Madge declaring that with no groom and no water, the wedding is going to be a total disaster.
No. 24
A short time later, Madge is standing in the kitchen, tapping her fingers anxiously on the worktop. Harold walks over to her and suggests that if they call calm down, they can come to some sensible solution. Madge, however, snaps:
MADGE: We've got no bridegroom, no water and the wedding is four hours away. Don't you *dare* tell me to calm down.
All of a sudden, Henry walks in through the back door. Madge gives him a hug of relief, but then recoils as she smells the old scarecrow's clothes that he's wearing! Henry glares at Joe and snaps:
HENRY: You are just lucky that I am too exhausted to *kill* you.
Joe bursts out laughing! Harold says to Henry that he's sure he doesn't mean that, but Henry retorts angrily:
HENRY: Harold, I have just spent the night in a stinking shed with two pigs, five chooks and not a stitch of clothing between us. When I say I want to kill him, I am saying it from the heart!
JOE (laughs): I suppose saying sorry wouldn't help, eh?
Henry goes to have a shower, but Madge tells him that there's no water in the street. Henry mutters that life just keeps getting better. Madge suggests that they 'phone Paul: he might be able to lend them a couple of rooms at Lassiter's so that they could at least have showers - although that won't help with the reception. Joe says *he* might have a way of getting them a bathful of water - but he's going to need some help. With that, Joe leads Harold out through the front door. Henry announces that he's going to get into the pool: he'll be the one at the wedding smelling of chlorine!
Back garden/Driveway of No. 32
Joe and Harold are carrying an old bathtub through the back garden to Joe's ute. Joe tells him that they'll take it to his mate's place, fill it up with water and get it to Madge. They carry it through the gate and put it in the back of Joe's ute, which is parked in the driveway. Bouncer leaps in next to it! Toby joins them with a skateboard. Harold sighs at him that this is no time for silly games, but Toby explains:
TOBY: It's not for games, it's for the bathtub. See, once it's got water in it, it's going to be real heavy, right?
HAROLD (tersely): I'm aware of that.
TOBY: Well, I thought instead of carrying it, you could put it on the skateboard and just *wheel* it along.
Joe exclaims at Toby that he's a smart kid! The three of them go to climb into the ute. As they do so, Harold suddenly spots Gordon Davies pulling up in his car across the road...
No. 28
Des hangs up the 'phone and tells Bronwyn that that was Madge: Henry has finally turned up. Bronwyn exclaims that that's fantastic, and she asks if Madge said what happened to him. Des tells her:
DES: Something about pigs and dirt!
Des adds that Paul said he's got some rooms at Lassiter's so everyone can have a shower. Bronwyn, Sharon and Kerry are all in the house and exclaim that that's great! Des says he'll drop them off now, and he heads to the door. He opens it and looks surprised to find Gordon Davies standing there. Mr. Davies asks if his daughter's there. Bronwyn and Sharon both run to the door and Mr. Davies tells Bronwyn that they've got to talk. Bronwyn tells Sharon and Kerry to go with Des and she'll get a lift with their dad. Des, Sharon and Kerry head out. Bronwyn tells her father that she'll just get the mess off her hands from Sharon's face mask.
No. 26
Jim is sitting at the dining table, trying to work out how to use a video camera he has resting on his shoulder. Helen comes in with a normal camera and Jim muses:
JIM: Now *that* I know how to use!
Helen tells him that all the happy couples want is a record; they're not expecting *art*! There's suddenly a knock at the back door and Madge comes in. She asks Helen and Jim if they have any water in their kettle, as she's desperate for a cuppa. Helen smiles that, luckily, they kept it full. Madge sighs:
MADGE: Honestly - if I'd known that weddings were going to be such trouble, I'd never have had kids!
