Previously on Neighbours
- Terese drunkenly backs into the gas meter at Eirini Rising, causing a gas leak, and Paul finds out
- Terese hands Susan her keys for Eirini Rising as she steps back from the business
- Toadie assures Nell prior to leaving town that she can call JJ as often as she likes, and have visits
- Cara experiences pain while reaching into a high cupboard after her operation, but pretends she's fine
- Presently her pain worsens and she collapses outside the house, leading Remi to call an ambulance
- Byron and Sadie see Sebastian completing what looks like a drug deal with a woman
- Leo tells Sebastian to leave town, or his life won't be worth living
- Later, Leo feigns surprise when Krista realises that Sebastian has taken off
The Waterhole
Krista is stressing about Sebastian, and telling Aaron and Leo that he isn't responding to any of her messages after shooting through. Krista takes a call from a friend of Seb's called 'Jacks', who she's contacted in the hope of news. While she's gone, Aaron notices Leo's consternation and remarks that it's clearly getting to him.
LEO: Seb left because I told him to. Pretty firmly.
AARON: What? Mate, what were you thinking?
LEO: I was only trying to protect Krista.
AARON: When are you gonna tell Krista?
LEO: I'm not.
Aaron looks displeased, but at this point Krista finishes up her call and returns - with no news.
KRISTA: I just wish I knew if Seb was safe or not. I feel really helpless.
Leo looks guilty, while Aaron shakes his head in disapproval.
Erinsborough Hospital
Remi tells Cara that the doctors think she's had a post- operative rupture and are going to take her in for emergency surgery.
REMI (downplaying): You've probably just popped some stitches. Hopefully it's just a minor bleed.
CARA (upset): I'm so sorry. This is all my fault.
REMI: No, it's not. These things happen.
CARA: I was reaching up for the top cupboard, and... I felt a tear.
REMI: When, today?
CARA: A couple of days ago. It felt like being stabbed, and... it just got worse.
REMI: Why didn't you tell me sooner?
CARA: ... I was embarrassed.
REMI: Hey, hey - it's alright. You're here now, and you're in great hands.
But Remi looks worried after what she's heard.
Power Road
JJ is coming out of Grease Monkeys with a drink and passes the nearby phone box. Nell is hiding inside to scare him, and almost gives him a heart attack as he spots her pressed up against the glass. But he's thrilled to see her and gives her a hug. Nell asks after Cara; and not being privy to what's happened at home, JJ reports that she's doing better. Nell admits she's snuck off from Colac without permission again.
JJ: Then we're gonna have to be extra careful.
NELL: Careful? That's my middle name.
Nell pulls up the hood on her hoodie, and JJ does the same, then they walk off together.
Harold's Café
Terese is waiting at the counter when we see a pair of legs come through the door and approach her. It's Toadie! Terese is disconcerted by his sudden appearance, saying she didn't know he was coming to town.
TOADIE: I had a few things I needed to do. Well, actually, I... I mainly needed to talk with you. Have you got a second?
TERESE: Uh, no, not now. Sorry.
TOADIE: Yeah, right. Sorry, I should've called. You're probably busy with work, right?
TERESE: Yeah, well, you know me.
TOADIE: Yeah. Later, then?
TERESE: ... I'll see how my day goes. Bye.
Terese walks off! Toadie looks anguished.
Ramsay Street
Jaunty music plays as the cool cats from No 32 walk home from the shops in slow motion with their bags of groceries - Sadie, Byron, Max... and Vera! Byron moans about the fact they've opted for the cheapest laundry powder. Sadie agrees that a lot of home- brand products have ended up in their shop this week.
VERA: It's alright for you Gen- Zeds with your Bank of Mum and Dad. But what about this poor old orphan boomer with a crippling gambling addiction, living hand to mouth?
BYRON: I think now we know who bought the Fold Power.
VERA: Well, excuse me for making the most of what little I have. I have other expenses, you know.
Since Vera is seemingly struggling, Byron suggests that the rest of them cover the grocery bills for a few weeks, until she's back on her feet. Max agrees.
VERA: No, I was not dropping a hint.
