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Neighbours Episode 9103 from 2024 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<9102 - 9104>>
Episode title: 9103 (Wendy and Andrew's marriage is in trouble due to Quinn)
Australian and UK airdate: 29/08/24
Writer: Emma J Steele
Director: Scott Major
Guests: Quinn Lao: Louis Lè
Felicity Bosman: Effie Nkrumah
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Jeremai
Previously on Neighbours
- Terese wondering to Susan how her marriage has fallen apart.
- Nell tearfully telling Terese that she's family.
- Toadie arriving at Susan and Karl's saying he "should be on his own"
- Cara writes herself a letter every five years and is disappointed she hasn't managed a lot of the things she wrote on the last one.
- Sadie's model has bailed on her, JJ suggests Cara as a replacement.
- Sadie thinks there's something going on between Wendy and Quinn.
- Wendy admits to Andrew that she and Quinn had a "small moment"
Andrew takes this fairly calmly, but is clearly a bit agitated.
WENDY: Well, you know that other day, Quinn and I had that talk about cultural belonging....
ANDREW: Wendy, Wendy! What sort of moment? Did you kiss him?
WENDY: No! No, of course not!
ANDREW: Well then, what was it?
WENDY: It's just...this connection.
ANDREW: Yeah, just a connection.
WENDY: Yeah, which I shut down.
ANDREW: But you're still seeing him! I thought it was awesome that you found someone like Quinn....
But just then they are interrupted by Remi, Cara, JJ and Remi's friend, who have come to set up for Cara's party.
Andrew awkwardly goes off to the garden and Wendy follows him.
Cara is confused why Sadie needs to do her makeup at No.30 and Sadie makes a feeble excuse about the lighting being better.
Cara is very reluctant and not looking forward to the experience(!)
Terese is reading through some emails from Toadie. Nell comes over and asks if she's OK. She tells her she'd rather not be here when Toadie comes to pick up his clothes. Nell doesn't really want to talk to Toadie, but Terese says it's essential.
JJ pops round to see Nell to see if there's anything he can do for her. If she wants to come to the party they can sit quietly in a corner and talk, or not talk, whatever she wants. Nell looks touched.
Toadie tells Susan that he's not doing too well, but Terese and the kids are worse off.
TOADIE: I hate what I'm putting all of them through.
SUSAN: I hate seeing you all go through it. Breaks my heart.
TOADIE: Thanks for not giving up on me.
SUSAN: No. Never.
Aaron, Krista and Sam have arrived for the party. Andrew and Wendy are still trying to talk.
WENDY: Please, can you just understand there is nothing going on between me and Quinn.
ANDREW: Which is why you decided not to say anything, hmmm?
WENDY: Exactly!
Krista interrupts them looking for party equipment.
ANDREW: I've seen the way that he looks at you. That's not nothing.
Just then, Quinn himself arrives at the party!
ANDREW: Oh, you've got to be kidding me! You should have told him not to come.
WENDY: Well, it was too late! And he's here for Cara's birthday.
ANDREW: Oh, he is *not* here for Cara.
Sadie is finishing Cara's makeup. She thinks it looks good, but is still uncomfortable. Sadie takes some pictures of her for her portfolio.
Cara gets up to wash the makeup off, but Sadie says she needs to get her setting spray - at No.26. She drags Cara off.
Andrew is about to confront Quinn when Cara turns up.
They all shout "Surprise!"
REMI: Happy birthday, babe!
DEX: What happened to your face?
REMI: Dexter! You look incredible!
Cara is shocked at the party, but everyone starts hugging her and wishing her a 'Happy Birthday'
Andrew is still seething in the background.
Toadie has turned up to get his clothes. Terese tells him coldly to carry on.
TOADIE: You've got every right to be angry.
TERESE: Angry? I'm not angry. I'm devastated. I gave you everything, Toadie. I was even going to change my name! And even when you cheated, I still loved you. I've been to hell and back. But you were never fully committed.
TOADIE: I did think I was at the time. But either way, you deserve so much more...
TERESE: Oh, well, I feel like a complete fool!
TOADIE: No, well, you're not...
She stalks out, slamming the door behind her.
Nell comes down the stairs, rolling her eyes.
TOADIE: Sorry you saw that.
NELL: It's fine.
Toadie spots a whisky bottle on the shelf and looks concerned.
Toadie goes through to talk to Nell in the sun room.
TOADIE: Sorry, I know that was a lot.
NELL: Mmm. Starting to feel pretty normal, actually. Yeah, I think I finally realised I can't miss your messes. I'm going to focus on...me.
TOADIE: Yeah. Yeah, that's good.
NELL: You should focus on you too.
TOADIE: Yeah, sweetheart, I am. I really am. I'm going to get us back on stable ground, I promise.
NELL: I get you being worried about Hugo. But, er, you don't have to worry about me.
TOADIE: Well, that's an impossibility. Because I'm always going to be your dad. And you're always going to be my Nellyfish. I hope you know that.
NELL: I do. But I'm not a kid anymore.
NELL: Yeah. Erm...I'm going to check out Cara's party. Yep.
TOADIE: Hey, Nellyfish. Has Terese been acting herself lately?
NELL: Whatever that means...yeah.
Everyone is admiring Cara's makeup who looks increasingly uncomfortable.
Remi sees her discomfort and takes her off. Nell comes in and tells JJ that he promised her cake. She goes off with him, much to Dex's displeasure.
Ramsay Street
Remi and Cara are chatting in a rainy street. Cara mentions that she hasn't had a card from Chelsea. Cara is melancholy.
CARA: Am I just forty now and this is who I'm going to be for the rest of my life?
REMI: It's OK to know what look works for you.
CARA: Maybe this is killing me not because it's too much, but because it's not enough...?
Andrew confronts Quinn.
ANDREW: What are you doing here, mate? What's the plan? Are you going to stay late, help everyone pack up, play Mr Helpful again?