She then asks Helen and Jim if they've seen the state of No. 24's pool. Helen asks what happened to it and Madge replies gruffly that Henry decided to have a bubble bath in it! Jim asks where *else* he's supposed to have a bubble bath! Madge remarks that she really doesn't know what she's going to do about this reception. Helen asks if she has any water at *all*, but Madge tells her:
MADGE: Hardly a drop. Anyway, Harold and Joe have gone out to get some. Don't ask me how, but Joe says he knows a way.
JIM (muses): I wouldn't hold my breath!
Madge murmurs that she just hopes it all turns out all right for the kids...
No. 28
Bronwyn tells her father:
BRONWYN: Dad, this is my wedding day. Please don't ruin it.
MR. DAVIES: I'm more concerned you're going to ruin your *life*.
BRONWYN: Dad, *don't*. If you don't want to come to the wedding, well, OK, but you can't stop it.
MR. DAVIES: To dive headlong into this...
BRONWYN: Henry and I have been together for *ages*.
MR. DAVIES: Once you're married, you can't just walk away if it goes sour, you know?
BRONWYN: We won't. We love each other too much.
MR. DAVIES: You've been in love before, Bron. You got engaged - and you were very glad when you *didn't* marry that young man.
The two of them sit down as Bronwyn insists that this is different. Mr. Davies goes on:
MR. DAVIES: Look, all I'm asking is not to rush into it before I even know Henry *properly*. I worry for you, Bron. I couldn't sleep last night for thinking about it; and you weren't going to get married until next year. What's the mad panic to do it *now*?
BRONWYN: It just all worked out for us to take over from Des and Jane.
MR. DAVIES: That isn't much of a reason. You're both so young... and doesn't it concern you that Henry's so immature sometimes? I mean, is he ready to be a husband? And perhaps, a bit later, a father?
BRONWYN: He knows he's got some growing-up to do.
MR. DAVIES: Well why not let him do it first? Look, just put it off for a few months; give me time to get to *know* the boy. You could both come up to Narrabri and stay with me and your brother.
BRONWYN: No... what difference will *that* make?
MR. DAVIES: It'll give me a chance to get to know this other side you say there is to Henry. I love you, Bron, and if you love *me* you'll do this for me, just to give me some peace of mind.
Bronwyn looks worried.
Driveway of No. 24
Joe reverses his ute into the driveway of No. 24 as Harold and Toby guide him. Joe climbs out of the vehicle and he and Harold both step up into the back. They go to lift up the bathful of water - but find it's too heavy. Some of the water starts sloshing over the sides! Toby stares at them and suggests they use the ramp. Joe picks up a plank of wood and rests it on the edge of the ute so that it leads down to the ground. The two men then push the bath - which is resting on the skateboard - onto the ramp and start wheeling it down to ground level - only, as the bath starts rolling down the ramp, more of the water spills out, leaving the bath only about half full! Harold glares at Joe and snaps:
HAROLD: You see? I told you, and I was right.
JOE (retorts in annoyance): You're *always* right.
The two of them have let go of the bath as they bicker, and it suddenly starts rolling down the sloped driveway and heads for the street. Joe and Harold chase after it, but it's no good: as the bath goes over the kerb, it tips over, spilling the rest of the water into the road!
No. 24
Henry is looking at himself in the lounge room mirror, concerned about the spots on his face! Bronwyn suddenly appears behind him and Henry turns and looks at her in horror. He tells her anxiously that they're not supposed to see each other until the wedding! Bronwyn, who has tears in her eyes, just says quietly:
BRONWYN: I've got to talk to you about something. I want you to be really understanding.
Butterfly House
The guests are gathered at the Butterfly House at the zoo. Joe is standing in front of the celebrant, telling him that there's been another slight change of plan: *he's* the only bridegroom now. Henry is standing next to Joe and Joe tells the celebrant that Henry's going to be his Best Man.
