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Neighbours Episode 9014 from 2024 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<9013 - 9015>>
Episode title: 9014 (Krista loses her baby)
Australian and UK airdate: 27/03/24
Writer: Emma J Steele
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Chelsea Murphy: Viva Bianca
Penny Shrewster: Jessica Husband
Casey Dzesa: Georgia Barron
Travis Kellog: Liam McCarthy
- "Awake Me" by Rosie Carney
Summary/Images by: Liam/Jeremai
Previously on Neighbours
- Melanie tells Wendy she won't be maligned for a choice made by two consenting adults
- Haz tells the café cleanup brigade that Andrew has asked if he has security cameras, but he doesn't
- Andrew gives Haz the police report to help with the insurance claim, but Mack notes he's already put it in
- Mackenzie wants Haz's family to be here to celebrate his award, but he says they won't come just for that
- Krista fires incompetent staff member Penny Shrewster after getting the go- ahead from Paul
- A glitch with the hotel computer system is causing doors to auto- lock around the building
- Chelsea reports an issue with the sauna to Krista, who goes to check on it, but the door won't reopen
- In Krista's absence, Chelsea tells Paul she'll kick off the Longest Lie- In presentation
- Krista is still in the sauna, and has passed out due to the heat...
Harold's Café
Melanie asks Holly if she'll be home later, but Holly says she's avoiding Ramsay Street at all costs in case she runs into Felix and 'crazy cake lady' Jools. But Mel is desperate for a 'buffer' in the house as Karl and Susan get home today, and there has been 'radio silence' from them since the revelations about her sleeping with Toadie.
HOLLY: Dad hasn't said anything to me about it. Maybe you're in the clear.
MELANIE: You think so? The amount of times we have had a conversation about crossing the line? No, no - there is going to be a big fat 'I told you so' coming out of his mouth the moment he walks through the door.
HOLLY: It's not fair to blame only you for it, though.
MELANIE: Yeah, well, I'm here, Toadie isn't. Maybe I just need to get ahead of it.
Melanie heads off, this comment leaving Holly puzzled. Haz comes in, and goes into the kitchen to find Mackenzie in there with Casey, a CCTV specialist who's come to draw up a quote for cameras to be installed in the kitchen and office. Mackenzie thought that, since Haz wasn't comfortable with cameras in the café itself, this might be better than nothing. But Haz is not impressed.
HAZ: Mackenzie, I've told you before that I do not want cameras in here. Not now, not ever. Casey, you've wasted your time.
Casey walks out, and Mackenzie looks startled by Haz's outburst.
Lassiter's Hotel
Sacked staff member Penny is hanging out by the hotel entrance chatting on her phone when Holly returns from her break, and gives her a little wave. Holly gives her a smile in return, which quickly fades as she walks by! Holly's surprised to see Byron at reception as he wasn't meant to be working; he replies by way of explanation that he's 'on the run from a man with a gun'.
Paul turns up at the desk and asks them if they've seen Krista. They haven't, but Byron mentions that they've had some customer complaints about the sauna changing room - the door's locked and their swipe cards won't open it. With Chelsea busy with the presentation in the office, Paul goes to check out the sauna situation himself.
No 28
A sombre Melanie is seated at the table, making what sounds like a contrite apology to Karl and Susan.
MELANIE: You both must be terribly disappointed. But it's nothing compared to how I feel about myself. I destroyed that family, hurt Nell and Hugo, when I promised I wouldn't do it again. I'm so ashamed.
But then we cut to what she's really talking to - a framed publicity photo of Karl and Susan from the mid- nineties (with Malcolm unceremoniously cropped off to the right)! It seems she's just practising her mea culpa for when Karl and Susan are back for real. But at that moment Karl comes in, and Mel quickly puts the photo back onto the side table.
Mel enthusiastically greets Karl, but his reply is somewhat lacking its own enthusiasm. He explains Susan isn't with him, as she's decided to stay on in Sydney for another week or so. There's a palpable tension in the air, and Karl quickly excuses himself to go and unpack. Mel looks worried.
Lassiter's Hotel
Byron comes into the office and asks Chelsea how the presentation went - she gleefully replies that she 'killed it', and a text message from Lucy seems to support her view that it went well. Chelsea asks where Paul is, so she can go and celebrate with him. Byron says he's dealing with an issue in the sauna.
Meanwhile, Paul is trying to gain access to the sauna changing room using his swipe card, but the lock isn't responding. He's on the phone to Cara simultaneously, asking how long the IT system will take to reboot. At this point, a hand from within the room begins bashing faintly at the glass. Realising someone's stuck inside, Paul tries the card again - and this time it works.
He finds Krista lying by the door, moaning and very weak, and begins trying to lift her...
Back in reception, Chelsea catches Penny trying to sneak out of the hotel with a load of minibar alcohol and housekeeping supplies.
PENNY: It's my golden handshake.
CHELSEA: It's theft.
PENNY: Okay, look, I was unfairly dismissed. A few toiletries is the least that I'm owed.
CHELSEA: Hand it over and leave, or I'll march you next door to the police.
Reluctantly, Penny hands over all her spoils and walks out. Chelsea then collars Holly to ask why reception was left unattended, giving Penny free access to the housekeeping stocks.
HOLLY: I had to wait for the ambulance.