MAX: Vera, it's fine. We've all got jobs.
SADIE: Yeah. Plus, we wouldn't want you to sell No 32 as well.
VERA: Oh. Alright... It'd be awful if we had to split up the gang, hey?
Byron and Sadie exchange a look. Max suggests they drop the shopping off and then head for a drink - 'Byron's shout'. Byron looks annoyed. Vera follows the others towards the house, a sly expression creeping across her face...
Nell and JJ arrive at the end of the street too, but duck behind a car when they see the No 32 crew. JJ gets a message, and tells Nell that Cara's been rushed back to hospital...
Erinsborough Hospital
We see a montage of a desperately worried Remi sitting, then pacing, and then standing anxiously in the waiting area while Cara is in surgery.
Lassiter's Lake
Krista and Leo are out for a walk. She thanks him for being so supportive about Seb's vanishing act.
KRISTA: I feel really responsible for him.
LEO: Trust me, this isn't on you.
KRISTA: It is. I'm the one who got Seb into this lifestyle. The partying, and the drugs. I was in a really dark place, and my family had abandoned me... and I was trying to distract myself with the partying. And who better to do that with than my best friend?
LEO: Everyone parties when they're younger.
KRISTA: Yeah... but most of those people don't have access to the kind of money that I did. By the time Dad shipped me off to the UK, Seb was well and truly down the path that I'd put him on.
LEO: But you can't blame yourself for his bad decisions.
KRISTA: Maybe not. I dunno - he might've lived a completely different life if he'd never met me.
LEO: Right, so... this is why you were so set on looking after him while he was here.
KRISTA: Yeah, I guess I was just trying to make up for past mistakes. But that's not gonna happen now.
LEO: Don't beat yourself up. You've done everything you can to be a good friend.
KRISTA: You always see the best in me. I'm really lucky to have you.
They hug, but over her shoulder Leo is looking rather guilty...
Erinsborough Hospital
Remi comes out of the building to meet JJ and Dex, who have just arrived, looking worried. She tells the boys that Cara is still in surgery, but will be out soon, and reassures them that she will be okay.
At this point the surgeon, Dr Ackerman, comes out. She reports that the surgery went 'really well' and that Cara's now in recovery. Remi, Dex and JJ all look relieved. But then the doctor asks for a private word with Remi, and takes her aside.
We hear only very faintly about a 'complication' arising regarding the 'uterus and fallopian tubes'. Dex watches worriedly from a distance as Remi appears very emotional at what the doctor is telling her...
Harold's Café
Nell comes in via the back door, checking around furtively to make sure no one familiar is in the café, then heads into the bathrooms. Meanwhile Toadie and Susan come through the front door; Susan thinks Toadie's new life in Colac sounds to be going well.
TOADIE: Yeah. There's been a couple of unexpected challenges, but we don't need to go into that right now.
Susan offers him the spare room at No 28 if he's staying the night. But he says it's just a day trip, explaining he's sorting out some stuff for the Sonya Foundation.
TOADIE: I ran into Terese earlier.
SUSAN: Oh yeah? How did that go?
TOADIE: Well, it didn't. She had to duck off to work. I was hoping to catch her later.
Susan looks awkward, not wanting to be the first to tell Toadie about Terese's change of circumstances. She changes the subject, and they head outside to find a table. Just after they head out the back door, Nell emerges from the bathroom, on the phone to JJ. She tells him to stay with his mums; she's fine just to lay low until he's done at the hospital. Then she heads out of the front door.
Lassiter's Complex
Leo and Krista run into Byron and Sadie, and they discuss Seb shooting through. Krista says she's okay - 'Seb's a hurricane, it's just what he does.' Byron suggests finding the woman that he and Sadie saw Seb with to see if she knows where he is. It's the first Krista has heard of her, and Byron and Sadie make it clear they think she was a drug dealer. Byron's about to mention the dodgy guy Joe, but Leo cuts him off.
While Krista and Sadie walk ahead to the pub to get hot chips, Byron asks Leo why he wouldn't let him tell Krista about Joe.
