- Sky introduces her fiancé Lana to Shane, Dipi and Jane.
- Sky tells Shane and Dipi that Dylan doesn't know about Lana.
- Lana says that Dylan is on his way to Erinsborough.
- Shane offers to be there for Dylan when he arrives.
- Des says he was falling for Jane again when he last saw her.
- Paul tells him that Jane does reciprocate his feelings.
- Des tells Jane that Paul asked him back for her.
- Jane loses her temper and tells them to stay away from her.
- Jane gets caught up in some fabric and knocks over the wedding expo display, which lands on Des.
Erinsborough Complex
Jane runs over to Des, asking if he's ok. He says he's just in a bit of shock and Ned is worried, while Paul calls an ambulance. Jane continues to apologise while Des looks in pain.
Erinsborough Hospital
Terese tells Paul that the pavilion has a function booked for later today and she doesn't know where else they could hold today's ceremony.
PAUL: Well the place is still set for Mark and Paige's wedding so why don't we just reset that.
TERESE: No no no, I've got to offer Sky and Lana something better than somebody's leftovers. And I'm still a couple short!
PAUL: You know, with all the obstacles, it's a miracle that you got four!
Paul says it will all be ok. Jane arrives and says that Des is having some scans. She offers to pay for the damage at the expo but Terese tells her they have insurance.
PAUL: Yeah, we just want you to focus on being there for Des.
JANE: Yeah. I bet you do. Found a way to force us together?
PAUL: Jane, I honestly thought I was doing what was best for you. I don't understand why you're getting so upset about all of this.
Jane points out that Paul read all of her personal emails and she's never been so mortified in her life. However, Terese admits that she was the one to read them; Paul only glanced over them.
JANE: So you were both in on it?
She storms off.
Lassiters Complex
Sky and Lana stand over the fallen wedding display wondering where to move their venue to. Yashvi suggests Harold's Café as that's where the two of them met but Lana says it's not very romantic. Just as Sky says she doesn't think they'll be able to organize anything in time, Dylan arrives.
DYLAN: Hey, you spiggin hufters!
Sky and Lana look concerned. Dylan greets his cousin Shane then gives Sky a kiss on the cheek.
DYLAN: Looks like I missed a party!
Erinsborough Hospital
Jane visits Des. She asks how he is and he remains positive, saying he's been given some anti-inflammatories and will be right as rain after a few physio sessions.
DES: Do you remember when I brought you to the hospital?
JANE: (smiles) Yeah. After my electric shock.
DES: That's when it all started for us, wasn't it? Now I've given you another shock by turning up out of the blue.
JANE: Yes, well Paul's to blame for that.
DES: When Paul told me what you wrote, I was over the moon! We had so much fun when we were in Perth. I really wanted something to happen. I never thought you'd feel the same.
JANE: Why didn't you say something?
DES: I didn't wanna make you feel uncomfortable. You'd already left me once remember.
JANE: To look after nan. And I've always regretted the consequences of that.
DES: I thought your feelings for me were well and truly over...why didn't you say anything?
JANE: You'd only just broken up with Fiona, I didn't think it was fair to spring it on you.
DES: And now you know I feel the same way?
She says she's sure Des must have heard all about what happened between her and 'Richard' and that she doesn't trust herself to make good decisions when it comes to matters of the heart. She apologises and leaves.
Lassiters Complex
DYLAN: What exactly is going on? Why is it going off around here?
Sky explains that Lassiters is holding a wedding expo, offering to pay for the weddings and honeymoons of five couples. She tries to break the news about Lana but he misinterprets it as a marriage proposal.
DYLAN: If you're keen then let's get married!
He sees the look on her face and realizes that she's marrying someone else.
DYLAN: Who is he?
SKY: It's a she. I'm marrying Lana Crawford.
Lassiters Complex
SKY: I'm sorry Dyl, this isn't what you expected.
DYLAN: You should have told me earlier.
SKY: I know.
SHANE: Dylan, Sky knew you'd be upset, it's been tearing her up mate.
DYLAN: You must be Lana.
LANA: Hi Dylan. This must've come as a bit of a shock.
DYLAN: Yeah, it's a shock alright.
LANA: No-one else even knew about our relationship until yesterday.
