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Neighbours Episode 5261 from 2007 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5260 - 5262>>
Episode title: 5261 (Frazer Yeats and Rosie Cammeniti's wedding; Steve, Miranda and Bridget Parker arrive)
Australian airdate: 23/7/07
UK airdate:
Writer: Megan Herbert
Director: Aarne Neeme
Guests: Rocco Cammeniti: Robert Forza
Lucia Cammeniti: Maria Mercedes
Prue Brown: Penny Cook
Graham Brown: David Murray
Johnny Brown: Lawrence Price
Father Capetola: Mark Doggett
- "Groovies Are Go" by The Feeling Groovies
Summary/Images by: Tracy C
- Ringo kissing Carmella when he gets home with a 'honey I'm home' and remarking at the puzzled faces he may as well do the crime if we're going to do the time.
- Carmella and Ringo kissing in the swimming pool.
There are new titles and a new theme tune today - same words but just a different musical blend. See the screen caps below for more on the titles.
A mysterious couple and their daughter are making their way along a road in the middle of the night making bad Collingwood jokes when they come across a kangaroo in the middle of the road. The man gets out to investigate and the daughter wakes having had her 40 winks disturbed.
Swimming pool
Carmy and Ringo are still pashing away and she notices that he is trembling and thinks it is because he is cold. Ringo replies that it is all new for him but he can handle it. This statement seems to shock Carmella to his bewilderment; she gets out the pool and leaves after grabbing a towel on the way out.
The father and daughter finish moving the kangaroo to the side of the road and then discover that she has a Joey, which they rescue and take back to the van. "Mum's not going to like this," the daughter says and right enough she doesn't. They plead with her to allow the Joey onboard until they can get him checked out and eventually she relents and they all get back in the van with their new addition.
Swimming pool
Ringo is sitting moping in the pool when he hears the door open however it isn't Carmella but a very nervous Frazer who is struggling to sleep. He plays along with Frazer's nerves and big brother drops it to him that he's being upgraded and now has to do a speech for the wedding, which seems to cheer up his sad face.
Hotel suite
Everyone is happily sleeping and dreaming away until Rosie or should that be Bridezilla! wakes up and notices the time and the fact they've all slept in. Talk about have a major panic attack! She tries shouting at the others to wake up but they continue snoozing so resorts to using the karaoke mike instead which does wake them all up!
With Pepper's help she gets all the guests out of the room and since it is bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding, she covers Frazer's head with a blanket so he can't see Rosie! To say Rosie is having a hissy fit would be the understatement of the year but her bridesmaids do their utmost to calm her down and reassure her things will be fine and that she will get to the church on time.
Janae is doing her best to ignore Ned when the van we saw last night pulls up to the garage and the mystery family is revealed as Stu & Ned's older brother Steve, his wife Miranda, daughter Bridget and of course the Joey. Ned asks where they are staying and Steve replies Anson Corner but the flat they are renting is fully furnished and they are looking for temporary storage facilities. Ned has a brainwave and twigs that they could use the garage at No. 26 but she knocks him back because he is asking for her help. When he goes to tell the family, Janae has an attack of the guilts and agrees to let them use the garage to hold their furniture.
Church/Rosie's car
Father Capetola opens the doors to the church to find that the wedding party are still getting ready. And on the way to the church, the ladies are still getting ready too with Rosie showing no signs of calming down at all. Her mood isn't helped when Camry puts a blue hair tie on her wrist instead of the blue sapphire bracelet she left behind on her dressing table.
Back at the church and Ringo realises he's left the buttonholes in the fridge at No. 30 but the clever lad spots some flowers nearby and decides to use them instead. And in the car the bridesmaids are fussing over Rosie while she puts on her lipstick and yells "stop". The driver slams on the brakes and cue Rosie now has lipstick over her face instead of her lips. Rosie starts to tear up again as the girls do their best to rectify the situation.
