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Neighbours Episode 6847 from 2014 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6846 - 6848>>
Episode title: 6847 (Naomi Canning arrives)
Australian airdate: 25/03/14
UK airdate: 08/04/14
Writer: Sarah Duffy
Director: Jo O'Shaughnessy
Guests: Mark Brennan: Scott McGregor
Naomi Canning: Morgana O'Reilly
Summary/Images by: David/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Lauren wonders if they should find their daughter, but Brad says his family has to come first.
- Imogen knows Bailey and Amber are being weird around her and her parents are freaking out about something and she asks why.
- Bailey tells her that Brad and Lauren had a baby together.
- Rebecca tells Paul that she's going back to Sydney.
- Chris tells Kate that Mark is crazy about her.
- Kate kisses Mark.
Number 22
Imogen and Josh wonder how Brad and Terese couldn't tell them as Bailey and Amber knew before them. Brad says they had every intention of telling them, they were just trying to get their heads around it too. Josh realises this is why Amber has been weird around him. He's upset that they told Amber to keep quiet and made Josh think she had gone off him. Terese says as he had just had bad news about swimming, she thought they should wait, but all it did was make it worse. Imogen asks if they know where this other daughter is. They haven't decided on whether they should do a search yet. Imogen says she'll be about 20, a little older than Ned. She remarks that it is one hell of a family tree that they've got. Imogen storms off angrily.
Number 32
Amber tells Matt and Lauren about Imogen questioning Bailey, and him caving and telling her everything. She thinks they should never have had to keep the secret in the first place as it's been hard lying to Josh. Matt is sorry to have put her in that position. Amber gets a text from Josh 'I heard. I can't believe it.' Amber tells her parents that Josh knows, she leaves to talk to him. Lauren thinks she should call Terese, but Matt thinks she should give them space to digest it as a family. Lauren says that Kathy is still offering to put ads in the newspapers. Lauren is worried if she agrees that she might get her hopes up, and who knows if Brad and Terese will be on board with it. Matt thinks that they should have a discussion about it now all the kids know.
Lassiter's Complex
Kate and Mark are kissing, they think they really should order some food. Kate sees Paul walking towards Charlie's and she starts trying to hide. Paul doesn't know about them yet, and she wants to hang to this for a bit longer. She says that Paul doesn't think Mark makes her happy, but when he sees how 'totally over the moon' she is, he'll change his mind. Mark thinks she should tell him and get it over with. She has it all planned out, she'll cook him his favourite food for dinner, serve him his favourite wine, and when Paul's in a really good mood, then she'll bring Mark in. Mark thinks they should be upfront about it and get off on the right foot. Kate thinks he's right, and takes out her phone to call Paul as she won't do this face to face.
Paul finds boxes everywhere inside Charlie's, and questions Sheila. She's about to explain when Paul's phone rings. It's Kate inviting him to dinner, and he agrees. He hangs up, and Sheila explains there was a flood in the store room and she's waiting on the plumber to fix it.
PAUL: Is that it?
SHEILA: Well what other catastrophe would you prefer?
Paul tells her to move the boxes, it looks unprofessional and it's a safety risk. Sheila angrily tells him to keep his hair on, and he says that when he changes the name of the place, maybe he'll change the manager. Sheila asks how long he'll make everyone suffer because Rebecca has left. When Rebecca was here he wouldn't have noticed if Sheila's hair was on fire. It's not their fault that Rebecca left him. Paul says he doesn't want to see a box out of place when he returns.
Number 22 Back Yard
Imogen is doing yoga on the grass when Brad comes up to talk to her. She carries on, ignoring him at first. Imogen wonders how he can have five children to three different women. How could he be with Lauren and Beth so close together? She asks if he loved Lauren, but he can't answer that. She asks how he would respond if she or Josh went around behaving like that. Imogen doesn't understand how he can be so calm about this, their family is a complete mess.
Amber apologises to Josh for keeping secrets. Josh thought he was losing her, but she says that will never happen. She loves him for him, not his swimming. It's weird to think they share a half sister. It's all their families can talk about and think they should talk about something else, and start kissing to distract themselves.
Lassiter's Penthouse
Mark finishes helping Kate set up for the dinner with Paul. Kate is overly worried about making everything special, she wants everything to be perfect. Mark says that once Paul sees how happy she is he'll come around. Kate says she needs to relax, Mark starts kissing her and says he can help with that. Paul texts and says he will be half an hour late. Mark notes they can get a lot done in half an hour, and they fall on the couch together kissing.
Number 22
Brad is preparing dinner while Terese helps. Brad tells her how Imogen reacted earlier. Terese says that Imogen just got his attention and now she has to compete with someone else. It's understandable that she'd feel threatened by having someone else in her life. Brad assures her that both she and Imogen have nothing to worry about, they will always have his attention. Terese says Imogen has been through a lot and he should make sure this doesn't set her back.
Lassiter's Penthouse
Kate and Mark are kissing on the sofa when Paul arrives. They jump up as they weren't expecting him back for another 10 minutes. Kate didn't want him to find out this way, but she asks for him to be happy for them. Paul loves Kate and nothing would make him happier than to see her in a loving and caring relationship but Mark isn't the one and he will just hurt her again. Paul asks Mark to leave, but Kate tells him to stay as he's a part of her life now. Paul says Mark isn't welcome in his house. Kate says that either Mark stays or she goes. Paul says that's fine, she knows where the lift is. Kate and Mark leave.
Paul arrives at the bar.
PAUL: Scotch!
SHEILA: Scotch please, bar goddess would be even better!
PAUL: You do not want to push my buttons right now, trust me.
SHEILA: I don't want to push your buttons, ever, but I'll tell you what, it wouldn't take much.
Sheila thought that Paul was having dinner with Kate, but he changes the subject to the plumber. There was a crack in one of the old pipes, cost them an arm and a leg to fix. Sheila asks again about Kate, and Paul tells her that Mark Brennan and Kate are back together. It isn't good news as he left her heartbroken more than once. Paul is certain it will happen again, he's already turned Kate against him. Sheila says that Kate loves Paul and she isn't just about to dump her like Rebecca did. Paul asks Sheila to keep her thoughts about his romantic life to herself. She probably hasn't had a relationship since the 70s, so she should keep her mouth shut and run the bar. Sheila grabs her bag and tells Paul she's leaving early. She didn't take her break yesterday or today, so she will see him in three hours. Paul wonders what will happen with the bar. Warwick will be back from his break soon, until then Paul can just figure it out.
Number 24
Kate and Mark are discussing Paul's reaction. Mark can understand where Paul is coming from, he just wants the best for Kate. Kate says if Paul could accept that they're together then everything would be fine. Kate asks to stay here for a while to figure out what to do next. She'll collect her things from Paul tomorrow, by then maybe Paul will have cooled down.
Lauren is anxious as Brad and Terese still haven't replied. Lauren wonders if she should pop in on them, but Matt says that's the last thing they need, they'll get back to them when they're ready. Paul returns with Lauren's change and apologises for the wait. As Matt and Lauren leave, a woman walks in with a case of luggage. She goes to the bar ordering a glass of wine, and gets a bit anxious when Paul takes too long. Paul apologises, this isn't his usual job. He hasn't seen her around before, but that's because it's her first time in the area. Paul offers her the drink on the house and offers to show her around.
WOMAN: Thanks, but bartenders aren't my type.
PAUL: What if I said I was the owner?
WOMAN: Then I'd say you should fire yourself as you're clearly doing a terrible job.
PAUL: Ha ha, funny
WOMAN: (Taking a sip of wine) You're right, this is excellent. It seems a shame to enjoy it alone
PAUL: Would you like some company?
WOMAN: Would your boss mind?
PAUL: My boss would never let a beautiful woman drink alone.
Paul introduces himself, and she introduces herself as Naomi. He leaves to arrange a table for them.
Number 24
Imogen enters the room.
IMOGEN: You know it's weird to text me from inside the same house, right?
Brad says he wouldn't have to if she didn't spend the whole night in her room. He asks her to sit down. No matter what happens with this other child, nothing changes between them.
BRAD: I know I haven't been the perfect father, and I'm sorry I let you down. All of you, but you need to know that you are everything to me. From the moment you were born and I held you in my arms, I fell in love with you. And I promise whatever happens nothing or nobody will ever come between us, okay.
Imogen nods, and says she loves him too. Brad says she should finish her homework. Imogen is about to leave, them stops. She tells Brad to look for the daughter; it's the right thing to do. Terese is stunned by this. Imogen leaves. Brad asks Terese how she feels about it. Terese admits that the thought of him having this child is confronting and it was easier to ignore when the kids didn't know, but it's not about her. Brad has to do what he needs to do. Terese says that he has a daughter, he has a right to get to know her, and she has a right to know her dad. They hold hands.
Paul opens another bottle of wine, which happens to be Naomi's favourite. He also tells Naomi he's mayor of Erinsborough.
NAOMI: Wow, mayor, owner, part time bar worker, you're a busy man.
PAUL: Well that's how I roll.
NAOMI: Anything else you want to tell me about. Cars, yachts, super powers?
PAUL: I wouldn't want to give away all my secrets, well not all at once anyway.
They toast to new friends. Paul leaves to get some ice, and Naomi takes out her phone, looking at a map of Ramsay Street and nodding to herself.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Lou suggests they get the police involved in the search for the baby, but the only way to do that is to officially report a crime and report Lauren's mother.
- Brad says Kathy has robbed them of their daughter for 20 years, but Bailey thinks they can't send her to jail.
- Georgia sees a male customer checking Kyle out and says he has the hots for him.
- Naomi tells Paul she's catching up with someone she hasn't seen in a long time, it's perhaps somebody he knows.
<<6846 - 6848>>
Josh Willis, Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 6847
Josh Willis, Imogen Willis

