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Neighbours Episode 8445 from 2020 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8444 - 8446>>
Episode title: 8445 (The School Siege)
Australian airdate: 07/09/20
UK airdate: 28/09/20
Writer: Rene Zandveld
Director: Chris Adshead and Scott Major
Guests: Rose Walker: Lucy Durack
Dax Braddock: Dean Kirkright
Richie Amblin: Lachie Millar
Kurt Bridges: Jeff Gobbels
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- Shane going into rehab.
- Rose being sprung looking through Toadie's files by Hendrix.
- Hendrix obtaining a price (Mackenzie's speech) for keeping quiet about what Rose was up to.
- Mackenzie realising that Harlow is reading out her speech.
- Yashvi suspended from work pending an official investigation.
- Dax finding out about Levi having epilepsy... then switching his meds after breaking into #26.
- Yashvi cracking the drugs case and asking Levi for help.
- Levi confirming he is heading to help Yashvi... but collapses having an epileptic seizure.
- Dax holding Yashvi captive and being told assistance is on its way.
Number 26
Kyle is the first to spot Levi still having his seizure on the floor when he and Sheila arrive home. He is just about to call for an ambulance when Bea comes into the house and tells Kyle not to call for one and instead, starts to call his name.
Erinsborough High
Susan has barely got all the pupils... well Richie and Mackenzie into the only classroom when Dax, frogmarching Yashvi, arrives in there too. He orders Susan to put her phone down (she was calling the police) and demands to know where Lacy is but nobody knows where she is. To make sure nobody contacts the police, Dax orders Mackenzie to get everyone's phone and put them into the bin... where he then pours a jug of water on top of them! "You're just making things worse," Yashvi says to Dax but he instead warns her into not doing anything by threatening to use the taser on Susan.
Harold's café
Toadie is in collecting some sugar fixes for the kid's aka milkshakes, when Rose arrives at the back of him. She confirms she's locked up and manages to get Toadie to buy her a milkshake too as the pair banter back and forth.
Dipi scores herself some extra work when Pierce asks if she can do the catering for Chloe's baby shower (beetroot burgers!) and she readily agrees to his request.
Everyone is surprised when they spot who has just walked into the café - Shane!
Erinsborough High
It looks like either Richie or Yashvi are going to make a move to get Dax, but Susan warns them to keep calm and not do anything daft for her sake. Yashvi tries to get Dax to talk, but he's familiar already with "crisis negotiation 101," having taught the class and taunts that she "can't out negotiate" him before ordering Yashvi to shut up.
Harold's café
Shane might have wanted to stay in rehab as both Dipi and Toadie look ready to tear strips off him as we await an explanation! He eventually explains to them that rehab wasn't "really for me long term," which he then further clarifies as that he couldn't stay away knowing that there were issues between him and his wife. Dipi isn't at all amused he is back, even after Shane says he is back for their marriage, and walks away from where the trio are seated.
DIPI: I can't be around you right now.
Number 26
As Levi comes around, Kyle can't believe they didn't call for an ambulance. Sheila mentions about Levi having epilepsy as a kid but that he hasn't had a fit for years, which has Kyle wondering why it happened now. When Levi indicates he doesn't want a doctor involved, Sheila ignores his wishes to go call Clive.
Slowly, Levi is starting to remember the things that happened before the seizure and eventually remembers that Yashvi needed his help and why. "I'll call the police," Bea says taking charge of the situation.
Erinsborough High
So there is more pupils around the school - Harlow is giving Hendrix what for about using Mackenzie's speech as they (and Paul) walk along the bottom corridor. She is that incensed about what Hendrix did, that she fires him as her campaign manager!
Meanwhile in the classroom, while Richie distracts Dax over keeping him and letting the females go, Yashvi whispers to Mackenzie wondering why the back-up hasn't arrived yet after she called Levi.
After Richie is told to sit down, Dax orders Yashvi away from Mackenzie and rants at her about how she failed to do the one job she was asked to do - do what she was told! In turn, she asks why he'd blow his career "to be some low-level dealer.
YASHVI: Maybe you're the stupid one?
DAX: I was helping a friend. Loyalty, something you know nothing about.
Yashvi knows the friend Dax is referring to (Jamie Briggs) and doesn't seem at all impressed at his justification for doing this - helping support Briggs' family.
YASHVI: You didn't do it for anyone except yourself.
"Is that right," Dax replies then moves over towards where Susan is sitting and points the taser gun at her. Yashvi gives Dax a get out solution - if anyone was coming they'd be here by now, so tells him to lock them in the room and take off. He isn't tempted though, so she warns him that things will be much worse if something happens to Susan.