Prue spots Frazer and heads over to welcome him and Ringo, commenting on how smart they are. Mr Brown creeps up on them and Frazer seems a bit surprised that he is there. Frazer stands up out of the wheelchair and embraces his father although his dad looks a bit bemused at being hugged by his son.
Rosie is still teary as they make their way to the church and Carmy's words while they are sincere, just set Rosie off again, which in turn set them off and all 3 try very hard not to bubble as we head into the first commercial break.
Break over and a police car pulls up outside the church and no, someone isn't being arrested but instead it's Rocco out on day release for his daughters wedding. Lucia isn't exactly enthralled to see him out and threatens to kill him if he ruins the day!
Someone spots the bridal car approaching and Lucia orders everyone into the church and with the aid of Ollie, Ringo and a cane; Frazer makes his way into the church. In the car, Rosie's tears have finally stopped and she announces that she is ready.
Church (inside)
The congregation rise as first the bridesmaids walk up the aisle (with Ringo looking at Carmella) before Rocco escorts his daughter down the aisle. Ollie asks if Frazer wants to sit down but now the lad has found the use of his legs, he ain't sitting and has a big smile and only eyes for Rosie as she makes her way to the altar. When she is just about there, he pushes passed Ringo to wait for her and Rosie thanks her father before joining her husband to be.
Father Capetola starts the service and we cut back to the bridal party making their vows.
FRAZER: I want every day good or bad to be shared with you because to wake up without you beside me is to not exist. Doing the smallest thing with you means more to me than the air I breathe because knowing that you are with me in my life always makes anything possible. You've set me free by marrying me. For these reasons and more Rosie, I love you.
ROSIE: Love is your smile. Love is the warmth in your hand on mine. Love is the care you take in all that you do for me. I was ready to live the rest of my life looking for you, now I will spend it standing beside you looking forward. I know I'm not perfect but when I look into your eyes I am and our love enables me to trust the world and my place in it. I love you Frazer and I always will.
FRAZER: I Frazer take thee Rosie to be my wife in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love and honour you all the days of my life.
ROSIE: I Rosetta take you Frazer to be my husband in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I promise to love and honour you all the days of my life.
FRAZER: (putting the ring on Rosie's finger) With this ring I thee wed.
ROSIE: (putting the ring on Frazer's finger) With this ring I thee wed.
FATHER CAPETOLA: Frazer and Rosetta, you are now husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.
Aww and Frazer wastes no time in doing just that! The congregation clap and with the aid of his cane, Mr & Mrs Yates make their way back down the aisle making eyes at each other.
Ramsay Street
Janae stands waiting all dressed up and nowhere to go as the Parker family move the belongings from the truck into the garage. Eventually she reminds Ned that they have a reception to attend but he is too busy helping his family to leave and so Janae strops off down the street.
Mickey and Jake arrive and he wants a ride in the truck but Ned says no.
MICKEY: Please Dad.
The rest of the Parker family are stunned at what they have just heard and Ned does the introductions. He doesn't stick around though and when he scarpers off, Ned seems proud as punch that Mickey called him dad.
Wedding reception
Ringo makes his speech the gathered cast and extras', reminding them what Frazer has been through lately just to be here. His speech is very sincere and heart-warming and while they sit all lovey-dovey, along the table Carmy looks rather glum in comparison. Ollie takes over and proposes the toast which doesn't change seem to help Carmy's mood.