At this point, Chelsea sees what Holly means, as Krista is carried out of the lift by Paul and Byron. Outside, they're greeted by paramedics including Travis Kellog, who quickly get Krista on board the ambulance. Krista is now conscious, but looks very pale and clammy. Chelsea looks guilty as she watches the events unfold...
Erinsborough Hospital
Remi tells Krista, who is in a hospital bed, that her temperature is high, but they'll lower it with fluids; after that, they'll check to see how the baby's doing. Remi then quietly asks a nurse to locate Krista's obstetrician. In the corridor, Paul is leaving a voicemail for Leo, asking him to call back.
PAUL: It's not about me, but it is urgent.
Paul comes in to tell Krista that he's left a message, and that Leo should be here soon. Remi prepares to do an ultrasound.
REMI: Would you like Paul to stay?
Remi begins the procedure, but is careful to keep the monitor she's viewing the ultrasound on tilted away from both Krista and Paul. She asks how long Krista was in the sauna for; Paul says it was about an hour and a half, noting how hot it was when he opened the door. Remi looks worried.
KRISTA: Remi, is my baby okay?
REMI: Just give me a minute.
She's visibly worried by what she's seen on the monitor, and eventually takes Krista's hand.
REMI: Krista, I can't find a heartbeat.
KRISTA: What? No. No, that can't be right. Check it again.
REMI: (...) I'm so sorry, Krista.
A little while later, Paul is leaving Leo another voicemail, again asking him to phone back. Remi tells Krista that her obstetrician is in a theatre with another patient.
REMI: It's best we induce you so your baby can be born.
KRISTA: Okay. Well, when she's born, she'll be okay. You'll see that you made a mistake.
REMI: Krista, she was only 22 weeks along. And there was no heartbeat. But I promise, we'll make this as painless as possible.
KRISTA: No drugs.
REMI: What you're about to go through will be difficult enough. A pain- free birth is one thing I can do for you.
KRISTA (distressed): No, I don't want any drugs.
REMI: Okay. Okay... I am going to give you a tablet. It's to dilate your cervix and start the contractions. And then when she's born, you can spend some time with her, if you want to. We can organise any keepsakes you might like. And I'll arrange a follow- up appointment with your obstetrician, and a grief counsellor.
KRISTA (to Paul): Where's Leo? Why hasn't he called you back?
PAUL: I've left some messages. He'll be here soon. In the meantime, I'll stay with you until he gets here, okay?
Krista begins to get very emotional, and Remi tries her best to comfort her.
REMI: I know it's overwhelming, but we should start. Okay? You ready?
She breaks down in tears, with Paul and Remi each holding one of her hands.
No 28
Karl is having a furtive chat with Mackenzie about the Toadie/Melanie situation. Karl admits he hasn't spoken to Toadie about it, as he didn't know what to say. Mack tells him how angry Nell was, and that Hugo was 'just lost'.
MACKENZIE: I know Toadie hates that he hurt Terese, but... I can't believe he did it.
KARL: I tried to warn Toadie and Melanie. I was hoping they'd realise -
But Melanie comes in, cutting their chat short. It's awkward, and despite Melanie's offer of a cuppa, Mackenzie rushes off to work, while Karl goes to hang out the washing. Mel looks disappointed.
Lassiter's Complex
Chelsea is trying to get through to Paul on the phone, but is only getting his voicemail. Nearby, Byron and Mackenzie are talking about Krista's hospitalisation. Haz comes over to join them and asks if there's any word on Krista's condition, but Byron and Mackenzie have no significant news to impart, other than Karl wasn't speaking positively about the situation when Mack spoke to him.
However, during this conversation, Haz's attention appears to drift towards two randoms who are standing behind Byron and Mackenzie, outside the hotel entrance. Once Byron has gone...
HAZ: Mack, I'm sorry about before. I know you were trying to help out, but I'm used to making all the decisions about the business, and I... I overreacted.
MACKENZIE: Sure... I guess that makes sense. You know, with everything that's happening with Krista right now, I think it's probably best if we don't go and see Dad.
HAZ: Yeah, of course.
Mackenzie says she'll let her dad know, 'once I find my phone', which is apparently missing; Mack looked everywhere for it before leaving home. Haz has nothing to say to this, but looks deeply uncomfortable as Mackenzie leaves.
Erinsborough Hospital
Paul is still by Krista's bedside, and he's fiddling with the sleeve of his suit jacket that's been torn, presumably while he was trying to get Krista out of the sauna. It seems Krista's had the tablet Remi told her about, and asks how long the process will take. Remi can't say exactly, which distresses Krista further. Remi tells her she'll be back shortly, and ducks into a nearby storeroom, where she starts crying, evidently very affected by Krista's plight.
Back in the room, Krista tells Paul that she needs Leo here, and snaps at him to try harder to make contact.
KRISTA: What if he doesn't get here in time? They have to stop this.
PAUL: Oh, no, Krista...
KRISTA: Call Remi back in here. Remi!
Remi rushes back in, and Krista begs her to stop the process. But there's nothing Remi can do now.
KRISTA: But I need Leo here!
PAUL: Yeah, and he will be.
Krista wants to know when, and then starts blaming Paul for leaving her in the sauna for so long.
KRISTA: I called out and nobody came! Stop looking at me like that, Paul, and do something.
Keen to alleviate Krista's distress, Remi creates a distraction, pointing out that Paul's jacket is ripped.
REMI: It's a bit shabby, Paul!
PAUL: Are you serious?!
REMI: While we're waiting, why don't you fix it?
