- The Prosecutor demanding Finn gets a custodial sentence.
- Bea declaring Finn a hero for putting his life on the line to save two people.
- Ned trying to remind Bea what Finn did do her.
- Judge Barton adjuring Finn's hearing as Elly hasn't appeared.
- Shaun concerned for Elly.
- Elly now realising who the father of her baby is... Finn's brother Shaun!
- Sheila finding a letter to Kyle from Georgia in the post.
- Sheila interrupting Kyle and Chloe pashing away.
- Sheila confronting Kyle over his real reason why he split with Georgia!
Number 26
Sheila admits to not understanding why Kyle is thinking of Amy, given he's had nothing to do with her since they split up. Kyle admits he "made the wrong decision leaving her in the first place."
KYLE: When I got back with Georgia... it just all happened so quickly. I didn't even have time to think about it properly. I tried to make it work. The more that time went on, the more it slowly fell apart.
"You and Amy are ancient history," Sheila points out to him which Kyle readily agrees on... before admitting that he "never stopped loving her."
KYLE: And I've only recently worked out how deep it is. And when you called me, and you told me about her and Dad, it got me thinking about her. What a great team we were. I miss that.
SHEILA: Well, that's all very moving Kyle, but it doesn't give you the right to cut your dad's grass.
KYLE: I wouldn't do that!
SHEILA: Well, why did you come home?
Kyle explains that when Paul offered him the job, things were at breaking point with Georgia and so he "came back to Erinsborough to get away from her, not to get back with Amy." He adds that since Amy is happy, he's not going to break her and his dad up.
SHEILA: And so, what are you gonna do with all your feelings now?
KYLE: Well, I'm a big boy. I'll figure it out.
SHEILA: And you're working with her every day!
KYLE: It's temporary. I promise I'll move on if you try real hard to keep this to yourself okay?
Their conversation is quickly stopped when they hear Gary coming into the house (he's on the phone to Xanthe) and they start talking about Finn's forthcoming sentencing. Gary is confident things are going to swing in their favour once Elly gives her statement.
Lassiters Complex
Ned is still peeved at the 360 Bea did in court but realises for the sake of their relationship they both have to "agree to disagree and move on." Bea agrees with his suggestion and hopes that after today, "we'll never have to see Finn again."
Meanwhile Elly meets up with Shaun and is relived to hear that he will "keep your secret" but before Elly can fully relax, he adds "I need something in return."
And that would be Elly totally changing her statement so instead of being anti-Finn, she instead goes along with what the others have said, "that he's no longer a danger to society" much to the shock of everyone sitting on the public benches.
The Waterhole
Amy looks relived to get back to talking about something else when Kyle arrives rather than waiting to hear about what is happening at the court with Finn. She is interested in his love life (after hearing about pashing Chloe) although he isn't too amused at her and his dad trying to push them into a relationship.
Judge Barton begins by describing Finn's crimes as "unquestionably heinous, causing extensive pain and suffering to your many victims." She then goes onto describe the case as being "unusual" because he is pleading guilty when he doesn't remember committing the crimes and equally she can see that he has changed after being in the coma.
JUDGE BARTON: Taking this into account, I do not believe a custodial sentence would be beneficial to your rehabilitation.
Gary is already peeved and yells from the public benches that "he's a criminal, for God's sake!" The judge continues by giving Finn the conditions for his release - he's to live in "appropriate housing with strict community supervision," has to report to the police every second day and maintain consistent psychiatric evaluations. She gives Imogen until the end of the day to "make the necessary arrangements" otherwise "I will have no choice but to place your client into custody." Imogen is sure she "can find something appropriate."
Except Imogen can't find anywhere suitable for Finn as they are full, and Shaun can't manage either as he doesn't live in the country. Susan is shocked when she comes in to check how Finn is doing to hear that he might still end up in prison and urges him not to "give up hope."
Number 24
Elly isn't pleased to see Shaun at her door in case Mark comes home unexpectedly, so he gets straight to the point.
SHAUN: I need another favour.
ELLY: I just told the courts exactly what you wanted me to tell them. Are you gonna keep coming back, wanting more and more?
SHAUN: No. If you do this, it'll be the last thing I ever ask of you. I promise. I need you to convince the Kennedy's to take Finn into their home.
ELLY: Are you insane?
