions the Police Outreach Programme Fundraiser which he had forgotten about. She has researched ideas that work well. He vetoes a Casino Night, Fashion Parade.
PAUL: Why don't we bring Montana Marcel back into town?!
KRISTA: We wouldn't choose a designer, being chased for tax evasion.
Krista suggests The Male Review. Paul isn't keen as it's been done so many times before. Krista knows it will work well.
PAUL: It is cheap, and it is tacky.
KRISTA: That's why people like it.
Krista wants Paul's ideas as he doesn't like her ideas, but he doesn't seem to have any.
Jane comes into the front room and tells Aaron and Nicolette that Isla is creating a get- well card for Terese. She notices the atmosphere and asks what's going on. Aaron tells her he wants to adopt Isla. Nicolette wants to consider the idea as it's out of the blue. Aaron reminds her that he wants to make it official.
NICOLETTE: I feel like you're pressuring me. (She leaves).
AARON: Nic likes having all the power.
Aaron wants to do this as soon as possible. Jane looks thoughtful.
The Waterhole
Wendy is giving instructions to another member of staff. She gets a text as Andrew arrives. She asks after work as she thinks he is busy, he admits it's been quiet. He asks about her plans, she admits she is going to a meditation class. He is pleased for her and asks if he can come too. He's got the rest of the morning off as he worked late the night before. She gets a call, she looks at the name and ignores it. She looks distracted as they agree to travel to the class from home together. Andrew heads off as she thinks about the phone call.
Eirini Rising
Susan is grateful Karl has arrived. There are some things to sort out plus Terese is sending work emails to her. Karl is concerned as Terese is meant to be resting but that's not the case.
SUSAN: I think she's trying not to think about Toadie.
Karl agrees with this. Gino Esposito arrives in the Office and greets them both with a hug. Karl is delighted to see him after several years. He tells Karl he hasn't changed and offers to cover up his grey hair! Susan tells Karl that Gino is their newest resident at Eirini Rising. Gino is looking forward to catching up with Harold. Gino wants to go on the next musical theatre excursion. Gino gets cards from Lyn for birthdays and Christmas and bumps into her at hair shows. Susan lets Karl know that Gino isn't happy with his furniture.
GINO: It's not my personality. A bit too much.
They laugh as Susan explains that the furniture is now outside in the courtyard. Susan tells Gino he needs to sort out what happens to it. Karl has to head off as Ralph at the Tram has a family emergency and needs to quit immediately. Karl heads off.
GINO: Did Lyn tell you about her latest voyage?
Nicolette tells Byron she thinks that Aaron is paranoid about what she's going to do. Byron points out that the adoption will just make things legal.
NICOLETTE: He could try and take Isla away from me.
BYRON: I think he'd know better than to hurt his own daughter.
Nicolette doesn't want to risk that. Byron points out that Aaron is scared of the same thing Nicolette is worried about.
BYRON: You're expecting him to trust you without giving him anything in return? If only David could see you now.
Jane arrives and Nicolette doesn't want to hear more on the subject. Jane is bemused but Nicolette is convinced she's going to receive a lecture.
JANE: Why are you always your own worst enemy?
Jane reminds her they're there to help and starts lecturing so Byron lets her know the timing isn't great. Nicolette is used to this.
NICOLETTE: You'll never be on my side about anything, will you?
Lassiter's Lake
Andrew and Wendy are at the meditation class. The meditator starts the meditation. Wendy breathes out noisily and others turn around. Andrew gets Wendy's attention and lets her know she's being loud. She apologises and laughs nervously. Sadie walks around the corner and spots her parents. She watches the class.
Harold's Café
Krista and Leo had thought it would be better to give Paul his own office but that doesn't seem to have worked. He enjoyed feisty chats with Terese when they were in the same office. Paul isn't listening to Krista's suggestions. She's going with the Male Revue as Paul disagreed most with that one. Leo thinks families would appreciate the Fashion Show more. Krista calls Melanie over and asks for her opinion. Melanie starts excitedly talking about the men in cowboy outfits at the last Male Revue she attended.
MELANIE: Is it hot in here or is it just me?
Melanie promises to attend the event. Krista has made up her mind. Leo points out that Aaron was an exotic dancer, Krista wants Aaron to be a consultant.
LEO: You know Dad's going to be furious.
KRISTA: You did say he likes to battle.
Lassiter's Lake
Sadie is still watching the class when Byron arrives. She realises Wendy and Andrew aren't being awkward with each other. Byron is sceptical as they're sitting in silence! Wendy farts and Andrew laughs. They apologise and Wendy tells him to stop laughing.
MELISSA: For those who would like to take our class seriously, I hope to see you again.
Andrew and Wendy grab their things, so Byron and Sadie move out of sight. Andrew enjoyed it but Wendy isn't so impressed at him laughing. Andrew enjoyed laughing after everything that's happened, Wendy agrees. Wendy's cheeks are sore after not being ‘out of practice'.
ANDREW: Your cheeks didn't sound out of practice. I missed this.
WENDY: Me too.
They go to kiss but Sadie sneezes. She feigns surprise at seeing her parents!
Lassiter's Office
Paul has been catching up with Terese. He opens the blind to Krista's office. She lets him know she chose the Male Revue, he pretends not to hear. He didn't come up with alternative ideas and has committed to some dates. Paul doesn't want it to take place. Krista tells him she's done all the necessary market research apparently the male community are supportive. Paul is sceptical but she refuses to be deterred. Paul realises he's not going to get anywhere but reminds her he can do exactly the same!
Nicolette and Jane arrive and join Aaron at the table. Nicolette states that Isla is her first priority.
NICOLETTE: We should make it all official, for Isla's sake and for yours.
Aaron is pleased. They agree to share the news with Isla at dinner. Nicolette suggests a cake as they'll be living under one roof now. Nicolette thought that would be the case and she hasn't signed the lease yet. Aaron reminds her unless it's official he's worried about what she will do.
NICOLETTE: I've said yes to everything that you want but you're still going to punish me?
AARON: You're the one who wrote the list.
Jane tries to diffuse the situation by suggesting things could change with living arrangements in the future. Nicolette thinks Jane is taking Aaron's side, but she just wants it all to work out.
NICOLETTE: I'm the one losing out here and it would be nice if you cared about that.
No.82 Tram
Karl is apologising to the customers, there are delays due to lack of staff. Susan arrives and Karl explains that Ralph's ‘emergency' was he took another job. Susan thinks he can find someone else as they need to clear the Courtyard. Karl decides to close the Tram. Susan doesn't think he should do that, but Karl thinks they should do that as a favour for Terese.
Lassiter's Office
Leo arrives to see Paul and see what the new Office is like. Paul has gone to see Terese but is due to return soon. Abby is wanting to visit No.32 to see Trevor but realises Krista isn't keen. As Paul arrives back Krista explains that things are tense between herself and Nicolette. Krista is trying to stay out of Nicolette's way. They decide to do something else.
Eirini Rising
Gino tells Susan he would offer to move the furniture, but they are well built. Susan suggests they go into storage. Karl is distracted and trying to recruit workers. Susan isn't impressed that Karl isn't paying more than the minimum wage. He points out that he can't make a profit if he pays more than this.
SUSAN: How are those profits going to look if you can't get the staff to keep the place open?
GINO: If you don't pay to sharpen your scissors you can't offer a good haircut.
Harold's Café
Aaron tells Paul and Leo that Nicolette has agreed for him to adopt Isla. They are pleased about this.
PAUL: A legal clarity certainly leaves less scope for disagreements.
Aaron explains that Nicolette expected to move back in. He knows it would be best for Isla. But Aaron doesn't trust Nicolette and that was proved today.
AARON: I just can't see us getting back to where we were.
The Waterhole
Sadie doesn't plan to sign up for ASIO. Wendy thinks she would do well. She claims not to be teasing them about meditation as Andrew and Byron are sitting there laughing. Wendy doesn't plan to return. She tries hard not to laugh. Sadie knows things haven't been right between them so that's why she watched the class.
WENDY: Sorry you've been so worried about us.
ANDREW: You don't have to be.
Andrew and Wendy are holding hands. Sadie points out that Wendy's phone keeps beeping. It's messages from Quinn asking her to call. She tells them it's messages about uni. She messages Quinn arranging to meet in an hour.
arold's Café
Leo comments they keep ending up at Harold's. Paul asked Krista to meet him here. Leo suggests that Krista spends the night at his place. Paul is going out and Nicolette won't be there. Nicolette comes over to take their order. She announces she's now the Manager. Paul will send the contract to HR as Krista exchanges a look with Leo! Nicolette goes to get the coffee as Krista points out they haven't advertised the position. Paul thinks she's the best one for the job as she used to manage the place.
KRISTA: How would we know that unless we give other people a chance?
Paul also sees it as appreciation for letting Aaron adopt Isla. Krista doesn't think that should affect the decision.
PAUL: I made a captain's call.
KRISTA: The fact that it would annoy me is all part of the fun.
PAUL: Not liking it so much now the shoe's on the other foot.
Near The No.82 Tram
Byron is on the phone to Sadie, they're pleased that Andrew and Wendy are working things out. He spots Quinn and Wendy having a coffee together and finishes chatting to Sadie. He watches Wendy give Quinn a hug.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Cara is suspicious of Felix
- Cara thinks Felix is cooking up another scheme
- Byron ponders whether to tell Sadie what he saw
- Andrew asks Wendy what is going on
<<9114 - 9116>>
Sadie Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell, Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 9115
Sadie Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell, Byron Stone

