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Neighbours Episode 4711 from 2005 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4710 - 4712>>
Episode title: 4711: Chains Of Love
Australian airdate: 02/05/05
UK airdate: 21/07/05
Writer: Drew Tingwell
Director: Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Guests: Paul Robinson: Stefan Dennis
Gabrielle Walker: Linda Hartley-Clarke
- "Always" by Sam Hawksley
Summary/Images by: Carly/David
- Paul letting Lil know he'll be there for her if David does her wrong
- Lil telling David she's leaving him
- Sindi knocking Janae off her bike
- Stu voicing his concerns about Sindi to Toadie
Number 30
Stu tells Toadie he doesn't want to believe Sindi's a bad person but there's a lot of evidence against her at the moment. Sindi walks in the door all upset after her incident with Janae, not to mention the ear bashing she received from Janelle. She thinks it would be best to have a "little lie down" and makes her way to the eavesdropping hallway.
Toadie queries if Stu wants to break up with Sindi to which he says no. Ms Watts quietly has a freak out in the hallway. Toad adds that Stu isn't going to help matters by acting like a mongrel and convincing himself that Sindi is some sort of witch. Ms Watts is melting, meeeeelting with fear of abandonment in the hallway. What a world, what a world.
Outside the General Store
We pan up past a lovely water feature to the front of the store where Harold is cleaning the table that Lil is sat at. All of a sudden Paul saunters up real sexy like and Lil's eyes light up. Paul slowly loosens his tie while Lil positively quivers with anticipation. And before you can say 'that's hot' they're full on pashing and ripping each other's clothes off to the magical sounds of the bow-chicka-bow-wow chorus. Paul sweeps Lil's drink off the table and throws her down in a fit of passion; all the while Harry is expressing his distaste in the background. "Liljana! Not there I just cleaned that table!"
Lil's name is said over and over again in echoed tones until we realise we're not in a Mills and Boon novel; we're in Lil's imagination and have been yanked out of it by Susan. "Earth to Lil! You haven't heard a word I've been saying, have you?" Lil looks at her friend guiltily and giggles. "No, sorry." Susan asks if Lil's okay to which she replies she is but then eventually admits the truth - she's left David.
Harold is trying to reassure David that this predicament is only a glitch in his marriage while Serena gives her dad a hearty breakfast she made for him. She asks what he's got on that day and he says he's supposed to go to some council function but he doesn't really want to face anyone at the moment. Serena thinks he should go but Harold believes David should find Lil and sort out their problems. David just feels all in a tizzy, he knows he's innocent but it's trying to convince everyone else of that that'll be the problem.
Number 30
Stu is busily ironing his work shirt when Sindi walks in after her rest. Apparently she'd like to be even more chilled out and tells Stu "you know, really there's only one thing that will help me relax..." Look out; we're entering Mills and Boon territory again, especially with Sindi ripping the buttons of Stu's shirt open. As much as Stu would love to... get relaxed, he's going to be late for work if he's not careful. Sindi won't take no for an answer though and finds Stu's handcuffs on the couch. Wow, this episode is kinky. She latches them on to Stu's wrist and her wrist and pulls him on to the sofa.
Outside the General Store
Lil has been crying and is telling Susan how guilty she feels, especially about Serena. Susan says that kids can be more resilient than they think. Lil is also worrying about the cost of setting herself up in a hotel room (why don't-cha give Mr Robinson a call I'm sure he'll even give up his own room for you...) so Susan offers her a room at her inn for loveable strays. At first Lil thinks it would be too close for comfort but then realises it would make sense to be near her daughter.
Paul walks by and Susan calls him over causing Lil to hide her tear-stained face. Susan wants to chat about a school-related matter so Paul says he'll just grab a coffee and be right back. Lil's thinking 'Awwwkward'.
Toadie is over helping David out with legal matters while Serena looks on and Harold does paperwork at the kitchen bench. He tells David that it may be better for him to plead guilty but Dave doesn't want a bar of that, why should he say he's guilty when he's not?
TOADIE: David there is an overwhelming amount of evidence against you. If you deny it and they find you guilty the courts are going to come down very hard on you. It may be a good idea to plead guilty in the first place.
DAVID: But I'm not guilty why is that so hard for you to understand? Paul Robinson, the one person with the most right to be angry cause I did it, knows I didn't.
(Harry stands up having heard quite enough)
HAROLD: David will you shut up! Just shut up! This is so typical of you. You don't have to tell us that you're not guilty, especially not Jarrod. He's the one trying to save you from jail, David. Jail. I don't see you winning back Liljana from there do you?
He gets fed up and storms out of the house like a sparking stick of Harry-mite (a special form of dynamite you see), leaving David, Serena and Toadie looking stunned.
Outside the General Store
Susan is trying to talk school business with Paul but he and Lil are more preoccupied with looking at one another out of the corner of their eyes but pretending they're not. I think going the grope on the table again would probably be more subtle, guys. Paul ends up scheduling another meeting with Susan and leaves the girls, giving one last unsubtle stare at Lil before he goes (it looks like he's wearing the 'tie of sexy affairs' too - the same one he left at Izzy's flat that time... Hmm...).
SUSAN: Alright, fess up.
(Lil gives her a blank look)
SUSAN: Well I'd have to be blind and stupid to have missed all that. What's going on with you and Paul?
LIL: Nothing!
SUSAN: Lil come on, I'm your friend.
LIL: So what are you suggesting? That I left David because I've got a thing for Paul? Oh Susan please, don't be ridiculous.
Methinks the lady doth protest too much.
Number 30
Stu and Sindi are cuddled on the couch after their handcuffed rendezvous. Stu says as much as he'd like to stay he's even later for work and asks for the keys. Sindi's all, 'keys?' And Stu's all, 'Oh man, you better be kidding me'. But of course she's not! Where would we be without a case of wacky hijinks? And the hijinks of wackiness ensues as Stu angrily charges around the lounge room looking for the keys, dragging Sindi around like a rag doll behind him.
Toadie is telling David that he has to give up all his preconceived notions of what's fair if he wants to win his case. David will not give in though and says he's not going to get up in court and be a liar. He asks Toadie if he thinks he's guilty and Toad replies, "If you tell me you're not guilty I'm going to believe you, alright. There's no point in you lying to me.
Serena answers the knock at the door and finds Lil standing there. David hopefully asks if she's back to stay but she says she's only there to pick up some things to take to Susan's. Lil tries to talk to Serena but she won't have a bar of her. Toadie sits there looking uncomfortable and like he wants to tell a knock knock joke or something to clear the air. Knock, knock? Who's there? Arncha. Arncha who? Arncha glad I'm here to witness your marital problems in this really embarrassing way!