Paul's initially baffled as Remi fetches him a needle and thread, but eventually realises what Remi's trying to do. She offers to show him how, but...
PAUL: No, my grandmother taught me to sew, it's fine.
Krista watches, bemused, as Paul attempts to sew up his sleeve, with not a great deal of success.
KRISTA (laughs): Do you need a hand?
PAUL: I never said I was a good student. Let's just keep that between ourselves, though, okay?
The tension thus dissipated somewhat, Krista begins having contractions; and shortly after, we see her in a lot of pain and distress as they increase in intensity. Remi and Paul remain on hand to support her through it. Eventually, Remi tells her it's time to push.
KRISTA (sobbing): No, I'm not ready.
REMI: I know, but you have to.
KRISTA: No, I can't, I don't want to!
PAUL: Krista - Krista, look at me. Look at me. You *can* do this.
KRISTA: No. I can't. I don't want to.
PAUL: I know, I know. And I wish things were different, and I'm so, so sorry.
KRISTA: Please - please don't make me, Paul.
PAUL: Listen. Look, you turned your life around for your baby. Everything you did, you did for her, okay? Now she needs you to do this one last thing, alright? Come on.
Krista sobs, but begins to push...
The Waterhole
Chelsea is at a table and Byron at the bar, when Leo comes in. Byron rushes over to ask Leo if Krista is out of hospital, assuming that he knows all about it. But Leo seemingly hasn't had Paul's messages, so Byron explains about her collapse and the ambulance. Leo realises he's left his phone at the vineyard, hence not getting the news. He rushes off to the hospital. Chelsea looks guilty.
Erinsborough Hospital
Krista's labour is over, and she looks sadly over at her baby, out of focus in the foreground; Paul is still at her side.
KRISTA: A few months ago, I, uh... helped Abi make this fairy garden. I'd completely forgotten about it, but the other day she showed me she'd set it up in her room. She wanted to give it as a gift to the baby, so they could play together. So I'm looking at this little handmade fairy garden, that gave this little girl so much joy, and I realised... I couldn't remember a single time my mum played with me... Leo and I talked about getting a house together. Like, not right away, but... I started to picture what that could look like. A home where my little girl would feel love. I was gonna be there for her. Like, *really* be there. And no matter what she did, it would never be too hard. I'd never be too busy. It was gonna be perfect. I just... I wanted everything to be perfect.
Krista has broken down into sobs again, and it's all Paul can do to offer some words of comfort.
PAUL: Krista - all that little girl knew was that you loved her. I don't think it'd get more perfect than that... Does she have a name?
KRISTA (nods): Hope. Her name is Hope. I want to hold her.
PAUL: Okay.
KRISTA: I want to hold her.
Later, Paul is waiting outside the hospital room when Leo arrives, and asks how Krista is. Paul simply nods towards the room, where Krista is sitting on the bed, crying, holding her baby in her arms. She breaks into sobs again, and Leo sits by her side and hugs her. Paul watches through the door sadly. Chelsea then arrives.
CHELSEA: Paul... what happened to Krista?
PAUL: Her baby died.
Chelsea looks guilty again.
No 32 / Harold's Café
Mackenzie tells Byron that she's found her phone, and his too - they were apparently both in a pile of washing on the bathroom floor.
But we cut to Harold's as this conversation continues. Haz appears to have closed up for the day, but is sitting at a table on his laptop with headphones, listening to Mackenzie and Byron's conversation remotely! He has a window open on his screen called 'Audiotap', a covert listening app. Byron assumes he left his phone in his pocket, and he and Mack then go on to discuss Byron's encounter with Leo, and him rushing off to the hospital, Haz listening all the while.
BYRON: Is Haz having dinner with us?
MACKENZIE: No. It's probably a good thing.
BYRON: Don't tell me you two are fighting.
MACKENZIE: No, but Haz has been acting really weird since the break- in. Like, did you notice, when we were talking about Krista before? He wasn't even listening. He was more interested in what was happening in the complex (...) And before that, I was organising security cameras for the café, and he just went off at me. He was so angry.
BYRON: Haz doesn't get to clock off like we do. Café's 24/7. And the place means a lot to him. I'm not surprised he freaked out.
MACKENZIE: No, Byron, you didn't see him.
BYRON: Angry isn't Haz's natural state, okay? Don't take it personally.
In the café, Haz looks concerned about the conversation he's just snooped on.
Erinsborough Hospital
A montage begins, as Leo continues to comfort a devastated Krista, and she hugs him.
Paul is sitting on the sofa, deep in thought, while Chelsea is out on the balcony, gazing out at the skyline. She looks genuinely upset by what has happened, and sends a message to her kids, saying 'love you both'.
Erinsborough Hospital
Remi looks on as a tearful Krista continues to hold baby Hope, kissing her before laying her down one final time. As Remi covers the baby and takes her away on a trolley, Krista breaks down in Leo's arms.
Paul is still sitting quietly on the couch. From the balcony, Chelsea looks towards him and sighs.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Melanie tells Karl she isn't the only one who has made some bad relationship choices; he's made a couple in his time
- Still in hospital, Krista tells Aaron that she feels like this is her fault, but he assures her it isn't
- Paul tells a worried Chelsea he'll find out exactly who's responsible for what happened, and make sure they pay
<<9013 - 9015>>
Holly Hoyland, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 9014
Holly Hoyland, Melanie Pearson

