Previously on Neighbours
- Vera tells Mackenzie and Haz that she's looking forward to the wedding, having invited herself
- But Byron sends Vera an altered invite, showing the wedding date as the day after it actually takes place
- Toadie tells Karl and Susan that he wants to move to Colac with Nell and Hugo
- When Toadie helps Terese mop up a spilled drink at the wedding, she becomes awkward and makes a quick exit
- Jane tells Isla that Nicolette is going to 'go and live with Uncle Byron'
- Nicolette tells Jane she isn't going to the wedding
- Felix overhears Wade talking on the phone about his 'last chance for payback'
- Felix sees a former fellow prison inmate hanging around Haz's car, and tells Andrew about it
- Remi and Cara convolutedly buy Haz's car halfway through the wedding
- When Andrew and Felix turn up to examine the car, someone's driven it away, leaving a pool of brake fluid
Haz and Mackenzie's departure prompts a substantial update to the opening titles today. We begin with a fresh shot of Dex, Cara, Remi and JJ in a city park, throwing a footy around; another new shot of Sadie, Byron and Holly walking across a bridge in central Melbourne; and a third new shot of Krista, Leo, Abigail and Paul on the beach. We then segue into a series of shots that survive from the previous titles set: Andrew and Wendy at the botanical gardens; Melanie and Harold heading out of the pub; Nicolette, Jane, Isla, Aaron and Sam in the park; Karl and Susan leaving No 28; and Terese, Toadie, Hugo and Nell coming across Ramsay Street to greet them. We end on a lengthened version of the existing final group shot, with Melanie arriving at the pool party with her pavlova to join the other residents.
The Waterhole
Andrew and Felix come into the pub; Andrew is on his phone, leaving a voicemail for Mackenzie asking her to call him back. He evidently wants to warn her about the new threat Wade Fernsby may be posing. Felix observes that whoever has driven Haz's old car away is in for a nasty surprise, given how much brake fluid there was on the floor. Andrew says he's put an alert out on the car, so somebody will spot it.
Andrew sees Paul at the bar, and asks if he knows who took Haz's car tonight, explaining about the brakes being sabotaged. Paul doesn't know, but recalls that Haz sold the car to Remi and Cara for JJ to use. Felix looks nervous as Andrew phones Remi, but she apparently tells him that none of the Varga- Murphys took the car home. Paul suggests trying Krista, who might have driven it given she doesn't drink.
No 24
Krista is on the phone to Andrew, telling him that she didn't take the car. She checks with Jane and also Aaron and Leo, who are on the sofas with Isla and Abigail, but none of them are any the wiser. She suggests to Andrew that the car may have been stolen, and says she'll let him know if she hears anything.
ISLA (loudly): I want to find the car!
AARON: No, no - it's time for bed. We're gonna go teeth, jammies, bed.
ISLA: Car!
AARON: Isla! Teeth, jammies and bed, please.
ISLA: I want Mummy!
Everyone looks awkward.
ISLA (screaming): Mummy!
When Aaron again tells Isla to go to bed, she just lies on the sofa and yells! Finally giving in, Aaron asks Jane if she could call Nicolette.
The Waterhole
Andrew is still with Felix and talking to Sadie on the phone, to see if she or Holly know anything about Haz's car - but they don't, and nobody has seen Bowser, the guy who they think tampered with the car, either. Felix is feeling guilty for not having said something earlier, but Andrew says they just need to focus on finding the car. Cara comes in, still a bit tipsy.
CARA: Hey. I heard there's an issue with Haz's car. Don't tell me I bought a lemon?
At this point Andrew gets a call from a colleague.
ANDREW: Someone's spotted the car. It's been in an accident.
Andrew and Felix rush off to attend the accident site, while Paul, who is still at the bar, leaves a voicemail for Terese, asking her to call him back.
A road somewhere
There's a reason Terese hasn't picked up, however; she's the one who has taken Haz's car, which is now crumpled up against a tree trunk, Terese unconscious at the wheel and bleeding from the head. Andrew and Felix are on the scene, and Andrew calls for an ambulance before trying to revive Terese, to no avail...
No 24
Aaron tells Jane he's tried everything to get Isla to stop screaming and sleep, but...
AARON: She just keeps asking for her mum.
We can still hear Isla screaming from the bedroom as Nicolette arrives.
NICOLETTE: How long has she been like this?
JANE: A while.
Aaron nods, and Nicolette goes in to see Isla. Jane suggests Isla might just be excited after her playdate with Abigail, but Aaron says they all know why she's upset. Sure enough, within a few seconds of Nicolette being with her, Isla has stopped screaming. Nic re- emerges.
