Previously on Neighbours
- Vera remarks to her housemates that it would be awful if they had to split up the gang
- Shane asks Jane to keep an eye on Max once he's gone
- Max tells Sadie he thinks she's hot - but Byron overhears
- Byron tells Max to move out, claiming nobody wants him at No 32
- Sebastian accepts Krista's $20,000 but says he'll get out of her life for good
- However, we later see Seb sneaking into the old Dial- A- Kyle yard on Power Road
- Holly makes the mistake of mentioning Rhonda, her counsellor, by name to Yasmine
- Holly turns up at the open mic night wanting to join Yaz, but Yaz just walks off
- After finding Yaz upset in her room, Nicolette pashes Yaz and they sleep together
- Nicolette wakes up in the night and finds Yaz gone; she's at Rhonda's office, snooping into Holly's files!
Del Rubio & Associates Counselling Centre
Yasmine is frantically photographing all the pages of Rhonda's notes on Holly as a lovely bit of ominous underscore plays, interwoven with the melody from 'O Holy Night'. Having got all she needs, Yaz neatens up the items on the desk that she searched and leaves the office.
Lassiter's Hotel
Yaz arrives back in her room, and looks disappointed to see Nicolette has left. She opens her laptop, and zooms in on one of the pages of Rhonda's notes on her phone. Holly is described as 'hyper- materialistic due to upbringing' and she apparently 'seeks out gifts as means to affirm affection'. The notes also describe Holly's 'tendency to risk taking behaviour' and her 'hyper- focus on outcomes with little regard for consequence'. Yaz begins to type on her laptop, but there's a sadness to her expression...
Harold's Café
The next day, Aaron is chatting to Nicolette - he's heard she put on a 'real show' to impress Yaz at the open mic event. But Nic is miserable about how things turned out.
NICOLETTE: We had an amazing chat. She really opened up to me. I invited her to Christmas lunch, and she said yes. And... we slept together. That was incredible.
AARON: Nic! These are all amazing things, right?
NICOLETTE: I woke up, in the middle of the night, and she was gone.
AARON: What do you mean, she was gone?
NICOLETTE: Like, she had done a runner. From her own room (...) I waited around for a while. And when she didn't come back, I scurried home. She was obviously waiting for me to leave, because she regretted hooking up.
AARON: Hold on. Maybe there was another reason she left. Did you ask her?
NICOLETTE: There's no point.
AARON: Nic - 12 hours ago, Yaz is coming over to our house on Christmas Day. And now you're not even gonna talk to her?
NICOLETTE: Avoidance is my friend.
AARON: You've been into her ever since she got here. You realise you're self- sabotaging, right?
NICOLETTE: I'm not. This is self- preservation.
But Aaron just stares at her; she knows he's right.
No 32
Jane calls round to speak to Byron and Sadie about plans for Christmas Day, but they've taken Trevor for a walk and so only Max is here. Jane says Max would be very welcome to join them for Christmas too, but he's already arranged to have dinner at Paul's. Max's laptop is open and Jane is surprised to see that he's been looking at ads for other sharehouses.
JANE: I thought you were happy here, Max. Does your father know about this?
MAX: Uh, I figured I'd just get a place first and then let him know.
JANE: Did something happen? Anything that he should be concerned about?
MAX (nervously): There was, uh... there was just some drama with Byron and Sadie, and they, uh... they asked me to leave. There's no point getting into it. It was my fault.
Keen not to have to explain further, Max heads to his room, telling Jane that Byron and Sadie will be back soon. Jane looks puzzled.
No 24
Remi, Cara and Dex have called round to borrow some suitcases from Aaron for their New York trip, as JJ left theirs in the garage and they got water- damaged. Aaron promises to keep an eye on their house while they're gone.
CARA: It's Ramsay Street. Pretty sure we don't have to worry about that!
