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Neighbours Episode 6032 from 2010 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6031 - 6033>>
Episode title: 6032 (Ringo's funeral)
Australian airdate: 26/10/10
UK airdate: 30/11/10
Writer: Elizabeth Packett
Director: Jonathon Dutton
Guests: Lee "Nick" Nixon - Brian Vriends
Ryan Chew - Peter Bright
Summary/Images by: ~Em~/Graham
- Rebecca pushing Paul.
- Paul telling Rebecca he remembers who pushed him and threatening to tell the police it was Declan.
- Rebecca telling Paul that she'll lie to protect her son, but that's as far as it goes.
- Ringo telling Donna about a bakery.
- The gang running out of petrol on the way to Ringo's funeral.
Number 22
Paul wakes up to find it's nearly eleven. He sees the photo of him and Rebecca on the bedside table, then looks at Rebecca's unslept in side of the bed and experiences that "oh dear everything is crap" feeling.
Downstairs Rebecca is looking for pink teddy. Paul comes down and remarks that he doesn't know how she can sleep in the spare bedroom and not in her own bed. Rebecca says that she's not sleeping with him and he needs to recover. He asks how she feels about not being at the funeral. He wanted to be there too. Rebecca respects that Prue just wanted close friends and family there. Paul wishes they could be there for Donna. As she heads out to work he tells her that he's got a lunch meeting at Charlie's. Rebecca is stunned that he's working and is suspicious that he's just trying to have free reign while Declan isn't there. Paul tells her that he's actually working with the paper, not Lassiters.
Rebecca leaves for work. Paul pulls a sad face.
Roadside in the middle of nowhere
Donna paces up and down, she thought roadside assistance was meant to assist. Kate reminds her that they're in the middle of nowhere. Donna doesn't care, it's an emergency. After a while the boys return with news that there's no houses around and no sign of anyone. They've called roadside assistance again but there's some sort of hold up. Zeke is on the phone to Susan, they're trying to delay the service. Donna can't believe this is happening. Zeke hands the phone over to Donna.
Roadside/Ringo's funeral
Susan explains that there's a service after Ringo's, if they don't start on time it will mess everything up. Donna can't say anything. Susan passes the phone over to Nick, he tells her to hold tight, he'll come and get her but it'll be about half an hour. The service starts in half an hour, but they'd be back in time for the wake. Donna doesn't want him to miss the service, she needs him to be there for her. He agrees to stay if that's what she wants, they'll see her afterwards. Donna hangs up. Kate asks what they do now, but Donna doesn't know.
Number 22
Andrew finds his father wrestling with a tie trying to tie it one handed. He is surprised to hear that he's going back to work, what to the doctors say about this? Paul tells him that a good man is being buried today, he feels like he has been given a second chance so he's getting on with it. Paul, this is like your gazillionth chance! Andrew is curious as to why Rebecca hasn't tried to stop him. Paul suspects she thinks he's doing it all for show, but that doesn't matter, what's important is that it's what he wants to do.
A group of journos are having journalistic jokes over a buffet lunch until they see Paul. Paul would like to talk about how the paper has been running in his absence before they start on lunch. One of the journalists snidely remarks that that's why Susan wasn't invited, so she couldn't have right of reply! Paul says on the contrary, if Susan could be with them he'd be congratulating her on a job well done. He knows he used to favour a more sensationalist approach, but having been at death's door he's softened a bit. (Rebecca is now listening into this.) He really likes some of the uplifting feel good stuff that they've been reporting, like the guy who has given money to build a skate ramp for disadvantaged kids, or the people who banded together to revive some native bushland. It balances out the grit. He doesn't necessarily want to turn the paper into a good news rag, but when they tackle the big issues he wants it done thoroughly and ethically. It's a new start for both him and the paper. Rebecca looks like she is yet to be convinced.
Roadside in the middle of nowhere
The funeral is due to start in fifteen minutes and Donna is looking forlornly at Ringo's (possible) favourite pie. Suddenly they see a car and all jump up and down and try to flag the car down. The car doesn't stop. Kate remains positive and says they'll get the next one for sure. Donna tells her to give it up, it was the first car to go by in an hour and even if they did get a lift now they'd miss Ringo's service. Zeke suggests that they call Karl and Susan and at least put the whole thing on speakerphone. Donna says it's not the same, she wanted to say goodbye properly. Declan rather pointlessly tells her it'll be alright.
DONNA: Enough with the positive thinking, it's over. I've missed his funeral and no matter what you say I will never forgive myself. Ever.
She knocks the damned pie to the ground and storms off.
Kate finds Donna crying. Donna says that Karl will be delivering his eulogy by now, she doesn't even know what he's going to say because when he offered to show her she said she'd rather just wait until today. She feels like such an idiot for making them do a detour to get a pie and then not keeping an eye on the petrol. Now, because of her, none of them get to say goodbye. Kate thinks they still can.
KATE: Yeah, we can. It's not all about funeral homes and services. Hey, hey, Donna, my mum is in here and that's all I need to know. And that's where Ringo is too. I mean, why are you worried about Muttatang anyway, your life with Ringo was in Erinsborough.
DONNA: Well we're not there either, we're just stuck in between.
KATE: Maybe this is the perfect place then.
KATE: Well we're right in the middle of Ringo's two lives. This is the road that finally brought you two together.
Kate suggests they say goodbye to him right there, because it doesn't matter where Donna is, Ringo will be watching. She hugs her best friend.
Ryan the "outspoken" journalist tells Paul that he thinks it was a good idea to get everyone together. Paul has one more thing for him - a story he wants them to run on the front page tomorrow. Ryan takes a look at it and wonders if Paul is being serious, they've already got a story locked down for tomorrow that Lee has been working on for ages that's pretty big stuff. Paul wonders if Ryan didn't hear him, he wants this story on the front page. Ryan doesn't think it's even a story. Paul tells them that as his boss, what he says goes. His phone rings so Ryan goes over to the bar to get a drink. Rebecca is interested to see what Paul wants to run and Ryan tells her it's some fluff piece. Rebecca asks if she can read it. It's about Ringo.
Ringo Brown was just 20 years of age when he died.