NICOLETTE: She was exhausted. Can I stay for a little bit longer, just in case she wakes up again before the sleep cycle kicks in?
AARON: Of course.
When Nic goes back in to see Isla, Jane tells Aaron that was a nice thing to do.
AARON: No, it was stupid. Cos now every time Isla wakes up, she's gonna expect her mum to be here.
A road somewhere
The ambulance has arrived at Terese's crash site, and she's being stretchered on board in a neck brace. She is conscious, though, and tells Andrew that it hurts 'all over'.
TERESE (panicked): Did I hit anyone?
ANDREW: No, just the tree, okay?
TERESE: The car?
ANDREW: Don't worry about that for now. Everything will be fine.
As Felix looks on with concern, Paul turns up, anxious to see how Terese is. Andrew says he's been speaking to her and that she'd like Paul to travel with her in the ambulance. Paul rushes over and sits next to Terese in the ambulance, holding her hand.
FELIX: This is all my fault.
ANDREW: Wade got Bowser onto this, not you. And we still need to find him. Before he gets to Haz.
Erinsborough Hospital
The ambulance has arrived outside, as has Andrew in his car. Toadie has turned up and asks for an update on Terese. Andrew says she's conscious and talking but needs to see a doctor. Toadie is none too impressed when the ambulance doors are opened and he sees Paul inside with Terese. Andrew explains that Terese asked for Paul to go with her.
Remi appears; she explains they're waiting for a bed to become free inside, and gives Terese a quick check- over in the ambulance bay. Terese answers all her questions correctly, suggesting she's cognitively fine. The paramedics wheel her inside, and Terese again asks for Paul to come with her. Toadie is about to go in himself, but Andrew encourages him to wait outside.
TOADIE: Paul's going!
ANDREW: Look, it's not a competition.
TOADIE: I should be there.
ANDREW: Look, how about I go in, get the lay of the land? I'll come out as soon as I hear anything, alright?
Toadie looks frustrated as Andrew goes indoors.
On the ward, Terese is sitting up and seems basically unhurt. Nonetheless Remi tells her that she's going to arrange some scans, and that Terese will need to stay in hospital for a few days for observation. Paul and Andrew are also here, while Felix waits outside the room.
Andrew asks Remi if he can ask Terese some questions, as he thinks the crash might be a criminal matter 'and time is of the essence'. He begins by asking her what she remembers. Terese explains about having spilled the drink at the reception and getting upset with Toadie.
TERESE: After that, I didn't want to get on the bus with everyone else. I was just driving along; the next thing I remember, I was waking up.
ANDREW: So, you weren't in a good frame of mind?
TERESE: No, but I wasn't speeding... in case you're wondering, I wasn't drinking!
REMI: Can I ask why this is a criminal matter?
ANDREW: We think that Wade Fernsby interfered with the brakes to get back at Haz.
REMI: That car was supposed to be for JJ...
TERESE: Have Haz and Mackenzie been told this?
ANDREW: We're taking steps to make sure that they're safe.
PAUL: Oh, like you lot were keeping watch at the reception? Yeah, cos that went so well (!)
REMI: How did you find out about this?
ANDREW: Felix overheard Wade and came to me.
Terese remarks that it was a lovely wedding day, too... except for Toadie (!) Andrew says that Toadie's waiting outside, but Terese makes it clear she doesn't want to see him. Paul is keen to go and pass this sentiment on to Toadie!
ANDREW: No, look, we've already had enough drama tonight. I'll make sure he gets the message.
No 32
Byron and Krista come home to a lot of mess left by Nicolette, whom Byron decides 'must've had a blowout'. He's apologetic to Krista but she doesn't make a big deal of it. Nic returns from No 24, saying Isla's gone to sleep.
NICOLETTE: But what happens when she wakes up?
BYRON: I'm sure Aaron will give you a call if he can't handle it.
NICOLETTE: I just feel like I'm missing a body part sleeping in a different house.
KRISTA: I'm sure it's just until Aaron calms down.
NICOLETTE: What do I even do until then?
BYRON: Well, I dunno - maybe help us clean up?
NICOLETTE: ... You mean, clean up my mess?
KRISTA: It's... it's fine. You've had a big day.
But Nic makes a point of insisting she'll do the tidying now, so Byron and Krista leave her to it.
Erinsborough Hospital
Outside, Toadie is feeling bad that Terese decided to drive the car because of him, having heard the story from Andrew. But Andrew tells him that the 'scumbag that tampered with the brakes' is the one to blame.
TOADIE: I need to apologise.
ANDREW: No, no - she was very clear about not wanting to see you.
TOADIE: Oh, come on! I still care about her.