Harold has called NotKerry for a chat about David. He's still angry but admits that he maybe shouldn't have flown off the handle like he did. There just seems to be one crisis after another these days though and everything is falling to pieces. NotKerry tells him he's doing the best job he can trying to hold everything together. She comments on how messy the garden is looking and how there must be only weeds growing there. Harold smiles, knowing she's trying to get his mind off things for a while. He offers her a sandwich but she declines, taking his hand and saying she's got a better idea. It better not involve having a pash, NotKerry, cause no. N. O.
Number 30
Stu is going off his nut yelling and ranting while trying to look for the handcuffs. "Why don't we play with the handcuffs? Yeah good idea, why don't we play with my pistol next time, be a bit of fun won't it?" Sindi, being Sindi, starts to cry because she hates being yelled at. Stu takes a breath and calms down but Sindi yelps that she can't be without him. He's confused so she elaborates.
SINDI: OhStu I fhjdhfkjfuiy *GULP* Andiunitksdhksnd *SNIFF* Ehhhhhh!
That's in Sindi's special crying, high-pitched language that she saves for special crying occasions. Luckily I have a handy translation just here:
SINDI: Oh Stuart, I just know you're going to leave me and I don't want you to leave me please don't cause I love yoooooooou.
Fight or flight, Stu? It's a close call, I saw him checking out how far away the door was...
Susan's House for Daydreaming Strays
Susan is chattering away about the spare room but Lil isn't listening again. She certainly has a lot of naughty thoughts in that head of hers... or she could just be feeling guilty about Serena and David. Either one. She apologises but Susan tells her she doesn't have to keep saying that all the time.
There's a knock at the door and Serena is invited in. She wants to have a word with Lil in private. Lil says she can't kick Susan out of her own home but soon changes her mind when Serena starts speaking. "Mum I want to speak to you and no one else. I mean no one else has actually done this, have they? Not me, not Susan, not dad it was you. You who walked away." Susan makes a hasty retreat down the hall.
Serena doesn't understand why Lil had to abandon them but Lil wants her to know that it wasn't an easy decision for her, but it was the right one - she was living a lie. She said it would have been worse if she continued to live it. Serena's anger has turned into tears so Lil sits down with her and gives her a cuddle. She tells her that she left David because she can't agree with what he's done and that by staying there she'd give the impression that she approves.
SERENA: Is that it? Mum there has to be more. There just has to be more.
LIL: I just don't love him like I used to love him.
SERENA: So it's really over then?
(Lil nods sadly)
Number 30
Back at the shrieking shack, Stu tells Sindi that he loves her and doesn't want to break up with her... although he could kill her right now for getting them into the handcuffed mess they're in. Sindi says she just felt that way now that Stu knew about her high school years. He replies that he loves the person she is now... but he just wants her to be truthful with him.
STU: What happened to you at high school?
(Sindi looks hesitant)
STU: I won't love you any less no matter what you say, I just need to hear the truth Sindi.... Aw come on, it can't be that bad surely?
EVERYONE WHO KNOWS THIS JOKE: It is. And don't call me Shirley!
Toadie walks in just in time to create a lucky diversion for Sindi. I love how that always happens on TV. Where was my lucky diversion when I was eight and mum wanted to know who broke her vase? 'Carly, did you break this?' 'I um...' *A yeti walks through the front door playing a ukulele* 'Ooh! A yeti! Play me a tune!'
Anyhoo, Sindi finds the keys next to the table leg, conveniently, as Toadie jokes about what they're up to. He then changes his tune and remembers that this is his ex-girlfriend and his best mate and he really doesn't want to know about their kinky handcuff fun. Stu asks again for an answer to his question but Sindi says he better get ready or he'll be late for work. Stu's shirt is still sexily ripped open. Nice.
NotKerry has thankfully encouraged Harold to do a bit of gardening and not pashing, which all the viewers are most thankful for. He says they should start to tackle the next section but NotKerry says there's something else that needs his attention. (MY BROTHER)... David.
Lassiter's Park
Paul strolls along the bridge in a slow manner while a Sam Hawksley song croons in the background. 'When I first caught you across the room it was already too late'.
Lil strolls along in much the same manner, but on the other side of the park of course. 'It's not in that instant but in the very next moment that a second glance sealed my fate'.
Paul stares into the atmosphere some more, crinkling his brow.
Sam Hawksley fades into the background as Serena walks out to the kitchen wearing a pretty dress and tells her dad that she's accompanying him to the council function. He says he can't go, her granddad was right, he'd just be asking for trouble if he went.
HAROLD: (from the doorway) No. No your grandfather was quite wrong. You have every right to go to that function, David, and you should. And I'll be there right with you.
He apologises for exploding in a Harry-mite fashion before and hopes David can forgive him. David smiles and says of course he can, giving his dad a big hug.
DAVID: Um dad, can I ask you something?
HAROLD: Yes, of course.
DAVID: Could you go and shower you smell like the country, and not in a good way.
HAROLD: (laughing) Arr, yes!
DAVID: No I mean it.
HAROLD: ... Oh!
Lassiter's Lake
Sam Hawksley finds his microphone again as the song kicks back in. Lil stands on the bridge and plays with her wedding ring over the water. Oh this can't be good. Splash. Yes, her ring fell in the water. She runs right into the lake and searches for her ring in the murky shallows. Sam Hawksley's dulcet tones have lured Paul to the exact same spot and he sees Lil in the lake. 'Always be loving you, oooh-ooooo'. He just strides right into the water himself, without a care for his probably very expensive shoes, asking what Lil's doing.
LIL: I'm... (a smile creeps up her mouth) What am I doing? What are you doing?
(He realises he's a tad waterlogged but doesn't seem to care)
PAUL: I was just thinking about you. I haven't stopped thinking about you actually.
LIL: I haven't stopped thinking about you either.
PAUL: Really?
(Lil nods and Paul softly laughs like he can't believe it)
PAUL: Oh Lil, I love you... I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that.
LIL: It's alright. I love you too.
(Is it Christmas time? Cause Paul certainly thinks all of his have come at once)
PAUL: Oh Lil...
LIL: But I can't.
PAUL: (looks sad) ... Yeah.
(Both of them stand there feeling glum)
'Alllllllwaaaaaaaays'. And the tune ends. You two better watch out. Last time Sam Hawksley had a theme song for a couple it was Susan and Tom. And we all remember how well that one turned out...
<<4710 - 4712>>
Stuart Parker, Sindi Watts in Neighbours Episode 4711
Stuart Parker, Sindi Watts

