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Neighbours Episode 4872 from 2005 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4871 - 4873>>
Episode title: 4872: Puss In Boots
Australian airdate: 13/12/05
UK airdate: 08/03/06
Writer: John Upton
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Alex Kinski: Andrew Clarke
Rachel Kinski: Caitlin Stasey
Zeke Kinski: Matthew Werkmeister
Katya Kinski: Dichen Lachman
Ruben 'Roo' Hausman: Richard Cawthorne
Father Capetola: Mark Doggett
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Faith
- Roo having a flashback and recognising that he knows his cellmate isn't who he appears to be.
- Rachel and Zeke finding Katya.
- Katya seeing her dad at No. 28
- Roo asking Stu to take care of Stinger.
Stu fixes his wire in place but hears Roo's voice and so pretends to act normally until he passes.
No. 22
Paul gives Izzy the news that Cameron can't make it Ramsay Street for Christmas as he has a job and confirms that Elle is going back to Hobart for Christmas too. Izzy suggests that since they are alone, they should bring some festive cheer into "the peasant's" lives and helps herself to Paul's gold Amex card but Paul takes a call from someone and tells Izzy that he has to leave to sign some things. She is a bit puzzled as he said he was finished at the office earlier but when he leaves, she starts to wrap a Christmas present - a new leg for Paul!
No. 28
After discussing with her dad about his treatment, Katya goes to leave but Alex pleads with her to stay for the wedding. She doesn't want to, so Alex shouts out to her that it wasn't his fault - she was too much to handle and he had to protect Rachel and Zeke. Katya agrees with him on this and again, he pleads with her to stay for the wedding so it isn't on her conscious when he dies.
No. 32
Karl is bored hiding out at the Hoylands and Susan calls round to collect Steph and Lyn for the wedding (they are the witnesses) but Karl informs them that they are not contracted for this episode...er...out seeing the Christmas lights at Eden Hills. Since the ladies are somewhat occupied, Karl reluctantly agrees to be her witness. Just as Susan leaves, he tells her that she looks beautiful and looks at her fondly as she leaves.
Stu is asking Roo questions about the crimes he's committed and who he'd like to get his revenge on but Roo snaps and jumps on him and bluntly asks Stu if he is a copper! Stu denies this and Roo says he was just kidding. Stu is annoyed though at his radio being smashed when Roo jumped him and brings up the subject of being bugged and having to watch what they say in prison. Roo plays it cool as Stu shouts for a guard to get his radio fixed.
No. 28
The priest has arrived and starts the wedding ceremony by welcoming all the guests - all the Kinski kids and Karl.
The vows begin:
ALEX: Susan, you have brought me happiness that I never thought I'd feel again. And you have taught me what love truly is and I will love you and honour and cherish you for every moment that we are together.
The priest asks if Alex affirms these vows and he replies that he does before placing a ring on Susan's finger.
SUSAN: Alex, you were the most wonderful man I have ever know (camera pans at Karl looking not so happy) and ever day with you has been like a lifetime of love. And I will love you every day for the rest of my life.
Again, the priest asks if Susan affirms these vows, she does, so she then places a ring on Alex's finger.
PRIEST: I now pronounce you husband and wife.
The priest says that Alex can kiss his bride and he does as everyone looks on. Rachel and Zeke hug them but Katya looks like she'd rather be elsewhere and is reluctant to get into the family photograph Karl takes.
Susan and Alex sign the registry and Katya and Karl add their autographs to the document, Karl slightly reluctantly after seeing Susan sign her name as Susan Kinski.
No. 22
Paul arrives home with a give for Izzy - a kitten, which he puts into the laundry room. Izzy comes into the kitchen (she was upstairs) and spots Paul with the bottle of milk (he was getting some milk for the kitten) and he feigns he was getting it for himself before they head out to get some cocktails.
No. 28
At the front door, Karl says his goodbyes after telling Susan he can be contacted on his mobile if she needs him. Susan thanks him for what he did before Karl says "goodnight Mrs Kinski."
Back inside, Katya is talking to Rachel and Zeke about Alex's imminent death, with the kids glad that Katya is with them. Zeke asks if Alex'll see their mum when he dies and Katya replies that she thinks so.
Susan comes back in and goes over to Alex who has now woken up. He asks Katya to look after the kids when he has gone, and she promises too. They all tell each other that they love one another as Susan looks on.