Lassiter's Hotel
Yaz is in her room, looking at the message history between Holly and Heath from his phone. At one point, Holly tells Heath, 'I deserve only the best. Jimmy Choos, Rolex, or Scent by Zelda.' She scribbles down this last item on a notepad. There's a knock at the door - it's Holly. She opens it without a word and walks back into the room. Holly is just dropping in some files before her appointment with Rhonda.
YAZ (curtly): Thank you.
HOLLY: How are you feeling.
YAZ (curtly): Fine. Goodbye.
Holly looks hurt, and walks out. There's another knock - this time it's Nicolette.
NICOLETTE: I wasn't sure if I should come, but I had to check. Did you do a runner last night because you wanted me to leave before things got awkward? Because if you did, you could have just said something.
Yaz shows Nic in.
YAZ: I'm sorry. I... I get insomnia. I didn't want to disturb you, so I went for a walk around the complex. There was no running involved, but I should have left a note. I've just had a lot on my mind. I'm really sorry.
NICOLETTE: Well, that's good. Not that you've had a lot on your mind - is it your brother?
YAZ (nods): I was disappointed when I got back and you were gone.
NICOLETTE: Well, I'm here now. Is Christmas still on?
YAZ: Yes. Yes, please.
They hold hands.
NICOLETTE: Wow, you're actually too cute to stay mad at. Which is interesting.
Nic has some errands to run, but suggests they could hang out later. 'Definitely,' Yaz replies.
No 32
Byron and Sadie are back from their walk, and Jane asks them about why Max is leaving. Max himself comes back in - he tells Jane not to stress; he's going and that's it.
JANE: You are all adults, but... but I made a promise to Max's father that I would keep an eye on him. If something bad has happened, then... well, I need to know.
MAX: I made a play for Sadie.
SADIE: It was completely out of line. And there's no way that we can live with him.
A while later, Byron and Sadie have gone, and Jane is quizzing Max about why he'd do something so silly.
MAX: I dunno. Sometimes I open my big mouth and I don't even think about what's coming out of it.
JANE: Well, if you didn't mean it, then maybe you can sort things out?
MAX: The thing is, I did mean it. I do really like Sadie.
JANE: But you know that she is with Byron, and that they love each other very much.
MAX: I know. I get that now.
JANE: You know, I think your father would prefer that you stayed on Ramsay Street.
MAX: Yeah, I'll try and find somewhere nearby. But there's just no point stressing about it now, okay? What is done is done.
Max walks out, just as Vera comes in. Vera wants the lowdown on what's going on with Byron and Sadie. Jane clams up, not particularly wanting to tell Vera about what Max has done.
VERA: Jane? I care about these kids. If there's something going on, I need to know.
JANE (sighs): Yes...
No 24
Jane comes home to find Nicolette waiting for her. Nic asks if it's okay if Yaz comes to Christmas lunch, explaining that she doesn't have anyone else here. Jane says of course it is.
Nic also has some other news - Aaron's adoption of Isla has been finalised, and she's received an official letter of notification. She wants to frame it and give it to Aaron for Christmas, and wants Jane's advice on which frame to choose.
JANE: Well, that is a lovely gesture. But I think you should give it to him straight away, not wait until Christmas.
NICOLETTE: Are you sure?
JANE: Yes, I think he'd love it.
Jane advises on her preference of frame, and Nicolette thanks her.
NICOLETTE: I just... I really want this to be perfect.
The Waterhole
Remi, Cara and Dex are having a meal. Remi reminds Dex of his shift at Grease Monkeys, but he's busy checking out how many US dollars he'll get for his Aussie ones. The answer is not as many as he'd hoped!
REMI: That is called the exchange rate.
CARA: And it is brutal.
Dex leaves for work. We learn that both Remi's parents and Cara's have given the boys spending money for the New York trip instead of Christmas presents this year.
REMI: I cannot believe tomorrow we're gonna be at the airport. Is this the most impulsive thing we've ever done together?
CARA: You bet.
REMI: That's good, right?
CARA: More than good. It's perfect.