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 4711
Toadie Rebecchi

Sindi Watts in Neighbours Episode 4711
Sindi Watts

Liljana Bishop, Paul Robinson, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4711
Liljana Bishop, Paul Robinson, Harold Bishop

Liljana Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4711
Liljana Bishop

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4711
Susan Kennedy

Harold Bishop, Serena Bishop, David Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4711
Harold Bishop, Serena Bishop, David Bishop

Sindi Watts, Stuart Parker in Neighbours Episode 4711
Sindi Watts, Stuart Parker

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 4711
Paul Robinson

Serena Bishop, David Bishop, Harold Bishop, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 4711
Serena Bishop, David Bishop, Harold Bishop, Toadie Rebecchi

Liljana Bishop, Paul Robinson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4711
Liljana Bishop, Paul Robinson, Susan Kennedy

Sindi Watts, Stuart Parker in Neighbours Episode 4711
Sindi Watts, Stuart Parker

David Bishop, Serena Bishop, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 4711
David Bishop, Serena Bishop, Toadie Rebecchi

Liljana Bishop, David Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4711
Liljana Bishop, David Bishop

Harold Bishop, Gabrielle Walker in Neighbours Episode 4711
Harold Bishop, Gabrielle Walker

Sindi Watts, Stuart Parker in Neighbours Episode 4711
Sindi Watts, Stuart Parker

Liljana Bishop, Serena Bishop, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4711
Liljana Bishop, Serena Bishop, Susan Kennedy

Liljana Bishop, Serena Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4711
Liljana Bishop, Serena Bishop

Sindi Watts, Stuart Parker in Neighbours Episode 4711
Sindi Watts, Stuart Parker

Harold Bishop, Gabrielle Walker in Neighbours Episode 4711
Harold Bishop, Gabrielle Walker

David Bishop, Serena Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4711
David Bishop, Serena Bishop

Harold Bishop, David Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4711
Harold Bishop, David Bishop

Liljana Bishop, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 4711
Liljana Bishop, Paul Robinson

Liljana Bishop, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 4711
Liljana Bishop, Paul Robinson

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