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Neighbours Episode 4712 from 2005 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4711 - 4713>>
Episode title: 4712: "Hello Sunshine"
Australian airdate: 3/05/05
UK airdate: 22/7/05
Writer: John Hamilton
Director: Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Guests: Paul Robinson - Stefan Dennis
Bobby Hoyland - Andrew McFarlane
Honey Austin - Camilla Borde
Summary/Images by: Ally (AllyAngel)/David
- Izzy and Max receiving Bobby's letter.
- Lil telling Serena she doesn't love David anymore.
- Boyd still in a coma.
- Lil and Paul saying they love each other.
The Middle of the Lake - Literally!
Paul says he knows Lil has issues to sort out with David. He bends down and fishes her ring out of the murky depths, then tells her that when she sorts herself out, he'll be waiting. She stares after him as he wades out of the lake.
Sky is talking to ComaBoyd™, saying that the doctors are optimistic, and that talking to him might be doing him good. She says when he wakes up he owes her a lot of massages.
Out in the corridor, Max is telling Summer that they have to move (wetlands yada, yada...), and says that she can decorate Boyd's bedroom when they find a new place. She isn't convinced, and Steph (who is looking very snazzy in her NatalieBlairLogiesDress Style Blue) comforts her as Max goes back into the hospital room. Summer asks if Boyd will be able to look after himself when he eventually comes home, but Steph says she doesn't know - they just have to take each day as it comes.
Community Hall
The music's pumpin', the lights are flashin' and every guy and doll is groovin' to the movin' at the big...........council meeting. Dave is hesitant, but Serena pushes him in the door. The music conveniently stops as Dave enters, and everyone does the SoapieStare™ at him, but then the next song comes on. Harold is happy that David has 'cleared the first hurdle.' Paul and David's eyes meet across the room, and it's suddenly like a scene out of How the West Was Won. David glares. Paul glares. David glares. Paul gl....ahem...
Susan's Home for Desperate Housewives
Lil is serving up her dinner, looking glum, but gets up to answer the persistent knocking at the door. It's Stingray.
STINGRAY: Hi LilliPilli! How's it hangin'?
He's after Serena, but she isn't there (she's still grooving with David 'Austin Powers' Bishop at Council disco night). Stingray asks how Lil is going, and she answers that she is "Yeah...fine, good, it's great..." Stingray spies dinner, and scores himself an invite to stay.
Community Hall
The party is a rockin' with the Bishop clan being wallflowers. With some encouragement from Serena and Harold, David toddles off to face Paul, who is...ahh...'surprised' that Lil isn't there. David says she is 'sick' *cough cough*. He just wanted to thank Paul for dropping the charges. Paul just hopes he is prove right, and they shake hands.
Scarlet Bar/ Hoylands
Max and Izzy are talking on the phone about Boyd's condition. Max still wants to keep positive, but Izzy is dubious - it's been a week. They hang up, and suddenly we hear a deep, mysterious voice. Oooh, I loves me a bit o' Nancy Drew...
VOICE: Hey Bella - here's your fella...
Izzy looks up slowly.
IZZY: Here I am, dressed in yella'.
Heeeeeere's Daddy! Izzy squeals and runs to hug her Dad. She's "Soooo glad he is here!"
Scarlet Bar
Izzy is filling in her Dad on Boyd. She apologises for not telling him sooner, but she says Max wanted to keep it quiet. Bobby replies that Boyd is 'a Hoyland to his boot straps,' and will get through this. He says they are going to go and visit the patient, but Izzy says it is way past visiting hours. Bobby replies that he is Bobby Hoyland, and normal rules don't apply.
Max and Steph are cuddled up on the lounge, but Steph senses something is wrong with Max. She gently prompts him until he spills . I break down as Max breaks down, telling Steph that it's all so hard - he doesn't want Boyd to spend the rest of his youth wasting away in hospital, while they count the days when he would have been starting Uni, and having his 21st...Sky listens tearily in the hallway, as Max sobs that Boyd is his beautiful boy, but they have to make some decisions about his quality of life. Sky comes in and sits down as Steph wipes away Max's tears.
MAX: (whispers) I'm sorry...
STEPH: Shhhh...
Max says they are going to have to decide what they are going to do about Boyd's Life Support Machine.
Susan's Susanless House
Liljana and Stingray are doing the dishes, and stingray is telling Lil about dishwashing back in Colac. He is delighted to make Lil laugh, and Lil tells him that, under his scary surface, Stingray is a strangely decent young man. Stingray says he was a cake-taker when he got to Erinsborough, but Serena changed him. Lil says he is lucky to have her...but not as lucky as she is to have him. Stingray repays Lil for the compliment with a spot of Tangoing, while telling her that Serena will still be hot when she is an old chook - he knows because of her Mum. He then cons Lil into watching 'the coolest Stunt Show on channel 44' with him.
Bobby is talking to Boyd about AFL, and trying to convince him to wake up. Izzy tries to let him down gently, but he persists.
BOBBY: Come on mate, time to wake up...
Boyd's eyelids suddenly start to flutter, and from BoydCam, we see a fuzzy Bobby. His eyes slowly open, and a split second later, he begins to choke on the life support tube, which is stuck down his throat and half way to China, but that's just a hazard of the job, I guess. Izzy screams like a...girl...and runs to get a nurse, yelling 'He's awake,' as Boyd continues to hock up the tube. Nice.
The HoylandBrady Bunch rush in, wanting to know how Boyd is and what happened. Izzy takes them into the room, and they gather around the Risen Dead (aka, FredlessComaBoydWhoIsNowAwake™ ). Steph comments on how good it is to see his big blue eyes again (he is truly his father's son ), and asks how he is feeling. He says he has a sore throat (well no wonder - he just coughed up half a metre of plastic tube ).
Max asks Izzy what happened - how he woke up. Izzy replies that an old angel came back, and demanded he wake up. She opens the door to Bobby. Summer launches herself at her granddad, who...uhh...gives her a grape...but Max looks dirty.
Serena is almost asleep on David's lap, watching a movie. It finishes and she gets up to go to bed, but before she goes she tells Dave that she was proud to be his daughter tonight, and the council snobs didn't know where to look when he shook Paul's hand. Serena goes off to bed, and Harry leaves to lock up the General Store. David sits alone, rubbing his head and looking dejected.
Suse's Susanless home for Lonely, Confused Housewives
Stingray thanks Lil for the food, ice-cream, TV and company and says she isn't bad for a fossil. She tells him he had better go before she figures out what he is saying. She thanks him for making her laugh and he leaves. Lil sits down and looks at her coffee grounds for a bit, before sitting back and looking DejectedDave™-like.
Scarlet Bar
RandomBlondeWithAnnoyingVoice™ comes in and flirts with Paul, sitting down wit him and saying she'll have 'the usual.'
Dave looks sadly at a family photo.
Susan's Home for Restless Housewives
Lil fidgets on the lounge, before turning out the lights and flopping back on the lounge, looking dejected once more.
David says goodnight to PhotoLil™, and whispers that he will win her back somehow.
Susan's Home for Still Restless Housewives
Lil is still flopped on the couch, looking unsettled and sad.
Scarlet Bar
Paul tells RandomBlondeWithAnnoyingVoice™ that he has met someone, and she thanks him for wasting her time. She leaves, but not before doubling back to grab her drink which I so thought she was going to tip over his head.
The HoylandBrady Bunch are telling Boyd all about the HoT prank war, and the Scarlet Bar. Max says they have already been robbed once already, but they should thank the thug, because he was the same guy who brought on Boyd's seizure, and alerted them to Fred living in Boydie's noggin.
Bobby says he is just going to get some drinks, and Max follows him. He starts to have a go at Bobby, but Steph comes out to join them, and Max calms down a bit. He tells Bobby that he can stay and celebrate with them for a bit, but then they will be going home to let Boyd get some rest, and he is not welcome in his house or near his family. Max goes back into Boyd, and Steph looks at Bobby apologetically.
<<4711 - 4713>>
Liljana Bishop, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 4712
Liljana Bishop, Paul Robinson