Del Rubio & Associates Counselling Centre
Rhonda and Holly come into the office for Holly's session; Rhonda is apologetic as she's running late and has only just arrived at work. She asks how Holly's been; Holly admits the house has been quiet with Susan and Karl in Italy.
HOLLY: But I'm okay. I've been keeping really busy with work, which I love - but my new boss is a little hard to figure out.
But Rhonda is distracted, noticing that some of the items on the desk have been moved around. She shrugs it off, deciding it must have been Craig who she shares the office with.
RHONDA: So, what's this about your boss?
HOLLY: Yaz. Well, I still think she's awesome. It's just that sometimes I feel like... like I'm catching her at the wrong time, or like I'm saying the wrong thing, and she can snap a little bit. But I probably just don't know her cues yet.
RHONDA: Everybody has bad days, but... as a person in a position of seniority, she shouldn't take it out on you.
But Holly says it isn't a big deal, so they move on.
No 24
Jane and Nicolette are busy wrapping Christmas presents, when Aaron comes in with a load more.
AARON: What's the bet Isla has the most Christmas presents under the tree this year?
Aaron notes that Nic seems to be in a really good mood. Nic admits that Yaz's vanishing act from the hotel room was just a bout of insomnia, and that she felt really bad about it.
AARON: Well, you can thank me now or just buy me a drink later. It's totally up to you.
NICOLETTE: Thank you, Aaron, for your perfect, stellar advice.
Aaron and Jane are really pleased it's working out between Nic and Yaz. Nic takes the opportunity to present Aaron with the framed adoption notification.
NICOLETTE: This came in the mail earlier. You are legally Isla's Dadda, and nothing can ever change that.
But Aaron doesn't react as expected; he suddenly becomes very emotional and rushes off to his room. Nicolette and Jane look worried.
Del Rubio & Associates Counselling Centre
Holly is telling Rhonda that every time she tries to move on from the traumatic events of the year, something happens and she feels like she's got nowhere.
HOLLY: Like, first it was the podcast. And then getting harassed and having to quit my job. And now with Heath's family hiring a lawyer - it's just, like, it doesn't stop, and it really scares me.
RHONDA: So when these waves of emotion happen, are you able to get them under control?
HOLLY: Sometimes.
RHONDA: Do they turn into panic attacks?
HOLLY: I haven't had a full blown one for a while... I just want to feel normal again.
No 24
Aaron comes out of his room and rejoins Nicolette and Jane.
NICOLETTE: The last thing I wanted to do was upset you.
AARON: No, Nic, you didn't. Well, not... not in a bad way. Look, I think it's incredibly thoughtful. It just... hit me that I'm officially Isla's dad. And you know, David's not here, and... it's Christmas Eve. I just got a little overwhelmed, that's all.
Nic puts a hand on his shoulder.
NICOLETTE: You are the best dad. I could not ask for a better person to do this with, so thank you.
AARON: Thank you, Nic.
They hug, and Jane smiles. A little teary, Aaron leaves the room to find a place to hang up the adoption letter. Jane is a bit emotional too, but assures Nicolette they're happy tears. She comes to sit next to her on the sofa.
JANE: I'm so very proud of you.
NICOLETTE: This is the first time since David died that I feel like me and Aaron, we're finally gonna make this work.
JANE: You should move back in.
NICOLETTE: Are you serious?
JANE: Mm. Yeah. Yes. I need to talk to Aaron first, but... I think it's time that we became a family again. I would really love it if you moved back in before Christmas.
NICOLETTE: There is nothing I want more.
Nicolette is overjoyed, and they hug, both of them crying happy tears now.
No 32
Byron, Sadie and Max are all at home when Vera comes in from the shops. She says she's heard about Max moving out.
VERA: Thank you for telling me(!)
SADIE: We were gonna say something after Christmas.
VERA: At least I know what all the tension in the house has been about. But anyway, I've got something that's gonna make everything better. You all have your big Christmas lunches tomorrow, so I'm gonna send you off with a Christmas morning brunch. I'm gonna make my famous choc chip and prune pancakes. They're Santa's little helpers! They'll make some room so you can stuff your faces with Christmas lunch!
