Previously on Neighbours
- Terese tells Nell that Toadie's her dad and thus very protective of her; she needs to talk to him
- Toadie tells Nell he wants to explain why he wants to move away, and asks her to think about it some more
- Paul tells Terese that Toadie warned him not to take advantage of her while her guard was down
- Terese tells Toadie to stay the hell out of her business
- Mackenzie tells Haz that his parents aren't coming to the wedding...
- ... until, lo and behold, a butterfly appears! 'They took it as a sign and booked their flight,' says Amira
- Wade tells Felix that he had a friend smuggle a burner phone into the hospital for him
- Later, Felix overhears Wade on the phone, saying it's his 'last chance for payback before they leave'
The usual opening titles are dispensed with today, in favour of a brief title card with the Neighbours logo and a celebratory party popper effect.
No 32
In the garden, Byron is doing a (bad) impression of Mackenzie's dad Grant as he reads out a wedding message from him to Mackenzie, Haz, Holly, Sadie and Krista.
BYRON (as Grant): 'Keep love in your heart, and every day will feel like your wedding day. I'm sorry I can't be there. P.S. - bring me a big slice of that wedding cake. Love, Dad.'
Amira then arrives with a 'special delivery' - it's Haz's parents, dad Sanjeev and mum Reena. There are an awkward, silent few moments as Haz gets up.
SANJEEV: Hello, son.
Haz and Sanjeev soon embrace, and it's heartfelt and emotional as Sanjeev sobs at the sight of his son. Reena soon gets in for a hug as well.
HAZ: It's been too long. I've missed you.
SANJEEV: I did a lot of thinking while I was on the plane. I wanted us to fix things in person, but I realised I was expecting you to be the only one to make the effort.
HAZ: You're here now. And that means everything to me.
The Devkars all share a group hug.
REENA: We have a lot to discuss and work through. But first, I want to meet my future daughter- in- law!
Mackenzie excitedly joins them, and gets a hug from Reena.
REENA: My beautiful girl.
MACKENZIE: It's so lovely to finally meet you.
Erinsborough Hospital
Felix is departing the high- security hospital ward with Andrew; his release from hospital is coinciding with his release from custody.
FELIX: Can't believe I'm almost a free man again.
ANDREW: The Lord does work in mysterious ways.
FELIX: Hey, listen, I've got to tell you something. The guy I've been sharing with is up to no good (...) He was on the phone, talking about getting revenge.
ANDREW: How does he make calls in there?
FELIX: Burner phone. I think he said it's his last chance to get payback before they leave (...) I was half asleep and groggy on the meds, but I remember something about a wedding. Could this have anything to do with Haz and Mackenzie?
ANDREW: Wait, what's this guy's name?
FELIX: Wade Fernsby.
Andrew explains how Haz is the reason Wade went to jail, after trying to ruin his life. Felix says he's sure Wade is planning something nasty, and suggests Andrew talk to him. So Andrew goes in to do just that.
WADE: Ah, we meet again, Sergeant.
Andrew begins looking for the burner phone, which Wade denies he has.
ANDREW: You were also overheard having some concerning conversations about revenge.
WADE: I'm unwell, Sergeant. I need to rest. If you don't leave, I'll report you for harassment.
ANDREW: Here's a friendly bit of advice. If you're planning on doing something to Mackenzie and Haz, I'd think twice. You're on my radar now. I've got eyes and ears everywhere; and if you do anything, I'll make sure your life is not worth living.
Wade doesn't say anything, but looks unperturbed.
No 32
We continue in the garden. Reena presents Mackenzie with an ornamental box as a welcome- to- the- family gift, and Haz with a present for his 'other great love' - a snazzy new collar for Trevor! Krista also has a present of sorts for Haz - the sale of the café has gone through, and Lassiter's now owns it.
HAZ: What about Paul?
KRISTA: Forget about him. You know, makes sense - we own the building, and now we own the business.
