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Neighbours Episode 4837 from 2005 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4836 - 4838>>
Episode title: 4837: The Joy Flight
Australian airdate: 25/10/05
UK airdate: 18/01/06
Writer: John Hanlon
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Alex Kinski: Andrew Clarke
Elle Robinson: Pippa Black
Rex Manning: Peter Montgomery
Alan Shepherd:Steve Cummins
Summary/Images by: Carly/James
- The mysterious figure planting the bomb - the plane taking off
- Service station man recognizing Dylan's mug shot
- Steiger asking Stingray where Dylan is
- Paul telling Dylan the police will be there when they land
- Izzy finding the typed note
0. 10. 02
0. 10. 01
0. 10. 00
0. 09. 59
0. 09. 58
Alex is entertaining Susan, Lil and David with a regaling tale of nanotechnology (that would be robot grandmas...), 'till Suse jokes that she only loves him for his physicality, not his mind. They have a pash and David smirks that Lil says that about him all the time too, causing them to have a pash. There's a lot of that this episode. I think Neighbours has shares in Chap Stick.
Izzy remarks that it's a "cute note" when Paul and Elle walk past her, but he has no idea what she's on about. He thinks it must have been left from a previous flight. Susan sings out to Paul, enquiring about the facilities at the hotel (you want Paul's definition or the more refined Joe Mangel one?), leaving Elle and Izzy alone.
Izzy wants to know if it's Elle's idea of a joke, because she's had a lot of time to reflect on her life and she's quite happy with herself at the moment thank you very much. Elle though, like her dad, hasn't a clue what the note's about.
Police Station - Interview Room
Stu tells Stingray to stop stuffing them around, there's so much evidence mounted against Dylan now that it's no use lying anymore. Stinger says he's not talking until Toadie gets back. Stu says he's facing being charged with accessory to armed robbery, "It's a long term jail sentence".
Toadie, or should that be Jarrod now he's all suited and serious? Jodie? Ahem, Toadie swoops in and asks for some time alone with his client. Stu stops the interview, "Talk some sense into your client," he advises.
Toadie lets Stingray know he can't keep mum any longer; he needs to think up a battle plan for court to give him the best fighting chance he can.
Number 26
Bree answers the phone while Janelle admires herself in a mirror. Bree lets her mum know it's a publisher on the phone, but Janelle wasn't born yesterday, she knows it's a trick of the Mangel variety.
JANELLE: (with attitude) Janelle Timmins... Righto, turn it up, how stupid do you think I am? You've never read a book in your life, you're just some tart that idiot faced Mangel has set up to pretend to be a publisher.
She banshees some more about Joe then hangs up, causing Bree's jaw to drop. That wasn't a fake, that was Melody Jones, publisher extraordinaire (would that also be Melody Jones, overzealous publicist to Nina Tucker?). Bree recognized her voice from TV. Janelle is stunned and looks scared as the phone starts to ring again. "Janelle Timmins?" she answers meekly.
Police Station - Interview Room
Stingray has now told the truth to Toadie and Stu, but Constable Parker thinks it's a lovely fairy story they've made up to cover their own hides. Stingray pleads that Dylan had no choice, if he hadn't have robbed the store then Roo would have killed him for sure. "Yeah, so you keep saying," Stu monotones. That's the sympathetic spirit, Stu-boy. He suspends the interview - it's ten past seven.
Shot of Paul and Izzy's heart-shaped picture.
Lil slyly asks if David would go bananas if she had a tiny flutter at the casino later on - he says he doesn't care. They notice that Connor and Serena are having an intimate conversation behind them, heads pressed together.
He's just finished telling Serena about stealing money from the bikini shop and says he doesn't expect anyone to forgive him. Serena smiles and whispers that she can.
Police Station - Interview Room
Stu asks Stingray to put himself in his shoes, on the one hand they have all this evidence that could put Dylan away and on the other hand they've got an unlikely story that the Timmins boys made up about the mysterious Roo. Stinger asks what's going to happen to Dylan now and Stu says they've got police waiting for him at Launceston. Guess they'll be waiting a loooooong time there. Hope they've got some doughnuts.
0. 00. 34
0. 00. 33
0. 00. 32
"You know there's a certain club we can join while we're on board," Alex suggestively tells Susan. It takes a second for her to click but then she minxes back, "Do you want to?" If only they were getting married, they could be the Kinky Kinskis.
0. 00. 19
0. 00. 18
0. 00. 17
Sky notices Dylan's sad face and asks him what's up. He hesitates then figures everyone's going to find out anyway, and turns to tell her...
0. 00. 03
0. 00. 02
0. 00. 01
0. 00. 00
An explosion hits near one of the plane's wheels. The lights go out and everyone goes flying. There's screaming, wailing and yelling...
Number 26
... Which is what's also happening at this particular household. Thankfully, it's just because Bree's cheering at the TV. Janelle leaps excitedly in front of her and says Melody wants to publish her book.
JANELLE: She said it was a delightful pack stitch of suburban life!
BREE: Pastiche.
BREE: A pastiche of suburban life.
They hold hands and twirl giddily around in a circle, first with Janelle cam and then Bree cam. Janelle stops in fright when she hallucinates Dylan in the kitchen, slicing a sandwich looking like a criminal... oh, hang on. "Must be my eyes," she says uneasily.
Plane - Cockpit
Paul storms in to see what the hell's going on but the pilots yell at him to sit back down, they're trying to steer the plane to safety. Noise and flickering lights ahoy.
David grabs Paul's arm to ask what's happening while everyone around them puts their life jackets on. Paul tells David the pilots are getting things under control and emergency services have been notified. David gets the safety manual and shoves it at Serena, "Read it, it could save your life!" Or if all else fails you could make a tiny origami boat.
Paul takes his seat next to a hyperventilating Elle and behind a scared Izzy.
Alex asks Susan what will happen to Rachel and Zeke but she assures him that Karl will look after them if worst comes to worst. He will? David, Lil, Connor and Serena all look frightened.