QUINN: I don't want to cause a scene. You know what, I should go.
ANDREW:(raising his voice) Maybe you should go, go on! There's nothing for you here!
Wendy and Sadie are shocked.
SADIE: This is all my fault!
WENDY: What? No!
Andrew stomps out, just as Susan come in upon the whole awkward scene.
WENDY: Susan, you made it!
SUSAN: I'd like to say a quick happy birthday...to Cara.
The awkwardness continues.
Ramsay Street
Andrew is trying to calm himself down when Wendy comes out after him.
WENDY: Look, after what happened with Quinn, I...I should've ended our friendship. And...well, me not doing it, it must have seemed like I wanted something to happen.
ANDREW: Did you?
WENDY: No. No, of course not. But he understand me. And, er, you know, it's just easy.
How would you feel if I started hanging out with another woman at work. Talking about what goes on there. Things that you didn't really understand?
Wendy looks down.
WENDY: I'm sorry, OK? I don't know what else to say. What can I do to make this right.
ANDREW: I just...I think I need some space.
WENDY: OK. Well, you know, maybe I can stay somewhere else tonight.
ANDREW: Yeah, I think that may be for the best.
He walks off, leaving Wendy looking shocked.
SADIE: This party is officially a disaster. The hosts imploded and our guest of honour just disappeared!
Just then, Cara and Remi come back, with Cara dressed in a glamorous red trouser- suit. Remi says Cara always loks gorgeous, whether she's dressed up or down. They all call on her to make a speech.
CARA: Ah, OK. Well, I'm not generally one for speeches. But I do just want to thank everyone for being here. The idea of entering into a new decade has been pretty daunting, and I generally don't like to make a big deal on my birthday. But I can't deny, this is pretty great! Cheers!
JJ: Hey, Mum. You don't look bad for 40!
Terese pops in to give Cara a present (the bottle of whisky from her kitchen) but tells her awkwardly that she can't stay.
Toadie and Andrew are talking about Wendy and Quinn.
TOADIE: Yes, Wendy should have told you sooner, but at least nothing actually happened.
ANDREW: I just keep wondering, if I hadn't have called her on it, maybe it would have.
TOADIE: Or maybe it wouldn't have. You've got to just move past that, mate because otherwise you'll be going round and round in circles. Dude, you guys have got something worth fighting for!
ANDREW: And you and Terese, don't?
TOADIE: There's something that's just broken in me. And I'm no good to anyone until I fix it. I hate how much I've hurt Terese.
ANDREW: You can't be too surprised, Toad. I mean, she loves you. This'll be gut- wrenching for her. I think she will struggle to get through it.
Harold's Cafe
Wendy is sitting at a table with Quinn. (Seriously, Wendy?!)
WENDY: I'm sorry Andrew spoke to you like that.
QUINN: Well, I probably shouldn't have come to the party.
WENDY: I probably shouldn't have invited you. But no, none of this would have happened if I hadn't crossed a line.
QUINN:(confused) We didn't do anything.
WENDY: The other day when we worked together, I mean, we had a moment, you know that. But I should have said something instead of pretending everything was fine.
QUINN: I never wanted to get between you and Andrew.
WENDY: Yeah, and that would never happened because I love Andrew.
QUINN: So what does that mean for us?
WENDY: I'm always going to be grateful for the support you gave me. But we're just not going to be able to be friends anymore.
QUINN:(nods) I understand. I'm sorry. Just remember that you are...you are worthy of everything.
He stands up and walks out of the cafe.
Front of No.26
JJ and Nell are sitting on the front steps.
JJ: So...the party wasn't exactly what I promised. Not exactly drama- free.
NELL: Seems pretty uh, on point with my life at the moment.
JJ: Is there anything else I can do to help?
NELL: Everything's just so...I don't know what's going to happen. I mean, I just told my dad I don't need him to "dad" me all the time.
JJ: I hope you know that you're brave for that.
He smiles at her.
NELL: And there's you. I don't know where things stand between us.
JJ: Yeah, I've been thinking about that.
NELL: We both still like each other.
JJ: I hope so.
They smile at each other.
NELL: But...some people may not be comfortable with us, still.
JJ: You know...maybe we just don't have to tell anyone about us for a while.
NELL: Sounds OK to me.
JJ: Yeah?
NELL: I mean...what *is* there to tell?
JJ: Yeah, what is there to tell?
He leans over to her and they kiss. Ah, young love.
They smile shyly at each other.
Terese is folding laundry when she comes across the "trackie- daks" that she and Toadie used to wear. She looks upset.
Just then, there's a knock on the front door and it's Toadie. Oh dear, not good timing.
TERESE: What do you want?
TOADIE: Are you drinking again?
TERESE:(stunned) What?!
TOADIE: I saw the bottle of whisky and I know you're upset.
TERESE: That is completely out of line.
TOADIE: Hang on.
TERESE: No, no, no, no. That was a birthday present for Cara. I'm not drinking! And you've lose all right to ask.
TOADIE: I'm sorry. I know you're struggling.
TERESE: No, no. No, no, no, no. You're the one who's having a midlife crisis or whatever you want to call it. And I'm the one standing holding your family together. And you know what? I'm doing a hell of a lot better than you have done lately.
TOADIE: Just because we're separated, it doesn't mean...
TERESE:(crossly) Oh, shut up, Toadie! You're weak and pathetic. And even if I was tempted, which I'm not, I won't touch it. I will not fall apart because of what you've done to me! Get out!
He leaves. Terese looks outraged.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Mackenzie asks Haz if she said anything to him while she was delirious.
- JJ and Nell holding hands. She's still worried about Dex.
- Andrew doesn't know what to do about him and Wendy.
<<9102 - 9104>>
Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9103
Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell

