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Neighbours Episode 5262 from 2007 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5261 - 5263>>
Episode title: 5262 (The bus crash)
Australian airdate: 24/07/07
UK airdate:
Writer: Stuart Gaunt
Director: Aarne Neeme
Guests: Snr Sgt Malcolm Hill - Tim Sullivan
Dr. Peggy Newton - Carolyn Bock
Summary/Images by: Carly/Lara
- Frazer and Rosie getting married
- The Parker family arriving
- Mickey accidentally driving the truck and crashing into the bus
Ramsay Street
The Parkers race out to find the bus tipped over on its side and bodies strewn everywhere. Susan joins the rescue party and assists Pepper - who is worried about Adam's whereabouts. While Ned yells into the bus for Janae, Susan checks on Oliver, who looks a little 007: shaken not stirred. Peeking out from behind the truck, Mickey panics at all the carnage he inadvertently caused and runs away unseen.
Number 22
Bridget and Miranda run inside and ask Paul for his phone to call 000.
BRIDGET: Where are we?
PAUL: Ramsay Street.
Welcome to the R.S. biatches. Take out your life insurance now.
Ramsay Street
While Susan and Steve assist the walking wounded, Ned rips the broken window away from the bus and helps Toadie and Steph out. They're scratched up but conscious. Joining the scene, Paul screams for Ned to get Elle out of there. Ned, with his arms already full of survivors, is all, 'Uh, little busy here, Paulie'. Using his initiative, Paul helps Elle out of the bus instead. Ned checks on Janae's whereabouts with Oliver and Elle, relieved to hear she wasn't involved. While everyone retreats from the wreckage, Ned rushes in again to grab Carmella and Ringo, but Steve wants him to get out while he can, "there's petrol everywhere".
Inside the bus, Carmella comes to and nudges Ringo until he also stirs. Realising the mess they're in, Ringo tells Carmella that he loves her.
RINGO: I know it seems like I'm just a stupid kid sometimes.
RINGO: But this is stronger than anything I've ever felt before. I love you. I'm in love with you. Please tell me you feel the same?
Biiiiiig-ass pause, saved only by Ringo slipping back into unconscious-land and Carmella freaking out.
CARMELLA: Ringo, I love you too. Just hang in there, okay?
Ringo beams, but Carmella looks extremely uncomfortable with her lie. This ain't gonna end well.
Outside, Ned has found a way in through the top and slips inside to find Carmella and Ringo. Steve ushers everyone away from the ticking petrol time bomb. Suddenly, a flame sparks up underneath the bus. Crap!
Hotel Room 'o Lurv
Clad in a bath robe, Frazer nervously sits and waits for his wife - who emerges from the bathroom, also clad in a bath robe and equally as nervous. They squee over the fact that they're actually married and then fall back into their anxious state. Rosie's slightly fretting because it's her 'first time' and Frazer because he hasn't done anything hanky panky related since his accident. But all is soon forgotten when they start to smooch and fall backwards on to the bed.
Ramsay Street
Steve carries Carmella away from the bus while Ned hops back in for Ringo. Rushing back, Steve valiantly tries to mop up the petrol with his jacket, but it's a lost cause. He screams for his brother to get out as Miranda and Bridget pull him to safety.
Inside, Ned pushes away a seat that's trapping Ringo, causing the poor lad to yell out in immense pain. Doing his best He-Man impersonation, Ned hauls Ringo out of the top of the bus while everyone looks on in panic. As Ned and Ringo stumble away, the fire races along the line of petrol and explodes the mini-bus, throwing the boys on to the ground with its force. Ned's okay, but the blast has taken its toll on Ringo.
EXTREME CLOSE UPS are shown of Miranda, Elle, Carmella and Susan to emphasize the distress. Neighbours the new generation: brought to you by the inside of everyone's pores.
Hospital/Ramsay Street
I hope you're ready for a slow-motion musical montage, cause I sure am! Let's go!
Ringo is wheeled into the hospital, while police scavenge Ramsay Street for evidence. Carmella rushes to Ringo's side, but the hospital staff motion for her to stay back. Wrapped in trauma blankets, Steph and Toadie dash across to also check on Ringo. On the street, police spin one of the bus wheels and conclude that they do, in fact, go round and round. Toadie looks like he's in a state of shock and Ned holds his head in pain after a big day of using his brain. Walking into the Ramsay Street disaster zone, Rachel is gobsmacked and bolts over to Susan when she sees her. My stellar lip reading skills can make out:
RACHEL: What happened?
SUSAN: There was an accident. The bus from the wedding.
Rachel then freaks out about Ringo being in the bus. Steve cuddles his girls, but it's clear by the look on his face that he's blaming himself for all the chaos. Back at the hospital, Steph joins Toadie in his shock party, while Ned clutches his head some more, dizzy from all the slow motion and never-ending background music.
Ahh, back to normal.
Steph and Toadie sit with Ned and praise him for his hero skills. Pepper and Adam join the trio as Toadie states his confusion on how the moving van just came out of nowhere. A policeman (Snr Sgt Hill) suddenly appears to take Toadie away for a breath test, but not before a doctor (Dr. Newton) gives them an update on the rest of the crew. Carmella has mild injuries and is in severe shock, but Ringo's condition is much more serious. Pepper looks distraught, "What are we going to tell Rosie and Frazer?"
Hotel Room 'o Lurv/Hospital
Well, whatever it is Pep it's definitely going to burst the post-nookie bubble they're now in. Rosie and Frazer smugly laze about in bed, looking quite pleased with themselves, when Pepper rings Rosie's mobile. Rosie answers with a plan in mind.
ROSIE: You've called Rosetta, the most satisfied woman in the world; goodbye!
Pepper urges Rosie not to hang up, but it's too late. Adam tells Pep to ring her back.
Chuckling, Rosie switches her mobile off and takes the hotel room phone off the hook for good measure. Cosying up next to Frazer, she produces the 'do not disturb' sign, "I've always wanted to use one of these!"
Adam (with his shirt artfully ripped in the accident to show off his tattoo on his bulging bicep) and Pepper quickly head out of the hospital to call a cab to take them to the hotel.
Number 22
Elle grumbles at Paul who is applying gauze to a cut on her head, "The ambulance man already looked at it." Oliver thinks they probably should have gone to the hospital for another check-up, which Paul agrees with.
