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Neighbours Episode 9045 from 2024 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<9044 - 9046>>
Episode title: 9045 (Haz's sister, Amira, arrives for a visit)
Australian and UK airdate: 21/05/24
Writer: Megan Herbert
Director: Scott Major
Guests: Amira Devkar: Maria Thattil
Dr. Gavin Bowman: Cameron MacDonald
Dr. Stevie Hart: Jazz Bell
- "So Much Love" by Beds And Beats
Summary/Images by: Liam/Jeremai
Previously on Neighbours
- Terese is excited that Shirley Burchmore, a well- to- do local lady, will be taking a tour of Eirini Rising
- But Shirley seems unimpressed by Susan's answers to her questions, leading to Terese/Susan friction
- Toadie steps in and offers Shirley and her friends free legal services if they buy into Eirini Rising
- Remi's colleague Dr Gavin Bowman offers his support when she considers going for a promotion
- Remi is the only one who seems to remember it's Karl's last day, and invites him for a drink at the pub
- Susan thanks Remi for being the 'lure' to get Karl to his surprise party
- But feeling neglected, Karl bails on the drink with Remi and asks Aaron out on a bike ride instead
- Mackenzie tells Holly that she wants to find Haz's family
Erinsborough Hospital
Mackenzie checks in with Dr Bowman, asking how Haz is doing. Dr Bowman says there's no change, but tells Mackenzie Haz can't have any visitors at present.
DR BOWMAN: It's a request from the family.
MACKENZIE: But his family isn't here.
DR BOWMAN: His sister arrived this afternoon. She requested no additional visitors.
MACKENZIE: Right... well, it's good she's here, then.
Mackenzie goes on her way, and looks through the ward window into Haz's room, where she can see his sister Amira sitting by his bedside, holding his hand.
The Waterhole
As Karl's farewell- partygoers continue to await the man of the hour, a worried Susan is fiddling with her phone when Wendy comes over with a drink for her.
WENDY: Susan - here, have a Piña Karl- ada!
Wendy tells Susan that she's sure Karl will arrive at the party any minute. Meanwhile, Toadie and Terese arrive - and the sight of Terese stresses Susan out even more. They go over to join her, and Susan reveals that Karl is running late.
Meanwhile, Cara and Remi are at a table chatting to Dr Stevie Hart, another colleague from the hospital. They raise a toast to a double celebration - Karl's farewell and Remi's promotion to senior medical officer. Remi's delighted that she can officially talk about it now all the team has been notified.
Susan comes over to ask Remi if she's heard from Karl, saying he should be here by now. Remi checks her phone and realises that Karl messaged a little while ago, asking to reschedule. Cara says there must be another way to get Karl here.
Erinsborough Hospital
In Haz's room, Amira notices Mackenzie standing outside, who smiles at her through the glass. Amira comes out and asks Mackenzie who she is, and how she knows her brother.
MACKENZIE: It's a bit complicated. We were friends and housemates, and then we dated, up until recently.
AMIRA: So, you're the ex.
MACKENZIE: Yeah. But we're still close.
AMIRA: Yeah. You ran him over.
MACKENZIE: ... Um, yeah. I was driving the car. But I was trying to find him -
AMIRA: You know what? The police told me what happened, okay? So I think you should go.
MACKENZIE: I'd like to stay.
AMIRA: You know what? It's not up to you. Okay, it's a family matter now, so thanks for holding the fort, but I'll take it from here.
Mackenzie looks dejected as Amira walks away, but does as she's told and leaves.
No 24
Karl is with Aaron at his place following their bike ride, and Susan, having seen Karl's bike out the front, comes to find her husband. She tells him she wanted to take him out to dinner to celebrate; but Karl's not really feeling it after his disappointing last day at work, deciding he wants a long bath and an early night instead. While Karl drinks water, Susan gestures behind his back to Aaron to convince him to come to dinner.
AARON: Hey, Karl, I really think you should... probably just let Susan spoil you.
SUSAN: Yeah.
KARL: Oh, you cheeky devil. You've got us a table at Attica. The multi- course tasting menu with matching wines.
SUSAN: I tried. All booked out. *But*, I did get us a spot at the Waterhole!
KARL: Hmm, woo- hoo (!)
SUSAN: Oh, I'm sorry, darling. I know it's not what you were expecting. But I'm starving - you must be too. So come on.
Karl reluctantly agrees to go, once he's had a shower back at home. Susan gestures to Aaron again as they leave.
Harold's Café
Mackenzie is telling Holly about Amira banning her from seeing Haz. Holly thinks it's unfair, given Amira and her parents disowned Haz, but Mackenzie thinks it's good that Amira's in town at least.
MACKENZIE: She's probably in shock seeing him like that - feeling guilty, overprotective.
HOLLY: Okay, that is her problem. You need to go back down there and tell her to back off.
