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Neighbours Episode 1254 from 1990 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<1253 - 1255>>
Episode title: 1254 (Bouncer's Dream)
Australian airdate: 25/07/90
UK airdate: 05/09/91
UK Gold: 21/08/97
Writer: Jason Daniel
Director: David Morgan
Guests: Doug Willis: Terence Donovan
Bouncer & Rosie: Luke's Canine Actors
Summary/Images by: Chloe/Graham
Coffee Shop
Eddie is putting up an "Under New Management" sign. Harold sees it and insists they take it down - it's false advertising. Madge thinks he just doesn't want people to know that she's his new partner and she's a bit annoyed that he's ignoring all of her new suggestions. Des comes in and Madge asks him what he thinks - should they turn the coffee shop more into a restaurant. However, Des agrees with Harold - the extra staff would be expensive.
Des tells Madge the problems he's got at home - seeing as the builder has gone camping. They don't have a bath to use. Madge offers theirs and Des is very grateful.
Number 32
Joe wants to know why Bouncer's barking so much. Toby says it's because they've left him outside and separated him from Rosie. Kerry says Bouncer can is allowed out on parole but has to stay on his leash and Toby goes and fetches him.
Kerry and Joe have a serious chat about adoption. Kerry wonders if it's a good idea for her to adopt Toby as well - so that he feels part of the family more. Joe agrees, but they're both a bit worried it'll upset him.
Ramsay Street
Toby's walking Bouncer, who goes straight up to the gate where Rosie is and barks to her (she barks back). Toby threatens to take him home, and Bouncer comes away from the gate.
Doug's searching for Jim.
Number 24
Harold gets a bit irate about the laundry about the house. Eddie says it's Gemma's and he begins to get annoyed at "teenagers these days". Eddie thinks he needs to relax a bit and not get so uptight - especially when it comes to Madge's ideas for the Coffee Shop. Harold thanks him and Eddie leaves.
Harold takes of his cardigan and is about to fold it up but instead decides to be rebellious and tosses it onto the couch. He then hears water running in the bathroom and calls out to Madge, smiling.
We see Madge coming in the back door.
An undressed Harold goes into the bathroom.
DES: What the...?! Uh...Huh?
Harold runs out, he sees Madge.
HAROLD: Madge?! ...What? What is going on here?
DES: Good question, mate!!
Madge laughs.
No-ones had any luck looking for Jim. Doug thinks it might be time to get some real help. He's about to disappear when Jim pops his head out of the tent. He's been sleeping. Doug suggests fishing - Jim thinks that's an excellent idea. Doug and Jim agree to see who can catch the biggest fish.
Number 32
Kerry and Joe explain to Toby that Joe is going to adopt Sky. He's happy about that! Kerry says that she'd like to adopt him - but doesn't want to take the place of his real mum. They emphasise that it's upto him. Joe asks if he wants to ask about anything.
TOBY: Do you think it's what mum would have wanted?
JOE: Well, your mum and Kez were good mates. I reckon she'd be in it. It's up to you mate.
Number 24
Madge and Helen are talking about Clarrie and about what happened with Des and Harold earlier. Des comes in asking if Jamie can use their bath because he's making mud pies. Harold is unhappy - they've already had Matt spread grease around the bathroom. Helen offers her place instead.
DES: Does it have a lock on the door?
HELEN: Privacy guaranteed!
They all laugh. Des hopes that Jim doesn't feel the same way about water preservation as Harold does!
Jim is teaching Todd to fish. Doug catches a big one and Todd leaves Jim (who just told him that it's great to spend time with each other) to help Doug. Jim looks a bit jealous.
Number 32
Kerry is sorting out their tapes, wishing that Joe would label them. She comes across their wedding and her, Toby, Joe and even Bouncer all watch! Kerry reckons Toby looked very handsome in his suit. When, on the tape, Joe and Kerry kiss Bouncer barks. Toby thinks that things between Bouncer and Rosie are serious - all Bouncer does is dream about her.
JOE: Dogs don't dream, Tobe. If he did I reckon he'd dream about a big juicy T-bone.
Cue dream sequence....
Bouncer sees Rosie and lots of flowers and the two of them together and mini Bouncer puppies with their own kennel. All to music which sounds like it should have been in Trumpton.
Number 26
Cody, Todd, Jim and Doug walk in. Helen asks how they got on and Doug admits defeat in the fishing - Jim caught the largest. Doug wants them all to go out for dinner, but Jim insists he has to see Beverly. The rest of them go and Jim looks peeved. Helen asks him what happened. Jim explains that he couldn't do a thing right all weekend apart form the fish, and Todd thinks Doug is great.
JIM: Suppose I'm just being petty.
HELEN: No you're not. You went on this trip to get closer to Todd
JIM: Yeah well, when Doug's in the room, Todd can't even see me.
Aww, poor Jim.
Number 32
Kerry and Toby talk about Bouncer. Toby thinks Bouncer's going to be really sad when Clarrie takes her away back to the country. He moves over to sit next to Kerry. Kerry thinks he'll be OK - he's got all of them to look after him! Kerry thinks it might be bedtime though.
TOBY: Can I stay up a bit longer, there's something I want to watch on telly..pleeeaaaaease...!
KERRY: Oh, alright...!
TOBY: Thanks Mum!
(Kerry looks shocked, but happy shocked)
TOBY: Is it alright if I call you mum from now on?
KERRY: Oh Toby. Oh, you bet it is. Nothing would make me happier.
They hug. Aww!
Number 24
Madge turns off the TV, much to Eddie's disgrace (he was about to find out the murderer!). She suggests to Harold that they try something new at the coffee shop - a bottomless cup of coffee. Harold reluctantly agrees. Eddie puts the TV back on - it's finished!
Number 32
Joe and Kerry talk. Joe thinks that they're really becoming a family now, and it was so good to hear Toby call Kerry mum - he's accepting things. Joe thinks he's really lucky and tells Kerry that she means the world to him. They're both looking forward to a couple of days together though in the Lassiters' Hotel (the darts prize that Joe won) especially as there won't be much of a break when the new bub arrives. Joe gets up to see to a howling Bouncer and Kerry smiles.
Number 26
Jim is creeping about with a torch, thinking he's heard a burglar. He hits someone hard with a golf club and then turns on the light to see its Des on the floor. Uh oh!
<<1253 - 1255>>
Eddie Buckingham, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1254
Eddie Buckingham, Madge Bishop

Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 1254
Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop, Des Clarke

Toby Mangel, Joe Mangel, Kerry Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1254
Toby Mangel, Joe Mangel, Kerry Bishop

Rosie in Neighbours Episode 1254

Bouncer in Neighbours Episode 1254

Doug Willis in Neighbours Episode 1254
Doug Willis

Harold Bishop, Eddie Buckingham in Neighbours Episode 1254
Harold Bishop, Eddie Buckingham

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1254
Harold Bishop

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1254
Harold Bishop

Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 1254
Des Clarke

Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1254
Madge Bishop

Cody Willis, Jim Robinson, Doug Willis in Neighbours Episode 1254
Cody Willis, Jim Robinson, Doug Willis

Kerry Bishop, Toby Mangel, Joe Mangel in Neighbours Episode 1254
Kerry Bishop, Toby Mangel, Joe Mangel

Madge Bishop, Helen Daniels, Des Clarke, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1254
Madge Bishop, Helen Daniels, Des Clarke, Harold Bishop

Todd Landers, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1254
Todd Landers, Jim Robinson

Doug Willis in Neighbours Episode 1254
Doug Willis

Joe Mangel, Kerry Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1254
Joe Mangel, Kerry Bishop

Bouncer in Neighbours Episode 1254

Rosie in Neighbours Episode 1254

Bouncer, Rosie in Neighbours Episode 1254
Bouncer, Rosie

 in Neighbours Episode 1254

Bouncer, Rosie in Neighbours Episode 1254
Bouncer, Rosie

Bouncer in Neighbours Episode 1254

Doug Willis, Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 1254
Doug Willis, Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels

Todd Landers, Cody Willis in Neighbours Episode 1254
Todd Landers, Cody Willis

Kerry Bishop, Toby Mangel in Neighbours Episode 1254
Kerry Bishop, Toby Mangel

Madge Bishop, Harold Bishop, Eddie Buckingham in Neighbours Episode 1254
Madge Bishop, Harold Bishop, Eddie Buckingham

Kerry Bishop, Joe Mangel in Neighbours Episode 1254
Kerry Bishop, Joe Mangel

Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 1254
Des Clarke

Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1254
Jim Robinson

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