Haz remarks that all that is left to do is to sell his car, which Mackenzie's dad Grant is going to help them with. This seems to remind Holly about her own plans to buy a (different) car, and she walks off into a corner, where she replies to the vendor she's been conversing with on her phone, telling him that she'll pay cash if he's prepared to drop the price...
Erinsborough Hospital
Outside the high- security ward, Andrew reports back to Felix that he wasn't able to find the burner phone, and that Wade isn't admitting to anything.
ANDREW: There's not much I can do without any proof.
FELIX: Well, he was planning something. Hopefully your visit scared him off.
ANDREW: Mm. Just to be safe, I'm gonna put a police presence at the wedding.
Felix has his release papers, and is now just waiting for his lift to the halfway house where he'll be living. Andrew wishes him 'good luck' before walking off.
Ramsay Street
Mackenzie is having a moment in the street with besties Holly and Sadie, as she looks over at the other houses.
MACKENZIE: It's crazy to think how far I've come... I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for everyone on this street.
SADIE: The universe has a funny way of providing the right people, just when we need them.
HOLLY: But... you're leaving. Does that mean that you don't need us anymore?
MACKENZIE: I am always gonna need you.
SADIE: It's time to spread your wings, Mack.
MACKENZIE: Yeah. Exactly.
Holly and Sadie put their heads together as Mackenzie looks around, emotional to be leaving.
No 32
Back in the house, Mackenzie, Holly and Sadie have been joined by Byron, Haz and Krista. Mackenzie gets a message from her old friend Yashvi, saying that she and partner Ned send their love. The girls are about to head over to No 28 to get ready, but Sadie tells everyone to wait.
SADIE: This is the last time we're all gonna be in this house... together.
Everyone looks sad as this realisation dawns on them. They all gather and embrace, some tearful.
SADIE: No more parties.
HAZ: No more late- night D&Ms.
BYRON: No more pizza boxes.
KRISTA: It's the end of an era.
HOLLY: I know change is good and all, but this really sucks.
BYRON: Well, it's the best sharehouse I ever lived in.
KRISTA: It's the *only* sharehouse I've ever lived in.
They laugh through the tears.
HOLLY: Hey, we should probably get going.
MACKENZIE (crying): One more minute won't hurt.
A final group hug ensues.
Erinsborough Hospital
Felix is still waiting for his lift outside the high- security ward. He glances back through the window at Wade, who's talking to a nurse - but at this point, the driver arrives to take him to his accommodation, and Felix is free. Wade looks up and notices as Felix leaves...
Sonya's Nursery
Many of the Ramsay Street residents are already gathered for the wedding in their posh outfits, including Andrew, Wendy, Sadie, Byron and Haz, plus Amira and Haz's parents. Nell and Hugo are here, too, the day having a special significance for them given the venue.
NELL: It's hard to imagine this will be a new business soon.
TOADIE: It's not gonna look like your mum's nursery anymore. You're not having second thoughts, are you?
NELL: ... It's just a place. Time to let it go.
Karl and Susan have arrived, and Haz takes Sanjeev and Reena over, introducing the Kennedys as...
HAZ: ... the Queen and King of Erinsborough.
REENA: Oh, your royal highness!
SUSAN: No, your son is completely wrong about that. (points at Karl) He's actually the jester.
Andrew is with Wendy, but excuses himself when he sees Remi arriving, and goes over to ask her if she knew Wade Fernsby was at the hospital. She did, but seems surprised that he didn't, and says there haven't been any issues with him.
REMI: Unless that's changed?
ANDREW: Look, let's just keep this between us for now.
Meanwhile, other guests are climbing out of an Eirini Rising minibus - namely, Terese, JJ, Melanie, Aaron, Dex and Cara. Melanie tells JJ she'll be needing a dance partner at some point.
AARON: What am I, chopped liver?
Leo, Paul and Krista are also now present, and Paul gives Terese a subtle half- smile as she rounds the corner. She returns it, but it fades when she sees Toadie standing nearby.
JJ and Dex also look awkward when they see Nell, and she excuses herself from Toadie to go over to join them. JJ greets Nell happily, but Dex is less enthused, and tells them he's going to go and get a seat.