A short time later, as butterflies flutter around, Sky toddles along a pathway, followed by Toby and then Kerry, arm-in-arm with Harold. Kerry has a broad smile on her face. Harold escorts her to where Joe is standing waiting. Madge and Harold look on fondly. Henry looks round at where Bronwyn is standing looking upset. The celebrant announces:
CELEBRANT: We are gathered here for this very happy occasion: the marriage of Joe and Kerry.
A soft rock track accompanies the ceremony. Butterflies land on Harold and Madge, who look surprised! Joe tells Kerry lovingly:
JOE: I'm truly honoured that someone as beautiful as you would be my wife and share your life with me - and I'll always be there when you need me. From me and Toby... thank you. We'll always love you.
Kerry says in reply:
KERRY: I promise to open my heart to love and bring all the warmth and happiness I can to this union.
Joe places the ring on Kerry's finger as Bronwyn looks on sadly. Kerry places the ring on Joe's finger as Harold watches her proudly. Bronwyn bursts into tears. Des watches, clearly wishing *he* was getting married instead. The celebrant then tells Joe and Kerry that they can kiss each other. Joe pushes back Kerry's veil and kisses her passionately as those gathered burst into applause.
No. 24
Sometime later, everyone is back at No. 24 and the wedding reception is underway. Harold shakes Joe's hand and welcomes him to the family. He tells Joe that he just *knows* he's going to look after his little girl. Jim takes a photo of them. Madge joins Henry and Bronwyn, who are standing together, and tells them that she's just so proud of them: they handled a very difficult situation in a very mature way. Henry shrugs:
HENRY: Well, I guess I can wait six months if it makes Gordy happy!
BRONWYN: Yeah. We're leaving first thing in the morning for a week or so in Narrabri.
HENRY: And I am *determined* to show Gordon that I'm the right man for Bron. Nothing can stop me!
Madge declares that that calls for another glass of champagne, and she goes to get one! Across the room, the celebrant asks Des what *did* happen today. Des tries to explain about him and Jane and Henry and Bronwyn, but the celebrant just looks confused! Des looks suddenly upset, and he heads outside. Harold, meanwhile, declares that it's speech time! He starts to speak, but notices suddenly that the water has come back on, and the kitchen sink is about to overflow! Joe beams that it's bathtime! Henry shouts:
HENRY: Three cheers for the Water Board!
Everyone joins in with the Hip Hip Hoorays! Madge turns the water off!
No. 28
Des is standing on his own in No. 28. He goes and picks up Daphne's jewellery box from the shelves and he goes and sits down and stares at it. He opens the lid and it starts playing its tinkly tune. He then lifts out two rings from inside and looks at them sadly as he thinks about Jane.
No. 24
Harold is standing with Kerry and Joe in front of the guests at the wedding reception, saying sincerely:
HAROLD: Kerry, there was a time there when we were little more than strangers, eh? It was my fault, of course, because I thought I wanted a different daughter. And then, of course, Henry made me realise that that was exactly what I *did* have: a very beautiful young lady who was refreshingly different. I will be eternally grateful that I was allowed to get to know her.
KERRY (warmly): That goes both ways, dad.
HAROLD: If your mother were alive today, I just know that she'd be as proud of you as I am. Now, as for Joe, well, I know that he's going to do everything in his power to make you happy.
JOE: Too right, mate!
Harold goes on that he'd like to say something about Henry and Bronwyn as well. Henry and Bronwyn look at each other as Harold says:
HAROLD: As you all know, it was to be *their* wedding day today, but, at the request of Bronwyn's father, they have agreed to delay their wedding for a couple of months - and in agreeing to do this, well, it made me realise what a caring, loving and mature young couple they really are. I know we all look forward to *their* wedding day, eh?
There's a chorus of 'Hear hear's. Harold then asks everyone to raise their glasses to Kerry and Joe and Henry and Bronwyn. Henry hugs Bronwyn happily. Joe then takes his place in front of the guests, saying he didn't want to make a dill of himself, so he's written some stuff down. He reaches into his jacket pocket - and starts pulling out a series of coloured scarves! As everyone laughs, Joe grins:
JOE: Toby!
