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Neighbours Episode 5631 from 2009 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5630 - 5632>>
Episode title: 5631 (Zeke Kinski is found alive)
Australian airdate: 23/02/09
UK airdate:
Writer: Jeff Truman
Director: Karl Zwicky
Guests: Phil Andrews: Robert MammoneM
Lollipop man: Joss Gower
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
Donna and Ringo fighting.
The police telling Zeke's parents that it's unlikely he'll be found alive given the damage to his helmet.
Ringo and Susan talking at Zeke's memorial service.
Lucas and Elle finding a picture that looks like Zeke then showing Susan the t-shirt they found.
Susan confronting Phil Andrews but he denies that the t-shirt belongs to Zeke.
Phil calling Trent to say it's safe to come home.
A house somewhere
Phil interrupts Trent doing some martial arts routine and when Trent turns round we can see it's actually Zeke, despite him calling Phil 'dad'!
Number 28 backyard
Susan and Karl finish planting the tree Harold suggested they plant in memory of Zeke. The miraculously recovered Harold has a new agenda too - he's putting himself first now because he doesn't know how much time he has left. "None of us do" adds Susan before telling Karl to finish putting the soil into the ground.
A house somewhere
Trent opens the mail to discover a package from Susan - the t-shirt Elle and Lucas found and a letter apologising to Phil for upsetting him. Trent asks his dad questions about the shirt and why this Susan Kennedy had it and eventually Phil's forced to say that Susan was at their house looking for a lost friend and that she must have picked it up by mistake. Phil also announces that its time to move on (to Griffin) and tells Trent to get packing.
Ty gets caught doing some dance routine by Donna and Rachel who kill themselves laughing when he finally spots his audience. Donna shows off that she can do the routine better than him and Ty asks if she can teach him... which she agrees to for a year's supply of coffee!
Donna is now teaching him the moves as Rachel kills herself laughing in the background. Ty eventually gets how to do the moves and hugs Donna in celebration... just as Ringo enters the bar but quickly departs presumably seeing enough/not what he wanted to see and Donna follows him out.
Lassiter's Complex
Donna shouts out to Ringo to wait but he ignores her and walks way despite Donna doing her best to get him to talk. "Do whatever you want" he finally says to her when he stops, which doesn't impress Donna and she makes this known to him before retracing her steps back into the bar.
A house somewhere
Trent is asking more questions about Susan and why she was grieving which Phil ignores in favour of tempting Trent with how things will be when they get to their next destination. While Phil goes to load the car, Trent pulls out the letter Susan sent (which Phil threw into the bin) and calls the number she wrote in it.
Number 28/a house somewhere
Susan eventually answers the phone and eventually Trent talks and says who he is and to thank her for returning his t-shirt.
SUSAN: (stunned) Zeke? Is that you?
ZekeTrent then has a audible flashback (to Susan and Rachel talking to him before the trip) before telling her that his name is Trent. Despite being visibly shaken, Susan continues to call him Zeke and asking that he talks to her but he hangs up the phone.
Number 28 backyard
Susan makes her way outside to where Karl is and tells him that Zeke is alive.
Number 28
Susan is on the phone to the police but they don't want to get involved and instead suggest she goes to counselling. Karl asks if she is sure its Zeke but she is before he goes to mention what happened last week but Susan buts in before he can finish his question to say that this isn't the same.
SUSAN: I know what I heard.
She also adds that she'll go on her own if she has to and Karl reluctantly follows her.
A house somewhere
Trent asks his dad who this 'Zeke' is and he tries to avoid answering and when pressed, saying that Susan is nuts. Phil continues to lie to him when Trent mentions that Susan's voice is familiar.
TRENT: Dad, don't lie to me.
PHIL: Okay, he's her son but he's dead.
This stops Trent's questioning and Phil explains that when Susan visited, she saw a picture of him and (to Susan) it looked like her son.
PHIL: You look like my son, Trent.
TRENT: It's pretty sad.
Phil then adds that Susan chatting to him must have sounded motherly hence why he thought the voice was familiar. Trent accepts this and the pair of them get ready to hit the road.
Ty is feeling guilty at Ringo getting the wrong idea and has arranged (unknowingly to them) for Donna and Ringo to meet at the bar however both are not amused when they turn up and find out what is going on. Ty tries to bribe Donna into talking to Ringo with free cake thrown into match her coffee and goes off to get them both coffee and cake on condition that they don't throw it at each other!
