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Neighbours Episode 6169 from 2011 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6168 - 6170>>
Episode title: 6169 (Lyn Scully departs)
Australian airdate: 26/05/11
UK airdate: 23/06/11
Writer: John Hanlon
Director: Gary Conway
Summary/Images by: Holing
- Libby wanting to be principal and Paul wanting to team up with her to destroy Michael
- Michael offering to mentor Libby
- Mark getting to Kate by being around Harold's Store
- Tash telling Andrew to go after Summer
- Summer and Andrew declaring their love and Summer unwilling to leave Erinsborough
Number 26
Summer walks in with Lyn hot on her heels. Lyn tells Summer that she can't change everyone's plans because of some "crush" that Summer has, but Summer insists that it is much more than that and she refuses to leave. Andrew walks in but Summer tells him that she's OK so he exits while Lyn continues to try and reason with Summer.
LYN: Look, I've had enough of this nonsense. Now get in the car, let's get going.
SUMMER: No. I'm really sorry Nan, but I can't leave him.
Harold's Store
Sophie is getting something to eat from Kate, when Mark walks in on his mobile. He gets a muffin while Kate reluctant serves him. After he's gone, Sophie talks about how awesome the Kyle/Jade household will be: it'll be a party house!
Erinsborough High - Classroom
Libby has arrived to have a mentoring session with Mike. Michael starts by asking Libby about the most memorable experience that she had as a student, and he gets the ball rolling to make her feel more comfortable.
MICHAEL: First week, Year 11. I had been surfing, like every morning, and I'm late for physics - don't care, hate it. McAllister takes me aside - our science teacher - and I think I'm in big trouble. And he pulls me up about being late, but then he asks me to teach him to surf. Couldn't believe it. My teacher, asking *me* to teach him something.
Libby doesn't know why it's all relevant and tries to draw his attention to her list of goals, but he puts it aside and continues his story.
MICHAEL: Anyway, the point of the story is that we met as equals. Teacher and student. I taught him to surf; he explained wave mechanics to me. Science suddenly meant something. Education meant something.
LIBBY: You found your career.
MICHAEL: I found my calling. So when did you find yours?
Libby is unwilling to make personal confessions at work, but she admits that she doesn't remember what inspired her at school.
Later, she's feeling slightly more forthcoming and tells Michael that her first choice career was journalism and only later did she realise that she should have chosen teaching. Michael wants to know why exactly Libby wants to be principal but she can only respond that it's the next logical step up the ladder from teaching. She tries to talk about her perfectly drafted action plan of goals, but he tells her to get back to him when she's prepared to give him some proper honest answers.
Number 26/Number 22
Lyn is staring into space inside an empty house when she hears Kyle and Jade come in with their belongings. Lyn only says that there was a slight hiccup and Jade immediately worries that they're not going anymore. Kyle tactfully tells Lyn to take her time and ushers Jade out with him. Susan comes around to check on Lyn and convinces her to give Summer some space.
SUSAN: Teenage dramas! Rachel could be a nightmare, even Libby had her moments.
LYN: You'd think I'd have learnt something from three daughters, wouldn't you?
Susan manages to reassure Lyn that Summer will make the right decision and they'll be on their way to Bendigo in no time.
Meanwhile over at number 22, the teens are disproving Lyn's theory because they're just waiting around for Lyn to "cave".
NATASHA: I cannot believe you ran after that car.
SUMMER: Well, just as well he did.
NATASHA: Just as well Lyn drives slowly.
Paul finds out the situation and pulls Andrew aside for a chat. He seems to be on the same page as Lyn in that he doesn't think life- changing decisions should be made over a "school- boy crush". He also does not think it's a sensible idea to have Summer ditch her family for Andrew but Andrew insists that he loves Summer and only wants Summer. The eavesdropping Summer smiles when she hears what Andrew is saying.
Ramsay Street
Summer walks out on the street and Lyn goes out to meet her and assumes that Sum has seen the light. Summer breaks her heart by telling her that she needs to stay and give Andrew a chance even if it means upsetting Charlie and Steph.
Number 26
Lyn can't believe that Summer hasn't changed her mind. Susan points out that adding a broken heart to the pressures of doing the VCE isn't going to be good on Sum, and she offers to have Summer stay on in Ramsay street with herself and Karl. Summer overhears some of the conversation and Lyn tells her of the offer but she's reluctant to agree to it even though Summer pounces on the idea. Lyn starts to look a little more agreeing when Summer assures her that she'll visit and behave and do her proud.
Kyle and Jade are picking at some food while they're waiting for Lyn and Sum to sort it out at number 26 when Lucas comes over for a chat.
LUCAS: Did you hear about Andrew's big hero moment? I didn't know he had it in him.
KYLE: I suppose you do what you gotta do if the chick's worth it.