NELL: Does he hate us?
JJ: Look, he says he's fine, but I think he's hurting more than he's letting on... Hey, is your dad still putting the hard word on you about Colac?
NELL: He still says it's our choice. Hugo's up for it.
JJ: Well, I hope you're not thinking of caving?
Nell looks uncertain.
Grove of Trees
Nearby, Mackenzie has arrived with her bridesmaids Holly and Sadie, as well as Harold, who will be giving Mackenzie away.
HAROLD: Normally, if I was giving something precious away, I would be very sad. But now, I'm thrilled. And I'm very honoured.
MACKENZIE: Right back at you, Harold. Okay... showtime.
Harold takes Mackenzie's arm, and they begin the walk towards the nursery.
Sonya's Nursery
The guests are all gathered and seated - including Trevor - while Susan has taken her place as celebrant. Kept company by Amira and Byron, his best man, Haz waits excitedly for the bride to arrive.
Sure enough, Sadie and Holly soon appear for their walk down the aisle. Everyone's looking happy, except Terese who looks peeved at the continued proximity to Toadie! But even she smiles when she sees Mackenzie and Harold approaching, arm in arm. As they reach the altar (or nursery equivalent), Mackenzie hugs and kisses Harold and thanks him. Sanjeev and Meera watch proudly from the front row, as the vows begin.
HAZ: Mackenzie... it wasn't that long ago that I nearly lost everything - my family, my friends, myself. I didn't think I was worthy of, umm... anything good in my life.
Haz's voice breaks as he says this, and Mack takes his hand.
HAZ: But then... you came along. And you loved me. This smart, aspiring, courageous, strong woman chose me. It gave me permission to love myself again. And it helped me believe that I am a good person. And it absolutely blows my mind that after today, I get to call you my wife.
MACKENZIE: It's not always easy to love yourself. It can take a lot of hard work. But Haz, with you, it is so easy. You give me a reprieve from the self- doubt and insecurities that can sometimes hit like a tidal wave. And that is an incredible gift you've given me. We both have broken hearts, literally. But that doesn't mean that the love they generate isn't as strong as others. Because I think it's impossible for anyone to love someone more than I love you.
Trevor is now brought to the fore and seems to be carrying the wedding rings on a ribbon, which Byron takes and gives to Haz. Mackenzie smiles as Haz slides one ring onto her finger, and she then slides the other onto his.
SUSAN: It is my great honour to pronounce you husband and wife. Do I really need to say the next part?
They laugh, and Haz and Mackenzie kiss, to the sound of much applause and whooping from the guests as they get up and throw confetti over the happy couple.
Harold's Café
At the reception, Aaron, Melanie, Remi, Cara, Byron, Sadie and Amira are doing some very daggy dancing on an illuminated dancefloor that has been installed especially, while other residents are scattered around the place chatting. Haz and Mackenzie arrive with champagne.
HAZ: This is the perfect spot to end our time in Erinsborough.
MACKENZIE: I know you're gonna miss the café.
HAZ: Oh, this place and Trev were the lifelines I needed to start my new life. And I will be forever grateful.
They head to the dancefloor to join in.
Harold's Lakeside
Out the back, Nell comes to find Dex for a chat, hoping to break the ice between them.
DEX: Look, you don't have to check on me. I'm cool with you and JJ.
NELL: Hmm. So, you're not hoping I'll be on the next bus to Colac?
DEX: No. But I did hear about that.
Nell glances over to Toadie, who's looking haunted and staring into space nearby.
NELL: I, umm... I don't know what to do. I mean, I can see how it would be good for Dad. And maybe Terese too, even though she doesn't realise it.
Dex doesn't seem to know what to say, but at this point, things liven up when Reena produces a bag of instant coffee from her handbag, much to Haz's horror!
HAZ: No, no, no - what are you doing?! Let me make you one!
REENA: You know we only drink instant.
SANJEEV: Haz, we don't like your fancy stuff!
HAZ: Oh, you're both killing me!