Reluctantly, Ringo heads over to Donna and she isn't amused at him not believing her again (Ty explained to Ringo what had happened) just like over the whole Zeke thing.
RINGO: (the penny finally dropping) So nothing happened between you and Zeke?
DONNA: No! Do I need to put it up in skywriting for you?! NO!
"Is this what its going to be like every time you see me with a guy?" asks Donna and he retaliates by reminding her that she accused him of being with Carmy but Donna points out that "there was such a history there."
Rachel and Ty return with the cake and doughnuts but quickly move away when they aren't exactly welcome.
DONNA: You haven't even said sorry yet.
RINGO: I'm sorry.
DONNA: Doesn't count when I have to ask for it. (pause) You don't trust me.
RINGO: I want to.
DONNA: How is that going to work?
RINGO: I don't know.
After a bit of a pause Ringo decides to head back to school for double English.
A house somewhere
Phil and Trent are packing up their stuff and Phil tries to get back a pile of his belongings Trent has picked up but after a bit of a scuffle, they fall onto the ground and Trent picks up what Phil was trying to hide - a newspaper cutting with 'Mother and son die in horror smash' and he reads out the article describing what happened.
A country road somewhere
Karl and Susan are held up with roadworks and no amount of honking on the horn or shouting at the road crew is getting them anywhere.
Whilst they wait, Susan apologises for not believing him when he thought that Zeke was still alive and he replies that he wants to believe Susan too when she asks if he believes her.
Karl eventually decides he's had enough of waiting in the roadworks (they are the only car and no sign of any other) and to the annoyance (and endangerment of the work crew!) drives around the roadworks and continues.
A house somewhere
Trent refuses to go anywhere with Phil and despite the newspaper article Trent read out previously saying that both bodies were identified; Phil tries to tell him that the police misidentified his body - it was a lad who went to the same school as him that was really killed. Trent still doesn't believe his dad especially given the newspaper report but he explains that they printed the correct version later. Phil plays on the fact that Trent can't remember his mother and that he took a big knock on the head in the river.
TRENT: I don't remember anything dad. All I've got is what you've told me.
A country road somewhere
Susan and Karl come to a junction and after a bit of arguing because she can't remember the exact route from the last time, she finally tells him to turn right.
A house somewhere
Trent still looks at his dad suspiciously while he sweeps the floor and has an audio flashback to different (and conflicting) voices in his head - Susan's, his dad's and his own.
Break over and Susan and Karl eventually reach the house where Trent and Phil are. They creep into it and spot someone sitting and Susan calls out "Zeke". ZekeTrent turns round and Karl restrains her from running to him, instead telling ZekeTrent that they want to take him home.
PHIL: (creeping in behind them) He is home...with me.
Phil tells Trent its time to go and when Karl tries to fight with Phil, he is unceremoniously thrown to the sofa before Trent yells for them to leave his father alone.
<<5630 - 5632>>
Zeke Kinski, Phil Andrews in Neighbours Episode 5631
Zeke Kinski, Phil Andrews

Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5631
Zeke Kinski

Karl Kennedy, Harold Bishop, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5631
Karl Kennedy, Harold Bishop, Susan Kennedy

Phil Andrews, Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5631
Phil Andrews, Zeke Kinski

Rachel Kinski, Donna Freedman, Ty Harper in Neighbours Episode 5631
Rachel Kinski, Donna Freedman, Ty Harper

Ringo Brown, Ty Harper, Donna Freedman in Neighbours Episode 5631
Ringo Brown, Ty Harper, Donna Freedman

Declan Napier, Donna Freedman in Neighbours Episode 5631
Declan Napier, Donna Freedman

Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5631
Zeke Kinski

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5631
Susan Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5631
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Zeke Kinski, Phil Andrews in Neighbours Episode 5631
Zeke Kinski, Phil Andrews

Donna Freedman, Ringo Brown in Neighbours Episode 5631
Donna Freedman, Ringo Brown

 in Neighbours Episode 5631

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5631
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Phil Andrews in Neighbours Episode 5631
Phil Andrews

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5631
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5631
Zeke Kinski

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5631
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5631
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

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