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Casey Dzesa, Haz Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9014
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Casey Dzesa, Haz Devkar

Paul Robinson, Holly Hoyland, Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 9014
Paul Robinson, Holly Hoyland, Byron Stone

Karl Kennedy, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 9014
Karl Kennedy, Melanie Pearson

Byron Stone, Chelsea Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9014
Byron Stone, Chelsea Murphy

Krista Sinclair, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9014
Krista Sinclair, Paul Robinson

Penny Shrewster, Chelsea Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9014
Penny Shrewster, Chelsea Murphy

Travis Kellog, Byron Stone, Krista Sinclair, Paul Robinson, Chelsea Murphy, Holly Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 9014
Travis Kellog, Byron Stone, Krista Sinclair, Paul Robinson, Chelsea Murphy, Holly Hoyland

Paul Robinson, Remi Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9014
Paul Robinson, Remi Varga-Murphy

Remi Varga-Murphy, Krista Sinclair, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9014
Remi Varga-Murphy, Krista Sinclair, Paul Robinson

Karl Kennedy, Melanie Pearson, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 9014
Karl Kennedy, Melanie Pearson, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Byron Stone, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9014
Byron Stone, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar

Remi Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9014
Remi Varga-Murphy

Krista Sinclair, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9014
Krista Sinclair, Paul Robinson

Krista Sinclair, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9014
Krista Sinclair, Paul Robinson

Leo Tanaka, Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 9014
Leo Tanaka, Byron Stone

Krista Sinclair, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9014
Krista Sinclair, Paul Robinson

Krista Sinclair, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 9014
Krista Sinclair, Leo Tanaka

Paul Robinson, Chelsea Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9014
Paul Robinson, Chelsea Murphy

Haz Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9014
Haz Devkar

Byron Stone, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 9014
Byron Stone, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Leo Tanaka, Krista Sinclair in Neighbours Episode 9014
Leo Tanaka, Krista Sinclair

Paul Robinson, Chelsea Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9014
Paul Robinson, Chelsea Murphy

Remi Varga-Murphy, Krista Sinclair in Neighbours Episode 9014
Remi Varga-Murphy, Krista Sinclair

Chelsea Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9014
Chelsea Murphy

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