ANDREW: I don't doubt it, mate, but you need to respect her wishes. She might come round; but for now, I think you should go home.
Frustrated, Toadie does as he's told. Andrew then gets a phone call, which judging by his reaction appears to be good news.
In the waiting area, Remi tells Paul and Felix that Terese is sleeping, and encourages Paul to go and get some sleep so he can support Terese tomorrow. Andrew has come back in, and tells everyone that Bowser has been caught.
ANDREW: He confessed immediately, and blamed everything on Wade. DPP reckon they'll get up to 15 years.
In addition, he confirms he's spoken to Mackenzie and Haz, who are safe now, albeit worried about Terese, and grateful to Felix for speaking up when he did. Andrew also tells Remi that Haz was very apologetic about the car, given that his history with Wade was the motivation for the sabotage.
As Remi returns to the ward desk to work, Paul heads home, and Andrew suggests Felix should leave too, pointing out that it's past his curfew, although Andrew can let the halfway house know why he's late. Remi listens in to the conversation subtly.
FELIX: I just wanted to make sure that Terese was okay.
ANDREW: Yeah. How are you holding up?
FELIX: I'm also worried about Wade.
FELIX: Well, he's never gonna get his life back, until he faces up to what he's done. Like I had to learn to do.
ANDREW: He's not your responsibility.
FELIX: Still... I'm gonna pray for him.
Andrew looks mildly incredulous, but simply nods. Remi is still listening with curiosity.
Lassiter's Complex
The next day, Aaron is chatting to Leo about Isla. Aaron says she's been fine today, but keeps asking about when Mummy will be back.
AARON: You know, I think next time, I just need to take a harder line.
LEO: Why?
AARON: Because I don't want Nicolette thinking that everything's gone back to normal.
LEO: Yeah, just be careful about it, alright?
AARON: Hold on, Nicolette is the one who's in the wrong here.
LEO: Yeah, but if this goes nuclear and becomes a custody dispute... you're not the biological parent. She is, and it counts.
AARON: Nic, David and I have an agreement.
LEO: What, like, a parenting plan? A written one?
AARON: No, no, we have it on video.
LEO: Yeah. That involved David. I'm not sure it'll still be legally binding.
AARON: Nic was even gonna get it checked out with a lawyer. I just... I don't know if she actually went through with it.
LEO: Exactly. You can't assume that the court will automatically side with you and not her.
At this point, Vera Punt turns up in her best wedding clothes, and asks why Aaron and Leo aren't also in their gladrags? It soon becomes apparent that she thinks Haz and Mackenzie's wedding is today, rather than yesterday. Confused, she shows them her invite, which clearly says today's date (18th September).
AARON: Oh, no, they've... they've got the wrong date!
VERA (suspicious): Did anyone else not turn up?
AARON: ...
LEO (lying): Actually, now that you mention it, the crowd was pretty thin.
VERA: Oh, everyone will be arriving today! It'll be utter chaos. Oh, I'm gonna give that printer a piece of my mind! Unbelievable.
Vera strops off, and Leo tells Aaron that he thinks he knows who's behind this.
Harold's Café
Cara and Remi are talking about the car crash. Cara says she's just glad that they didn't transfer Haz any money for the car (!). Remi seems distracted, and Cara asks what's bothering her.
REMI: You know, Felix was genuinely concerned about Terese.
CARA (scoffs): So he should be.
REMI: He was worried about Wade too. Maybe he has changed. You know, at work, I've seen people find God before. It happens, especially after something major.
CARA: Felix is a liar. He's putting on a 'come to Jesus' act so that he can get parole.
REMI: He did try and do the right thing last night.
CARA: Terese still got in the car and crashed.
REMI: Yeah... but he might've tried to tell us sooner if we hadn't chased him away.
CARA: That's no excuse to stay quiet.
REMI: All the information he gave to the police did help catch the guys. You've got to admit that.
CARA: One good deed doesn't make up for the past.
REMI: What, you don't believe people can change?
CARA: Sure. Just not Felix Rodwell.
Lassiter's Complex
Krista and Leo are talking to Byron about the trick he played on Vera, making her turn up to the wedding a day late. Byron defends his actions, saying, 'We all know she would have wrecked the ceremony' (do we?) and, arguably rather arrogantly, declares it his 'wedding gift to Mack and Haz' (!). But at this point, Vera shows up to confront him about it!
VERA: I have just spoken to your printer! And after some interrogation, she admitted she received a request to print up one invite with a different date.
BYRON: Oh... well, she is obviously covering for her mistake.
