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Neighbours Episode 3245 from 1999 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<3244 - 3246>>
Episode title: 3245 - The Full Monty!!
Australian airdate: 19/02/99
UK airdate: 05/05/99
UK Gold: 15/11/04
Writer: Kelly Lefever
Director: David Myles
- "Lie" by Tim Watson
- "One Good Reason" by Tim Watson
- "Tease Me" by Paul Kelly
Summary/Images by: Sayaka
A shirtless Karl is incredulous at being asked to do the Full Monty.
Toadie says no-one will pay for a Half Monty.
Bill telling Amy he won't do it. Amy refusing to take no for an answer.
Bill is telling Karl about his business. Bill says he has six orders for CD racks without even trying. Karl says anyone can make CD racks, but Susan disagrees.
Drew comes to pick up the Thunderbird. Karl goes out with him to say goodbye to the car. Bill says that Karl didn't make such a fuss when Mal left home(!) Susan grabs a bag of streamers and she and Bill follow Drew and Karl out.
Ramsay Street
Bill tells Anne he'll meet her later. She doesn't take him up on his invitation to say goodbye to the car. She says, "It's a car - get real!"
Susan asks Karl if he'd like to spend some time alone with the car(!). Karl says the car has been a trusty steed. Susan says the only thing they've been able to trust it to do is to break down! Karl says that noone understands. After a few tries(!) Drew finally gets the motor started. As he drives off, Susan gives streamers to Bill and Libby which they throw over the car! Karl is cross. Susan gives him a streamer which he drops dejectedly from his hand.
Libby chats to Susan about Mike's parents being difficult. Karl says he's going to replace the car with a motorbike(!) Libby is indignant - Karl nearly had heart failure when Darren gave her the scooter. The start to squabble, but Bill shouts over them - he needs a place to do his woodwork. Susan tells him they need a little bit longer to decide whether to back him or not.
The Coffee Shop
Amy is showing Anne a dress she's bought to compere the Full Monty benefit. She asks Harold if he's looking forward to it. By his face, he definitely isn't!
Anne gets a call to say that Phil can't come home until the court has reached a verdict.
Harold brings Amy and Anne's order and tries to chicken out of the Full Monty. But Amy isn't hearing him! Anne is going to Broome to join Ruth while Phil is away.
Bill comes in. Harold asks him if he's looking forward to the Full Monty. Bill isn't, and Harold admits he isn't either. He tries to get Bill's support in pulling out, but Bill says that Amy would kill them both(!)
The Pub
People are getting the set ready for the Full Monty. Lou asks Amy if all the guys are on board and she says they are. Drew comes in - he's nervous about the Full Monty too. Mike says he'd never do it - he couldn't think of anything more terrifying. Drew says it might not be so bad - he and Lou have a plan.
Bill sits Karl and Susan down and says he and Anne have come up with some ideas. Susan and Anne chat that Anne will miss the Full Monty because she's going to Broome. But Bill gets them back on to the subject at hand(!). He's going to defer going to Uni and take a part-time class instead. Anne and he have been out looking for a cheap workspace. He'll buy second-hand tools and advertise locally. If things don't go well, he'll fold up and go to Uni never year. Karl is impressed and agrees to give him financial backing. Bill is very excited and dances around the room. Karl says there's one condition - Bill puts himself between Karl and the audience during the "Full Monty" bit of the Full Monty!
Libby brings Drew flowers for "opening night"(!) He says noone has ever bought him flowers before. Drew says he feels like throwing up(!). Libby tells Drew she'll be right in the front row. He asks if she'd be more comfortable at the back or missing it entirely(!). But Libby says she wouldn't miss it for the world! She tells him to "break a leg". Drew says, "Now there's an idea!" Libby kisses him on the cheek and tells him not to be modest(!). She says he has to show Mike up for the chicken that he is. Then she hugs Drew and leaves.
The Pub
Lou and Amy are panicking because none of the guys have arrived. Amy suggests that Lou could take their place(!) but he's not impressed with that suggestion. Harold comes in and stammers that he felt he had to do it because it's for charity, but he's obviously terrified. Lou says noone has turned up and Harold will have to do the act on his own! Harold nearly passes out from fear.
Karl, Bill, Joel and Toadie are drinking beer and making excuses why they can't do the Full Monty. Apparently Susan has already left to sit in the front row with a camera(!). Karl has told her that if she takes any photos he'll divorce her! But Joel says that if Drew and Harold are prepared to go the whole way, so is he. The others discuss who will tell Lou they're not doing it.
Amy comes in and is very cross - Harold is already there and they can't get cold feet now. She asks them where Drew is. Karl says they can't do it without Drew - he's the only one who knows the steps(!). Amy tells them to get down the pub and get ready and she's not taking no for an answer. She goes off to find Drew.
The Pub
Libby and Susan arrive and sit at the front. For some unknown reason, Mike also sits with them(!). Susan says she can't wait to see Karl! She asks if Lou seemed odd to them, but Mike says Lou always seems a bit odd to him(!)
Amy is banging on the door shouting at Drew, saying everyone is relying on him. Drew is inside sitting on the step holding Libby's flowers. He shouts back that he can't do it. Amy says she is begging him on his knees.
Backroom of the Pub
Harold is looking very ill. Lou comes in and says it's nearly time for him to come on. At that moment, Toadie, Bill, Karl, Joel and Amy run in. The guys start to get ready. Amy tells Lou that Drew has chickened out. Lou asks how they can do without Drew who is the only one who knows the dance! Amy says the guys will just have to do their bests.
Karl calls to Harold who seems to have slipped into a catatonic state!
The Pub
Amy starts to announce the Full Monty. As she does so we see Drew slip in the door. He dashes across the front of the stage giving Amy a little wave.
Backroom of the Pub
Drew comes in. The others say, "Thank God you're here" and Toadie and Bill start to strip him off so he can get his suit on! The other guys are already dressed in suits. They are about to go out so they call to Harold. He is still in a catatonic state. Karl says, "It's OK, I've declared him unfit. Keep breathing, Harold!"
The Pub
Amy finishes her introduction and the music starts. All the women clap madly as the guys come out dressed in suits and hats. Susan, Libby and Amy crack up laughing. All the women cheer and clap as they start the dance.
They discard their jackets and throw them into the crowd, followed by their ties. Harold has recovered from his catatonic state and peeps out through the curtains.
The guys rip off their shirts. We see Lou with his hand near the light switch!
The guys rip off their trousers to reveal red boxer shorts and throw them into the crowd.
Finally the guys rip off their boxer shorts (one pair lands on Susan!) and use their hats for coverage! They all wait for Lou to turn off the lights, but he can't because the complaining man is still in the way!
<<3244 - 3246>>
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3245
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Billy Kennedy