SKY: I wanted to tell you earlier but I just didn't feel ready.
DYLAN: You were ready enough to get married.
SKY: Yep, that's fair. We hit the fast forward button pretty quick.
DYLAN: I feel like an idiot.
Dylan walks off.
PAUL: That's another blast from the past.
PAUL: Dylan Timmins.
TERESE: The man that pushed you off a cliff.
PAUL: Yeah, but then he saved my life.
Paul and Terese approach Sky and Lana to give them an update on the wedding plans. Terese delivers the bad news; the clean up is going to take some time and she hasn't been able to book another venue for today. Terese offers to hold the wedding tomorrow; Lana agrees but Sky says no.
SKY: Maybe it's not the right time to get married. I feel like the universe is trying to tell us something.
PAUL: Oh Sky, don't listen to the universe when it comes to weddings.
Paul and Terese do their best to convince Sky to go ahead. She turns to Lana.
SKY: Listen, I love you. And we're going to get married. But just not tomorrow and not here. Dylan's too upset and it's just not the wedding we agreed to...Ugh, it's all too hard...
Sky walks off.
Lassiters Hotel Room
Jane and Dipi discuss the situation with Des.
JANE: Des is kind, he's stable, he's loving...
DIPI: Yeah, all positives...
JANE: I almost married him and then my grandmother had a heart attack and I moved to the UK to take care of her and...that was the beginning of me putting nan ahead of all my relationships.
DIPI: Jane, you don't have to worry about that anymore.
JANE: Can I risk hurting Des all over again if it doesn't work out?
DIPI: Maybe all of this happened for a reason. Maybe Des was the one you were meant to be with all along?
Lassiters Complex
Paul approaches Dylan as he's looking at Stingray's wall.
PAUL: I thought I'd find you here.
DYLAN: What do you want?
Paul says he just wanted to make sure he was ok, which surprises Dylan. He says that Paul's only ever cared about himself. Paul points out that a lot has changed.
PAUL: Many years ago someone gave me a second chance. Pretty much the biggest one anyone could get.
DYLAN: Good for you.
PAUL: Dylan, I'm sorry things haven't worked out for you and Sky. You know maybe this is her second chance.
DYLAN: I spent months, playing it cool, being the nice guy, hoping that she'd come around and change her mind...she was seeing someone the whole time and didn't say anything!
PAUL: Yeah, well I think she probably just wanted to make sure that she was in it for the long haul with Lana.
DYLAN: How could I not see that she was holding back? I was with her for years, what does that say about our relationship.
PAUL: Oh come on Dylan, that doesn't make what you two had together any less important. Besides, this could be your second chance too. You can now go out and meet someone new.
DYLAN: Apparently it's that easy.
Paul tells Dylan that Sky's cancelled the wedding.
Lassiters Complex
YASHVI: Are you guys seriously going to give up that sweet honeymoon box?
LANA: Sky, are you sure about this?
SKY: Yes, when we get married, I want it to be perfect, we deserve that.
Terese tells everyone that Karl offered the tram as a venue but she informed him the wedding is off. Dylan arrives and asks Sky if it's true the wedding's been cancelled. She takes him to one side and he makes a joke about coming all this way and there being no open bar.
SKY: Dyl, I know you're not ok with this, you don't need to fake it.
DYLAN: You're right, I don't feel great. But I'll be fine. You're the mother of my children, I'm not going to stand in the way of your happiness.
SKY: Seriously?
DYLAN: 100%.
Dylan encourages her to accept the free wedding and honeymoon.
SKY: You are a wonderful man.
She kisses him on the cheek.
DYLAN: You can call me a lot of things but one thing I'm not is a cake taker!
Sky excitedly rushes over to Lana.
SKY: You wanna get married today?
LANA: Absolutely.
They kiss...Terese goes to ring Karl, as Shane and Dipi offer to help set up. Terese suddenly panics, realizing she's cancelled Susan as the celebrant. Ned says he knows someone who will be able to do it. Sky and Lana excitedly hug.
Ramsay Street
Paul arrives home just as Des gets into a taxi. He says he's going home and Paul feels guilty for getting involved. Des says they took a chance and it didn't work out.
DES: You keep in touch, alright mate?