Shaun admits that there is nowhere for Finn to go. He doesn't think it will be too hard to pull off his request either, as he is sure Susan is onside already and if she can get Bea to agree, then he reckons Karl will go along with it too.
ELLY: How am I meant to convince my sister this is a good idea after everything Finn's done to her?
SHAUN: Well, she already changed her statement. Why not this?
ELLY: Yes. But showing compassion for your attacker and living with the guy are two very different things.
SHAUN: But Finn's not a threat anymore. I know you don't believe it, but he's good now. He wants a proper life. Who better to help him than Susan?
ELLY: I can't ask my family to risk that.
SHAUN: But you need me to keep your secret.
ELLY: So, that's it? if I don't agree, you're gonna tell?
SHAUN: Put it this way. if you don't make this happen, I'll have to move to Erinsborough to take care of Firm myself. Close to you. Close to Mark. Close to the baby. Or do you want me on a plane back to Switzerland?
The Waterhole
Gary is ranting off to Amy at justice not being served thanks to Elly changing her statement. He pleads with her to change the topic and she does that by showing him a wedding theme idea she has found... "a whole Harry Potter theme!"
GARY: Does everyone get to wear their house colours and eat Bertie Botts beans for dessert?
"Yes!" she immediately replies and goes onto show him more of what she found.
Meanwhile Kyle spots Chloe entering the bar and without any warning, he marches straight up to her and begins pashing her!!! Sheila looks gobsmacked while both Amy and Gary are happy surprised at what they see!
GARY: Whoa, looks like my pep talk worked a treat.
Elly watches on unseen by Finn as he begins slowly packing up his belongings now his fate has been decided. Her attention is then drawn to a text from Mark apologising that he had to work and that he's been thinking of her all day.
Number 28
Elly has gathered Bea, Susan and Karl round the table and tells them that "Finn's struggling to find accommodation and I wondered if you guys had thought about taking him in?"
Everyone looks stunned at what she has just said especially with her admitting that "it's a massive thing to suggest, especially given I don't live here." "You got that right," Karl replies, and Susan asks, "what made you think of this?" Elly ignores replying to that and instead repeats what Judge Barton said - that Finn would have a better chance of rehabilitation if he was cared for in the right home.
BEA: This makes zero sense. Only a week ago, you were totally against him, Elly.
ELLY: Yeah. Well, what Finn did to us will always be horrific. But you've changed your mind, to some extent. And he's put himself in harm's way to save Susan's life. And Suse, as for you, your compassion has done more for Film than anyone. Wouldn't you like to continue that?
Susan concedes that it "has crossed my mind" but would never have brought it up if Elly hadn't mentioned it.
SUSAN: But since you have... maybe it's something we could discuss?
The Waterhole
Having witnessed the pash, Gary deduces that his son is "ready to move on" and was obviously the one that instigated the break-up with Georgia. Amy is curious why he initially led them to think it was the other way around and Sheila suggests that Kyle was simply "just being a little bit discreet" as a way to moving on.
Meanwhile Chloe, while acknowledging she is up for "random kissing" admits that she got the vibe earlier that he wasn't interested so is "not quite sure what your deal is." Apologising for the kiss, Kyle admits to being "all over the place."
KYLE: But I do like you, Chloe. And if you don't mind me being a bit of a mess and you don't want things to get too serious, I'd love to hang out with you.
CHLOE: Well, not getting too serious is my default setting. So, yeah, I'd love to hang out.
Chloe heads off after they agree to go on a date tonight and with Gary away too (he headed off to the court), Kyle heads back to the table he was at with Amy. "Looks like it's all systems go," she comments when he sits down, and he admit what she said to him earlier "made a lot of sense." "I couldn't be happier for you," she tells him before they get back down to work.
Number 28
Elly sits listening as Karl, Susan and Bea are discussing what she asked of them earlier.
Susan thinks the best thing about having Finn under their roof is being able to watch him in case his mental state did change as she fears they'd be the last to know if it did. "Do we really want him to be here?" Karl asks if Finn's mental state did change and she reminds her husband that Finn would be under "very strict conditions" and they could ensure that "those conditions are adhered to." "That is a point," Karl concedes and admits that his opinions on Finn have changed, especially in the light of the hit and run.
Looking straight at Bea, Karl thinks that ultimately it should be her decision as "he affected you more than anyone else." Susan backs her husband up by saying that if she isn't "comfortable with this, it's simply not gonna happen."
