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Neighbours Episode 8142 from 2019 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8141 - 8143>>
Episode title: 8142 (Toadie and (real) Dee meet after 16 years)
Australian and UK airdate: 09/07/19
Writer: Paul Gartside
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Andrea Somers / Dee Bliss: Madeleine West
Heather Schilling: Kerry Armstrong
Ian Packer: Nathan Carter
Willow Somers: Mieke Billing-Smith
Andrea / Dee Double: Jessica Redmayne
Summary/Images by: Clare/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Dee notices Andrea looks like her, Andrea introduces herself
- Dee realises Andrea has met Toadie, Andrea claims they're in love
- Dee is looking for Heather, Dee goes to ring Heather
- Dee and Andrea argue, there is a scream and Dee goes over the edge of the cliff
- Toadie tells Willow and Andrea that Dee is on her way from South Africa
- Heather is agitated on the phone to Andrea as Dee is passed out on the bed
- Andrea says she is leaving for a little while
- Toadie answers the door to Dee - or Andrea pretending to be Dee!
Toadie apologises but is unsure what to say. FakeDee tells him that she is feeling the same. Toadie wants to know if it's actually Dee. She evades his question by inviting herself in. She had a good flight and is amazed he still lives here. It's the same place but then again it's not the same. FakeDee notices the pictures of Nell and Hugo and tells him she knew he would be a great father. She apologises for the situation being strange.
TOADIE: How the hell are you here Dee?at
FAKEDEE: I have so much to tell you.
She is finding this overwhelming and needs to get used to the idea. (Toadie looks as if he isn't sure whether to believe her during the scene.)
Seaside Comfort Motel, Byron Bay
Heather is trying to get hold of Andrea over the phone. Dee tells Heather that she feels bad that Andrea isn't returning Heather's calls. Heather thinks Andrea has switched her phone off which she does regularly. Heather is convinced Andrea doesn't think she needs Heather's help. Heather is convinced otherwise. Dee brings up Andrea being with Toadie, Heather explains Dee was a loose end never sorted out. Dee mentions it's 16 years and hasn't been back in Toadie's life. Heather is determined to stop Dee entering Toadie's life again as Andrea loves Toadie and Hugo. Dee realises they have a son together, she thought Andrea was making that bit up. Dee makes a gesture with her hand and Heather notices Andrea does the same.
DEE: You're a good mother.
Heather tells Dee she doesn't think she could see her and Andrea apart if she saw them at the same time!
FakeDee is sorry for Toadie losing Sonya, she thinks Sonya sounded really amazing. She thinks Toadie has had to go through a lot in life, Toadie thinks she has done so as well. She asks him if he's still practicing as a lawyer and rambles on. He cuts her off to ask what happened to her after their wedding day, he wants the truth. She tells him the truth is complicated.
TOADIE: I thought you were dead for all these years! (Toadie's voice gets more and more agitated.) You - you haven't tried to contact me once. Why would you put me through that?
FakeDee tries to apologise, she claims not knowing where to go back to. He suggests they go back to the start. She has a lot of regrets and made a lot of errors, she's crying by this point. He realises it's too much for them both. He suggests putting the kettle on and make a fresh start. FakeDee's tears dry up as Toadie heads into the kitchen!
Ramsay Street
Susan is watering the front garden as Bea comes outside. They wonder how things are going. Susan hopes it's not too much for Toadie. Bea thinks Susan should go to No.30, Bea can help out here. Susan doesn't think it's such a good idea. Toadie wanted to see Dee by herself so asked them to look after Nell and Hugo. Bea can't believe Dee has been out of Toadie's life for so long! Susan agrees as Sheila arrives. Susan repeats they want to give Toadie time just with Dee, Sheila agrees. Bea excuses herself to check on Nell.
Willow arrives and wants to meet Dee. Susan wants to leave them alone for a while. Willow only wants to stay a short while. She wants to see her after all the things Andrea has put them through. She asks Susan to accompany her.
FakeDee is feeling better after tea and promises not to do this every time! There's a knock at the door, it's Susan and Willow. Susan apologises for intruding. FakeDee greets Susan happily and tells her she's missed her. Susan awkwardly hugs her and tells her everyone has missed her. Toadie tells them they haven't had much time to talk. Willow apologises for turning up but wanted to meet FakeDee so she knows she really exists. Willow can't get over the likeness. Toadie explains that Willow's Mum looks just like FakeDee. FakeDee says she heard about Andrea from Ian but wants Toadie to tell her more. Toadie tries to brush it off but FakeDee insists on hearing more as it seems strange. Toadie advises her to sit down as it's a long story!
