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Neighbours Episode 4688 from 2005 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4687 - 4689>>
Episode title: 4688: Talk Among Your Selves
Australian airdate: 30/3/05
UK airdate: 06/06/05
Writer: Judith Colquhoun
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Paul Robinson - Stefan Dennis
Genevieve 'Eva' Doyle - Lulu McClatchy
Tim Collins - Ben Anderson
Molly Milevic - Abby Meates
- "Trigger" by Sandrine
- "What Now My Friend" by Chris Pettifer
Summary/Images by: Linda/Matt
- Boyd telling Serena she is really pretty...then being confused at what he said
- Lil asking why David isn't the one speaking to her
- Connor informing Izzy that all they found on Gus was a metal button
- Izzy finding Paul's black gloves with the missing metal button
Paul's Hotel Room
We resume the scene with Lil and Paul talking. Paul still. Clad. In. A. Towel. They make plans to head downstairs for coffee...though Paul has to put on some clothes first (dammit). Meanwhile Izzy (who is still in her undergarments) hastily shoves the black gloves into her purse and maintains her wide-eyed innocent look for Paul's return. Who in turn, pretty much kicks her out of his bed after she jokingly remarks he has to go break up a marriage...
Number 32
Sky congratulates Boyd on his outstanding debating performance which has in fact become the talk of the school ground! Boyd plays it down, he didn't remember what he said. Well, then that just confirms what she already knew ... he is in fact a natural genius ... or just super smart. No, Boyd likes being a genius, 'cause you can in fact tagged be eccentric that way.
SKY: Ahh right. Boyd Hoyland, eccentric. Yeah, Andrea 3000's got nothing on ya!
Scarlet Bar
Spy!Izzy has sneakily made some photocopies of Paul's black gloves and is about to make her escape when she hears Paul and Lil entering the premises. She very quickly ducks down, hiding under the bar as Paul and Lil discuss the new sound system (he is thinking of buying one for his own pad you see). He fiddles with the gadget, while Lil pours them their drinks ... spotting a bottle of something Serbian-esq!
LIL: You wouldn't fancy a touch of something Serbian would ya?
PAUL: Right now, I can't think of anything I'd enjoy more.
We also grab a nice close up of Izzy's face, gritting her teeth in worry.
The General Store
Harold and Lou busily unpack items for their new store, both of them brimming in anticipation for their new venture ... the social hub of Erinsborough! Lou's got a surprise, the new aprons that Gino helped design and of course, Harry's less than thrilled about Gino's possible taste. However, the aprons are simply divine - they're red, full-length apron with "The General Store" stitched in white across the top. Harry and Lou are so happy, they break into song...well, at least hum a jolly tune.
Number 30
Toadie, Eva, Tim and his date Molly arrive back and Tim somewhat rudely ushers the girls to get their refreshments. Of course, this was just a diversion tactic so Tim could exchange a few words with Toadie about the "spectacle" he and Eva put on at dinner. He can't believe she went around announcing she was 'Eva Destruction' or challenging others to wrestling duels. Toadie just laughs it off it was just in fun afterall but Tim has more to say. He thinks it's unwise for Toadie to announce his extracurricular activities...as it's going to harm his career and harm this partnership. Which brings Mr Collins to his last nasty point which Eva overhears. He doesn't think it's exactly brilliant of him to be dating her, he should "roll that beach whale back into the sea" as it's "not really the right look, is she?"
Scarlet Bar
Springsteen, Cold Chisel ... these are some of the records Paul will play once he gets his new sound system. (pity it's not Josh Groban, I hear that Stefan is a BIG fan!) Lil isn't really a fan of rock though but it doesn't matter as Paul pops on some Latin Funk. She tries her drink, though from her expression she put a little too much alcohol. Paul agrees, dubbing it "Lethal Lil". He whisks her away onto the dance floor and they begin to do some Latin Funk dancing! Seeking her opportunity, Izzy quickly scampers from her hiding place only to take a picture of Paul and Lil doing the dirty ... (so to speak on the dance floor). Gosh Izzy, I hope your flash was turned off.
Number 30
Eva tells the tales of her time as a school teacher and how being a wrestler can come in handy when it comes to bullies... Everyone is most amused, but then it comes time for Tim and Molly to leave. They do and Eva immediately grabs her purse as well - she tells Toadie she overheard Tim's advice and how he didn't defend himself, or her. She knows who she is ... it's up to him. Then again if it's easier, perhaps he should just listen to Tim.
Scarlet Bar
One-Drink-Lil spills her guts out to Paul about her life, and her lack of accomplishments when in comparison to say, Paul. He shrugs, as she has got a great family ... she agrees, then wonders out aloud why Paul doesn't when he's so great, then stops. He's right, her life isn't so bad and they should probably go. Meanwhile Izzy made herself at home in the hiding spot as she overhears their conversation but as soon as they leave, she jumps up and stuffs the photographs into an envelope. She pops the address of a solicitor on it...
