Karl dropping Sarah off at her motel room.
Karl and Sarah breaking down on the way home.
Bill telling Susan that Karl might be having an affair with Sarah.
Phil and Ruth getting married.
Karl coming up behind Susan at the wedding and saying, "Sorry I'm late".
Lou, Anne, Hannah and Michael are getting ready for the reception. Hannah is short with Anne. Michael tells Anne that Hannah is worried about the big new family and her memories of her mum and her gran being trampled on.
Outside the Martins
The wedding party and they guests arrive back. Susan is clearly furious with Karl. He tries to talk to her but she insists she is going to enjoy the wedding, preferably without him.
Hannah is serving drinks and everyone is enjoying the reception, except for Susan and Bill - Bill is looking sullen.
Lou proposes the toast and everyone tries to put him off making a long speech. Bill walks out.
Lance and Michael are tending to the barbecue. Hannah is still a bit upset, and Michael is trying to chivvy her up a bit - he got along fine with Julie after she married Phil.
Toadie comes to see Sarah. He is quietly very cross. After a while he tells Sarah that Susan knows about her and Karl. She can't believe it and looks very worried.
Bill comes in and says he wants to talk to Karl. He asks him what's going on with him and Sarah. Karl says that nothing is going on. Bill insists he's got a right to know and he wants to hear it from Karl.
Lou is still making his speech. Everyone is looking pained.
Anne and Hannah are serving assorted beef dishes(!).
Lou is still making his speech when the phone rings. Ruth goes to answer it - it's the specialist telling her that the lump is benign! Everyone hugs.
Karl admits he wasn't playing golf - he went to find Sarah, but they're not having an affair. He says that Sarah is having some personal problems. Bill says he doesn't believe he's not having an affair - he's lied too much. Bill says that he stuck up for his father to Toadie. But now he knows that Toadie was telling the truth and Karl was lying. He storms out.
The reception is in full swing. Susan asks what there is besides beef(!). Anne says only salad(!). Ruth tells Susan and Anne about the good test results.
Sarah is crying. Toadie comes in and says he's thinking about moving out - he can't handle what's happening. Sarah is very upset - she says she only fell for the wrong guy and she's tried everything to put it right. She thought Toadie was her friend. Toadie says that the Kennedys are very special to him - they're like his own family. He says that Sarah isn't a bad person, but that he can't be on everyone's side at the same time.
Amy is taking photos. Ruth thanks Hannah for lending her Helen's ring. Ruth gives it back to her.
Bill comes in looking very dejected. Anne asks if he's OK. She can see he isn't, so she takes him off for a talk
Anne is sure that Karl wouldn't cheat on Susan. She tells Bill that anyone can see how much they love each other and that it mightn't be as bad as it looks. She suggests giving his parents some space to clear things up. She takes him off to the Coffee Shop.
Ramsay Street
Phil and Ruth are leaving for their honeymoon. They hug everyone goodbye. Phil thanks Lou for everything but his speech(!). As they leave, Harold has cut the strings of the cans so they can leave properly!!
Bill hugs Susan who is off to tackle Karl.
Susan is shouting at Karl through tears - she had to find out Karl was having an affair through Bill! He tries to talk to her but he can't get a word in. She says she trusted him and believed everything she said. Then she slaps him really, really hard.
The Coffee Shop
Anne and Bill bump into Toadie. Anne senses an opportunity for them to make up, so she makes an excuse to leave.
Bill and Toadie sit at a table and talk about what's happened. Bill asks what he knows for sure. Toadie says there were some pretty intense feelings on Sarah's side - she ran away and Karl went to find her. They shake hands. Bill says he can't move into No.30 now while Sarah's there. Toadie says he's thinking of moving out himself.
Bill says he doesn't know why Sarah didn't just get over her feelings for Karl. Toadie says the only side he's on is Susan's.
Hannah and Anne are packing up casseroles. The dog will also get some very high quality left-overs!
Lance, Michael and Ben are trying to work out their relationship to each other. Michael is Lance's step-half-brother. Ben and Michael are more difficult to work out. Ben says they should try to fit in Nick and Caitlin too!
Hannah apologises to Anne for being a bit stand-offish - she's worried about the big happy family. Anne is a bit nervous too, but they are looking forward to being sisters.
Susan is absolutely furious with Karl and tells him to stop saying that he loves her. She wants to know exactly what happened. Karl said it was just one kiss and it was six months ago. Susan is horrified it has been going on for six months. Karl says nothing has been going on.
Susan rages that he supposes he went to the motel to do more of this nothing(!) She tells him she doesn't want to know anymore - she tells him to go, take Sarah, do whatever he wants or rot in hell, but just to get out of the house now!