- Shane is engaged in a mystery project in No 30's back yard
- He tells a distinctly unenthused Dipi that he can't wait to show her what he's been working on
- Chloe tells Nicolette that Pierce doesn't care how she feels
- Dipi overhears this, and tells Chloe off for throwing Pierce's necklace back in his face
- Jane sees Dipi and Pierce kissing, but mistakes Pierce in his Phantom costume for Shane
- Jane tells Nicolette about Shane dressing up as the Phantom for Dipi
- But later, Nicolette sees photos of Pierce in the Phantom outfit, and starts joining the dots
- Looking for evidence, Nicolette creeps around Pierce's room and finds the necklace he gave Dipi
- But she's interrupted by Pierce and Dipi arriving, forcing her to hide out in the bathroom
- Nicolette overhears Pierce telling Dipi to come back to his room tonight
In Pierce's room, an emotional Dipi thanks Pierce for 'giving me this'.
PIERCE: One more night?
DIPI: It's not just tonight. It's everything. As much as it hurts to know it's almost over... I'll never forget what it meant when we were together.
He smiles at her fondly and goes to sit next to her.
PIERCE: Dipi, you gave me something that I would never have found with anyone else. I should be thanking you.
Dipi is crying now, so he gives her a hug, then gets up to fetch her a tissue. Nicolette, who is still hiding in the bathroom listening, looks panicked as she thinks he's coming in. But as Pierce starts to open the bathroom door, Dipi retrieves a tissue from her bag, and he closes it again. Nicolette breathes a massive sigh of relief, as Dipi dries her eyes.
DIPI: So, tonight is it?
PIERCE: Has to be... Let me walk you out.
Hearing them leave, Nicolette summons the courage to slip out of the bathroom, then exits the room herself.
No 30
Kyle and Toadie are inspecting Shane's grand new addition to the back of the house - a sun-room, which adjoins the house via the kitchen door.
TOADIE: I'm lost for words! I'm seriously impressed! I don't know what you were worried about, mate. This is somewhere that the whole family can enjoy. And I reckon it's added a bit of value to the house.
KYLE: And the neighbourhood. The neighbours will be stoked that the racket's over!
It's clear Shane has poured his heart and soul into the renovation, and when Toadie starts suggesting moving the integrated herb garden to accommodate a sofa, Shane's protective of his vision for the space.
TOADIE: I think you're forgetting whose space this actually is!
SHANE: Ha, ha. You want to make the decisions, you put in the hard yards - and you haven't done that, so...
TOADIE: Well, that's because you wouldn't let me near the joint the whole time until it was finished!
SHANE: Yeah, because I didn't want you bugging me with your two cents' worth!
TOADIE: Well, do you want my two cents' worth now?
SHANE: Not really, no - the plants stay!
KYLE: ... Anyone for a beer?
The Waterhole
Paul, Terese and Chloe are having a business catch-up, discussing the 'favourable' response to the Halloween event. Pierce comes in, and Chloe proposes that the two of them share a 'romantic candlelit dinner' on the Terrace before he moves home. Chloe proposes a seven o'clock start, but Pierce claims he has a meeting he can't get out of, and suggests eight instead.
Paul looks suspicious, and Chloe seems disappointed, but agrees that eight o'clock is fine. Pierce goes to the bar, and Paul follows him over for a private word about Pierce returning to No 24.
PAUL: Wouldn't get too comfy back on the street if I were you. Shouldn't you be scouring real estate signs, hmm?
PIERCE: Listen, a week is just not long enough to convince my family to move.
PAUL: You have a very interesting definition of family, don't you? You see, I'd do anything for my family because I love them and I put them above anyone else. You, on the other hand, don't.
PIERCE: Stop preaching to me, Robinson. You've had more weddings than hot dinners. And probably cheated on every one of those women.
PAUL: ... You've got one week. Otherwise you won't have time to unpack your bags before you get kicked out.
Pierce looks worried as Paul walks away.
Lassiter's Complex
Nicolette is walking out of the hotel with purpose, and is about to call Chloe on her phone, when Chloe approaches in the flesh.