Drew Kirk, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3245
Drew Kirk, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Drew Kirk in Neighbours Episode 3245
Drew Kirk

Anne Wilkinson, Harold Bishop, Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 3245
Anne Wilkinson, Harold Bishop, Amy Greenwood

Harold Bishop, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3245
Harold Bishop, Billy Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Billy Kennedy, Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 3245
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Billy Kennedy, Anne Wilkinson

Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3245
Billy Kennedy

Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3245
Billy Kennedy

Billy Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3245
Billy Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Libby Kennedy, Drew Kirk in Neighbours Episode 3245
Libby Kennedy, Drew Kirk

Drew Kirk, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3245
Drew Kirk, Libby Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Billy Kennedy, Joel Samuels, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 3245
Karl Kennedy, Billy Kennedy, Joel Samuels, Toadie Rebecchi

Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 3245
Amy Greenwood

Joel Samuels, Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3245
Joel Samuels, Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Billy Kennedy

Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 3245
Amy Greenwood

Drew Kirk in Neighbours Episode 3245
Drew Kirk

Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy, Mike Healy, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 3245
Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy, Mike Healy, Lou Carpenter

Amy Greenwood, Joel Samuels, Billy Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 3245
Amy Greenwood, Joel Samuels, Billy Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Lou Carpenter

Amy Greenwood, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 3245
Amy Greenwood, Lou Carpenter

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 3245
Harold Bishop

Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 3245
Amy Greenwood

Joel Samuels in Neighbours Episode 3245
Joel Samuels

Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3245
Billy Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy, Mike Healy in Neighbours Episode 3245
Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy, Mike Healy

Joel Samuels, Drew Kirk, Billy Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 3245
Joel Samuels, Drew Kirk, Billy Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi

Drew Kirk, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3245
Drew Kirk, Billy Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Joel Samuels in Neighbours Episode 3245
Karl Kennedy, Joel Samuels

Karl Kennedy, Joel Samuels, Drew Kirk, Toadie Rebecchi, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3245
Karl Kennedy, Joel Samuels, Drew Kirk, Toadie Rebecchi, Billy Kennedy

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 3245
Toadie Rebecchi

Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 3245
Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Joel Samuels, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3245
Toadie Rebecchi, Joel Samuels, Karl Kennedy

Drew Kirk, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3245
Drew Kirk, Billy Kennedy

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 3245
Toadie Rebecchi

Drew Kirk in Neighbours Episode 3245
Drew Kirk

Drew Kirk, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3245
Drew Kirk, Billy Kennedy

Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 3245
Lou Carpenter

Joel Samuels, Karl Kennedy, Billy Kennedy, Drew Kirk, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 3245
Joel Samuels, Karl Kennedy, Billy Kennedy, Drew Kirk, Toadie Rebecchi

Drew Kirk, Toadie Rebecchi, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3245
Drew Kirk, Toadie Rebecchi, Billy Kennedy

Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 3245
Lou Carpenter

Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Billy Kennedy, Drew Kirk, Joel Samuels in Neighbours Episode 3245
Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Billy Kennedy, Drew Kirk, Joel Samuels

 in Neighbours Episode 3245

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3245
Karl Kennedy

Joel Samuels in Neighbours Episode 3245
Joel Samuels

Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3245
Billy Kennedy

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