VERA: Oh, don't play the dumb blonde with me. Do you realise how many things I had to move on my calendar for today? How long I spent in the salon getting my hair done - getting myself waxed? I got a Brazilian... south! You will pay for this, literally. I will get you to pay for my wax and blow. And then I'm gonna go over your lease to see if there's any further actions I can take.
Leo points out that Vera can't evict someone because of a wedding invite, but Vera points out that they have someone living there - Nicolette - who isn't on the lease, which might be grounds for eviction.
VERA (tearful): You cruel, cruel, *cruel* man.
She stomps off. Meanwhile Aaron sits at another table, and searches on his phone worriedly for info about parenting orders. Nicolette then comes out of the café, wanting to talk about primary schools for Isla. Aaron is standoffish, but eventually agrees to chat about it later when she drops Isla off after her playdate later, before stropping off.
Erinsborough Hospital
Toadie has brought Nell and Hugo to the hospital to visit Terese, and they are sitting in the car outside. Nell asks Toadie if he wants them to ask Terese if he can go in too.
TOADIE: Only if it comes up.
On the ward, Terese seems pleased to see Nell and Hugo.
NELL: You look great for someone who almost died.
TERESE: Oh, thank you - you say the sweetest things (!)
Terese has received flowers from Paul and also Haz and Mackenzie, but when she sees the bunch Hugo has brought, she declares them her favourites.
NELL: Are you upset about us going to Colac?
TERESE: ... Are you sure it's what you want?
NELL: ... It's what Dad needs. And it's not too far away.
But Terese doesn't look very happy about it at all.
NELL: We know today is your wedding anniversary.
TERESE: Did your dad say anything?
NELL: No. But we know it must be on both your minds.
We cut to Toadie outside in the car, looking despondent. Indoors, Nell begins to ask Terese about whether Toadie can come in... but then we cut to the kids returning to the car. They get in.
NELL: She said she's not up for visitors.
TOADIE: ... She say anything else?
NELL: ...
HUGO: She said she's gonna miss us, but she'll be happy if she never sees you again.
Nell looks despairing at Hugo's lack of tact, while Toadie just looks haunted.
Ramsay Street
Vera is making a lot of noise outside No 32 with a leaf blower when Byron and Krista arrive home. Byron loudly points out that there are no leaves! Eventually, Vera turns the machine off.
BYRON: Look, can you please, please forgive me? Mack and Haz, they just wanted something simple and small.
VERA: I can be simple and small.
BYRON: Come on, Vera. You would've taken over. And you just assumed that you were invited without even asking (...) Look, I am sorry, okay? I should've been honest with you from the start.
KRISTA: Please don't kick us out, Vera.
VERA: How can I trust you now?
BYRON: ... We can reinstate those weekly visits.
VERA: And what else?
BYRON: We can put Nicolette on the lease.
Krista gives Byron a dangerous look!
VERA: I thought she was staying short term.
KRISTA (pointed): Yeah, so did I.
BYRON: She could become permanent. Give you more security, give Isla more security. Come see Isla every week!
VERA (grudgingly): I suppose. But I'm warning you. The days of lovely landlord Vera are over.
She turns the leaf blower back on and waves it in their direction, forcing them to dodge out of the way!
No 24
Aaron is moaning to Jane because Nicolette is fifteen minutes late in bringing Isla home.
AARON: You give her an inch, and she takes a mile.
At this point, Nic walks in with Isla. Aaron takes her to task about why she's late. Nic says they went to visit Trevor because he's been missing Haz (!).
ISLA: Poor Trevor!
Nic then says that Byron has invited her to stay at No 32 permanently. But Aaron is not pleased to learn that Isla's had both doughnuts and ice cream while they were out, reminding Nic that that goes against their routine for her. Nic's response is that she didn't see Isla yesterday and wanted to do something fun. But the tension is palpable, so Jane takes Isla out of the room.
NICOLETTE: I'm sorry. Next time, no detours (...) I'm really trying here, Aaron. Is there anything I can do to make this right?
AARON: Yeah, there is.
NICOLETTE: Well, tell me, and I'll do it.
AARON: Let me legally adopt Isla.
In addition to having vanished from the opening titles, Haz Devkar (Shiv Palekar) and Mackenzie Hargreaves (Georgie Stone) are also removed from the main cast list in the closing credits from today's episode.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Sadie complains to Byron that the 'whole vibe' between Wendy and Andrew is 'so off'
- Byron thinks that they're a solid couple, and will figure it out, but Sadie's not so sure
- Aaron tells Leo he doesn't trust Nicolette, and can't see them getting back to where they were
- Nicolette accuses Jane of favouring Aaron, saying it would be nice if Jane cared about the impact on her