CHLOE: Hi-diddly-ho!
Chloe tells Nicolette about her planned romantic dinner with Pierce later, which she's excited about, albeit annoyed it isn't happening an hour earlier due to 'some meeting'. Nicolette pulls a face, gathering that this is to cover the time Pierce is planning to spend with Dipi later. Nicolette looks like she's about to tell Chloe about the affair - but then, Aaron appears.
Chloe is glad to see Aaron, as she wanted to talk to him about retrieving something from the Doug-Out: the bottle of wine that she and Pierce made together on their first date. Aaron is sure it's there, somewhere among all Karl and Jane's bargain hoards, so they head back to No 32 to dig it out. Nicolette continues on her way, looking purposeful again.
No 30
Shane, Toadie and Kyle are still in the sun-room. Shane and Toadie are still arguing about whether to replace the herb installation with a couch, so Kyle leaves them to it.
SHANE: It's not just a herb garden. It's the whole space, it's the vibe - it's got to be perfect. I can't muck this up; I've done enough of that lately.
TOADIE: Take a breath, Puff.
SHANE: Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry. This is your place; I know that. And everyone's gonna use this space. And no doubt there'll be a couch out here in the end. But I just kind of need this to be a special place for me and Dipi. At least to begin with. So that we can get away from all the craziness inside, and... reconnect. Just the two of us.
Seeing how emotional Shane is about it, Toadie accepts this, and leaves him to it, adding as he goes inside...
TOADIE: Dipi's gonna love it.
Harold's Café
Dipi is looking pensive and emotional in the kitchen, when Sheila comes in in search of some milk.
SHEILA: It was an excuse to finally corner you, cos you're a hard woman to pin down.
DIPI: Sorry, I've been a bit busy lately.
SHEILA: Yeah, well, don't apologise, love, because I'm always here if you need to talk. So, how are things with Shane?
DIPI: It hasn't been easy. He's trying, but it's just not the same.
SHEILA: Of course it isn't.
DIPI: Lately things have been complicated. And I know there are things that I need to let go. But I just don't feel ready.
Sheila advises Dipi not to just focus on what she's lost, or else that's all she'll ever feel; the hurt and the anger will stop her from having the chance to grieve. Once she realises that, she can find peace and move on.
SHEILA: You're gonna get through this, love. I just know it.
No 32
Shane has come round to drop off a pot plant with David and Nicolette, as a 'peace offering' for all the noise during the renovations. We learn Shane bought this and the plants in the sun-room from Sonya's Nursery; David thinks this was a very thoughtful gesture, and he's sure Toadie and Dipi will appreciate it. Shane hopes so.
SHANE: When you've been together as long as me and Dipi, sometimes words get a little bit lost. I racked my brains over what I could do to let her know how much she means to me. And I realised that showing her was much better than just telling her.
David's sure Dipi will understand where he's coming from. As Nicolette listens to them talk, she looks conflicted, aware of how Dipi is secretly betraying Shane...
Harold's Café
Dipi is wiping down tables when Paul saunters in, whistling.
DIPI (terse): What do you want?
PAUL: I'll have a caffe latte, thanks... Maybe you've got more sense than I gave you credit for. Because maybe I'm going about this the wrong way. Cos Pierce won't talk to me, but maybe he'll talk to you. So I want you to tell him to get off the street. Get out of Erinsborough, and take that imbecilic kid of his with him.
DIPI (incredulous): What?! No!
PAUL: Well, it's for the best.
DIPI: For you! Have you given any thought to how much it would hurt everyone involved if this ever came out?
PAUL: Umm... no, not really. But then, nor have you and Pierce, otherwise you wouldn't have done it in the first place, would you?
DIPI: You are unbelievable.
PAUL: Oh, Dipi. Unfortunately you got messed up with the wrong man, which means you're tied to the fallout. Kinda can't be helped.
DIPI: You don't have to do this, but you do it because you love lording it over anyone you can.
PAUL: Hang on, when did this become all about me?
DIPI: Since you made it about your power play against Pierce. You know the only way you get ahead is by playing dirty. That's the difference between you and him.