Karl's Place
Dressed in his lovely green dressing gown, Karl talks to Izzy's voice mail...he wishes her luck for the opening of the Scarlet Bar. He looks very ragged.
Mysterious Building
Izzy talks to her solicitor on her mobile asking about the sent package. She's all mysterious about it, they know what to do if something should happen to her...
The General Store
Harry and Lou are going at full steam with their opening preparations, polishing the silver and continually unpacking boxes. Sky and Boyd agree to help out with the serving later on but as soon as they're left alone, Boyd goes off at Sky for making him help out - she knows how much he hates dealing with people. She brings up the gym, but he's doesn't know what she's talking about. She sighs and asks it's only for a few hours and Boyd kinda spaces out again before running off to grab some more boxes.
Karl's Place
Poor Karl, he looks even more ragged and depressed as Izzy comes over to visit him, somewhat perplexed at the voice mail message left at 5:30 in the morning. She goes to make some tea...however the milk is expired and there's not really any tea or coffee. She offers to go do the shopping, but is stopped by Karl - who insists she enjoy her day! He promises he'll be there later at the opening.
Big dramatic music plays, as we get to see the exterior of Lassitars all covered and draped with balloons and streamers. Paul starts announcing the opening of the new complex by going around and pointing out Harold, Izzy and Tim and Toadie as the business owners of this new complex.
Izzy's worried Karl wasn't going to show up, but he did...however, spotting Izzy and Paul together just talking from afar, he sighs and turns around.
In front of The General Store, Lil has a chat to Harold about David ... David decided it was better if he didn't come as it'd be easier for Lil. Harry ensures Lil they had a nice long talk.
Paul is still acknowledging the law firm, with Toadie flashing his their business card around to the crowd. Tim asks if Toadie "scene stealing lady friend" will be there and snidely remarks to some other men in suits (I assume they were other lawyers) to be amazed when they see this girl as she's hard to miss! Toadie curtly tells Tim to quit it.
Alas! Paul has finally arrived to the end of his long winding introduction...
PAUL: We've snubbed our noses at disaster. Picked ourselves up and we've started again. Put our lives back together and now it's together, that we have the chance to build a brighter and better tomorrow for ourselves and our children. So without further ado, it gives me great pride and pleasure to declare the new Lassitars' complex officially open!
Cue to the cutting the red ribbon with oversized scissors in front of the Scarlet Bar and The Genreal Store. Hurrah!
Scarlet Bar
It's booming business inside the Scarlet Bar! Tim, Toadie and their crew walk into the joint and Izzy tells Toadie they're just in time - as Genevieve is about to sing! Toadie nudges Tim - yeah she's hard to miss! Eva, who is dressed sexily in black and feathers struts her stuff with the crowd as she sings a jazzy little number about her body and soul. The crowd is impressed, particularly Toadie.
Paul sneaks up behind Izzy, congratulating her on the success of the bar... also ribbing her about the lack of Karl. Sky also comes on in, but looks worried as she asks Lil if Boyd has been around...
Sky tells Harold about Boyd's disappearance, before running off to get ready. He spots Lil and they have a talk about David. Harry says David just has a brave act on...and that's all it is. Unfortunately, Lil doesn't think she'll be coming back just yet, as they have a still have issues to work through. Harry silently agrees and takes Lil for a guided tour of The General Store.
Scarlet Bar
Eva finishes up number and is received with cries of delight from the crowd, notably by Toadie, Tim and their mates. Toadie's surprised at Eva's talent and then introduces her to the other lawyers as his girlfriend. He also mentions she's a school teacher...and a wrestler - in fact Toadie's wrestling partner! Tim tries to hush it down, but is caught in a playful headlock by Toadie. Tim sighs and admits he'll just have to accept it. They all raise their glasses to the practice, and Eva - what a girl!
The General Store
It's a bustling at The General Store, but a different kind of bustling as cheerful (think the 'Bakers Delight' theme song) music plays, whilst Lou goes around announcing the different type of services they offer at The General Store. Harold tells Sky to just go look for Boyd, but she laments she can't, as they'll be over run by mad coffee hungry customers!
Number 32
Meanwhile...Boyd apologies for not turning up to help out, as he just didn't feel like it. He sighs, he just doesn't know what's been wrong with him lately and tells Sky it's great she understands... and unless Sky can be in two places at once (or get her hands on a Time-Turner...) than whoa! Poor Boyd, talking to thin air.
<<4687 - 4689>>
Paul Robinson, Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4688
Paul Robinson, Izzy Hoyland