That's too young for anyone to have to leave this earth, let alone a local hero like him. Paramedic, footballer, husband, son - Ringo Brown not only left his mark on Erinsborough, but the people who live here.
The youngest of four children of Beatles- obsessed Prue Brown, happy- go- lucky Ringo grew up looking up to his carefree older brother, Frazer. When Ringo was sixteen, he followed Frazer to Erinsborough where he enrolled in Erinsborough High.
A talented athlete, Ringo showed promise as a footballer, even making the grade at AFL level. While his professional career was short- lived, he found a greater passion when he returned to school, focussing his energies on becoming a paramedic.
Although he was never a natural student, Ringo worked hard to overcome his difficulties and with the help of Susan and Libby Kennedy's tutoring, earnt the marks he required.
Dedicated and focused, Ringo was an exceptional paramedic who heroically put his life on the line on many occasions.
While you'd be excused for measuring Ringo's achievements by his sporting abilities or community service, the real measure of the man was his relationship with others.
Ringo Brown was the devoted and loving husband of Donna Freedman. Recently married, Donna was the love of Ringo's life, evidenced in his self- penned vows. Most people look at young love with cynical eyes, certain most won't last the test of time. However, even in the short time they were together, Ringo and Donna did and I have no doubt, would have continued to.
Not only did Ringo leave behind his family in Muttatang, but he also left behind his Erinsborough "family", one that has taken him to their hearts over the last three years.
..........Ringo Brown, but WE will never forget you.
Rebecca looks quite moved.
Kate lays out some pebbles in the shape of a heart under a tree. The boys come over and she tells them that they're making a memorial here, half way between Muttatang and Erinsborough. The guys are in.
A musical montage begins as each of the friends takes some time to think about Ringo as it begins to rain. Donna picks some wild flowers and places them over the pebble memorial that spells out "Ringo". Declan and Kate think it looks good. Zeke suggests they should say something. Kate goes first.
KATE: When I remember you Ringo, I remember someone good, caring and kind. And I'm a better person for knowing you. I'll never forget you.
Donna kneels down by Ringo's name and her voice cracks with emotion.
DONNA: I'm not really sure what to say. You know me, something happens between my brain and my mouth and it just comes out wrong. You were the one thing I got right. And as long as I'm alive, so are you because you're in my heart forever.
She begins to sob and her friends gather around her. Just then a car pulls up and Karl, Susan and Nick get out. Nick goes to hug Donna, Karl and Susan hug Zeke and Kate and Declan hug each other. Eventually they start to walk away leaving Ringo at peace under his tree.
Rebecca tells Paul she's read his article, he can tell that she was moved by it and says that he just needed to say goodbye, considering they couldn't go to the funeral. Rebecca thinks that lots of people will appreciate it. Paul is also donating a day's profits to the hospital, as he always wanted to work there and they certainly helped him get back on his feet. Rebecca smiles and softens. She puts her hand on Paul's shoulder, but Paul seriously misreads the signal and moves in to kiss her.
REBECCA: What are you doing?! For goodness sake, I thought for once you may have been being genuine!
PAUL: I am.
REBECCA: Oh no, you're just being all sweet about Ringo to get me back aren't you?
PAUL: That's not what I'm doing.
REBECCA: Oh it's pathetic Paul, I'm not interested.
That's the problem with Paul, you never can tell... he seems to be having trouble breathing anyway.
Number 22
Andrew tells Paul about Donna not making it to the service. Paul however, seems to be in a bad way. Andrew gets him some water and tells him he knew he wasn't ready to go back to work. Paul says it's not that, he's just stuffed something up. He asks to be left alone to make some calls.
Andrew wants to speak to Rebecca about Paul. He doesn't think he should be going back to work yet, he's not ready. Rebecca agrees, he does much less damage staying at home. Andrew thinks that she should tell him that because he listens to her. Rebecca doesn't say anything but goes to clean some tables. Andrew wants to know what's going on with them, he doesn't get it, Rebecca is supposed to be taking Paul back, but she acts like she doesn't even care.
REBECCA: It's complicated.
ANDREW: No it's not, it's simple. Dad has made some mistakes, he's made some big mistakes we all know that but he's doing everything he can to try and be a better man for you. You're killing him.
Nearly quite literally..
Number 22
Rebecca is home from work, but doesn't seem keen on going straight upstairs to bed. Instead she turns on the TV and doesn't really watch a commercials channel. She switches it off, resigned to going upstairs. She finds Paul making up twin beds in their bedroom. She wants to know what he's doing. He says he's apologising for trying to kiss her, he knows it was stupid and insensitive. He wants her to understand that he would never ever use Ringo to score points with her. The article was genuine as is his desire to be a better man, hence the beds. She can't sleep in the spare room without somebody finding out. He knows she needs her space.
PAUL: Rebecca, I do want you back but I don't want to force it.
REBECCA: You don't want to force it? Paul, what do you think this arrangement is?
PAUL: Well at night we can sleep separately, during the day we can push the beds together and cover them up with a dooner...nobody will know the difference.
REBECCA: Except us! You can't just cover up what's happened, Paul. You are completely deluded if you think that you can.
PAUL: Rebecca, I am trying....
REBECCA: NO! I don't want anything to do with you right now, I can't bear to be near you!
Oh dear. Not the happily married couple that are pictured on the chest of drawers now, are they?
Paul follows Rebecca downstairs but she has no desire to talk. Paul says if she'd just look, she'd see he's not talking. Surely actions speak louder than words? Rebecca thinks he's right, they do. She leaves the house slamming the door behind her. Paul has trouble getting his breath again and flounders around in a typical Paul collapsing fashion. Andrew comes in the back door and runs to him. Paul falls to the floor and Andrew dials for an ambulance.
ANDREW: I need help. Please! Come on dad, come on! Dad!!
- Andrew asks Rebecca to make a better go at giving Paul a second chance.
- Michael and Ruby have a relationship in a day.
- The gulf widens between Karl and Susan.
- Paul gives Karl some sage advice.
- Paul will do anything to make things up to Rebecca.
<<6031 - 6033>>
Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6032
Paul Robinson