MACKENZIE: No, I can't do that! Besides, it's my turn here.
HOLLY: Well, I'll take care of things here. Go.
Mackenzie points out that Holly should be at Karl's party, but she promises to get someone in to cover her here, and again tells Mackenzie to return to the hospital.
HOLLY: Stand up for yourself. Haz would want you to keep visiting.
Mackenzie agrees.
Erinsborough Hospital
Mack returns to Haz's room, and Amira comes out to speak to her.
MACKENZIE: I know you don't think I should be here, but I would like to explain something. I have been with Haz every day since the accident - looking after him, making sure he's comfortable, keeping his business running. And I'd like to keep doing that.
MACKENZIE: Because I still care about him.
AMIRA: You broke up with him and then you put him in a coma. Okay? The only reason you're here is guilt.
MACKENZIE: And if we hadn't told the police to track you down and tell you what happened, you wouldn't be here at all.
AMIRA: I don't have to explain myself to you.
Amira walks back into the room, but Mackenzie follows.
MACKENZIE: Look, the reason I broke up with Haz is because I was struggling to deal with his past. I know you understand that. You felt it too - it's why you cut him off, right?
AMIRA: You know what? I shouldn't even be talking to you. According to the police, Haz was trying to help, okay? He was trying to make things right. And then you turn up. I think we both know what happened next.
MACKENZIE: Are you implying I hit him deliberately?
AMIRA: Your words. I just think it's really convenient that the person who ran him over is here playing nurse every day.
MACKENZIE: I have been here the whole time while you have been absent. So if you feel guilty about it, then don't take it out on me.
AMIRA: Says the criminal. Just putting in the hours to cover her crime.
Mackenzie tells Amira these are baseless accusations, and threatens to call security. Amira tells her to go ahead; she'll only tell them to throw Mack out. But at that point, there's a noise from the bed; Haz has woken up.
HAZ: What's all the noise?
MACKENZIE: Hey! Hey, it's okay - we're here. I'm here.
Mackenzie calls for Dr Bowman.
The Waterhole
Susan brings Karl into the pub, closely followed by Aaron. Karl's so busy trying to call the posh restaurant to see if they have any last- minute bookings, that he doesn't notice his friends and colleagues gathered for the surprise party until they shout out.
ALL: Surprise!
As well as Remi, Cara, Dr Stevie, Terese, Toadie and Wendy, Holly is now here, and numerous extras. Karl is thrilled, admitting he thought everyone had forgotten.
REMI: Oh, we've been plotting for weeks! Here are some thank- yous, memories and career highlights.
Remi passes him a giftwrapped box.
REMI: The way that your friends and colleagues talk about you, there is no doubt the mark you've made.
KARL: Thank you, thank you - this means so much, honestly.
Inside the box is a bound memory book, kind of like the Ramsay Street history book but just about Karl's doctoring! Included are pictures of some of the Ramsay Street babies he's delivered - Oscar Scully, Kerry Mangel, and of course Nell Rebecchi.
KARL: This community's been through a lot.
STEVIE: And you've helped them through.
KARL: Thank you, Stevie.
Wendy decides it's time for a toast, and Susan does the honours.
SUSAN: To my wonderful husband, Dr Karl Kennedy. To all you have achieved, and new adventures ahead. To Karl.
ALL: To Karl!
Erinsborough Hospital
Dr Bowman tells Amira and Mackenzie that Haz is progressing well; he's ordered an MRI scan, and they need to check brain and organ function and run several tests.
DR BOWMAN: But the fact he's verbally responsive this early makes me optimistic.
MACKENZIE: Can we see him?
DR BOWMAN: I don't want him overstimulated so if you can, try to stagger your visits.
AMIRA: I'm gonna go first. Alone.
MACKENZIE: Okay, I can wait.
Amira goes in to see Haz, and takes his hand.
HAZ (whispering): You're here.
AMIRA: Of course I am, okay? And I'm not going anywhere.
HAZ: Thought I'd... never see you again.
She strokes his hair, encouraging him not to speak too much and to rest - as 'that's all that matters now'.
The Waterhole
Karl is bragging to Remi, Cara and Dr Stevie about the time he saved Brad Willis from an arsenic- laced tattoo!
STEVIE: I missed out on so much when I was in obstetrics!
Meanwhile, Toadie is amused by the 'daggy doctor dancing' on display from some of the extras; but Terese doesn't seem to share his amusement, and goes to get another drink. While she's gone, she chats to Susan and compliments her on a great party.
TERESE: You must be so proud of Karl.
SUSAN (dropping a large hint): Oh, I am. You know, I think his greatest achievement is working so well with his colleagues, despite their different approaches.
TERESE: Do you think we'll ever bounce back from this?