Seaside Comfort Motel, Byron Bay
Heather says that this isn't normal behaviour for her. Dee says that there's a shop (not sure on the type of shop) down the road and offers to go or them both to go. Heather thinks it's best for Dee to stay where she is. Dee likes the idea of doing something for her which confuses Heather. Dee explains she wants to do something in return for Heather's kindness! She talks about how much Heather has done for her and calls her 'Mum', this stuns Heather. Heather asks her to repeat what she said.
HEATHER: You're not my daughter.
DEE: Yes I am. We're a team you and I. You and me against the world.
Heather refuses to agree with this. Dee gets on her knees and apologises for not seeming to need Heather. She insists she needs Heather more now. Dee repeats they plus Hugo are a team. Andrea talks about how Hugo looks very much like Toadie. She tells Heather they need to leave there as Dee will ruin things. (Dee is convincing Heather she is Andrea.) They need to stop her in her tracks as Dee will go after Toadie. Heather insists Dee is actually Dee but Dee insists she is Andrea. Dee encourages Heather to drink more. Heather isn't sure what's going on but Dee reassures her they're in this together.
DEE: You were right Mum. That Dee, she's trying to steal Toadie. She's trying to steal our family. We need to stop her. (Heather whimpers.)
Susan and Willow are sitting on the sofa, FakeDee and Toadie are sitting at the table. Toadie is telling Dee that it's a lot for her to have to process. FakeDee looks stunned about all that Andrea has done! FakeDee thinks that Toadie loathes Andrea. Toadie admits he used to but now feels sorry for Andrea. He doesn't think about Andrea a lot but focuses on Willow, Nell and Hugo.
FAKEDEE: You are still the beautiful person I remember.
Toadie beckons Susan over. Susan asks for the truth about where she has been all this time and why she disappeared. FakeDee tells them she needs to get some air. Toadie suggests they go outside. FakeDee explains she just wants a bit of time on her own.
Susan asks Toadie if he's ok. Toadie wonders if it's actually her as he hasn't found out anything about her.
SUSAN: It's like seeing a ghost.
Toadie asks Willow if she's heard from Andrea, she hasn't.
Ramsay Street
FakeDee texts Willow to tell her she's arrived safely. FakeDee is being watched by somone in a car. She looks across, the window is wound down and we see the person is Ian. She comes over and he thinks the scarf is a good idea. She wants to know why he's here. He's got the clothes he requested, the ID is nearly ready. She thanks him and tries to send him off. He wants to know what's happening, she brushes him off.
IAN: You call me, you ask me to lie for you again but you won't tell me why.
FAKEDEE: All I'm asking is that we talk later.
IAN: I hope you're not planning on becoming Dee Bliss forever because where does that leave me?
Dee reminds him he's with Heather but he would rather have her. Toadie has come outside and asks if FakeDee is ok. Dee says it's an Uber and Toadie is surprised she's leaving so soon. She needs to go to her hotel. She promises that she hasn't travelled here just to disappear again. She hurries into the car and tells Ian to drive.
Lassiter's Complex
Shane and Dipi are at a table. Shane says it's difficult not to be overwhelmed by what has happened, Dipi agrees. Shane points out at least Andrea has gone off for a bit. Mark has joined them and discover neither has any updates. Mark needs to talk to FakeDee as well. Kyle joins them, Sheila has updated him. He thinks it's a lot going on. Shane thinks Toadie will get through it with all their support. Willow arrives, Dipi gives her a hug and asks if she's doing ok. Willow tells them that she saw FakeDee and doesn't know what is going on.
Toadie is sitting, waiting. He gets up and gets out an album. There are other photos but then he reaches his and Dee's wedding photos. There's a knock at the door and he invites the person in. FakeDee is back.
TOADIE: I was thinking you weren't come back.
FakeDee tells him she fell asleep. He thinks it's possible she could have jet lag. He thinks she's possibly got a family wondering where she is now. She knows that Ian told him she had married again, it's been a long time since the marriage finished. She is definitely single.
FAKEDEE: It was a mistake to think I could run off to South Africa, that I could escape my past. Our past.
TOADIE: It wasn't easy for me to move on either. I need answers Dee.
FAKEDEE: Then I'm ready to give them to you.
We see a plane flying through the clouds.