YASHVI: Go now, it's your only option.
DAX: Nah.
Outside in the corridor, Harlow tells the following Paul and Hendrix to keep quiet as they head towards the classroom to talk to Mackenzie... except she arrives bang in the middle of everyone being held hostage!
"Harlow run," Mackenzie yells when she sees who has pushed the door open. The lass quickly closes the door and we hear tell telling Paul and Hendrix to "go." Dax deploys his extendable baton ready to give chase and to stop Richie from following, he whacks the lad right in the ribs causing him to collapse to the ground.
Mackenzie rushes towards Richie as Dax locks the classroom before going chasing after the trio. They've split up - Hendrix going one way while Paul and Harlow go the other way. Despite Hendrix hoping to be the one to lead Dax away from the others, he has chosen the path Paul and Harlow went off in.
Paul and Harlow have made it to the ground floor and take refuge in the female toilet rather than heading outside! When he gets there, because the toilet door opens from the inside, Dax realises that he can't get in... so makes sure they can't get out by placing a conveniently handy hockey stick into the door handle preventing it from being depressed.
Back in the classroom, given that Richie is in urgent need of treatment, Yashvi plans on breaking one of the windows but just as she is about to put a chair through the window, she hears sirens. Dax arrives at the classroom just as Yashvi has finished the 'it's going to be alright' speech and he orders them all against the far wall.
Number 30
When he returns home with his brother, Toadie sincerely thanks Rose for stepping into the breech and babysitting the kids. Once she's left, Shane asks his brother to give him a break and has a go for using his PA to babysit the kids. Toadie would rather the kids didn't hear what their uncle said, but Shane is unrepentant and adds in that Dipi is ridiculous for storming off like she did.
TOADIE: Dipi stormed off because you're meant to be in rehab.
SHANE: (rolling his eyes) Oh yes, sitting there watching my marriage go down the drain... any idea what that's like?
TOADIE: Do you have any idea what your family has been going through?! No you don't, because all you really care about is yourself! Mate, Dipi is barely hanging on and Yashvi, she's been framed for bashing your drug dealer and she's been suspended from the force.
Shane looks stunned at hearing this news and asks why nobody told him. Angrily Toadie replies that his brother had one job - working on his recovery "so that you could be a better husband and a better dad."
"I am," Shane protests, citing that he is "on top of the addiction," and "has to be where I'm needed," adding that he can sort the rest while he is home. Toadie isn't impressed and makes it known to his brother that he "still doesn't get it."
The Waterhole
Dipi unloads her frustration about Shane leaving rehab early to Pierce. "I don't want him here so we can work on our marriage," she wants Shane "to prove that he's prepared to work on himself" and him "failing from rehab" is telling her the opposite. "Am I being unreasonable?" she asks and thanks Pierce after he replies, "not at all." "I don't understand why he's doing this to you," Pierce admits, as he'd "do anything to make Chloe happy."
DIPI: You're a good man.
PIERCE: From my perspective, it just seems like Shane's thinking about himself.
Their chat is interrupted when Sheila calls to tell Dipi what is happening at the school. As she is relaying the info to Pierce, Karl overhears and is immediately concerned for his wife.
Erinsborough High
Dax is trying to figure out how one of the captees called the police, even though as Yashvi points out he "drowned" the phones. Yashvi telling Dax to "turn yourself in," doesn't go down very well and when she goes to check on Richie, she's warned to get back otherwise he will get "another broken rib."
Number 26
Levi is feeling guilty about not being able to help Yashvi and wants Kyle to drive him there. Sheila reminds him that if he had gone, he'd have had his seizure there instead and demands that he goes to see a specialist and get medication. Bea at this point decides enough is enough and forces Levi to come clean with his family that his seizures never went away.
Erinsborough High
Dax tries to ignore his ringing phone, despite Yashvi saying they will just keep on calling until he does answer, he wants the time instead to think.
Meanwhile Paul tries to get the toilet door to open, but with how Dax has wedged the hockey stick in, it isn't budging.
Street somewhere
Dipi leaves another message for Yashvi as Pierce drives them to the school. She relays the news that Karl is saying there is no answer from Susan's phone either. "Let's try not to panic," Pierce says, even though he looks concerned that Hendrix hasn't called him.
Erinsborough High