Rebecca Napier, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6032
Rebecca Napier, Paul Robinson

Donna Freedman, Kate Ramsay, Declan Napier, Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 6032
Donna Freedman, Kate Ramsay, Declan Napier, Zeke Kinski

Karl Kennedy, Leigh
Karl Kennedy, Leigh 'Nick' Nixon, Susan Kennedy

Andrew Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6032
Andrew Robinson, Paul Robinson

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6032
Paul Robinson

Zeke Kinski, Kate Ramsay, Donna Freedman, Declan Napier in Neighbours Episode 6032
Zeke Kinski, Kate Ramsay, Donna Freedman, Declan Napier

Donna Freedman, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6032
Donna Freedman, Kate Ramsay

Paul Robinson, Ryan Chew, Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 6032
Paul Robinson, Ryan Chew, Rebecca Napier

 in Neighbours Episode 6032

Donna Freedman in Neighbours Episode 6032
Donna Freedman

Karl Kennedy, Zeke Kinski, Susan Kennedy, Leigh
Karl Kennedy, Zeke Kinski, Susan Kennedy, Leigh 'Nick' Nixon, Donna Freedman, Declan Napier, Kate Ramsay

Rebecca Napier, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6032
Rebecca Napier, Paul Robinson

Andrew Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6032
Andrew Robinson, Paul Robinson

Andrew Robinson, Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 6032
Andrew Robinson, Rebecca Napier

Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 6032
Rebecca Napier

Rebecca Napier, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6032
Rebecca Napier, Paul Robinson

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6032
Paul Robinson

Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6032
Andrew Robinson

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