Susan clearly thinks Terese is talking about their friendship, and assures her that they will. But in fact Terese is talking about her relationship with Toadie, and she admits she isn't sure if she'll ever fully relax around him again.
SUSAN: ... Oh. Well, these things take time.
Meanwhile, Toadie is having a not dissimilar conversation with Karl. Toadie says he and Terese were having a great day, and it felt like 'us' again. But then he blew it.
TERESE (to Susan): As soon as he got close, this self- protective instinct just rose up.
SUSAN: Well, you're clearly not ready.
Across the room, Karl tells Toadie that he and Terese will get there if it's what they both want. But at that point, Dr Bowman turns up and greets Karl.
DR BOWMAN: I hear there's a party for some old bloke moving into aged care.
KARL: Hey, you watch it!
Karl introduces Toadie to Dr Bowman, who goes on to explain that he'd have been here earlier if it wasn't for the 'excitement in the ICU' of Haz waking up. Karl is pleased and quickly relays the news to Holly, who rushes off to the hospital to see him.
Erinsborough Hospital
Mackenzie gets a text from Byron, who is also pleased to have heard that Haz has woken up. Holly then arrives, and excitedly greets Mackenzie, but wonders why she's waiting outside. Mack explains that the doctor said to stagger visits so as not to overstimulate Haz - and that Amira's with him now. Holly is outraged on Mack's behalf that she's been barred having been here for Haz since the accident.
MACKENZIE: She's family.
HOLLY: No. That's cooked.
Holly prepares to go and have it out with Amira, but Mackenzie grabs her and asks her not to.
MACKENZIE: I'm trying to think about what's best for Haz. He was so sad about his family. It's good that she's come.
HOLLY: Well... she's gonna have to pee sometime. Or eat, or sleep.
Meanwhile, Amira is still with Haz. He asks if Mackenzie was here or if he dreamt it. Amira confirms that Mack was here, but when Haz asks if Mack knows he was working with the police to snare Wade, Amira tells him not worry about all that now.
HAZ: I want to talk to her. So that she understands.
AMIRA: Okay - but first, we get you better, okay? All that can come later.
The Waterhole
Karl's leaving party continues as he reads out a farewell card from Dr Stevie.
KARL (reading): Don't know what I'm gonna miss more - your dad jokes or your lemon curd. Aww, Stevie - I never knew you 'curd'!
She hugs him and bangs on a glass to signal that a speech is required.
KARL: Well, thank you everyone for a wonderful send- off. I don't think anyone would argue there is one special person who got me here, and I don't mean here tonight. Susan... your love and support - and advice, always wise - all that accounts for any success that I've enjoyed. And to my work colleagues, it's been an honour to work with you. So thank you, everyone, and woo! Let's party!
Dr Bowman comes over to congratulate Karl on his speech. But while he's there, Remi and Cara begin to dance over on the dancefloor, and Bowman looks over at them, smiling.
KARL: Can't convince you to hit the dancefloor?
Bowman exhales sharply as he continues to stare at Remi and Cara.
DR BOWMAN: Tempted. Think they've got room for one more?
Karl looks concerned at this, and doesn't respond.
DR BOWMAN: Nah. Better be a good boy tonight.
He winks at Karl and wanders off. Karl looks surprised and appalled.
Ramsay Street
The next morning, in the front garden of No 28, Susan asks Karl how he feels on the 'first day of the rest of your life'; pretty good, he replies. Remi and Cara greet them across the street, and concern crosses Karl's face as he recalls Dr Bowman's remarks from last night.
Once Cara and Remi have walked on, Karl tells Susan about Dr Bowman's remarks, which he says he found so surprising, he wasn't sure if he'd heard properly.
KARL: He was looking at Cara and Remi dancing. It was pretty crude, if you know what I mean.
SUSAN: Really?
KARL: Mm. I mean, I'd heard rumours that he was sleazy, but to be honest I never witnessed anything until now.
SUSAN: Wait, you're sure that he said... whatever he said?
KARL: Well, I couldn't quote him, no, but... it was just the way he was looking at them.
SUSAN: Oh! Well, this is someone that Remi has to work with.
KARL: I know.
SUSAN: And last night was a work function.
KARL: Yeah.
Karl goes for a bike ride to clear his head.
Harold's Café
Toadie and Terese are out for breakfast. Things still feel awkward, so Toadie finally brings up the incident that's been underlying it - his attempt to kiss her yesterday. But Terese speaks first, apologising for how she reacted. Toadie says the awkwardness has been on him, and apologises himself for putting her in that position. Terese insists it's fine - they're figuring things out.
TERESE: I mean, I'm not saying no. I'm just saying, you know, not yet. And maybe we could move a little slower?
Toadie agrees to this, and they hold hands.
Erinsborough Hospital
Haz looks pleased when Mackenzie appears at his door.
MACKENZIE: I've been wanting to see you all morning.
HAZ: I've been wanting to see you too.