Krista Sinclair, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9115
Krista Sinclair, Paul Robinson

Aaron Brennan, Jane Harris, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 9115
Aaron Brennan, Jane Harris, Nicolette Stone

Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9115
Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell

Gino Esposito in Neighbours Episode 9115
Gino Esposito

Byron Stone, Jane Harris, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 9115
Byron Stone, Jane Harris, Nicolette Stone

Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9115
Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell

Leo Tanaka, Melanie Pearson, Krista Sinclair in Neighbours Episode 9115
Leo Tanaka, Melanie Pearson, Krista Sinclair

Sadie Rodwell, Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 9115
Sadie Rodwell, Byron Stone

Melissa Zhang in Neighbours Episode 9115
Melissa Zhang

Krista Sinclair, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9115
Krista Sinclair, Paul Robinson

Nicolette Stone, Jane Harris, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 9115
Nicolette Stone, Jane Harris, Aaron Brennan

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9115
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Paul Robinson, Krista Sinclair, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 9115
Paul Robinson, Krista Sinclair, Leo Tanaka

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9115
Paul Robinson

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Gino Esposito in Neighbours Episode 9115
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Gino Esposito

Aaron Brennan, Paul Robinson, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 9115
Aaron Brennan, Paul Robinson, Leo Tanaka

Andrew Rodwell, Sadie Rodwell, Byron Stone, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9115
Andrew Rodwell, Sadie Rodwell, Byron Stone, Wendy Rodwell

Nicolette Stone, Paul Robinson, Krista Sinclair, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 9115
Nicolette Stone, Paul Robinson, Krista Sinclair, Leo Tanaka

Quinn Lao, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9115
Quinn Lao, Wendy Rodwell

Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 9115
Byron Stone

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