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Neighbours Episode 0513 from 1987 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0512 - 0514>>
Episode title: 0513 (Paul Robinson and Gail Lewis' wedding)
Australian airdate: 17/06/1987
UK airdate: 25/10/1988
UK Gold: 19/10/1994
Writer: Ray Kolle
Director: Chris Langman
Guests: Rob Lewis – Ernie Bourne
Summary/Images by: Donna (glittergal)/Graham
The Office
Paul tells the police about the bone. Lucy is sure she'll need to be interviewed and wonders if Mrs Mangel really did kill Len! Jane tells Helen about Charlene's dress and says Charlene no longer wants to go shopping. As Helen leaves Paul tells her not to forget about tonight as it's going to be 'one dinner party'!
Gail tells Rob to be home early as the Robinsons are coming to dinner. She tells him she's got his good suit ready for him and tells him not to be late. Rob is sure she's planning something.
Mrs Mangels
Jane returns home to find Mrs Mangel sitting alone. She says she's trying to come to terms with her memory loss. Jane tells her not to worry, as her memory will return soon. Mrs Mangel confronts Jane and says she knows she's been keeping something from her as she's seen Len's clothes are missing from his wardrobe. Mrs Mangel asks a number questions about Len's departure, all of which Jane answers until Mrs Mangel asks if Len died peacefully? Wondering what her options are Jane tells her Len died very suddenly.
Helen arrives and has brought some groceries. Mrs Mangel doesn't remember Helen and Helen says she's sorry about her accident. Mrs Mangel tells Helen she's just found about Len and Helen says it's a shame she's had to go through that pain again.
Mrs Mangel: My only comfort is knowing he's gone to a better place (!)
Jim is trying to iron his shirt. He and Helen wonder why they have to dress up so much just for dinner at Gail's. Jim hopes Paul and Gail have finalised plans for the wedding. Jim tells Helen that Scott is going back to school on Monday.
Mrs Mangels
Jane tells Mrs Mangel she is returning a casserole dish to Daphne and will also spend some time with Mike whilst she's there. Mrs Mangel thinks Jane's too young for a boyfriend but Jane assures her that she likes Mike. As Jane leaves Mrs Mangel asks her who Mrs Mitchell is as Paul has asked her to help Mrs Mangel settle back in to her job. Jane tells Mrs Mangel that she and Madge have had a lot to do with each other over the past year; Mrs Mangel says it's wonderful to find she has such good friends. (!)
Jane arrives and tells Daphne and Mike that Mrs Mangel has come to the conclusion that Len is dead. Jane thinks she will be able to cope with that better than knowing Len left her for another woman. Daphne says she will pass the word around so that no one puts their foot in it.
Paul & Gails
Paul and Gail are dressed up to the nines. Paul tells Gail she looks lovely and she returns the compliment. The house is decorated with flowers and champagne is on ice. Rob arrives home and insists Gail is hiding something from him. The Robinsons arrive at the same time as Mr Downley. Paul tells everyone he and Gail have invited them here under false pretences; Mr Downley is a wedding registrar and the reason they are here is to witness Paul and Gail's wedding! Cue shocked faces.
Paul & Gails
Paul and Gail are pronounced man and wife and Paul is told to kiss the bride. He pecks Gail on the cheek, but Rob eggs him on and tells him he has to 'give the little Mrs a proper kiss'. So Paul obliges and he and Gail share a kiss. When they break apart Gail wipes her lipstick from Paul's mouth and they smile at each other knowingly. Rob congratulates Paul and thanks him for the impromptu wedding - it has saved him a mint! Helen takes a flower from the vase and places it in Paul's buttonhole. She quietly asks him why he didn't tell them about the wedding. Jim takes Paul aside for a word and tells him how disappointed the rest of the family will be. Paul says he and Gail wanted a small affair and they didn't want to take the limelight from Scott and Charlene.
Mrs Mangels
Mrs Mangel can't sleep; she tells Jane there are too many things going around in her head. She asks Jane some more questions about Len. Jane talks to her about Harold and tells her that they were very good friends. Mrs Mangel says she will be able to accept Len's death once she sees his grave. Jane tells her Len was cremated and says his ashes are scattered under the rose bush in the front yard. (!)
Lucy goes to bed leaving Helen, Jim and Scott to discuss the wedding. None of them can believe it and Jim is worried about Julie and Hilary's reactions. Helen says it might not have been a very positive beginning but she hopes they are happy.
Paul & Gail's
Rob is leaving to move into Lassiters. He gives Paul and Gail his congratulations and tells Paul to look after his little girl. Paul puts the cases in the car and Rob asks Gail if she's really over Jeremy. She tells him her marrying Paul has nothing to do with Jeremy. Rob leaves and Paul asks Gail if she wants to finish of the champagne. Gail says she's tired and wants to go to bed, she tells Paul she's made up the spare bed for him. As she goes upstairs Paul takes the flower from his suit and places in Gail's champagne glass, wishing himself a happy honeymoon.
<<0512 - 0514>>
Mike Young, Paul Robinson, Lucy Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0513
Mike Young, Paul Robinson, Lucy Robinson, Helen Daniels

Rob Lewis, Gail Lewis in Neighbours Episode 0513
Rob Lewis, Gail Lewis

Nell Mangel, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 0513
Nell Mangel, Jane Harris

Helen Daniels, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0513
Helen Daniels, Jim Robinson

Nell Mangel in Neighbours Episode 0513
Nell Mangel

Mike Young, Daphne Clarke, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 0513
Mike Young, Daphne Clarke, Jane Harris

Paul Robinson, Rob Lewis, Gail Lewis in Neighbours Episode 0513
Paul Robinson, Rob Lewis, Gail Lewis

Gail Lewis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0513
Gail Lewis, Paul Robinson

Rob Lewis, Scott Robinson, Jim Robinson, Paul Robinson, Gail Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0513
Rob Lewis, Scott Robinson, Jim Robinson, Paul Robinson, Gail Robinson

Jim Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0513
Jim Robinson, Paul Robinson

Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0513
Scott Robinson

 in Neighbours Episode 0513

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0513
Paul Robinson

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