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Neighbours Episode 1264 from 1990 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<1263 - 1265>>
Episode title: 1264 (Adam Willis arrives)
Australian airdate: 09/08/90
UK airdate: 20/09/91
UK Gold: 04/09/97
Writer: Gavin Strawhan
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Doug Willis: Terence Donovan
Adam Willis: Ian Williams
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
Coffee Shop
Paul giggles about the skeleton, but Joe has made a sharp exit! Paul explains that a bloke raced in, plonked the skeleton down and then said he'd be back in a while.
HAROLD: Before you go, aren't you going to help me put it somewhere?
PAUL: Where did you have in mind? Closet?!
Lassiter's Lake
Melissa is updating Cody and Todd on the latest Debbie Langford gossip, but Cody is preoccupied by her adoption worries - she feels she doesn't know who she is anymore. Melissa suggests just asking Pam straight out, but Cody is scared to. Josh comes up and produces a pet mice. Melissa thinks it's really cute and pets him. Apparently Josh has loads of them that he has bred, all named after scientists. This one is called Freud. Apparently she was the runt of the litter and her mother rejected her. Cody gets a strange look on her face as if she empathises with the mouse!
Coffee Shop
Eddie is larking around with the skeleton and Harold tells him off, instructing him to go out and look for the owner. When he's gone Harold gingerly picks up the skeleton to move it, but Eddie comes back in and warns him that the ghost of the skeleton will haunt him forever(!)
The Office
Paul tells Caroline that he's poopping over to No.26 to see how his father and Beverly are getting on. On his way out, Madge comes in and tells him that she's booked an act for the Waterhole. Unfortunately it was a bit over budget, but Paul approves it over the on- budget options which are terrible (eg Winston and his performing wombat!)
Coffee Shop
Josh and Melissa are chatting to the skeleton. Harold comes over with their milkshakes and Josh points out that the right hand of the skeleton is missing. When Harold has gone, Josh feeds Freud the mouse a bit of his sandwich.
Eddie comes in and Josh hides the mouse, but he slips from his grasp and runs away. In their hurry, Josh knocks over the skeleton, bringing Harold into the shop. Freud is sitting on the pile of sandwiches!
Doug comes in and looks at the skeleton - it might belong to Adam. The mouse is now walking along the counter.
Josh and Melissa have quietly told Eddie about the mouse which is now nowhere to be found. But finally Melissa spots her and Eddie recovers the mouse. Harold comes out to cover the skeleton in a tablecloth, and meanwhile the mouse bites Eddie, getting away again! Eddie covers, saying he burnt his hand on the machine. Finally, a man comes in and introduces himself as Adam Willis - it's his skeleton! He asks to leave the skeleton another half hour as he's off to a job interview, but Harold refuses. The mouse is still at large!
The Office
Adam has turned up to interview for the Home James driving job. Caroline is a bit shocked to see the skeleton but Adam explains that he is a second year medical student. Caroline seems quite taken with Adam and ends up staring at him a bit(!) She finally gives him an application form and invites him to fill it in.
Coffee Shop
Todd and Cody have joined Josh and Melissa in their hunt for Freud the mouse, while Eddie delays Harold in the kitchen. In the shop, there's a lot of to- ing and fro- ing and Harold comes out and looks at them all very suspiciously. But Josh has recovered the mouse which is now hidden in his cupped hands.
The Office
Caroline tells Adam that he has a very good chance with the job, she just has to talk to Helen about it first. Paul comes in and recognises the skeleton. Adam jokes that the skeleton is his grandfather and Caroline looks horrified. Finally Adam admits that the skeleton is plastic!
Madge is on the phone sounding very cross - the singer she booked for The Waterhole has cancelled. She's not happy - they've brought in extra staff and extra stock. Harold suggests that he could do it. Madge laughs but Harold is serious - he could do some banjo bushman songs!
Coffee Shop
Adam is chatting to Cody and Todd over a milkshake. Cody asks Adam if he remembers when she was born, but he says he doesn't. The first thing he remembers is her being about 2 years old and her pulling the budgie out of the cage through the bars, killing it! Doug comes in and asks Adam how he went with the interview. Then Eddie tells them he's closing up.
Lassiter's Lake
Melissa is petting the mouse. Josh tells her that she's really smart and he's trained her to negotiate mazes and things. Josh is pleased that Melissa likes the mouse - lots of girls would be scared. Josh gives Melissa the mouse as a present and she is chuffed.
Madge is still trying to find an act for The Waterhole for tonight. Harold is sulking that his services are not required and Madge finally relents saying that desperate times call for desperate measures! Harold is chuffed, but Madge looks rather worried(!)
<<1263 - 1265>>
Harold Bishop, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1264
Harold Bishop, Paul Robinson

Todd Landers, Cody Willis, Melissa Jarrett in Neighbours Episode 1264
Todd Landers, Cody Willis, Melissa Jarrett

Melissa Jarrett, Josh Anderson in Neighbours Episode 1264
Melissa Jarrett, Josh Anderson

Harold Bishop, Eddie Buckingham in Neighbours Episode 1264
Harold Bishop, Eddie Buckingham

Paul Robinson, Caroline Alessi, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1264
Paul Robinson, Caroline Alessi, Madge Bishop

Josh Anderson, Melissa Jarrett in Neighbours Episode 1264
Josh Anderson, Melissa Jarrett

 in Neighbours Episode 1264

Eddie Buckingham, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1264
Eddie Buckingham, Harold Bishop

Harold Bishop, Adam Willis in Neighbours Episode 1264
Harold Bishop, Adam Willis

Adam Willis, Caroline Alessi in Neighbours Episode 1264
Adam Willis, Caroline Alessi

Caroline Alessi in Neighbours Episode 1264
Caroline Alessi

Josh Anderson, Cody Willis, Todd Landers, Melissa Jarrett in Neighbours Episode 1264
Josh Anderson, Cody Willis, Todd Landers, Melissa Jarrett

Harold Bishop, Eddie Buckingham in Neighbours Episode 1264
Harold Bishop, Eddie Buckingham

Paul Robinson, Adam Willis, Caroline Alessi in Neighbours Episode 1264
Paul Robinson, Adam Willis, Caroline Alessi

Adam Willis in Neighbours Episode 1264
Adam Willis

Madge Bishop, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1264
Madge Bishop, Harold Bishop

Doug Willis, Eddie Buckingham in Neighbours Episode 1264
Doug Willis, Eddie Buckingham

Josh Anderson, Melissa Jarrett in Neighbours Episode 1264
Josh Anderson, Melissa Jarrett

Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1264
Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1264
Harold Bishop

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