In the lounge, Snr Sgt Hill is questioning the Parkers on whether or not the truck was locked. Steve assures the Sgt that he had the keys the whole time. Ned returns home and tells them all about Ringo's unstable condition. Elle and Oliver think they should go and see everyone. While they head upstairs to clean up, Snr Sgt Hill congratulates Ned on his heroic effort.
NED: I just did what I had to do.
SSH: Ah, that old Parker modesty. I used to work with your brother.
STEVE: Oh, you know Stu?
SSH: Yeah, great bloke.
Is he ever! I miss Stu. Nostalgia trip over, Snr Sgt Hill tells the men that they found tyre marks on the road consistent with someone trying to apply the breaks. Steve and Ned are confused.
SSH: Just for the record, if someone was driving that truck, now's the time to come forward.
Mickey, eavesdropping from the hallway, is positively number two-ing himself.
Hotel Room 'o Lurv
Enjoying some post-nookie champagne and strawberries, Rosie shows Frazer a gift bag full off stuff from Pepper... possibly bought from Sexy Land judging by their reactions.
ROSIE: (looking startled at the first unseen item) Maybe in a few months.
FRAZER: (finding something more adventurous) Uh... maybe after a couple of years.
(more rummaging - Frazer finds something of interest)
FRAZER: Hello...
ROSIE: Not in your lifetime!
A knock at the door interrupts them and Frazer glibly tells whomever to read the sign and rack off. Realising it's Pepper, Rosie and Frazer roll their eyes ("Have you not spoken about friendship boundaries?" queries Frazer), until they discover that something is seriously wrong.
The doctors are monitoring Ringo's condition when he suddenly arrests. Using the "CHARGE!" machine on him produces no positive results, so Dr. Newton starts CPR. Ringo flatlines into the commercial break.
Things are looking grim for Ringo until Dr. Newton eventually finds a heartbeat. The doctors and nurses talk BP's and arrests, and with the constant dramatic background music and beep of the heart monitor, I feel like I'm watching All Saints.
Number 22
Paul offers to make his house full of people some dinner, using only tomatoes apparently. But when Elle and Oliver embark on their trip to the hospital, Paul offers to drive them instead. Ooh, shirking dinner duty... Evil Paul is back! No? Okay.
The Parkers dissect the info they were given about the truck, and admit that if it was indeed break failure then there's no way they could have prevented it. Mickey creeps down the stairs from his bedroom to eavesdrop some more, just as Steve asks Ned what Mickey might have been up to at the time of the accident. Getting angry with Steve's insinuations, Ned says that Mickey isn't the type of kid who would do something without asking.
STEVE: Remember when you and Stu burnt down Mrs. Harper's hedge? I don't remember you clearing it with mum first.
Ned walks into the kitchen in a huff, accusing Steve of trying to take the blame off himself and placing it on someone else. Miranda follows and gently asks Ned if it would hurt to check with Mickey about where he was. Mickey continues to quietly freak the hell out in the hallway.
Number 28
Susan and Rachel return from the hospital after unsuccessfully trying to see Ringo. Rachel's in a complete flap and babbles about buying Ringo some magazines and chocolate until Susan quiets her down. She reassures Rachel that someone will call them if there's any change.
Steph and Toadie are slightly unnerved by the police presence hovering outside their room, but Toadie tries not to show it. As soon as Steph moves off to get a tea, the police swarm around Toadie like flies. Snr Sgt Hill then talks to the Toad in an oddly stilted fashion, full of strange pauses and misplaced full stops.
SSH: Mr Rebecchi. It appears. Your breath test was very close. To .05.
TOADIE: I hardly had anything to drink.
SSH: Like I said. It's not an official reading. But we need to do a blood test. Immediately.
That is. Very bad for. Toadie. Snr Sgt Hill is whack! Have a listen if you can.
In the waiting area, Pepper and Adam have returned with Frazer and Rosie - who is hugging the life out of Carmella. Frazer is anxious because it's been 15 minutes and he still hasn't heard anything about Ringo - he's only been handed a bag full of his stuff. Carmella takes the bag to hold on to as Frazer jumps on Dr. Newton who is passing by. Dr. Newton explains that Ringo's torso was crushed, along with a very fancy-sounding artery, which caused a lot of internal bleeding. He's in a critical but stable condition.
Steph and Toadie walk by talking about Toadie's blood test, which makes Frazer's ears prick up.
FRAZER: Did I hear right? Were you drinking?
TOADIE: I had two glasses of wine and a champagne for the toast.
STEPH: Frazer, come on...
FRAZER: (angry) I asked you to be the designated driver!
ADAM: The truck came out of nowhere; it wasn't his fault.
FRAZER: (to Toadie) You can't lay off for one day?
ROSIE: Frazer relax, it's too early to tell.
FRAZER: That's my brother. You better hope that comes back under.
TOADIE: (pale) It will, mate.
Steph leads Toadie away as Carmella suddenly realises that Ringo didn't have any shoes on when he came in.
Ramsay Street - Next Morning
Mickey stares at an abandoned shoe lying next to the pick up van that's towing the bus away.
Number 22
The Parkers thank Paul for letting them all sleep there last night, but Paul looks like he's loving the company. Doing the neighbourly thing, Susan brings Mickey in off the street and back to Ned.
NED: Susan, have you had a proper introduction? This is my brother, Steve, and his wife, Miranda.
SUSAN: Yes, yes...
MIRANDA: We've already met.
SUSAN: We have met, yeah, Drew's funeral.
MIRANDA: Not an ideal reunion.
Bridget, holding Pouch, then introduces herself as 'Didge' and I chuckle because my brother was all, 'Heeeey, Didgeandaroo! Didgeridoo, geddit?'
Ned takes Mickey into the lounge room and gently asks him if he saw anything yesterday. But Mickey insists that he and Jake were playing in the backyard at the time, "We didn't see anything."
Number 22
Snr Sgt Stilted Sentences is back. To collect. Statements from everyone because it's. Important. Steve and Ned talk about Mickey in the kitchen and Snr Sgt Hill overhears them.
NED: It's possible my son Mickey was in the cab.
SSH: In that case. With your permission. We better have a talk with Mickey.
Ramsay Street
But it might be too late. With a little backpack on his back and Jake by his side, Mickey looks set to run away from all his problems.
MICKEY: (crying) Come on, Jake. We have to go.
Dr. Newton tells Frazer that he can go in and see Ringo, but they had to put him in an induced coma to control his BP and manage his pain. Carmella looks on the verge of tears (as much as Can't Cry Carmella can anyway), as Rosie comforts Frazer, who is crying actual tears over his poor little brother.
<<5261 - 5263>>
Ned Parker in Neighbours Episode 5262
Ned Parker