The pilots do their thang in the cockpit.
A frantic voice rings out... oh dear, Susan shouldn't have mentioned the K word because Izzy has chosen to ring him and confess her undying love and tell him that she regrets everything she did to him. Suse gives her a huge look of disbelief and Paul looks totally shocked in the background.
David and Lil share a kiss while Elle glances at her poor dad's stunned (and somewhat aghast) face.
Police Station - Interview Room
Janelle and Bree are now in with Stingray as Stu fills them in with what Dylan and Stinger will be charged with. Janelle could care less about Dylan though; "I've finally had it with that boy." Toadie tells her that Stingray's charge will probably be dropped once the police do their job properly. Stingray tries to say that Dylan was doing it to protect him but she won't listen. Toadie asks for a private word with his family. Kicked out again ay, Stu?
Connor says a prayer while Serena clings to him, crying. He stops though when he sees how terrified she is. Alex and Susan also cling to one another.
Noise, noise, the cockpit's full of noise.
Dylan starts to laugh in a manic way and Sky's all, 'Uh, anyone want to change seats?' No, she asks him what's up with the strange reaction and he faces her. "I just realised I love my mum. You hear that mum?" he yells before turning to kiss Sky. She gets in on the act and says it's going to be like another big adventure, like a big dipper. "I might even see my mum." They hug one another. "Lets do this!" Dylan shouts.
Paul holds on to Elle tightly.
PAUL: We've had fun together haven't we? Just being together, me having a chance to be a real father to you again. You've given me a second chance at life my baby girl.
Lil and David look at one another dumbfounded and scared at what's happening. Connor and Serena cling some more.
Police Station - Interview Room
Janelle is still on her 'bag out Dylan' rant, saying she should have given him the flick the last time he got out of juvie. Bree doesn't think so though, she says he's done so much good since he's been back and he's been a great brother to her, Janae and Stingray. "He's been a better son to you than I have, mum," chimes in Stinger. "No, he's no son of mine. Not anymore," Janelle seethes.
One of the pilots are on the radio telling ground control that they won't make the nearest landing point because they don't have enough fuel. Too right, do they know how expensive it is nowadays?!
Everyone sits in silence while the 4th of July happens in the background (there's lots of crackling noises)... until they're not the only things being silent.
"We've run out of fuel," Paul says in dismay.
Lil and Serena try not to cry and Paul hugs Elle, telling her to be brave. He also tells Izzy he loves her... and she says nothing in return. Oh Paul, why?
Serena jumps forward and says she loves David and Lil. They all share kisses and hugs before Serena takes her seat again and belts up. Not ashamed to admit I'm tearing up here...
Alex and Susan lament on the short time they've had with one another and that they love each other so much, sharing a kiss and making the ChapStick stock soar.
"There's no one like you in the world and you happened to me. One life's not enough, I want a whole 'nother one to live just with you," Dylan tells Sky. They share a Chap Stick moment.
Everyone is petrified. "Ladies and gentlemen, adopt the brace position now," a pilot says through a speaker. The camera pans from the emergency exit next to Lil, who gives Dave a passionate kiss. They all lean forward in the emergency position and wait for their destiny...
The screen fades to black.
Bass Strait
We see a shot of the moon and then a piece of wreckage in the ocean, until we find our first survivors. Serena and Connor are stuck inside the plane, coughing and choking. Serena calls out for her parents and Connor reassures her they'll find them soon.
Outside we see another survivor. It's Susan! She swims with all her might to a piece of plane, screaming out for Alex, but there's no sign of him. Of course survivor number four has to be Izzy, it's a beautiful irony, and you all know I love me some irony. Susan yells out for her to take her hand and they bob next to each other, doing a hybrid crying/hyperventilating/laughing routine where they can't believe what happened and who they're with.
They hear Elle screaming out for help and Izzy bolts over to save her, not listening to Susan telling her to stay because it isn't safe. She shouts Izzy's name over and over again before slowly slipping underneath the water.
Oh. God.
Police Station - Interview Room
Stingray is still trying to tell Janelle that Roo is the one to blame. I think he may have to resort to other measures like a song and dance, or perhaps a puppet show, because she still won't buy it. "How are we gonna pay for it?" Bree pipes up glumly. Toadie says not to worry; he'll defend them both at no cost.
Stu walks in looking a bit troubled.
STU: The plane's gone down.
JANELLE: What are you talking about?
STU: That flight to Launceston, Connor, Dylan, the others. I just heard over the radio, they crashed in Bass Strait.
Bass Strait
Izzy does her best Thorpey over to Elle, dragging her to a flat piece of plane to climb on - just like Jack and Rose, but at least these two are smart enough to both climb on. Izzy yells out for Susan and looks horrified when she can't see her anymore.
Inside the Plane
Serena and Connor are huddled together, trying not to freeze to death, thinking they'll stay there 'till help arrives. Not such a good idea though when a whole lotta bubbles flare up around them (I swear I heard Connor say he farted - possibly to try and make Serena less scared... either that or I need my hearing checked...). He says they have to get out of there before it sinks, but they'll also have to take their life jackets off to swim under and out. Oh, this can't be a good. They take a deep breath and make their descent into the murky water.
Survivor number six is Dylan. Unconscious Dylan that is until the water splashing around him wakes him up. He's disorientated and yells out for Sky. The camera pans back to show nothing around, depicting how alone he really is.
<<4836 - 4838>>
Paul Robinson, Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4837
Paul Robinson, Izzy Hoyland