LUCAS: You ever chased down a car for a girl?
KYLE: What do you think, I'm a dog?
Lucas laughs about how it's going to be a love- fest around the place with Summer and Andrew, Harold...
JADE: Excuse me while I get a bucket.
Lucas gets a phone summons from Lib and just as he hangs up, Mike strolls in. Lucas asks him about his day and Mike sighs before saying two words: Libby Kennedy.
Outside Harold's Store/Charlie's
Libby starts off her chat with Lucas with two words: Michael Williams. She rants about how Michael is an idiot and how all he did was ask questions. She shouldn't have to tell him about her personal life since it's none of his business.
LUCAS: What did he ask?
LIBBY: Why I wanted to be a principal.
LUCAS: Thought you would have expected that one.
He advises Lib to play it by Michael's rules if she wants to fast- track her way to principal.
The scene cuts back and forth to Lucas' short chat earlier with Mike at Charlie's. Mike is lamenting how there's no point mentoring if Libby won't give him honest communication.
Erinsborough High - Michael's Office
Second attempt of mentoring is underway. Libby confesses that she wants to be a principal because she feels like a failure - failed marriage and living at home in her 30s.
LIBBY: I mean, look at my dad. He's a successful GP, a doctor at the hospital, a medical columnist...and my mum - she's a living legend around this place! And now a journalist.
Mike appreciates that she has finally told him the truth, but he's disappointed that there's no mention in her goals that she wants to make a difference for the students or create a better school.
MICHAEL: If matching your parents' success is all that's driving you, then I'm sorry, but this mentorship isn't for you.
Ramsay Street
The last of Summer's belongings are being unloaded from the car.
SUMMER: Thank you so much, Nan. I will visit soon, I promise.
ANDREW: And I will look after her.
LYN: You'd better, boy- o.
Summer kisses Charlie goodbye and Lyn gives Susan one last hug and a thank you. Lyn and Summer bid each other goodbye with assurances that Summer will study hard, but not too hard, and call every day. Lyn drives off and takes some last glances in her rear view mirror while wiping away tears, while Andrew and Summer give each other a great big hug and kiss.
Outside Number 32
Andrew and Summer greet Tash while she's out collecting the mail. Summer tells her that she's sticking around.
SUMMER: I'm going to live with the Kennedys.
NATASHA: What is it with Susan and Karl taking in strays?
Tash tells Summer that she's responsible for Andrew and Sum being together and Andrew backs her up by telling Sum that Tash wouldn't get off his back about asking Summer to stay. Summer steps forward to hug Tash but Tash says since Sum isn't going anywhere, there's no need to hug! There is a need to eat though, so Tash goes off to call Chris to join them at the new Chinese place in Eden Hills.
Tash and Chris are having a drink while waiting for Andrew and Sum. Paul strolls in looking for Andrew and is less than thrilled when he finds out that Lyn let Summer stay. Chris asks Paul if he wants to join them for dinner which is answered by a dirty look from Paul. Chris gets a text from Summer who has bailed along with Andrew because they need "alone time".
Harold's Store
Mike is working at a table when Karl comes over to chat about Libby and how enthused she was about the mentoring. Mike tells him that he pulled the plug on the sessions because it seems as though Lib does not want to be a principal because she wants to, but rather because she feels that she should.
Number 28
Susan comes home to find a letter from Lib:
Dear Mum and Dad,
I've gone to visit Ben.
Later, Susan is cooking when Karl arrives home.
KARL: Absolute steal!
SUSAN: You've been raiding Harold's bargain bin again, haven't you?
They discuss Lib's rather sudden departure and speak of the devil, Lib calls. She tells them that she's staying with Ben indefinitely and will keep in touch. Karl's about to get all excited about having the house to themselves until Susan informs him that Summer will be living with them. He assures her that he doesn't mind but he looks a little put out by the lack of consultation.
(Outside Harold's Store)
PAUL: I was hoping you and Sophie might like to have some lunch.
KATE: No, Paul.
CALLUM (V.O): Are you ever gonna give the guy a second chance?
(Harold's Store - kitchen)
SOPHIE: I need a new ipod.
KATE: Soph, you know we don't have the money right now, OK?
(Paul gives Sophie a new ipod)
PAUL: I just want us to be a family again.
KATE: By buying us back into your life?
(Kate finds a receipt for the ipod)
KATE (to Sophie): What is this?
(At Harold's Store)
MICHAEL: How was your first night with Kyle?
JADE: We just...er...really need a third person.
(Kyle warming up at the oven at number 26)
KYLE (V.O): We spend less money.
MICHAEL (V.O): Yeah, learn to live on the smell of an oily rag.
JADE (V.O): This isn't going to work, is it.
KYLE (V.O): We'll find someone.
(Mark is at the door of number 26)
KYLE: What are you doing here?
MARK: Moving in. We both know why you're moving into Ramsay Street, alright, it's to get closer to Kate, and I'm gonna be right here making sure you don't.
<<6168 - 6170>>
Lyn Scully, Andrew Robinson, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6169
Lyn Scully, Andrew Robinson, Summer Hoyland

