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Neighbours Episode 9015 from 2024 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<9014 - 9016>>
Episode title: 9015
Australian and UK airdate:
Writer: Margaret Wilson
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: David Tanaka (Voice): Takaya Honda
Chelsea Murphy: Viva Bianca
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Jeremai
- Haz listening in to recorded conversations of the neighbours.
- Melanie tells Holly that she hasn't spoken to the Kennedys since the incident with Toadie.
- Karl is home.
- Krista getting locked in the sauna.
- Paul helping Krista through her miscarriage.
- Paul emotionally telling Chelsea that Krista's baby has died.
Leo and Krista are sitting together.
LEO: I am so, so, sorry that you had to go through this alone.
KRISTA: Paul was with me.LEO: He stayed for the birth?
She nods.
KRISTA: Yeah. He was amazing.
Leo takes this in.
LEO: What can I do for you?
KRISTA: Just be here.
She sighs deeply.
Jane and Mike have been cut off their conversation due to Internet problems. Nicolette jokes that they should spice things up a little.
JANE: Mike would think I had lost my mind!
NICOLETTE: In the best possible way.
JANE: I couldn't.
NICOLETTE: Why not, you miss him.
JANE: Well, of course I do.
NICOLETTE: If he was here you wouldn't have any problem putting on something...nice.
JANE: Well, I suppose not.
NICOLETTE: Well, why don't you give him a taste, online.
They both giggle.
Just then, Aaron come in to tell them about Krista.
PAUL: You know, I didn't think Krista had any substance at all. I completely misjudged her. I think that girl is made of steel after what she got through today.
Chelsea hands him a glass of whiskey.
CHELSEA: I'm sure having you there was a huge support.
PAUL: You know, she would have made such a wonderful mother to that little girl.
Chelsea looks guilty and says Krista will need some time off.
PAUL: I think the first order of business is to find exactly what happened to that door to the sauna room.
CHELSEA: Er, shouldn't our focus be on Krista?
PAUL: Well, yeah, of course, it *will* be. But I think part of that is to get her some answers.
CHELSEA: Maybe we should give her some time to recover. A week, say...even longer.
PAUL: No, I want to get on to this as soon as possible.
Chelsea looks worried.
Karl is on the phone to Remi, telling her to take some time for herself. Melanie is shocked to hear the news. She suggests making a cup of tea for herself and Karl, but he avoids this by heading off to bed.
Aaron has come to visit.
AARON: I'm so sorry, Krista.
He hugs her.
KRISTA: I feel like this is my fault.
AARON: Hey, none of this is your fault.
KRISTA: I wasn't healthy when I got pregnant. Maybe my body wasn't strong enough to give Hope what she needed.
AARON: Hope? That's what you named her? It's beautiful.
KRISTA:(weeps) I let her down when she needed me the most.
LEO: No, no, you were locked in a very hot room. None of this is your fault.
AARON: And I'm going to channel a little bit of David here. Don't go there with the "what if"s alright? It's not a fair fight. You're going to ask yourself questions that you'll never get the answer to. That's what David would have said. You just need to focus on the truth and that's that you did everything possible to be the best mother for your baby.
KRISTA: I can almost hear David saying that.
AARON:(wistfully) Yeah. Me too.
Jane and Nicolette are making a care package for Krista. Jane has been cut off from Mike again, but tells Nicolette that she doesn't need to put on a strip show(!)
Cara brings over some things for the care package. Apparently Remi is resting after her tough day yesterday.
Paul rings Cara to come down to the complex. He tells Chelsea that he wants a full report on the key cards.
CHELSEA: What happened was an absolute tragedy, but sometimes these things occur for no reason at all. Dragging her through it might cause her more pain.
PAUL: Well, Remi seems to think that the extreme heat from the sauna could have caused the stillbirth. Now, Krista lost the baby just after she was trapped in there, so I'm going to say it's a fair assumption.
CHELSEA: It could have been something else.
PAUL: Well, we'll explore all possibilities, but right now I'm working on this one. I do not want another guest being trapped in there.
CHELSEA: This is all my fault.
PAUL: How?
CHELSEA: I was dealing with guests and I let Krista check the sauna because there'd been some complaints. I should have done it, I feel so terrible.
PAUL: Oh don't be silly, don't blame yourself.
CHELSEA:(unconvincingly) It's true!
PAUL: I'm going to find out exactly who's responsible for what's happened and make sure that they pay!
Chelsea looks even more worried!
Ramsay Street
Melanie gives Nicolette some things for Krista. They talk about Karl and Melanie is worried that he's not talking to her. Nicolette encourages her to have it out with him, so it doesn't keep being awkward at home.
Krista has been talking to Reece on the phone when Paul comes in. She's being discharged today. Paul gently asks if she can give her an account of what happened. She explains about the key card not working.
KRISTA: Hey, um, look at us, not fighting. Can you believe it?
PAUL: Yeah, don't you worry, that day will come again. In fact, that's why you have to go home and rest, so you can be ready.
Krista suddenly hugs him tightly.
KRISTA: I'll never forget what you did.
Leo comes in and smiles at them.
Aaron tells Nicolette that it was difficult being at the hospital and seeing all of David's old colleagues.
AARON: Sorry, every now and then it hits me. He's really gone, isn't he?
NICOLETTE: Don't apologise.
AARON: I just wish I could hold him and just talk to him, you know. But I can't, can I?
She hugs him.
Karl is watering the plants and talking to Terese on the phone.
Melanie come out of her room and asks Karl if they can have a talk.
KARL: I have nothing to say.
MELANIE:(exasperated) I'm not the only person around here who's made some bad relationship choices, you've made a few doozies in your time.
KARL: Er, yeah, OK. Marrying Susan was the best decision I ever made.
MELANIE: Sarah and Izzy definitely weren't!
KARL: OK, whatever fight you're spoiling for, how do you think it'll help?
MELANIE: Well, for one it'll give me the right of reply!
KARL: You don't have to defend yourself to me.
MELANIE: You can hardly look at me!
KARL: I'm disappointed. And I sad. We talked ad nauseum about you and Toadie. And it didn't make a scrap of difference to what ultimately happened. There's nothing left for me to say.
Paul is interviewing Cara about the problems with the keycards. She didn't know there was an issue until Paul called her.
Chelsea steps in and defends Cara.
PAUL: Somebody is responsible!
CHELSEA: The other possibility is that someone locked the door deliberately.
CARA: Who would do that?
CHELSEA: What about Penny?
PAUL: What on earth has she got to do with this?
CHELSEA: Krista fired her. What if she locked the door on purpose? If she's out for revenge, how do we know she wouldn't go that far?
Haz and co have tidied up to welcome Krista home. Leo asks Haz to look after Krista for a bit as he has a few things to do.
When he's gone, Haz is awkward around Krista.
HAZ: I'm so sorry. I guess everything happens for a reason.
She looks at him.
HAZ: Oh, that was...I just don't know what to say. Is there anything I can do?
KRISTA: Yeah, you can just leave me alone. I'll be fine by myself, honest.
Paul tells Chelsea that he's thinking of going to the police about the sauna incident. She desperately tries to talk him down, saying Penny might go to ground.
CHELSEA: Let me try and find her.
PAUL: Alright, I'll give you two days.
Just then, Leo comes in and asks for a private word with Paul.
LEO: I haven't had a chance to thank you for everything you did for Krista.
PAUL: It was nothing.
LEO: No, no, it wasn't. You could have left her with Remi, it must have been pretty confronting.
PAUL: Not anywhere near as confronting as what she was going through.
LEO: Why did you stay?
PAUL: Well, I knew you'd want somebody to be with her. I'm pretty sure that's what David would have wanted as well.
LEO: She says she couldn't have got through it without you.
PAUL: She needs to give herself a bit more credit. You see, I never saw in her what you and David could. If I hadn't have judged her so harshly, perhaps your brother would still be alive.
Jane comes home and sheepishly shows Nicolette a black dress that she'd bought for spicing things up with Mike. They giggle while talking about it.
Ramsay Street
Aaron is talking to David's painting on the side of Mel's van(!)
AARON: I hope I was able to help Krista. I just...the whole time I was trying to think what *you* would say. I'm doing my best, it's just...days like this, it really hit me. I miss you so much, Boo. I love you.
LEO: The version we saw of you yesterday...David would have been proud of you. *I* was proud of you. And I'm so grateful of how you stood by Krista.
PAUL: Even after everything else I've done?
LEO: I'm not proud of that. And I'm not forgetting it either, but...look, I hope this is a turning point of some kind. You've just got to stop hurting the people you love.
PAUL: Yeah, I know, I know.
LEO: You've got to stop doing this rinse- repeat cycle, Dad. If you say you're going to change, then mean it.
PAUL: And I *am* going to, I promise. I mean, I'm already aware of everything I've lost, everything *we've* lost.
He starts to cry and Leo hugs him.
PAUL: I'm so sorry.
Aaron comes in and Nicolette asks if he can watch Isla while they drop off Krista's care package.
When they've gone, Aaron's phone rings showing "Private Number" and Aaron answers it.
AARON: Hello?
DAVID: Hi, Boo. It's me.
Aaron is dumbfounded.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Wendy tells Andrew that she doesn't know anything about Sadie and Byron
- Byron tells Sadie that Andrew is staring at him with "stare- y eyes"
- Remi goes to talk to Felix about JJ.
- Aaron tells Nicolette that he thought David was sending him signs - now he thinks there may be more to it.
<<9014 - 9016>>
Leo Tanaka, Krista Sinclair in Neighbours Episode 9015
Leo Tanaka, Krista Sinclair