He then goes on:
JOE: Well, look, I suppose I don't need notes to say I'm the luckiest bloke alive.
HAROLD (softly): Indeed you are.
HENRY: Good on you, Joe.
A short time later, Joe and Kerry cut the cake as everyone lets out another round of Hip Hip Hooray! Joe and Kerry kiss passionately in front of everyone and, as he breaks away, Joe chuckles as he asks the guests to go away!
Sometime later again, slow music is playing and several couples are dancing, including Henry and Bronwyn. Bronwyn has tears in her eyes, as does Madge, who's sitting watching them. Helen joins Madge and tells her gently to come on, but Madge murmurs that she can't help it: it's so disappointing for them both. She goes to get another glass of champagne from the kitchen. Harold joins Sharon, who's sitting in a chair on her own, and comments that she looks quite sad. Sharon explains:
SHARON: I was just thinking about my mum. *She* would've talked dad around. I wish she were here.
HAROLD: Well, do you know something? I wouldn't be a bit surprised if she *was* - along with Kerry's mother. They're both here somewhere, looking at the whole thing with all of us.
Sharon smiles gratefully.
Elsewhere, Toby uses his camera to catch Joe and Kerry sneaking a pash by the back door! Joe spots him and tells him that there's a time and place for everything, and now is for neither! Madge and Harold walk over and Joe tells Madge that she's done them proud. Harold says:
HAROLD: I'm glad you think so, Joe, because there's something *else* we'd like to do for you. Now, I know you can't afford a honeymoon just yet, and I hope you don't think this is presumptuous, Joe, but we have arranged for you to have a long weekend at Green Valley Lodge. That's where Madge and *I* spent our honeymoon.
Madge adds that *they'll* look after Toby and Sky. Kerry and Joe both thank Harold and Madge gratefully.
Meanwhile, Henry walks into his bedroom, where Bronwyn is folding up her wedding dress. He tells her gently that they could've done this later. Bronwyn stands there and bursts into tears. Henry goes and puts his arms around her and says gently:
HENRY: It won't be long.
BRONWYN: You know I love you.
HENRY: Course I do.
BRONWYN: And you know I wanted to marry you today.
HENRY: Yeah, I know.
BRONWYN (cries): I'm sorry, Henry - I didn't know what to do. I love my father too.
HENRY: Look, you did the right thing. We're still together and... it can wait. It'll happen for us.
With that, Henry and Bronwyn hug tightly.
Ramsay Street
Joe's ute has been covered in bunting, balloons and shaving foam sprayed in the words 'Married'! Everyone is gathered outside No. 32 as he and Kerry emerge, laughing! He then tells Henry that he's sorry how the buck's party turned out. Henry insists that he's forgotten about it already. Kerry joins Harold and Madge and says sincerely:
KERRY: 'Thank you' just doesn't seem enough.
MADGE: I'd say it's *more* than enough. You have a good time.
Harold gives Kerry a hug. Madge walks over to where Bronwyn and Henry are standing and gives them a hug as well. Joe joins Toby, who's standing with Bouncer, and tells him:
JOE: See ya, mate.
Kerry calls out suddenly:
KERRY: Ready?!
She then tosses her bridal bouquet in the air - and it's caught by Bronwyn! Kerry tells her warmly:
KERRY: You're next, Bron.
Bronwyn and Henry both smile at her. With that, Joe and Kerry climb into the ute as the soft rock track starts up again. The residents of Ramsay Street wave the happy couple off as they begin their new life together. Bronwyn and Henry stand there looking slightly flat, but Henry whispers to Bronwyn:
HENRY: Soon.
Bronwyn nods her head and then turns and gives Henry a passionate kiss. Tears fall from her eyes again, though, as she then leans her head on his shoulder.