Brad Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 6847
Brad Willis, Terese Willis

Lauren Turner, Matt Turner, Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 6847
Lauren Turner, Matt Turner, Amber Turner

Kate Ramsay, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6847
Kate Ramsay, Mark Brennan

Paul Robinson, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 6847
Paul Robinson, Sheila Canning

Imogen Willis, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 6847
Imogen Willis, Brad Willis

Amber Turner, Josh Willis in Neighbours Episode 6847
Amber Turner, Josh Willis

Kate Ramsay, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6847
Kate Ramsay, Mark Brennan

Brad Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 6847
Brad Willis, Terese Willis

Paul Robinson, Kate Ramsay, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6847
Paul Robinson, Kate Ramsay, Mark Brennan

Sheila Canning, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6847
Sheila Canning, Paul Robinson

Mark Brennan, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6847
Mark Brennan, Kate Ramsay

Lauren Turner, Matt Turner in Neighbours Episode 6847
Lauren Turner, Matt Turner

Naomi Canning, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6847
Naomi Canning, Paul Robinson

Terese Willis, Imogen Willis, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 6847
Terese Willis, Imogen Willis, Brad Willis

Terese Willis, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 6847
Terese Willis, Brad Willis

Naomi Canning, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6847
Naomi Canning, Paul Robinson

Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 6847
Naomi Canning

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