Both Yashvi and Susan plead with Dax to let Richie go as the lad needs medical attention. However the tension, and his constantly ringing phone, eventually get Dax to react and he angrily throws his mobile against the whiteboard. He orders the ladies "not to move" as he unlocks the door and rushes out. Yashvi ignores the warning and tells the others to "wait here" while she exits the classroom to try and find Dax.
Dax has made his way towards the lower rear exit but has to turn back when he spots a police car arrive outside.
Erinsborough High (outside)
Despite the police radio saying what was happening at the school hours ago, it appears the cavalry have only now just arrived!
Erinsborough High
Dax uses a fire extinguisher and hits some sort of socket on the wall which causes the power to go off in the school. In the darkness, he runs down the now darkened corridor.
In the classroom, Mackenzie wants to use the darkness to get out, but Susan isn't keen, reminding her that Yashvi said for them to wait. Richie wants to go, so Susan tells them both "to stay close" as they carefully make their way out of the classroom.
Erinsborough High (outside)
The officer in charge (Kurt Bridges) relays instructions to Team B to wait and not breech the school.
Erinsborough High
Back inside and Susan tells the pupils to stay near to her as she plans to lead them to safety via the courtyard exit.
Mackenzie thinks it's Richie who is behind her... it isn't Dax and finds herself being tasered!
Meanwhile Paul finally manages to dislodge the hockey stick so Harlow and he can finally get out of the toilets... but looks like they've taken a wrong turn and instead of going left to the exit, turn right and thus are heading back into the school itself! Given Paul's disability, he orders Harlow to go ahead of him and he will be right behind her.
Yashvi prowls the darkened corridors looking for Dax.
Erinsborough High (outside)
A tearful Harlow reaches an exit and tells the officer that meets her about Paul and Hendrix also being inside.
Dipi and Pierce arrive at the school and call Karl to see if he has arrived too. He confirms he is at the main entrance but adds that the police won't let him out of his car. "So we're just supposed to sit here and wait?" a dumbfounded Dipi says and Karl hangs up to call the hospital to see what they have heard. Pierce does his best (and offers his hand) to reassure Dipi that it will be okay.
DIPI: You don't know that.
Pierce reminds Dipi that Yashvi "knows what she is doing" and that Mackenzie is "brave" when Dipi fears that the girls "must be so scared."
PIERCE: I just hope that Hendrix doesn't do something stupid.
Its Dipi's turn to reassure him that the lad won't do anything daft, because he is "street smart."
DIPI: You're right, they will be okay.
Team B are just about to breech the school when Paul reaches the exit and is relieved to see Harlow safe outside. He confirms he hasn't seen Hendrix as it is too dark.
Karl calls Dipi and Pierce with an update - the hospital are sending more ambulances. "Do they know what's happening?" Dipi asks and he replies no, because the power was cut from inside.
KARL: They don't know who is in there or what the situation is.
Karl decides he is done with the waiting, so ends the call to exit his car, to "go find my wife."
Erinsborough High
Dax, with his extended baton, stands inside the doors looking out at the multitude of police cars. He eventually hears the approaching Yashvi and turns to strike her with the baton, but in the dark he misses her as she ducks down. As he misses, she is able to disarm him and then decks him with a punch seconds before one of the riot police officers reaches them.
Erinsborough High (outside)
A handcuffed Dax is led out of the building by his colleagues towards a waiting police car.
Yashvi, with the aid of a borrowed phone, calls her mum to let her know she is safe.
YASHVI: It's all over now.
Pierce asks after Hendrix and she replies that she hasn't seen him. We then hear Harlow explain that the lad has apparently got out via a side entrance and relays news that he is okay. "Thanks Harlow," a relieved Pierce replies after hearing his good news.
Concern now turns to Mackenzie and Susan, as neither have come out.
Erinsborough High
We cut back inside to see Susan performing CPR on Mackenzie. "Come on," she repeatedly says to the girl as she compresses her chest.
Just at that, the power is restored, almost blinding Karl with the sudden brightness and he turns around and sees what Susan is doing.
SUSAN: Karl, she's not breathing.
Karl rushes over to where Mackenzie is lying and takes over doing CPR from Susan.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Shane telling Roxy to get in the queue if she's wanting to have a go,
- Jane asking Nicolette if she wants to have children with Chloe.
- Nicolette volunteering to go with Chloe to get some fresh air.
- Hendrix wanting Rose to come clean to Toadie.
<<8444 - 8446>>
Kyle Canning, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8445
Kyle Canning, Levi Canning