PAUL: Oh, yeah - and the fact that I always win.
DIPI: No, Pierce is a kind, empathetic man. You? You are nothing but an ugly, evil little one. Get your coffee somewhere else!
The Waterhole
Chloe has retrieved the home-made wine from her first date with Pierce from Aaron's place, and now has it with her as she chats to Terese. She's hoping that producing it at their dinner can be symbolic of a change for the better in their relationship.
TERESE: Given what happened to the 'Chloe Greyson' wine, I am pretty sure Pierce will be grateful for the gesture.
CHLOE: That's not all I'm hitting him with tonight. Well, not figuratively, of course! I'm going to tell Pierce that I want us to start IVF (...) It feels like the right thing.
TERESE: Are you sure? Is this because of Aaron and David?
CHLOE: Yes and no. But now we're sorting out our relationship, the time feels perfect.
TERESE: Well, I'm really happy for you.
CHLOE: But the kicker is, I would want our baby to grow up with their cousin. And that means staying in Erinsborough.
TERESE: Yeah, well - I'd certainly hate to lose my assistant. And my neighbour. Anyhow, I would wish you luck for tonight, but somehow I don't think you need it.
CHLOE: Me neither.
They laugh.
Nicolette is creeping around the hotel again. She lets herself into Pierce's room for a second time, and retrieves the necklace from his half-packed case. She then slips out again.
The Waterhole
Nicolette comes in and asks Sheila if she's seen Chloe. Sheila hasn't, so Nicolette takes a seat at the bar, and earwigs on a conversation Paul and Terese are having nearby.
They're talking about Chloe booking out the Terrace for her romantic meal with Pierce later. Paul remarks that it seems like a waste of money to him. Terese says she really hopes Pierce and Chloe can reconcile, despite Paul's feelings about Pierce. Reminding Paul that Pierce is moving home tonight, Terese tells him to keep his cynicism to himself.
TERESE: You know, it would be so nice not to have a drama on the street for a change.
Sheila, who is passing, agrees that it would be nice to have some 'happily-ever-afters', for both Chloe and Pierce, and also Shane and Dipi. Nicolette furtively examines the necklace in her bag, looking conflicted as to what she should do with it. Then, she gets up and leaves.
No 30
David is the latest to examine Shane's much-vaunted new sun-room, and tells Shane and Toadie he is very impressed. Shane thinks it's helped with his recovery, keeping his hands and his head busy.
SHANE: When I checked out of rehab, all I could think about was fixing things with Dipi and the family, being there for them. This is somewhere we can all hang out together - or just come out to be on our own.
David says Shane should be really proud of himself.
TOADIE: I get it now. Why you put the herb garden there. Sonya would've loved it.
SHANE: Yeah.
TOADIE: Thanks for thinking of her.
David wishes Shane luck with his grand reveal to Dipi, and leaves them to it. Shane texts Dipi to find out what time she'll be back, to make sure he's ready. Toadie says he's ready already - and he's sure Dipi won't be late, as she knows how important this is to him.
But Dipi is just arriving at Pierce's hotel room. He tells her he's just packing to leave, but has realised the necklace is missing...
Harold's Café
Nicolette carefully takes the necklace from her bag, waits till the extra serving at the counter has gone into the kitchen, then carefully places the necklace in plain view near the herbal teas on the shelf behind the counter.
A moment later, Chloe comes in, having been summoned by Nicolette, on the pretext of wanting Chloe's advice about moving-in-present ideas for Jane to buy for David and Aaron.
In Pierce's room, Pierce and Dipi are baffled by the disappearance of the necklace; they establish that Pierce didn't give it to Dipi the last time she was here, so decide it must've been stolen. Pierce says he'll have to report it, and claim it on insurance; but Dipi is sad, as the necklace is where their liaison began.
DIPI: To have it stolen is just a horrible way to end things.
Harold's Café
Chloe promises Nicolette she'll think about ideas for Jane's present, but is too focused on getting to the Terrace for now, to check everything's ready for her dinner with Pierce. Nicolette looks put out.
CHLOE: I thought you said you wanted me to be happy.