Meanwhile, Andrew is making faces at some guys nearby who we are to assume are his plain- clothes colleagues, keeping an eye on things after Felix's tip- off about Wade. Felix himself then appears, and watches the festivities from behind a bush...
Lassiter's Complex
Felix is still hanging about, but this time on the other side of the café, in the courtyard. At this point, he notices a shonky- looking guy doing something down by Haz and Mackenzie's car. Still sore from his stab wound, Felix heads over and recognises the guy as 'Bowser', a former fellow inmate from the prison.
FELIX: Good to see you without the bars. Wade told me about the plan. I'm here to help. What do you need?
Bowser is seemingly suspicious of Felix, perhaps having been tipped off by Wade that he's not to be trusted. But before he can reply, Cara and Remi show up and are annoyed to see Felix.
CARA: You've got some nerve showing up here.
Cara shoves Felix angrily, while Bowser walks off.
FELIX: I can explain.
CARA: I don't want to hear it. It hasn't even been a day!
REMI: People you hurt are trying to celebrate here. Leave before JJ sees you!
FELIX: Yeah, if you'd let me speak...
CARA (getting right in his face): Why? So you can just feed us some bull about becoming a Bible- basher? I don't give a stuff, mate!
FELIX: ... Alright. I'm going.
Felix walks away.
Harold's Café
Back inside, the dancing continues as Paul inevitably sidles over to Terese.
PAUL: So, you're surrounded by an ex- husband, a soon- to- be- ex- husband, and blissfully happy newlyweds. Good on you for showing up at all. You know, there's no shame if you want to leave now.
TERESE: No. No, I am determined to stick it out.
PAUL: But at what cost?
Terese scowls. Meanwhile, Toadie is talking to Mackenzie, and telling her how Hugo (who is Not In This Episode™) is pretty excited about the family move to Colac. He says the decision is 'all down to Nell now', not realising that Nell is standing some way behind him and has overheard.
MACKENZIE: Well, I hope you're not gonna pull rank and make the decision for everyone.
TOADIE: No, no - god, no. No, I couldn't do that to her. Not after everything that I've put her through.
MACKENZIE: You've always been a good dad.
TOADIE: I've let those kids down so badly. I just hope that with a bit of space, I'll be able to actually give them what they deserve.
Nell is still listening, and looks conflicted.
Harold's Lakeside
Holly smiles excitedly as she looks at her phone; her contact has agreed to part with the car for $50,000. Meanwhile, Mackenzie is with Karl, Susan and Harold.
KARL: We're gonna miss you so much.
MACKENZIE: I can't thank you enough for being my chosen family.
HAROLD: Oh, we're the ones that should be thanking you!
SUSAN: Yes. You've given us so much joy.
KARL: Mm. And free legal advice!
Meanwhile, Nell approaches Toadie and takes him aside for a chat.
NELL: I heard you talking with Mackenzie. Do you really think that moving to Colac is the best move for us?
TOADIE: ... I wouldn't have suggested it if I didn't think that.
NELL: We can come back if it doesn't work out?
TOADIE: Absolutely. Yup. Yeah, and you can call JJ as often as you like. And there'll be trips backwards and forwards...
NELL: Then, I won't fight you on it. I'll go.
Nell looks rather sad about it, but Toadie looks deeply relieved, and immediately hugs her.
TOADIE: Thank you. Thank you.
Lassiter's Complex
In the car park, Cara and Remi are telling Andrew and Sadie about Felix having showed up earlier.
CARA: We told him to nick off.
REMI: I thought he agreed to stay away?
ANDREW: Yeah, I thought he would. I'll track him down, I promise.
Meanwhile, it's time for Mackenzie and Haz to say their goodbyes. Mack is tearful as she promises Sadie and Holly that she won't forget about them while she's living it up in Paris. She pulls them in for a hug.
MACKENZIE: I love you guys.
Nearby, Haz is bidding his bromance with Byron a sweet farewell, as Byron drops the USB with the video of everyone wishing Haz and Mack the best into Haz's pocket.
BYRON (emotional): Well, it's not much of a surprise anymore. But if you really start to miss Erinsborough, you just watch that.