Everyone looks appalled! Vera is also organising eggnog for the event, plus 'games and surprises galore'. Byron and Sadie immediately start making excuses, but Vera isn't taking no for an answer.
VERA: This is my gift to all of you. This house needs some Christmas cheer! (Santa voice) Ho, ho, ho! Vera's gonna pump it in there!
Nicolette rushes in.
NICOLETTE: Big news, everyone. This is gonna be the best Christmas ever!
But neither Max, Byron nor Sadie are feeling the cheer with the threat of Vera's laxative pancakes looming!
Lassiter's Hotel
Yaz is on her laptop, looking at a product page for Scent by Zelda, the ridiculously expensive perfume that Holly told Heath she wanted. She closes the laptop when Holly bursts in to resume work, all chirpy and chatty. Yaz goes cold on her again, slapping some documents down in front of her.
YAZ (curtly): Acquaint yourself with the new site manager.
HOLLY (cowed): ... Right. Will do.
Holly hesitates, then asks Yaz if everything was okay at the open mic night, recalling how she walked out.
YAZ: It was fine.
HOLLY: You just seemed a little bit upset.
YAZ (brusque): I was fine.
Realising she's gone too far and upset Holly, Yaz grits her teeth and forces herself to go over.
YAZ: I'm sorry I snapped. I shouldn't have. I have been a bit preoccupied lately.
HOLLY: It's fine. Umm, I can get a little bit sensitive after my counselling sessions.
YAZ: I can't imagine what those sessions must feel like.
HOLLY: Yeah, they're pretty intense.
YAZ: Would it help you to talk about them? I mean... you're being so kind to me, so I should offer the same in return.
But Holly seems warier of Yaz and her shifting moods now.
HOLLY: I shouldn't bring my issues to work.
YAZ: I understand. The offer's there.
HOLLY: Thanks...
Holly looks unsettled, and Yaz's expression turns cold again as she resumes her work.
Power Road
Remi, Cara and Dex are walking home following Dex's shift at Grease Monkeys. He tells them about some manga shops in New York that he's been researching, where he can spend the money from his grandparents. Remi reminds him that the holiday is all about doing things together as a family.
DEX: Like eating giant pretzels, seeing the Empire State Building, and Times Square.
CARA: No cliché will be left unturned.
REMI: Hey, all of those clichés are on my list! (singing) In New York...!
While Cara tries to stop Remi singing, Dex's attention is drawn to the sales office in the old Dial- A- Kyle/Handywoman yard. He notices the lights are on, and sees Sebastian moving around inside. The Varga- Murphys head for home, but Dex is concerned by what he's seen...
No 32
Byron and Sadie have called a temporary ceasefire with Max to discuss how to get out of Vera's Christmas brunch!
SADIE: We could pretend to be sick.
BYRON: No, no - Vera's way too smart for that.
MAX: Look, maybe we should just lean into it. Like, her heart's in the right place.
Little do they know, Vera has walked into the corridor, and starts listening to their conversation. Nicolette, who is also present and packing up her things, is pleased to be getting out of the brunch as she's moving back to No 24!
BYRON: I get that Vera means well, but this is Christmas morning we're talking about. It's about family, friends.
SADIE: Yeah. The house roster was one thing, but this is next level.
In the corridor, Vera is looking increasingly upset.
NICOLETTE: Oh, just say no. She's your housemate, not your boss. Anyway, in short, sucks to be you guys!
Nicolette observes that Max is quiet, and asks if he's going to defend Vera.
MAX: Uh, no - I mean, Byron's right. Christmas is for family and friends, and Vera is neither.
Vera looks heartbroken, and walks back towards her room...
Coming up on Neighbours
- Paul calls Terese out for keeping their reunion secret; she asks, isn't he worried people will judge them?
- Leo tells Krista that he and Abigail love her so much; they want to ask her something
- Yaz has arranged the delivery of a parcel to No 28, and Holly receives it...