MACKENZIE (relieved): I thought you'd never want to speak to me again. I just want you to know that I was only coming to stop you from working with Wade. I had no idea about the sting.
HAZ: Well, I would've told you, but...
MACKENZIE: But you were sworn to secrecy. The police told me everything... I should've trusted you. I should never have rushed in. It's my fault you're here.
HAZ: It was an accident. I don't blame you... I thought you wouldn't come.
MACKENZIE: Are you kidding? I've been here every day. Everyone has been so worried about you. Trevor hasn't been himself since it happened.
HAZ: I've missed him so much.
MACKENZIE: And he missed you... So did I.
HAZ: So, what... does that mean that you're okay with what I did?
MACKENZIE: I'm still working through it. But my feelings for you... they haven't gone away.
HAZ: Is there any chance we could be together again? Because I love you, Mackenzie, and I want to prove it to you, if you'll let me.
Amira appears then, to remind them about Haz getting overstimulated. Mackenzie says she'll go, but adds as she leaves...
MACKENZIE: I'm so happy you're awake.
Ramsay Street
Remi brings Cara a cuppa, and they sit on the back of the ute. Remi reports that she's just brought up the topic of schools again with JJ, but that he made a run for it; it seems he's avoiding deciding which school to go to. Cara points out that with only a little time left of the term, it might be as well to wait till after the holidays. Remi agrees, but says JJ needs to start pulling his weight in the meantime.
Karl arrives back from his bike ride, and reports to Susan in the front garden that he went past the hospital, so decided to pay a visit to HR to report what Dr Bowman said about Remi and Cara last night.
KARL: You were right. They work together; I can't believe I even hesitated. And I had a sense this is not the first time they've had a complaint about him.
SUSAN: Will you be implicated?
KARL: Oh, I don't care if I am! He has to understand this sort of behaviour is unacceptable, in or out of work hours.
SUSAN: Are you gonna tell Remi?
KARL: Well, HR is dealing with it. There's not much point.
Karl's stance on the incident earns him a kiss on the cheek from Susan. She says it's a reward for him taking action.
SUSAN: And in a different way, I think that's what I'm gonna have to do.
Harold's Café
Sure enough, Susan has convened with Terese. They discuss the progress between Terese and Toadie first, and Susan is pleased that Terese has spoken to him about it.
SUSAN: Honest communication - it's the only thing that works... And on that, there is something that I would like to clear up before we start another working week (...) Our meeting with Shirley.
TERESE: Oh, Susan, forget about it. Toadie stepped in. It was all fine in the end.
SUSAN: Well, I'm glad; but I could feel your frustration with me.
TERESE: Oh... well, I mean, I guess I was just hoping for a sale on the spot, and that you'd provide a little bit of razzle- dazzle. You know, pretend that mauve can be lilac.
SUSAN: I'm sorry, but I can't just tell people what they wanna hear, and embellish the facts to make some sort of hard sell. It's just not me.
TERESE: Are we actually debating colours here?
SUSAN: No, we're debating my role. I think it's best if I stick to my lane. And that way, I don't disappoint you.
Terese seems wrongfooted by this, but agrees and tells Susan the message has been received.
TERESE: I won't put you in that position again. I'm sorry.
SUSAN: Well, thank you.
But the atmosphere is now very awkward...
Erinsborough Hospital
Amira is fussing around Haz in his hospital room.
HAZ: You've really missed bossing me around, haven't you?
AMIRA: Hey, it's called love, doofus. And yes - I have missed it. Look, I know I interrupted a bit of a moment before. You were asking Mackenzie if she'll take you back? I think I can help. She feels betrayed. It's not gonna be easy for her to come back from.
HAZ: Did she tell you that?
AMIRA: She didn't need to. I've been there. You know, it took a really long time for me to get over it. But right now, you need to be around people who are gonna love you unconditionally, okay? Like your family. I've spoken to Mum and Dad, and we all agree you should come home.
HAZ: But my life is here.
AMIRA: They'll get you a place. They're gonna set up a new coffee shop. It's whatever you need. There's nothing for you here, Haz, okay? Not now. Come home. Come home to Margaret River.
Haz looks conflicted.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Karl tells Aaron and Susan that he's just seen the 'real public pooper'
- Amira is trying to convince Haz that his friends in Erinsborough might never forgive him, so why stay?
- Sadie tells Wendy she's been thinking about the time she kept the secret about Paul; Wendy asks why
<<9044 - 9046>>
Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9045
Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy, Susan Kennedy