It looks like Bea is in a quandary - on one hand she believes that Finn has changed and that he shouldn't go to jail but equally, she isn't looking forward to him sharing a house with him and doing the same things she did with 'Patrick' in case it triggers things for her. Reaching a compromise, and the fact Elly's changed her mind about him, she agrees to think about it.
Lassiters Complex
Bea has confided in Ned what her sister is asking of them and he seems shocked that she's even considering it when it should have been an immediate "no!" "It's not that simple," she tries to explain, even if the "idea does freak me out a bit." "It should," he replies back but Bea adds in that she knows what it "feels like to be lost and abandoned and homeless."
BEA: And if the Kennedy's gave me a chance to rebuild my life, then why should I deny them doing it for somebody else's?
NED: The Kennedy's are your family. He's a stranger. Plus, Bea, you deserve to be helped. You're a decent human being. He's not.
BEA: But we don't know what he is now. What if Imogen is right and the rehabilitation does work?
NED: Yeah, or what if his memories return and he goes back to the way he was? He would be in your house. Anything could ?ick that switch.
Bea points out that nothing happened when Finn visited the street, plus he is going to be "closely monitored by all of us, by the psych doctors and the hospital."
BEA: He has nowhere to hide if anything changes.
NED: I know we agreed to disagree and ultimately, this is your decision, okay? But let me give it to you straight - Finn is dangerous and he's manipulative and he is unpredictable. And if you allow him into your house, you're making a huge mistake.
Number 28
Now they are alone, the Kennedys get a proper chance to discuss the request between themselves. Karl is still of the mind to go with along with whatever she and Bea say, however he does "worry about the neighbours and how they're going to react." Another factor is Toadie is due back tomorrow too and Susan would like to think he "respects our decisions." From the face Karl pulls, he isn't so sure about that one!
SUSAN: Who knows? I mean, maybe having Finn here will give people the chance to see that he's... he's not the bad person he used to be.
KARL: That's a dream scenario, isn't it? What if everything goes sour? What if we can't help him?
SUSAN: I look at him and I believe him. I see the man he could be if we give him a chance. Karl, think of all those wayward strays that we've taken in over the years. Kids that have come through here angry and hurt and confused, and they leave better people.
KARL: Excepting Firm is not a kid.
SUSAN: In his mind, he's only 19. We have the opportunity to help reshape him, to help him become the best version of himself he can. How do we say no to that?
The Waterhole
Before Sheila leaves for the court (to make sure Gary behaves), Kyle wants her guarantee she will keep her mouth shut.
SHEILA: Well, after watching that whole Chloe Brennan carry on, I think you should do the same! But, yes, just for the sake of your father's happiness and for the sake of general peace in the family, I won't breathe a word. But if I get the vaguest whiff that anything untoward is happening...
KYLE: You won't, I promise.
SHEILA: Well, I trust you keep it that way.
Bea is pounding up and down outside the court, trying to decide what to do when Elly comes out to say they are about to start.
Quietly, the pair enter the court itself just as Judge Barton is ready to find out if Imogen has found somewhere "for your client at a halfway house or shelter." Imogen confirms that she couldn't find anywhere as "everything in the district is completely full."
Gary has a smug, satisfied look on his face as he knows Finn is going to be sent to jail.
Imogen then looks round to where the K's, Bea and Elly are sitting and sees Bea nod her head followed by the K's.
IMOGEN: However, Susan and Karl Kennedy have agreed to accommodate my client at their home in Erinsborough. I know you're aware of their reputation as upstanding members of the community. And I believe that under their care, my client will be fully rehabilitated.
JUDGE BARTON: What can I say, Mr Kelly? You're a highly fortunate man. You are hereby released into the Kennedys' care.
Finn can't believe what has just been said and Imogen hugs him, satisfied at the result before mouthing a silent 'thank you' to the K's sitting in the public benches.
Elly looks utterly aghast at the deal she's done especially when she turns around and meets Shaun's eyes!
Coming up on Neighbours
- Susan supporting Toadie.
- Bea trying to dispel Mark's theory that Ned is going to go after Finn.
- Ned trying to tell be that he can feel there is something bad in Finn.
- Finn watching Bea on his phone as she sings at The Waterhole.
- Toadie not happy and begging Susan to get Finn out of Erinsborough!