At one of the tables, Steph has to stop Toadie from being an idiot because he doesn't like the food although judging by the rosy cheeks; he likes the wine & champers that have been served. She asks him what his perfect meal would be.
TOADIE: Ooh, that's a conundrum... It's going to take a bit of thought but I can guarantee it will have cheese.
Steph just looks at him.
Moving on and Adam announces that the bridal waltz will now take place and this time without the cane, Frazer leads Rosie onto the dance floor.
At the top table, Ringo invites Carmella up since it is tradition, however she cites sore feet as her reason not to go but he isn't taking no for an answer.
RINGO: We can hold each other, we can dance, we can be close and no-one will know.
The speech obviously worked as they join Frazer and Rosie on the dance floor but when he puts his head on her shoulder, Carmella leaves the dance floor in a hurry to announce it is time for a wedding present - the Cammeniti 12-step!
The gathered clap politely before the bridesmaids, Harold, Elle, and Janae perform the dance to much hilarity.
No. 22
In the living room, Mickey watches Bridget feed the Joey and suggests that he be called pouch, which Bridget goes along with.
In the kitchen, the olds talk about how Ned became a dad before Miranda worms it out of Ned that there is more to him and Janae than boss/employee but Ned puts her right that when she thinks they are a couple. As the conversation progresses, we discover that Miranda is an event manager and Steve a vet who has a shop opening soon. Mickey interrupts to ask for a ride in the truck but again Ned turns him down because they are having coffee.
Wedding reception
The minders escort Rocco away from the venue while the bride and groom say farewell to his parents and then Johnny.
Pepper announces it is time for Rosie to throw the bouquet but sadly despite Pepper shouting out that it was hers; it is Janae who catches it instead. Getting the evil eye from Pepper, Janae wisely decides to hand the bouquet over adding that she doesn't want to get married again!
With the aid of his cane this time, the bride and groom make their way to a stretch limo with confetti being suitably thrown at them. The cast and random extras wave them off while after Steph reminds Toadie they need to get home for Charlie, so he calls on the RSR's to get into the minibus.
They all pile in and Ringo looks disappointed when Carmella rejects his silent offer to sit next to him. Harold offers to drive Janae home when she asks to get out because she left he handbag behind. Steph leads the RSR's in a rendition of '100 green bottles' as the minibus heads off and we go into the last commercial break.
Ramsay Street
Mickey has obviously had enough of his request to have a rid in the van being knocked back and instead climbs up into the cab.
Street somewhere
The RSR's have either given up or finished '100 green bottles' and have moved onto 'She'll be coming round the mountain' instead and Ringo decides its time to go and sit with Carmy.
Ramsay Street
Mickey does what all kids do when we sit in the driving seat and pretend to drive... but he adds more realism by switching off the handbrake and slowly the truck exits the No. 26 driveway. The truck doesn't stay slow for long though and starts to build up momentum as it heads backwards down Ramsay Street (Steve didn't want to reverse in, in case he crashed and blew the excess). Mickey tries his best to put pressure on the break but the lad isn't tall enough.
Meanwhile the minibus Toadie is driving, moves along with the RSR's singing badly away.
Mickey has now got down to where the pedals are and tries in vain to get the van to stop but it isn't.
Toadie turns the minibus into Ramsay Street but before he can do anything about it, drives straight into the van and as the screen goes dark we hear glass smashing and metal being crunched.
As the credits roll, they are new too - the names are on a blue sky background with grass and flowers at the bottom and for those interested, Susan is still being listed as a Kinski and Steph and Janae are Hoylands.
There are new additions to the cast too - Mickey Gannon: Fletcher O'Leary, Adam Rhodes: Benjamin Hart, Steve Parker: Steve Bastoni, Miranda Parker: Nikki Coghill, Bridget Parker: Eloise Mignon, Rebecca Napier: Jane Hall, Declan Napier: James Sorensen
<<5260 - 5262>>
 in Neighbours Episode 5261

Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5261
Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully

Carmella Cammeniti, Pepper Steiger in Neighbours Episode 5261
Carmella Cammeniti, Pepper Steiger

Carmella Cammeniti, Pepper Steiger in Neighbours Episode 5261
Carmella Cammeniti, Pepper Steiger

Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti, Adam Rhodes, Ringo Brown in Neighbours Episode 5261
Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti, Adam Rhodes, Ringo Brown

Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5261
Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Rachel Kinski, Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5261
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Rachel Kinski, Zeke Kinski

Zeke Kinski, Rachel Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5261
Zeke Kinski, Rachel Kinski

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5261
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Miranda Parker, Steve Parker, Bridget Parker in Neighbours Episode 5261
Miranda Parker, Steve Parker, Bridget Parker

Bridget Parker in Neighbours Episode 5261
Bridget Parker

Bridget Parker, Steve Parker, Miranda Parker in Neighbours Episode 5261
Bridget Parker, Steve Parker, Miranda Parker

Harold Bishop, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 5261
Harold Bishop, Lou Carpenter

Janae Hoyland, Ned Parker, Mickey Gannon in Neighbours Episode 5261
Janae Hoyland, Ned Parker, Mickey Gannon

Harold Bishop, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 5261
Harold Bishop, Lou Carpenter

Elle Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5261
Elle Robinson, Paul Robinson

Rebecca Napier, Declan Napier, Oliver Barnes in Neighbours Episode 5261
Rebecca Napier, Declan Napier, Oliver Barnes

Adam Rhodes, Rosie Cammeniti, Frazer Yeats, Ringo Brown, Pepper Steiger, Carmella Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5261
Adam Rhodes, Rosie Cammeniti, Frazer Yeats, Ringo Brown, Pepper Steiger, Carmella Cammeniti

Declan Napier, Oliver Barnes, Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 5261
Declan Napier, Oliver Barnes, Rebecca Napier

 in Neighbours Episode 5261

 in Neighbours Episode 5261

Carmella Cammeniti, Ringo Brown in Neighbours Episode 5261
Carmella Cammeniti, Ringo Brown

Bridget Parker in Neighbours Episode 5261
Bridget Parker

Miranda Parker in Neighbours Episode 5261
Miranda Parker

Steve Parker, Miranda Parker in Neighbours Episode 5261
Steve Parker, Miranda Parker

Frazer Yeats in Neighbours Episode 5261
Frazer Yeats

Pepper Steiger, Rosie Cammeniti, Adam Rhodes in Neighbours Episode 5261
Pepper Steiger, Rosie Cammeniti, Adam Rhodes

Steve Parker, Miranda Parker in Neighbours Episode 5261
Steve Parker, Miranda Parker

Pepper Steiger, Rosie Cammeniti, Carmella Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5261
Pepper Steiger, Rosie Cammeniti, Carmella Cammeniti

Pepper Steiger in Neighbours Episode 5261
Pepper Steiger

Ringo Brown, Prue Brown, Frazer Yeats, Oliver Barnes in Neighbours Episode 5261
Ringo Brown, Prue Brown, Frazer Yeats, Oliver Barnes

Ringo Brown, Frazer Yeats, Prue Brown, Graham Brown in Neighbours Episode 5261
Ringo Brown, Frazer Yeats, Prue Brown, Graham Brown

Rocco Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5261
Rocco Cammeniti

Lucia Cammeniti, Rocco Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5261
Lucia Cammeniti, Rocco Cammeniti

Rosie Cammeniti, Rocco Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5261
Rosie Cammeniti, Rocco Cammeniti

Rosie Cammeniti, Frazer Yeats in Neighbours Episode 5261
Rosie Cammeniti, Frazer Yeats

Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5261
Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti

Rosie Cammeniti, Frazer Yeats in Neighbours Episode 5261
Rosie Cammeniti, Frazer Yeats

Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5261
Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti

Ned Parker, Steve Parker in Neighbours Episode 5261
Ned Parker, Steve Parker

Janae Hoyland, Steph Scully, Toadie Rebecchi, Rocco Cammeniti, Prue Brown, Lucia Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5261
Janae Hoyland, Steph Scully, Toadie Rebecchi, Rocco Cammeniti, Prue Brown, Lucia Cammeniti

Rosie Cammeniti, Frazer Yeats, Pepper Steiger in Neighbours Episode 5261
Rosie Cammeniti, Frazer Yeats, Pepper Steiger

Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5261
Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully

Carmella Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5261
Carmella Cammeniti

Pepper Steiger, Carmella Cammeniti, Harold Bishop, Elle Robinson, Janae Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5261
Pepper Steiger, Carmella Cammeniti, Harold Bishop, Elle Robinson, Janae Hoyland

Rosie Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5261
Rosie Cammeniti

Miranda Parker in Neighbours Episode 5261
Miranda Parker

Rosie Cammeniti, Frazer Yeats in Neighbours Episode 5261
Rosie Cammeniti, Frazer Yeats

Steph Scully, Toadie Rebecchi, Pepper Steiger, Ringo Brown in Neighbours Episode 5261
Steph Scully, Toadie Rebecchi, Pepper Steiger, Ringo Brown

 in Neighbours Episode 5261

Mickey Gannon in Neighbours Episode 5261
Mickey Gannon

 in Neighbours Episode 5261

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 5261
Toadie Rebecchi

 in Neighbours Episode 5261

Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5261
Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully

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