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Neighbours Episode 3708 from 2001 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<3707 - 3709>>
Episode title: 3708 (Drew Kirk and Libby Kennedy's wedding)
Australian airdate: 21/02/01
UK airdate: 20/03/01
Writer: Louise Le Nay
Director: Gary Conway
Guests: Kev the barman: Brad Wade
Sheena Wilson: Zoe Stark
Ron Kirk: John Orzsick
Rose Kirk: Diana Greentree
Minnie Kirk: Marion Heathfield
Stuart Kirk: Stephen Godfrey
Dougal Kirk: Steven Bahnsen
Sally Kirk: Niobe Dean
Fergus MacLeod: Tommy Dysart
Larry Woodhouse: Andrew Curry
Rev Loftus: Bill Johnston
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Emily
- The Kennedy and Kirk families meeting and proposing a toast.
- Woody telling Steph to keep a low profile.
No. 26
Steph comes home from the pub and tells Joe and Lyn she's been threatened. Joe wants details, which she tells, then insists she doesn't want to involve the police. Joe tells her she's got to and in case they want a statement they leave to go to the police station.
No. 22
The rest of the Kirk family arrives. Dougal makes a comment about the men being "Nancy Boys" for wearing "skirts" to the wedding. Aunt Minnie quickly stops him and tells him off.
Fergus informs them that the haggis is ready. To the strains of "Marie's Wedding" he pipes the haggis in and recites Robert Burns' 'Address to a Haggis',
Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face, (All hail your honest rounded face,)
Great chieftain o the puddin'-race! (Great chieftain of the pudding race;)
Aboon them a' ye tak your place, (Above them all you take your place,)
Painch, tripe, or thairm: (Beef, tripe, or lamb:)
Weel are ye wordy of a grace (You're worthy of a grace)
As lang's my arm. (As long as my arm.)
No. 26
Steph and Joe return and tell Lyn what happened. Steph hopes nothing happens to Woody because of this. Joe leaves to have a shower and Steph then tells Lyn how she truly feels and asks her not to say anything to Libby, but Lyn tells her she'll have enough on her plate with the wedding to care.
No. 28, next morning
Libby is up at the crack of dawn frantically looking for a particular shade of nail polish. Susan tells her to calm down and it's only nerves.
Steph is in early telling Woody of the threat made to her and the trip to the police. Woody apologises for getting her into this situation. She tells him she has to leave to be Libby's bridesmaid and he wants a picture of her because he's never seen her in a dress before.
No. 28.
Lyn is getting a highly stressed Libby ready for the wedding. Libby asks where Steph is, and Lyn reassures her she's on the way. The female Kirk's and Tess arrive to lend a hand with tea making top of the agenda, but Aunt Minnie suggests something stronger! Karl comes off the phone and says that Grandpa Tom won't be there as Castro the Horse has gone lame. Steph then arrives with the flowers and Libby starts to calm down. The first of many photographs are taken.
No. 22
The men are getting dressed in their kilts (unfortunately they aren't going to be true Scotsmen!) Drew is starting to get nervous but Ron and Fergus help him to dress properly. They all shout at Dougal for taking photographs.
Church grounds
Everyone is slowly beginning to arrive and various photographs are being taken. Eventually they all start to make their way into the church.
Lou's Place
Kev the barman pops his head into the office to remind Lou about the wedding. Lour tells him he needs to put the computer into his car first so he can put it in to get repaired. Lou lifts the monitor up but quickly drops it. Kev comes rushing into the office and Lou tells him he's done something to his back. He tries to say he's fine, but Kev goes to call an ambulance while Lou moans in pain.
A nervous Drew waits at The Altar for Libby's arrival. The wedding car arrives with Libby, Karl and Steph. They get themselves ready and enter the church. The Wedding March begins and they slowly make their way down the aisle to The Altar for the service to begin.
Toadie comes in looking for Lou. Sheena tells him he can't see Lou just now as the doctors are still assessing him. She tells him Lou will undergo an MRI scan to rule out anything sinister.
The Church
Libby and Drew exchange their wedding vows and the minister declares them Husband and Wife. They kiss to seal the union. To the strains of "The Skye Boat Song" they leave the church to receive the warm congratulations of each other's family.
Stuart Kirk welcomes everyone and introduces Mr and Mrs Kirk who make their way into the room. They then gather for photographs of the ceremonial cutting of the cake.Karl then gives his 'Father of the Bride' speech first poignantly and then with jokes about Libby's attitude to marriage when she was younger.
When Karl finishes Ron tells everyone that Drew is going to keep up the Kirk tradition at weddings. To a bemused Libby, Drew hesitantly gets up and with the backing of Harold and Fergus, he sings "Wild Mountain Thyme." Libby becomes very emotional. As the song draws to a close he invites Libby a still teary Libby up for the first dance.
Later on, again to the accompaniment of Wild Mountain Thyme, Drew and Libby are saying farewell to the guests. Libby throws her bouquet, which Steph catches much to her surprise.
<<3707 - 3709>>
 in Neighbours Episode 3708

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy, Drew Kirk in Neighbours Episode 3708
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy, Drew Kirk

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy, Drew Kirk, Sally Kirk, Rose Kirk, Ron Kirk, Stuart Kirk, Dougal Kirk, Fergus MacLeod in Neighbours Episode 3708
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy, Drew Kirk, Sally Kirk, Rose Kirk, Ron Kirk, Stuart Kirk, Dougal Kirk, Fergus MacLeod

Minnie Kirk, Sally Kirk, Tess Bell, Steph Scully, Rose Kirk, Lyn Scully, Libby Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3708
Minnie Kirk, Sally Kirk, Tess Bell, Steph Scully, Rose Kirk, Lyn Scully, Libby Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Libby Kennedy, Drew Kirk in Neighbours Episode 3708
Libby Kennedy, Drew Kirk

Drew Kirk, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3708
Drew Kirk, Libby Kennedy

Rose Kirk, Ron Kirk in Neighbours Episode 3708
Rose Kirk, Ron Kirk

Drew Kirk in Neighbours Episode 3708
Drew Kirk

Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3708
Libby Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3708
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Drew Kirk, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3708
Drew Kirk, Libby Kennedy

Drew Kirk, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3708
Drew Kirk, Libby Kennedy

Steph Scully, Ron Kirk, Susan Kennedy, Drew Kirk, Libby Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Rose Kirk, Stuart Kirk in Neighbours Episode 3708
Steph Scully, Ron Kirk, Susan Kennedy, Drew Kirk, Libby Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Rose Kirk, Stuart Kirk

Madge Bishop, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 3708
Madge Bishop, Harold Bishop

Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 3708
Steph Scully

Harold Bishop, Drew Kirk, Fergus MacLeod in Neighbours Episode 3708
Harold Bishop, Drew Kirk, Fergus MacLeod

Drew Kirk in Neighbours Episode 3708
Drew Kirk

Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3708
Libby Kennedy

Drew Kirk, Steph Scully, Ron Kirk, Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Rose Kirk, Stuart Kirk in Neighbours Episode 3708
Drew Kirk, Steph Scully, Ron Kirk, Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Rose Kirk, Stuart Kirk

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3708
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Lyn Scully, Tess Bell, Steph Scully, Minnie Kirk in Neighbours Episode 3708
Lyn Scully, Tess Bell, Steph Scully, Minnie Kirk

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