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Neighbours Episode 7817 from 2018 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7816 - 7818>>
Episode title: 7817 (Ben Kirk departs)
Australian and UK airdate: 10/04/18
Writer: Matthew BOn
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Jane Harris: Annie Jones
Poppy Ryan: Eloise Ross
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
- Yashvi and Shane are kicking a football.
- Karl tells Shane that he's researching the correlation between cholesterol and fertility in men over 40.
- Kirsha offers to be Jimmy's "wing- woman" in chatting up Poppy.
- Poppy is mean about Kirsha
- Ben arrives for a surprise visit and Xanthe is not pleased.
- Xanthe tells Ben that they have to break up.
Back garden of No.22
Xanthe tells Ben that she cannot give her study up over a guy anymore. Ben is offended that she is putting him into the same category as Finn.
XANTHE: I love you, but I also love the idea of finishing school and going to Uni.
BEN: I want that for you too.
XANTHE: As much as the thought of not having you in my life kills me, I'm just juggling too much at the moment...Elly says that I should drop a subject but I really don't want to do that. Something has to give.
BEN:(upset) And that something is me.
XANTHE: I'm really sorry.
BEN: I can't just stop loving you.
XANTHE: Me neither. I mean, maybe once your apprenticeship is done and I'm finished Year 12, then...
BEN: OK. So it's over forever.
XANTHE: You'll always be the only one for me, Ben Kirk. And nothing's ever going to change that.
Ben tries not to cry.
XANTHE: So I guess this is it, then.
BEN: I guess it is. Um, better go. I've got a long drive ahead.
He leaves, clearly in tears.
Steph calls round looking for Ben, wondering if he wants to do one last session on his car before he drives it back to Oakey. Susan explains that he has gone to see Xanthe. Steph tells them that Toadie and Sonya will be back tomorrow. Susan texts Ben, who texts back that he's just broken up with Xanthe.
Jimmy is kissing Poppy and asks her for kissing tips(!)
Amy comes in and sees them. Jimmy and Amy are both very embarrassed. Poppy decides to head off.
AMY: Right, so, um, I guess we should...
JIMMY: Not have this conversation *ever*
AMY: Right.
He goes off to his room.
Jane is telling Dipi about Harold. Kirsha comes in, talking on the phone with Jimmy and commiserating with him on his embarrassment. Dipi introduces Kirsha to Jane and they chat about schoolwork. Jane sits down to chat to Kirsha about history.
Shane's hand is still throbbing. Karl tells Dipi and Mishti that he'd be happy to help them out with the show's songs, but Dipi says without a budget it won't be going ahead.
Dipi and Susan talk and Susan says she feels like she and Karl are getting back on track.
Ramsay Street
Xanthe tells Steph that she blames the car for her and Ben's break-up because it got him thinking about his dad, Oakey, and a life far away from her. She goes over to the car and kicks it(!) Steph says that Ben and Xanthe are just doing different things at the moment. The long-distance thing didn't work out, but it doesn't mean it's off forever. Suddenly, Xanthe has an idea.
Garden of No.28
Karl tells Susan that he is worried about "Patient 18D" who has a major anomaly in his blood - it's potentially life-threatening.
Ramsay Street
Ben stands in the rain and looks over at No.26, sadly. Then he gets into the car.
Xanthe asks Sheila how she'd feel about her moving to Oakey(!) She's already researched schools and Unis there, and thinks she can make it work. Sheila sympathises with her and says that sometimes people have to make hard decisions in life.
Harold's café (Kitchen)
Dipi tells Shane she has something to tell him.
Main café
Amy is telling Toadie about walking in on Jimmy and Poppy. Dipi overhears some of their conversation.
Harold's café (Kitchen)
Dipi tells Shane that Kirsha has been kissing Jimmy (during this we have flashes to Amy and Toadie's conversation where Dipi gets the wrong end of the stick) Shane is shocked and asks Dipi if she's sure they were talking about Kirsha. Dipi reckons that it's beyond doubt. Shane resolves to have a family meeting!
Back of No.32
Shane has called a meeting of Dipi, Kirsha, Jimmy and Amy. Everyone is confused, especially Kirsha. Shane launches into a discussion about consent, much to Kirsha's horror.
KIRSHA: I just helped set Jimmy and Poppy up!
They all realise they've got their wires crossed.
Ramsay Street
Karl and Susan are loading some things into Ben's car when Karl gets a call from David. He tells him about Patient 18D, but while they're talking, David is paged to come into Emergency. Karl implores him to look into it as soon as he can.
Susan sees Kirsha playing her guitar and tells her that it sounds lovely. Kirsha wonders if Ben will re-start lessons with her over Skype.
Karl, Susan and Steph are seeing Ben off. Karl gives him some fuel money and Susan takes more out of his wallet(!) and gives it to Ben!
BEN: Thank you. For everything.
SUSAN: You're the most beautiful grandson, Ben.
BEN: Even when I'm setting the school on fire?
SUSAN: Don't spoil it!
They laugh.
BEN:(to Steph) Thanks for working on the car.
STEPH: Oh, Benny Boy, I've had the best time working on this with you. I'll always look out for you, buddy.
Yashvi comes over to hug Ben goodbye and thanks him for being a good friend.
Xanthe appears and Ben goes over to her.
BEN: It's OK. Just focus on, uh, smashing school. No distractions.
XANTHE: CAn I let the formal distract me for one night?
BEN: Who are you going to take?
XANTHE: Well, I'm sure Dad will find someone to pay to go with me(!)
They laugh through tears.
BEN: You could start a band with him.
XANTHE: Definitely not call it Black Money.
BEN: Maybe The Fashionistas?
They laugh again.
BEN: Would you promise me one thing?
XANTHE: Anything?
BEN: You won't drop a stack of plants over any other boy?
XANTHE: I promise. You're the only first love for me.
They kiss goodbye.
BEN: I love you.
XANTHE: I love you, too.
He walks to his car, wiping his face. He hugs Karl, Susan, Steph and Xanthe one last time, then gets into the car. He drives off down the street while the rest of them comfort Xanthe.
No.28 (later)
Shane pops round and tells Karl and Susan about the family meeting debacle. Karl asks Shane about his wrist again, clearly wondering if Shane is patient 18D. Shane says it's fine and heads off.
When Shane has gone, Karl looks through his files again.
Harold's café
Jimmy, Poppy and Kirsha are talking at a table. Jimmy goes to get them a milkshake. When he's gone, Poppy tells Kirsha to stop being her and Jimmy's third wheel.
Jane comes in and chats sympathetically to Kirsha, who is feeling very uncomfortable. Dipi comes in and Kirsha walks off, still upset with her for embarrassing her.
When Kirsha has gone, Jane suggests to Dipi that she tutors Kirsha (for free). Besides, it'd be good to spend some time around her old house. Dipi agrees.
Ramsay Street
Karl tells Susan that he suspects Shane is Patient 18D because of his wrist. He heads off to talk to Shane, but just then David comes along.
DAVID: I found out who...
KARL: I'm pretty sure it's Shane, I'm just going to call him now.
DAVID: No, no, no, it isn't Shane.
KARL: Well, who is it, then?
David looks at him.
DAVID: It's you.
Karl is stunned.
VOICEOVER: Sonya's back.
Sonya tells Toadie that they need to have "a bit of a talk"
VOICEOVER: With a bombshell for Toadie!
Tomorrow, on Neighbours.
<<7816 - 7818>>
Xanthe Canning, Ben Kirk in Neighbours Episode 7817
Xanthe Canning, Ben Kirk