Ramsay Street
We see Dee get out of a car and smiles as she looks at the street. She heads to No.30 as Heather follows her reapplying her lippy. Heather thinks it's not a good idea for her to be here herself as it's too risky if someone spots her. Dee tells her to wait here on the Street.
Mark walks across from No.24 and spots Heather. Heather tries to run away but Mark catches her. Heather tries to call out to Andrea but Mark is reading her her rights. He is arresting her over the attempted murder of Sonya Rebecchi.
Toadie and FakeDee are sitting on the sofa. Toadie is trying to work out how FakeDee got out of the water afterwards. Andrea tells him it happened in a rush but seemed like a long time at the time.
There is a knock at the door. Toadie thinks it's Willow. It's Dee this time and FakeDee is stunned to see her. Toadie looks unconvinced after all these Dees turning up!
DEE: Toadie. (Dee is shocked when she spies FakeDee.)
TOADIE: Unbelievable.
Ramsay Street
Mark has rung for backup outside No.24 as Heather calls for Andrea.
MARK: It's over Heather. Stop.
Willow, Dipi and Shane walk up the Street. Willow calls out to Heather, Heather thinks Willow will save her. Shane and Dipi rush over as Mark keeps them back. Willow tells Heather that Andrea has gone away, Heather tells them Andrea is with Toadie inside and Dee.
Toadie thinks that Dee is Andrea, Dee insists she's Dee. FakeDee claims Dee is lying, Dee insists she's telling the truth.
DEE: Do not trust this woman. She... she tried to kill me.
FakeDee denies this! Dee says that Heather is outside. Toadie wants to know what is actually happening. Willow comes in and is taken aback to see them both. FakeDee claims not to know Willow. Willow tells them Mark has arrested Heather. Dee tells them FakeDee found her in Byron Bay and pushed her off a cliff. Heather needed to save Dee. Willow isn't able to tell which is Andrea when Toadie asks her to tell the women apart.
DEE: Our first kiss was during that -
FAKEDEE: That stupid game of Truth or Dare! It was the best kiss of my life.
DEE: In our wedding vows you promised to love me -
FAKEDEE: Love me till the end of our days.
DEE: How do you know all this?
FAKEDEE: How do you know it? (Toadie is looking backwards and forwards between them.)
DEE: The last words you said to me before our car went off that cliff (FakeDee is now stumped!) was 'Kiss me Wife'.
TOADIE: Can't be.
FAKEDEE: She's tricking you.
Dee shows Toadie on the left side of her neck where the seatbelt cut into her as the car hit the water, it hasn't healed properly or left her body.
TOADIE: Dee. (Dee nods her head.)
Andrea runs into the kitchen but Willow grabs hold of her and throws her to the floor. Andrea tells Willow to leave her alone as Toadie looks stunned.
Ramsay Street
Andrea is telling the Officers she thinks Willow has broken her wrist so she needs the hospital. Heather calls out to Andrea but Andrea isn't happy with Heather for ruining all this! Heather is upset and tries to convince she was convinced Dee was Andrea.
WILLOW: I should have known you were up to something else.
Andrea claims she didn't plan all this but Willow doesn't believe her. Andrea blames it on Heather for finding Dee. Andrea thought this was her real chance with Toadie if she tricked Toadie into thinking she was Dee. Shane tells Andrea that he won't love Andrea. Andrea knows that Toadie loves Dee as they bundle her into the police car. Andrea was the one who gave Toadie a son, Hugo and Toadie loves Dee, not her. Heather continues to call out to Andrea in a separate car.
Toadie is still stunned as Mark talks to Dee. Mark confirms that Dee's real name is Dee Bliss. Dee agrees but it's a long time since she's been known by that name. Mark knows that she's returned from Byron Bay with Heather. Dee confirms that she met Heather for the first time today plus Andrea. She has never lived overseas. All this time she has been up the coast. She's had a fall but doesn't need medical attention for her wrist. Dee tells them she's a nurse. Mark wants to discuss all this at the station. Dee promises to answer the questions needed and make the necessary full official statement. She feels she needs to talk to Toadie before that. Mark heads off.
TOADIE: Is it really you? I...
DEE: It is. I think we have a lot to talk about.
Toadie just looks at her.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Dee tells Toadie that something changed everything on the wedding day
- Susan tells Toadie that another person is also at the hospital
- Mark asks Heather what was the next thing to happen
- We see Andrea in a hospital bed
- Toadie tells Mark there is more to the story
- Andrea laughs manically
<<8141 - 8143>>
Andrea Somers, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8142
Andrea Somers, Toadie Rebecchi