Sky Mangel, Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4712
Sky Mangel, Boyd Hoyland

Steph Scully, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4712
Steph Scully, Summer Hoyland

David Bishop, Serena Bishop, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4712
David Bishop, Serena Bishop, Harold Bishop

Liljana Bishop, Stingray Timmins in Neighbours Episode 4712
Liljana Bishop, Stingray Timmins

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 4712
Paul Robinson

Bobby Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4712
Bobby Hoyland

Bobby Hoyland, Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4712
Bobby Hoyland, Izzy Hoyland

Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4712
Max Hoyland

Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 4712
Sky Mangel

Stingray Timmins, Liljana Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4712
Stingray Timmins, Liljana Bishop

Bobby Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4712
Bobby Hoyland

Izzy Hoyland, Bobby Hoyland, Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4712
Izzy Hoyland, Bobby Hoyland, Boyd Hoyland

Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4712
Max Hoyland

David Bishop, Serena Bishop, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4712
David Bishop, Serena Bishop, Harold Bishop

Liljana Bishop, Stingray Timmins in Neighbours Episode 4712
Liljana Bishop, Stingray Timmins

Honey Austin, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 4712
Honey Austin, Paul Robinson

David Bishop, Serena Bishop, Liljana Bishop, Sky Mangel, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4712
David Bishop, Serena Bishop, Liljana Bishop, Sky Mangel, Harold Bishop

David Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4712
David Bishop

Liljana Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4712
Liljana Bishop

Boyd Hoyland, Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 4712
Boyd Hoyland, Sky Mangel

Max Hoyland, Bobby Hoyland, Summer Hoyland, Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4712
Max Hoyland, Bobby Hoyland, Summer Hoyland, Izzy Hoyland

Max Hoyland, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4712
Max Hoyland, Steph Scully

Bobby Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4712
Bobby Hoyland

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