Stu returns to find that his bed and belongings have been disturbed and wants to know why. Roo says that it was a random drug search and he's just finished doing his area, which Stu is highly suspicious of. Roo wants to know why Stinger hasn't been taken care of and Stu replies that he will and he's started by getting Stinger onside by repairing his radio. Now Roo is becoming suspicious and wonders if Stu is backing out of 'his task' but Stu replies that he wants to know why Stinger has to be touched if he's going to be doing time for it. Roo says that it is loyalty, that they share a past and that he owes them but not in a good way. He then tells Stu to get a good nights sleep as they've got big day tomorrow.
No. 28
As they wait, Susan and Katya make small talk about her nursing and how the kids are getting on at school. Susan tells her that Alex is glad that she arrived. Katya asks Susan if there is somewhere she can rest and as she goes to the spare room, asks Susan to wake when Alex wakes up as there is something she needs to say to him.
No. 28
SUSAN: (to a sleeping Alex) Here we are on our wedding night. What's next? (getting teary) A honeymoon on the trans-Siberian railway. Who comes up with something like that?
Alex wakes up and she tells him that she is there. He asks her to go on the trip with the kids and she agrees.
ALEX: You've made me so happy.
SUSAN: (breaking down) I love you so much, please don't leave me.
ALEX: And I love you.
Alex then stops breathing and Katya comes out from the bedrooms as we take a commercial break.
Ramsay Street (next day)
Susan hugs the kids and Katya looks on (Karl is there too) as Alex's body is driven away.
ZEKE: What will we do now?
SUSAN: We keep going.
ZEKE: How?
SUSAN: I don't know.
Katya tells Susan that Alex asked her to forgive him and that there was so much she wanted to tell her dad before he died. Susan says that he knew she loved him and that he loved her too.
Karl goes over and gives Susan a hug, kisses her on the head and asks if she is okay. She thanks him and tells him that she's going to take the kids inside, which she does.
Stu finishes taking a call of nature and Roo tells him that today is the day they get Stinger. Stu replies that he'll teach Stinger a lesson if Roo gets him into their cell. Roo wants to know why and Stu replies that it is safer but Roo doesn't think Stinger will come to their cell and tells Stu that it *will* happen "in the little maggot's cell". Reluctantly, Stu agrees.
No. 22
Izzy comes down the stairs with Paul's present and as she does to hide the pressie under the sofa, she just about screams the house down when she finds the kitten sitting on the sofa. Paul rushes downstairs and tells her that the kitten (Boots) is her Christmas present. During the commotion of Izzy discovering Boots, the paper has come off of Paul's pressie and he spots it. They both realise that the presents they've bought each other aren't really them and agree to do Christmas their way.
Stu is ready to go to Stinger's cell but Roo is stalling, so Stu wants to know why. Roo says that Stu (or Mick as he is know as inside), could be anyone...even a cop. Stu (or Mick) feigns that he is a cop and that Roo has caught him out as some muscle appears outside their cell. After they discuss the merit of trust, Roo tells Stu to take his top off but Stu is extremely reluctant to do so.
<<4871 - 4873>>
Stuart Parker in Neighbours Episode 4872
Stuart Parker

Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4872
Izzy Hoyland

Alex Kinski in Neighbours Episode 4872
Alex Kinski

Katya Kinski in Neighbours Episode 4872
Katya Kinski

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4872
Susan Kennedy

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4872
Karl Kennedy

Stuart Parker, Reuben Hausman (Roo) in Neighbours Episode 4872
Stuart Parker, Reuben Hausman (Roo)

Rachel Kinski, Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 4872
Rachel Kinski, Zeke Kinski

Alex Kinski, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4872
Alex Kinski, Susan Kennedy

Alex Kinski, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4872
Alex Kinski, Susan Kennedy

Alex Kinski, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4872
Alex Kinski, Susan Kennedy

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 4872
Paul Robinson

Alex Kinski, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4872
Alex Kinski, Susan Kennedy

Katya Kinski in Neighbours Episode 4872
Katya Kinski

Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4872
Izzy Hoyland

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