Alex Kinski, Liljana Bishop, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4837
Alex Kinski, Liljana Bishop, Susan Kennedy

Stuart Parker, Stingray Timmins, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 4837
Stuart Parker, Stingray Timmins, Toadie Rebecchi

Liljana Bishop, Connor O
Liljana Bishop, Connor O'Neill, Serena Bishop, David Bishop

Sky Mangel, Dylan Timmins in Neighbours Episode 4837
Sky Mangel, Dylan Timmins

 in Neighbours Episode 4837

 in Neighbours Episode 4837

Dylan Timmins in Neighbours Episode 4837
Dylan Timmins

Alex Kinski, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4837
Alex Kinski, Susan Kennedy

Izzy Hoyland, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 4837
Izzy Hoyland, Paul Robinson

Stingray Timmins, Bree Timmins, Janelle Timmins in Neighbours Episode 4837
Stingray Timmins, Bree Timmins, Janelle Timmins

Sky Mangel, Dylan Timmins in Neighbours Episode 4837
Sky Mangel, Dylan Timmins

Elle Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 4837
Elle Robinson, Paul Robinson

Liljana Bishop, David Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4837
Liljana Bishop, David Bishop

Elle Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 4837
Elle Robinson, Paul Robinson

Dylan Timmins, Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 4837
Dylan Timmins, Sky Mangel

Alex Kinski, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4837
Alex Kinski, Susan Kennedy

Liljana Bishop, David Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4837
Liljana Bishop, David Bishop

Serena Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4837
Serena Bishop

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4837
Susan Kennedy

Connor O
Connor O'Neill, Serena Bishop

Connor O
Connor O'Neill, Serena Bishop

Dylan Timmins in Neighbours Episode 4837
Dylan Timmins

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