LEO: Because he's a loan shark. We don't need her worrying about Seb more than she already is, okay? She'll just double her efforts to try and find him.
BYRON: And that's a bad thing because...?
LEO: Well, he's a train wreck. She doesn't need that kind of energy right now. She doesn't need to hear about this conversation, either.
Byron doesn't look happy to be keeping secrets, but doesn't say anymore.
Erinsborough Hospital
A nurse tells Remi that she and the boys can go in and see Cara now, so they head into her room. She's awake and smiling.
CARA: I'd give you a hug but I don't want to pop another stitch. Two surgeries a week is my limit.
DEX: How are you feeling?
CARA: I'm on the good stuff. Can't feel a thing.
Sensing Remi and Cara need to talk, JJ suggests he and Dex leave them to it. Dex has brought some flowers for Cara, and leaves them for her on the bed. Remi then sits by Cara to break some difficult news.
CARA: It wasn't something minor, was it?
REMI: The stitches in your bowel ruptured, which led to an infection in your abdomen, which led to sepsis.
CARA: That's why the pain kept getting worse.
REMI: And by the time you got to the hospital, it had spread to your fallopian tubes and your uterus, and unfortunately... you had to have a complete hysterectomy. It was the last resort. You would've died without it. I'm so sorry, babe.
Remi is crying - and a single tear rolls down Cara's cheek too.
No 32
Sadie, Byron and Max are hanging out on the patio. Sadie has invited Holly over, but she's still in hiding apparently.
MAX: No great loss.
BYRON: Hey, do you mind? You know Holly's one of my best friends.
MAX: What, and that's meant to be a selling point?
SADIE: She's my best friend too. She's really nice. You should give her a chance.
MAX: Okay, fine. Only because you have good taste. Except for one thing.
To demonstrate what he means, Max pointedly ruffles Byron's hair as he walks past him and into the house. Byron is not impressed. Vera then comes out of the house, making a song and dance about how painful her bunions are - 'like walking on hot coals' apparently. Sadie suggests that Vera see a doctor.
VERA: The only thing that helps is a weekly foot rub. But, budget can't stretch to that now, can it?
Sadie and Byron exchange a nervous glance! Vera continues to groan and whimper affectedly, until Sadie cracks and offers to give her some complimentary massage vouchers if she drops by the day spa.
SADIE: Just don't tell Paul.
VERA: Oh, mum's the word.
Vera continues to whimper until she gets round the other side of the house - then starts walking normally again, and smiles to herself that her latest plan to get freebies has worked!
702 Eclipse Apartments
Krista is still worried about Seb. Aaron and Leo are with her, and Aaron drops hints to Leo that he ought to tell Krista what he knows; but Leo just says that if Seb doesn't want to be found, they should perhaps respect that.
At this point, Krista gets a message from Seb. She reads it out; it says, 'Stop worrying, Krusty. I just had to bounce from that boring place. I'm in Sydney now. Thanks for putting me up.' Leo is relieved the message doesn't say anything about him telling Seb to leave.
LEO: There you go, mystery solved.
KRISTA: You're right, I just... guess I have to move on.
She forces a smile but still looks concerned. Aaron is looking concerned too.
Fitzgerald Motors
A funky song comes on as a shiny pink car with the registration plate 'Queen V' drives up to the garage! Naturally it's Vera's car, and she gets out and greets Max.
VERA: Look at you, working away like a cute little squirrel!
She explains her oil light has been flashing low. Max says the car probably needs a service; Vera admits it's overdue, but can only afford an oil change.
VERA: I'm just hoping the engine doesn't conk out before I'm back on my feet.
Taking pity, Max offers to do a service for her free of charge.
VERA: You'd do that for me?
MAX: Yeah, of course. We're housemates; we should help each other out.
VERA: You're as kind as you are handsome!
As Max goes to fetch the paperwork, Vera pumps her fist at another successfully negotiated freebie...
No 24
Terese is talking to Susan and Jane about Toadie, and admits she just doesn't want to see him. Susan queries whether that's healthy, pointing out that he always said he'd bring Nell and Hugo for a visit.