HAZ: Thanks, mate. You have been the *best* best man. And the *best* best mate.
BYRON: Does that mean you like me more than Trev now?
HAZ (laughs): It's a close second. I love you.
They hug, and Byron looks very misty- eyed over Haz's shoulder. Haz then goes over to bid farewell to Trevor.
HAZ: This is the hardest goodbye of all of them. I'm gonna miss you, buddy. It's not forever, but it still hurts.
He kisses Trevor.
HAZ: You be good, and look after Byron, okay?
Haz then bids farewell to Amira, Sanjeev and Reena, promising to see them when they visit Paris. Mackenzie declares 'we love you all!' to the gathered residents as they prepare to get in the car. Felix is still watching from a distance, and appears to get a lump in his throat when he sees JJ, and Mackenzie giving him a farewell hug.
At this point, Toadie delivers a convoluted speech about how Cara and Remi have bought Haz's car (via him, via Grant), so he's arranged a rental for Haz and Mack to take to Sydney. It seems that with JJ getting his full licence next year, Cara and Remi didn't want their own cars getting dented.
Felix watches, noting the car swap, meaning that Haz and Mackenzie are safely away from the Varga Murphys' new purchase that Bowser may have been fiddling with.
HAZ: Alright. Are you ready, Mrs Devkar?
MACKENZIE: I sure am, Mr Hargreaves.
Mackenzie and Haz kiss one last time, to much cheering from their Ramsay Street friends - before blowing goodbye kisses and driving off into the night. Felix continues to watch from afar. It's unclear whether he's heard that the Varga- Murphys have bought Haz's old car, but he looks concerned.
Harold's Café
Back indoors, the reception (and daggy dancing) continues. Cara's more than a little tipsy, and tells Remi there's no way she can drive the car they've bought from Haz home as she's had too much to drink (she blames Felix for this!) Remi says she can't take the car either, as she's about to head to the hospital to start a shift, and suggests that Krista or Byron might be able to drive it home for them.
Meanwhile, Nell is telling JJ about her decision to agree to the Rebecchi family move to Colac.
JJ: I just didn't think you'd change your mind.
NELL: I didn't either. I mean, I get all of Dad's reasons for wanting to go, and Hugo's up for it.
JJ: And what about us?
NELL: ... I mean, people do long- distance all the time. We can do that, can't we?
But before JJ can answer, Terese interrupts, shouting that the courtesy bus is leaving in ten minutes. JJ looks sad as Nell goes over to chat to Terese.
NELL: Hey. I just told JJ, so I guess I should tell you too... I've decided to go to Colac.
TERESE: ... Okay. Well, I'm... I'm glad you've taken the time to think about it. I mean, I will miss you...
But before they can talk further, Terese spills her drink. Toadie rushes over to help mop it up, but his mere presence causes Terese to feel awkward and wander off. Nell and Toadie exchange a concerned glance.
Lassiter's Complex
The Eirini Rising minibus is pulling out of the car park, with lots of laughter emanating from it. Felix is still lingering around, and notes that Haz's car, that he saw Bowser hiding behind, is still in the car park.
The Waterhole
Felix comes in and finds Andrew unpacking some drinks.
ANDREW: You shouldn't be here.
FELIX: I saw a guy who I was in the clink with, hanging around Haz's car. I think Wade might have hired him to mess with it.
They head outside to check it out...
Lassiter's Complex
... but when they return to the car park, the car has gone!
FELIX: Do you know who could be driving it?
Andrew shrugs, but he notices a patch of liquid on the ground, a trail of which is leading out of the car park. He dips his finger in and sniff- tests it.
ANDREW: That's brake fluid. I reckon someone cut the brakes.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Leo reminds Aaron that if his spat with Nicolette becomes a custody battle, he's not the biological parent
- Andrew tells Felix that someone's spotted the missing car; it's been in an accident
- We hear from the emergency responders that the driver is unconscious and bleeding from the head
- As they look at the wreckage of the car, Felix tells Andrew, 'This is all my fault'