Aaron Brennan, Jane Harris, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 9015
Aaron Brennan, Jane Harris, Nicolette Stone

Paul Robinson, Chelsea Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9015
Paul Robinson, Chelsea Murphy

Melanie Pearson, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9015
Melanie Pearson, Karl Kennedy

Leo Tanaka, Krista Sinclair, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 9015
Leo Tanaka, Krista Sinclair, Aaron Brennan

Jane Harris, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 9015
Jane Harris, Nicolette Stone

Cara Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9015
Cara Varga-Murphy

Chelsea Murphy, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9015
Chelsea Murphy, Paul Robinson

Nicolette Stone, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 9015
Nicolette Stone, Melanie Pearson

Krista Sinclair, Paul Robinson, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 9015
Krista Sinclair, Paul Robinson, Leo Tanaka

Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 9015
Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan

Karl Kennedy, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 9015
Karl Kennedy, Melanie Pearson

Cara Varga-Murphy, Chelsea Murphy, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9015
Cara Varga-Murphy, Chelsea Murphy, Paul Robinson

Krista Sinclair, Haz Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9015
Krista Sinclair, Haz Devkar

Chelsea Murphy, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9015
Chelsea Murphy, Paul Robinson

Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 9015
Leo Tanaka

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9015
Paul Robinson

Jane Harris, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 9015
Jane Harris, Nicolette Stone

Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 9015
Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Leo Tanaka, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9015
Leo Tanaka, Paul Robinson

Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 9015
Aaron Brennan

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