Kate Ramsay, Sophie Ramsay, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6169
Kate Ramsay, Sophie Ramsay, Mark Brennan

Libby Kennedy, Michael Williams in Neighbours Episode 6169
Libby Kennedy, Michael Williams

Libby Kennedy, Michael Williams in Neighbours Episode 6169
Libby Kennedy, Michael Williams

Susan Kennedy, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 6169
Susan Kennedy, Lyn Scully

Natasha Williams, Chris Pappas, Paul Robinson, Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6169
Natasha Williams, Chris Pappas, Paul Robinson, Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson

Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6169
Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson

Summer Hoyland, Chris Pappas, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6169
Summer Hoyland, Chris Pappas, Natasha Williams

Lyn Scully, Summer Hoyland, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6169
Lyn Scully, Summer Hoyland, Susan Kennedy

Jade Mitchell, Lucas Fitzgerald, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6169
Jade Mitchell, Lucas Fitzgerald, Kyle Canning

Lucas Fitzgerald, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6169
Lucas Fitzgerald, Libby Kennedy

Michael Williams, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 6169
Michael Williams, Lucas Fitzgerald

Michael Williams, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6169
Michael Williams, Libby Kennedy

Michael Williams, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6169
Michael Williams, Libby Kennedy

Andrew Robinson, Summer Hoyland, Charlie Hoyland, Susan Kennedy, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 6169
Andrew Robinson, Summer Hoyland, Charlie Hoyland, Susan Kennedy, Lyn Scully

Lyn Scully, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6169
Lyn Scully, Susan Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Summer Hoyland, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 6169
Susan Kennedy, Summer Hoyland, Lyn Scully

Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 6169
Lyn Scully

Chris Pappas, Paul Robinson, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6169
Chris Pappas, Paul Robinson, Natasha Williams

Chris Pappas, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6169
Chris Pappas, Natasha Williams

Karl Kennedy, Michael Williams in Neighbours Episode 6169
Karl Kennedy, Michael Williams

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6169
Susan Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6169
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

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