TERESE: I've had a lot going on, and it's been hard to line something up with me being in rehab.
Seemingly keen to change the subject, Terese asks what's going on with Jane.
JANE: I slept with Shane.
TERESE: (gasps)
SUSAN: Stop it! Ooh, you are a dark horse.
TERESE: How was it?
Jane gets coy, and goes for a top- up of coffee before they get into it! While Jane's in the kitchen, Susan has a quiet word to Terese.
SUSAN: I know you don't want to talk about Toadie, but he seems under the impression that you're still working at Eirini Rising.
TERESE: Yeah, look, umm... before Cara's 40th birthday, he wrongly accused me of falling off the wagon, and I flew off the handle. You know, I just can't stand the thought of him knowing that I actually did in the end, and I lost my job because of it. I mean it, Susan - I really don't want him knowing.
Erinsborough Hospital
At the hospital, Dex is sitting quietly in the corridor, looking anxious. In Cara's room, Cara glances sadly at the flowers Dex bought her, which are now in a vase by the bed, and sighs.
Remi comes in; she's managed to get Cara some ice cream. She asks if Cara wants her to answer any questions.
CARA: Just one. When can I go home?
REMI: Babe, you can be honest about how you're feeling.
CARA: I am.
REMI: Your body's gonna go through a lot.
CARA: At least I never have to have another period.
REMI: Look, for some women... it brings up thoughts about their femininity.
CARA: Being a woman isn't defined by my body and whether or not I've got a uterus, I know that.
REMI: And what about our plans to have a baby?
CARA: What can I say? It is what it is.
REMI: Cara...
CARA: I'm the one who refused to take it easy. There's nobody to blame but me.
REMI: It's not your fault. It was an accident.
CARA: That I caused.
REMI: Which is beside the point. You are entitled to grieve.
CARA: Having another baby was always gonna be a long shot. It's fine.
Harold's Café
JJ and Nell have reconvened for milkshakes, and he wonders if they should go somewhere a little less public, still concerned about Nell being spotted. But Nell's more concerned that they should talk about what's happening with Cara.
However, at this point Toadie comes in, and is shocked to see Nell there.
NELL: Dad? What are you doing here?
TOADIE: I could ask you the same question.
The 82
Byron, Sadie and Jane are hanging out at the tram when Vera speeds past in her pink car, honking and waving. Jane wonders what's put Vera in such a good mood, just as Max turns up.
MAX: That'd be me.
SADIE: Well, actually, it was me. She was stressing about being broke, so I gave her some free massage vouchers.
MAX: Wait... oh my god, I just gave her a free car service for the same reason.
SADIE: We've been played, haven't we?
MAX: Like a pair of fiddles.
Byron doesn't seem very happy at Max being present or him talking to Sadie. Jane asks him what's wrong, but he says it's nothing, as Sadie and Max keep chatting.
Harold's Café
JJ has gone and Toadie and Nell have been left alone to talk.
NELL: I've been trying to give Colac a go, I really have. But I miss school. And I miss JJ. I miss Terese.
At this stage, Terese herself walks in, and is thrilled to see Nell, who rushes over to give her a hug. Nell acknowledges that this isn't the first time she's seen Terese while back in Erinsborough without permission, which makes things awkward.
TOADIE (to Nell): Do you mind waiting for me outside, please?
NELL: No. I want to see Terese.
TOADIE (sternly): So do I. Off you go.
Nell reluctantly leaves.
TERESE: Listen, please don't give her too hard a time. She's just homesick.
TOADIE: I'm not going to. Cos the truth is, there's something going on that Nell isn't aware of. And, uh, I need to ask you a favour. It's a big one.
Coming up on Neighbours
- A glamorous new arrival, Yasmine ('but everybody calls me Yaz'), makes her presence felt with Nicolette
- Paul asks Yaz if he can help her, as she looks a bit lost. 'I'm exactly where I need to be,' she replies
- Yaz declares Eirini Rising 'such a charming place'; Susan is impressed that she's done her homework
- Aaron asks Yaz if she'll be lighting up their lives. She says she'll never hire him as a slogan manager