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Amira Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9045
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Amira Devkar

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 9045
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Aaron Brennan

Holly Hoyland, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 9045
Holly Hoyland, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 9045
Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9045
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Dr Stevie Hart, Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy, Holly Hoyland, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 9045
Dr Stevie Hart, Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy, Holly Hoyland, Terese Willis

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9045
Karl Kennedy

Remi Varga-Murphy, Holly Hoyland, Aaron Brennan, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9045
Remi Varga-Murphy, Holly Hoyland, Aaron Brennan, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Wendy Rodwell

Amira Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Dr Gavin Bowman in Neighbours Episode 9045
Amira Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Dr Gavin Bowman

Terese Willis, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9045
Terese Willis, Susan Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9045
Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi

Dr Gavin Bowman, Holly Hoyland, Dr Stevie Hart, Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9045
Dr Gavin Bowman, Holly Hoyland, Dr Stevie Hart, Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi

Holly Hoyland, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 9045
Holly Hoyland, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Karl Kennedy, Dr Stevie Hart in Neighbours Episode 9045
Karl Kennedy, Dr Stevie Hart

Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9045
Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy

Dr Gavin Bowman, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9045
Dr Gavin Bowman, Karl Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9045
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9045
Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi

Haz Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9045
Haz Devkar

Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9045
Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy

Terese Willis, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9045
Terese Willis, Susan Kennedy

Terese Willis, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9045
Terese Willis, Susan Kennedy

Haz Devkar, Amira Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9045
Haz Devkar, Amira Devkar

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