Heather Schilling, Dee Bliss in Neighbours Episode 8142
Heather Schilling, Dee Bliss

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8142
Toadie Rebecchi

Andrea Somers in Neighbours Episode 8142
Andrea Somers

Bea Nilsson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8142
Bea Nilsson, Susan Kennedy

Sheila Canning, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8142
Sheila Canning, Susan Kennedy

Andrea Somers, Susan Kennedy, Willow Somers, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8142
Andrea Somers, Susan Kennedy, Willow Somers, Toadie Rebecchi

Dee Bliss, Heather Schilling in Neighbours Episode 8142
Dee Bliss, Heather Schilling

Susan Kennedy, Andrea Somers, Willow Somers, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8142
Susan Kennedy, Andrea Somers, Willow Somers, Toadie Rebecchi

Ian Packer, Andrea Somers in Neighbours Episode 8142
Ian Packer, Andrea Somers

Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8142
Shane Rebecchi

Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Mark Brennan, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8142
Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Mark Brennan, Kyle Canning

Willow Somers in Neighbours Episode 8142
Willow Somers

 in Neighbours Episode 8142

Toadie Rebecchi, Andrea Somers in Neighbours Episode 8142
Toadie Rebecchi, Andrea Somers

Dee Bliss in Neighbours Episode 8142
Dee Bliss

Heather Schilling, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8142
Heather Schilling, Mark Brennan

Toadie Rebecchi, Dee Bliss, Andrea Somers in Neighbours Episode 8142
Toadie Rebecchi, Dee Bliss, Andrea Somers

Mark Brennan, Heather Schilling in Neighbours Episode 8142
Mark Brennan, Heather Schilling

Willow Somers, Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8142
Willow Somers, Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi

Willow Somers, Dee Bliss in Neighbours Episode 8142
Willow Somers, Dee Bliss

Toadie Rebecchi, Andrea Somers, Willow Somers, Dee Bliss in Neighbours Episode 8142
Toadie Rebecchi, Andrea Somers, Willow Somers, Dee Bliss

Dee Bliss in Neighbours Episode 8142
Dee Bliss

Andrea Somers in Neighbours Episode 8142
Andrea Somers

Andrea Somers, Willow Somers in Neighbours Episode 8142
Andrea Somers, Willow Somers

Mark Brennan, Andrea Somers, Heather Schilling in Neighbours Episode 8142
Mark Brennan, Andrea Somers, Heather Schilling

Heather Schilling in Neighbours Episode 8142
Heather Schilling

Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Willow Somers, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8142
Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Willow Somers, Susan Kennedy

Mark Brennan, Dee Bliss in Neighbours Episode 8142
Mark Brennan, Dee Bliss

Dee Bliss in Neighbours Episode 8142
Dee Bliss

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8142
Toadie Rebecchi

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