Cara Varga-Murphy, Sadie Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9103
Cara Varga-Murphy, Sadie Rodwell

Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 9103
Terese Willis

Toadie Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9103
Toadie Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy

Cara Varga-Murphy, Sadie Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9103
Cara Varga-Murphy, Sadie Rodwell

Sadie Rodwell, Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy, Dex Varga-Murphy, Quinn Lao, Felicity Bosman, Aaron Brennan, Sam Young, Krista Sinclair, Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 9103
Sadie Rodwell, Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy, Dex Varga-Murphy, Quinn Lao, Felicity Bosman, Aaron Brennan, Sam Young, Krista Sinclair, Byron Stone

Aaron Brennan, Krista Sinclair in Neighbours Episode 9103
Aaron Brennan, Krista Sinclair

Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9103
Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi

Nell Rebecchi, JJ Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9103
Nell Rebecchi, JJ Varga-Murphy

Quinn Lao, Dex Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9103
Quinn Lao, Dex Varga-Murphy

Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9103
Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy

Andrew Rodwell, Sadie Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9103
Andrew Rodwell, Sadie Rodwell

Quinn Lao in Neighbours Episode 9103
Quinn Lao

Nicolette Stone, Felicity Bosman in Neighbours Episode 9103
Nicolette Stone, Felicity Bosman

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9103
Susan Kennedy

Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9103
Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell

Cara Varga-Murphy, Byron Stone, Sadie Rodwell, JJ Varga-Murphy, Krista Sinclair in Neighbours Episode 9103
Cara Varga-Murphy, Byron Stone, Sadie Rodwell, JJ Varga-Murphy, Krista Sinclair

Terese Willis, Remi Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9103
Terese Willis, Remi Varga-Murphy

Toadie Rebecchi, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9103
Toadie Rebecchi, Andrew Rodwell

Quinn Lao, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9103
Quinn Lao, Wendy Rodwell

Nell Rebecchi, JJ Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9103
Nell Rebecchi, JJ Varga-Murphy

Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 9103
Terese Willis

Toadie Rebecchi, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 9103
Toadie Rebecchi, Terese Willis

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