Yashvi Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy, Dax Braddock in Neighbours Episode 8445
Yashvi Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy, Dax Braddock

Toadie Rebecchi, Rose Walker in Neighbours Episode 8445
Toadie Rebecchi, Rose Walker

Dipi Rebecchi, Pierce Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8445
Dipi Rebecchi, Pierce Greyson

Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8445
Shane Rebecchi

Yashvi Rebecchi, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Richie Amblin in Neighbours Episode 8445
Yashvi Rebecchi, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Richie Amblin

Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8445
Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Bea Nilsson, Kyle Canning, Levi Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8445
Bea Nilsson, Kyle Canning, Levi Canning, Sheila Canning

Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8445
Bea Nilsson

Paul Robinson, Harlow Robinson, Hendrix Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8445
Paul Robinson, Harlow Robinson, Hendrix Greyson

Richie Amblin, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Yashvi Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy, Dax Braddock in Neighbours Episode 8445
Richie Amblin, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Yashvi Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy, Dax Braddock

Paul Robinson, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8445
Paul Robinson, Harlow Robinson

Dax Braddock in Neighbours Episode 8445
Dax Braddock

Richie Amblin, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8445
Richie Amblin, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Rose Walker, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8445
Rose Walker, Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8445
Toadie Rebecchi

Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8445
Shane Rebecchi

Karl Kennedy, Pierce Greyson, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8445
Karl Kennedy, Pierce Greyson, Dipi Rebecchi

Susan Kennedy, Dax Braddock in Neighbours Episode 8445
Susan Kennedy, Dax Braddock

Levi Canning, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8445
Levi Canning, Kyle Canning

Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8445
Sheila Canning

Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8445
Dipi Rebecchi

Richie Amblin in Neighbours Episode 8445
Richie Amblin

Kurt Bridges in Neighbours Episode 8445
Kurt Bridges

Dax Braddock in Neighbours Episode 8445
Dax Braddock

Paul Robinson, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8445
Paul Robinson, Harlow Robinson

Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8445
Yashvi Rebecchi

Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8445
Harlow Robinson

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8445
Karl Kennedy

Pierce Greyson, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8445
Pierce Greyson, Dipi Rebecchi

Dax Braddock in Neighbours Episode 8445
Dax Braddock

Dax Braddock, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8445
Dax Braddock, Yashvi Rebecchi

Dax Braddock in Neighbours Episode 8445
Dax Braddock

Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8445
Yashvi Rebecchi

Yashvi Rebecchi, Kurt Bridges, Dax Braddock in Neighbours Episode 8445
Yashvi Rebecchi, Kurt Bridges, Dax Braddock

Pierce Greyson, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8445
Pierce Greyson, Dipi Rebecchi

Paul Robinson, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8445
Paul Robinson, Harlow Robinson

Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8445
Mackenzie Hargreaves

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8445
Susan Kennedy

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