Sky Mangel, Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4688
Sky Mangel, Boyd Hoyland

Liljana Bishop, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 4688
Liljana Bishop, Paul Robinson

Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4688
Izzy Hoyland

Harold Bishop, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 4688
Harold Bishop, Lou Carpenter

Molly Milevic, Tim Collins, Toadie Rebecchi, Genevieve "Eva" Doyle in Neighbours Episode 4688
Molly Milevic, Tim Collins, Toadie Rebecchi, Genevieve "Eva" Doyle

Tim Collins in Neighbours Episode 4688
Tim Collins

Liljana Bishop, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 4688
Liljana Bishop, Paul Robinson

Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4688
Izzy Hoyland

Toadie Rebecchi, Genevieve "Eva" Doyle in Neighbours Episode 4688
Toadie Rebecchi, Genevieve "Eva" Doyle

Molly Milevic, Tim Collins in Neighbours Episode 4688
Molly Milevic, Tim Collins

Paul Robinson, Liljana Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4688
Paul Robinson, Liljana Bishop

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4688
Karl Kennedy

Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4688
Izzy Hoyland

Harold Bishop, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 4688
Harold Bishop, Lou Carpenter

Sky Mangel, Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4688
Sky Mangel, Boyd Hoyland

Izzy Hoyland, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4688
Izzy Hoyland, Karl Kennedy

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 4688
Paul Robinson

Harold Bishop, Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 4688
Harold Bishop, Sky Mangel

Paul Robinson, Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4688
Paul Robinson, Izzy Hoyland

Tim Collins, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 4688
Tim Collins, Toadie Rebecchi

Paul Robinson, Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4688
Paul Robinson, Izzy Hoyland

Harold Bishop, Liljana Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4688
Harold Bishop, Liljana Bishop

Toadie Rebecchi, Genevieve "Eva" Doyle in Neighbours Episode 4688
Toadie Rebecchi, Genevieve "Eva" Doyle

Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 4688
Lou Carpenter

Harold Bishop, Sky Mangel, Liljana Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4688
Harold Bishop, Sky Mangel, Liljana Bishop

Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4688
Boyd Hoyland

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