Susan Kennedy, Adam Rhodes, Pepper Steiger in Neighbours Episode 5262
Susan Kennedy, Adam Rhodes, Pepper Steiger

Rosie Cammeniti, Frazer Yeats in Neighbours Episode 5262
Rosie Cammeniti, Frazer Yeats

Rosie Cammeniti, Frazer Yeats in Neighbours Episode 5262
Rosie Cammeniti, Frazer Yeats

Ringo Brown, Ned Parker in Neighbours Episode 5262
Ringo Brown, Ned Parker

Carmella Cammeniti, Paul Robinson, Miranda Parker, Steve Parker, Bridget Parker, Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully, Susan Kennedy, Adam Rhodes, Pepper Steiger in Neighbours Episode 5262
Carmella Cammeniti, Paul Robinson, Miranda Parker, Steve Parker, Bridget Parker, Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully, Susan Kennedy, Adam Rhodes, Pepper Steiger

Ringo Brown, Ned Parker in Neighbours Episode 5262
Ringo Brown, Ned Parker

 in Neighbours Episode 5262

Toadie Rebecchi, Snr Sgt Malcolm Hill in Neighbours Episode 5262
Toadie Rebecchi, Snr Sgt Malcolm Hill

Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5262
Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti

Rosie Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5262
Rosie Cammeniti

Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5262
Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti

Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5262
Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti

Adam Rhodes, Pepper Steiger in Neighbours Episode 5262
Adam Rhodes, Pepper Steiger

Dr. Peggy Newton, Ringo Brown in Neighbours Episode 5262
Dr. Peggy Newton, Ringo Brown

Pepper Steiger, Adam Rhodes, Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti, Carmella Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5262
Pepper Steiger, Adam Rhodes, Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti, Carmella Cammeniti

Carmella Cammeniti, Pepper Steiger in Neighbours Episode 5262
Carmella Cammeniti, Pepper Steiger

Rosie Cammeniti, Frazer Yeats, Adam Rhodes, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 5262
Rosie Cammeniti, Frazer Yeats, Adam Rhodes, Toadie Rebecchi

Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti, Ringo Brown in Neighbours Episode 5262
Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti, Ringo Brown

Rosie Cammeniti, Frazer Yeats in Neighbours Episode 5262
Rosie Cammeniti, Frazer Yeats

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