CHLOE: Then, please, just be happy. You're a good friend, and I would hate for us to fall out over this.
NICOLETTE: I meant what I said, Chloe. You only deserve good things.
Pierce tells Dipi that, regardless of how their affair ends, he doesn't regret a single moment.
DIPI: Neither do I. But I'm sad it has to end.
PIERCE: Well, if it didn't, the chances of Shane and Chloe finding out... it's just too risky. And I don't want to hurt them because of what we did.
DIPI (upset): I don't either. Sorry, I thought I could come here without getting upset, and say goodbye. And the whole day, I was just convincing myself that this was the best thing to do. And it is, but... just seeing you.
PIERCE: We don't have to rush anything. Let me make a phone call.
Harold's Café
Chloe is still with Nicolette, when she gets a call from Pierce. He tells her his meeting's been pushed back, so asks if they can do dinner even later. While Chloe's on the phone, Nicolette uses the opportunity to put Chloe's key card to Pierce's room, which she'd taken to snoop around, back in its wallet.
CHLOE (on the phone): I thought you were looking forward to this as much as I am.
PIERCE: I am. I'll make it up to you. I promise.
CHLOE: Well, I will hold you to that.
Chloe hangs up, very disappointed.
Pierce smiles at Dipi.
PIERCE: Now we can take our time. Say goodbye properly.
He approaches her as she sits on the bed, undoing his belt. She stands, and starts to undress as well.
Harold's Café
With her dinner put back again, Chloe decides she can help Nicolette brainstorm present ideas after all.
NICOLETTE: Great, I'll get you a herbal tea. What flavour would you like?
Chloe looks in the direction of the herbal teas, where of course, she sees the necklace, as Nicolette intended.
CHLOE: That looks like...
She goes to retrieve it. Nicolette looks quietly guilty.
CHLOE: It is! This is the necklace that Pierce gave me. I thought he returned it.
NICOLETTE: Well, how could it be here?
CHLOE: I have no idea. I guess I'll ask him at dinner.
Chloe puts the necklace in her bag.
NICOLETTE: Or you could ask him now. He's probably back in his hotel room, packing before his meeting. You could sort it out, and then you can enjoy your dinner.
CHLOE: Yeah. Yeah, that's probably for the best. I don't want anything to mess with tonight.
Chloe leaves to go and talk to Pierce, a conflicted Nicolette wishing her luck as she goes.
No 30
A despondent Shane is still waiting for Dipi to turn up for the sun-room's unveiling. He gets a text from her, saying she's caught up at work and will be home later. Toadie emerges to tell Shane that dinner's ready, but he's not really hungry.
TOADIE: Dipi will be home soon, mate.
SHANE: Yeah. She was supposed to be home ages ago. She knew how important this was.
TOADIE: Well, I mean, to be fair, she knew how important it was to you, but not that it was specifically for her.
SHANE: I thought I made it clear, but... obviously not.
TOADIE: I wouldn't read too much into it.
SHANE: Nah, it's not just that. Sitting here waiting... makes me think about all the times I let Dipi down. How she must've felt.
TOADIE: I don't think she's done it deliberately.
SHANE: No, but I didn't mean it every time, either. It's not a very nice feeling.
Chloe is approaching Pierce's hotel room, and hears a woman's laughter coming from inside. She uses her key card to open the door, and walks in - to see an undressed Dipi in the bed, and Pierce leaning over her in his undies, about to kiss her. Pierce and Dipi turn to look at Chloe in horror. Pierce leaps off the bed and into his jeans.
PIERCE: Chloe... It's not...
But a shellshocked Chloe is already out of the door. Dipi and Pierce look horrified.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Dipi and Chloe both looking miserable
- Chloe shouts at Pierce that he's only sorry he got caught
- Shane asks an upset- looking Dipi to explain it to him; is it a revenge thing?
- Chloe asks Pierce, 'do you love her?'
- Nic tells Aaron and David that Pierce is a cheating low- life; they must protect Chloe from him
- Chloe visits Dipi, telling Yashvi they're 'a bit beyond good manners', given what Dipi's done