They shake hands and Des leaves. Jane walks up the street. She asks Paul if he's seen Des. He replies that he's just left in the cab.
JANE: We need to stop him. I made a huge mistake!
Paul tells her to jump in the car and they race after Des.
The 82
Terese thanks Jack for jumping in at short notice as the celebrant. He's happy to help and glances over at Dylan who looks very glum. Yashvi is assisting Ned with the preparations and Terese says the brides are due to arrive soon. She calls Paul wondering where he is.
A remote road
Paul and Jane are honking loudly at the car in front and the taxi eventually pulls over. Des gets out.
DES: What are you doing? You scared me and the driver half to death with all that honking!
JANE: Well I've been trying to call you, where is your phone?
DES: My phone's cactus, it got knocked out when I did. I'm gonna miss my flight if I don't keep moving.
JANE: I don't want you to go! I wasn't being honest with you earlier, I was scared. Scared of getting hurt and scared of hurting you all over again. But the truth is I'm more scared of not having you in my life. I wanna be with you Des Clarke if you still want me.
DES: Don't be silly, of course I do.
JANE: So you'll stay?
DES: For however long you will have me.
They kiss and hug.
The 82
Jack and Terese chat and Shane asks where Jane is but Terese replies that they're going to have to just start without her. Dipi says she'll be so upset she's missing it. Everyone takes their places and Jack gestures for everyone to stand. The crowd gasps as Sky and Lana exit the parallel doors. They stand and glance lovingly at each other before walking towards the aisle in a heart shape. They hold hands and walk down the aisle as Dylan watches in sadness. Jack tells them they both look beautiful.
JACK: Sky and Lana are making their vows in a place that means so much to them. They're back where it all began. And today, they make promises to each other. And today, they become family.
SKY: I've never really felt like I was short of love in life. With friends and family. But that love...never really felt like your love. From the moment you quoted 'Some Like It Hot' I knew that you were special. I am so glad that I found you again.
LANA: You challenge me, inspire me and celebrate my successes like they're your own. When I'm with you I'm the best version of myself. You were my first kiss, I'm so happy you'll be my last.
Sky is moved by Lana's words. They exchange rings.
JACK: And with the exchanging of rings, I now pronounce you both married.
They kiss and everyone cheers.
The 82
Jack sees Dylan still looking glum and introduces himself, telling him that he was in a similar situation recently.
DYLAN: Your ex get married to her old girlfriend too?
JACK: Something like that.
Dylan laughs.
NED: Ok, everyone, it is time for our brides' first dance as a married couple, so please, make them feel welcome.
There is applause as Sky and Lana dance. Jack continues to support Dylan as he feels sorry for himself. Sky glances at Dylan and tells Lana she's really glad he's there.
LANA: He came through for you.
SKY: For us.
LANA: If we can survive a day like today, we'll get through anything.
They kiss.
The 82
Des and Jane arrive at the tram. Jane apologises to Sky for missing the ceremony. Sky notices the pair holding hands.
SKY: Um, excuse me...looks like we're not the only ones who had an eventful day...!
Paul and Terese are still stressing over having no fifth wedding planned. Des drops some cheese and hurts his back when he goes to pick it up.
DES: Jane...
He holds his arm out hoping to get a hand up.
JANE: Yes Des, yes...a thousand times yes!
DES: No, it's my back, I just need a hand up...
Jane looks shocked and plays down her reaction.
JANE: Oh of course you do, ha, I was just being funny, you know, wedding humour.
She laughs unconvincingly.
DES: You thought I was proposing to you, and you said yes.
JANE: Yes, alright. I did.
DES: We've been here before. This time there's nothing stopping us...
Des gets down on one knee.
DES: Jane Harris, would you do me the great honour of becoming my wife?
JANE: Yes!
Everyone cheers and they kiss.
TERESE: Looks like we've found our fifth couple.
PAUL: It certainly does.
Des and Jane hug.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Des and Jane both tell Susan that Paul is their best man.
- Jack says he has to tell Mark and Paige something.
- Susan tells David she can't get through to anyone on the island.
- Terese asks Richie and Mackenzie if Harlow is with them.
- Susan tells Terese she's got no idea where Bea is.