Susan Kennedy, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 7817
Susan Kennedy, Steph Scully

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7817
Karl Kennedy

Jimmy Williams, Poppy Ryan in Neighbours Episode 7817
Jimmy Williams, Poppy Ryan

Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7817
Amy Williams

Dipi Rebecchi, Jane Harris, Kirsha Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7817
Dipi Rebecchi, Jane Harris, Kirsha Rebecchi

Shane Rebecchi, Mishti Sharma, Dipi Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7817
Shane Rebecchi, Mishti Sharma, Dipi Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Xanthe Canning, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 7817
Xanthe Canning, Steph Scully

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7817
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Ben Kirk in Neighbours Episode 7817
Ben Kirk

Xanthe Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7817
Xanthe Canning, Sheila Canning

Toadie Rebecchi, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7817
Toadie Rebecchi, Amy Williams

Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7817
Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi

Dipi Rebecchi, Kirsha Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Jimmy Williams, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7817
Dipi Rebecchi, Kirsha Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Jimmy Williams, Amy Williams

David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7817
David Tanaka

Kirsha Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7817
Kirsha Rebecchi

Steph Scully, Susan Kennedy, Ben Kirk in Neighbours Episode 7817
Steph Scully, Susan Kennedy, Ben Kirk

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Yashvi Rebecchi, Ben Kirk in Neighbours Episode 7817
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Yashvi Rebecchi, Ben Kirk

Xanthe Canning, Ben Kirk in Neighbours Episode 7817
Xanthe Canning, Ben Kirk

Xanthe Canning, Ben Kirk in Neighbours Episode 7817
Xanthe Canning, Ben Kirk

Steph Scully, Xanthe Canning, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7817
Steph Scully, Xanthe Canning, Susan Kennedy

Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7817
Shane Rebecchi

Poppy Ryan in Neighbours Episode 7817
Poppy Ryan

Dipi Rebecchi, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 7817
Dipi Rebecchi, Jane Harris

David Tanaka, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7817
David Tanaka, Karl Kennedy

David Tanaka, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7817
David Tanaka, Karl Kennedy

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