Toadie and Rosie come to blows about who's in charge of Max's trial
Ned tells Katya that it wasn't Frazer who robbed the Scarlet Bar but him
Max admits he swerved his car towards Cameron
Janae assures Boyd that things are going to be fine and that Toadie will have something up his sleeve. Boyd smiles unconvinced before we switch to Steph reaching over and grabbing Max's hand anxiously and then to Rosie and Toadie, where Rosie is saying that they'll be lucky to get five years, though they [the prosecution] will expect at least ten. Toadie says nothing as he's writing his notes, and Rosie adds that she thinks Toadie wants Max to go to jail. Toadie just looks at her and before either of them have a chance to say anything, court goes back into session. Rosie walks off, back to her seat and Toadie stands to call his final witness - Robert Robinson.
Robert swaggers in and everyone looks at him in shock. He's still got that psycho look in his eyes. We cut a bit to when Toadie is questioning him about him being a changed man. Robert insists he is and that he's been seeing a psychiatrist every day and he's been making progress.
TOADIE: At the time of your brother's death, what were your feelings towards Miss Kinski?
ROBERT (looking at Katya): I loved her and I... I never would have hurt her. And this is what makes Cameron's death so much more tragic.
Katya has been giving Robert the evils the entire time, and now we see Max staring into the middle distance as Katya looks disbelieving behind him after Robert's words. Toadie asks Robert how Cameron's death is so much more tragic. Robert says that he was no threat to Katya so Max had no reason to fear him. Toadie thanks him, but Robert starts to say that even if he was there he wouldn't have been able to... Toadie cuts him off.
Paul bursts into the court and shouts at them to stop this right now; his son is ill and isn't fit to give evidence. Elle grabs hold of him and tells him to settle down for Max's sake. Rosie leans towards Toadie and tells him to get Robert off the stand before he makes things worse. Toadie apologises to the most silent and passive judge I have ever seen and requests a short recess. He's granted this without the judge so much as opening her mouth. Paul looks around, wondering what's going on.
We cut to later again when the court comes back into session. Robert is back on the stand and is watching Katya, who walks in with Toadie and kisses him on the lips before she sits down and Toadie makes his way to his place. Robert sees this and looks disappointed. Toadie notes that Robert's prison officers have been commending his input into prison life. Robert says nothing but glares at Katya before commenting that he is working hard to better himself. Toadie says indeed he looks like a very upright, very self-controlled young man. (Note: for some reason Toadie is wearing a wedding ring) Toadie goes on to say that it's a far cry from the monster they've come to expect. We see the prosecution lawyers briefly and they're looking a little tentative, as is Janae whilst Boyd is giving Robert the evils.
TOADIE: The monster that Mr Hoyland was trying to save Katya from. Sorry, Miss Kinski.
I think Toadie deliberately refers to Katya like that, to show that there is familiarity there. As Toadie continues to talk to Robert, Max leans towards Rosie and asks, 'What is he on?' Rosie responds that she has no idea. We tune back into what Toadie is saying and he's talking about the words that have been used in relation to Robert such as psychopath and psychotic. Robert is zoning in on the fact that Toadie is playing with a ring on his left hand, ie what appears to be a wedding ring. Toadie explains that Robert's prison record suggests none of this psychotic behaviour. As he says this, he raises his palms and there is writing on both of them. Robert is stirred and Toadie asks if that's right. Robert replies that he is trying hard to improve on his behaviour.
TOADIE: Indeed, indeed. It seems that the monster that Mr Hoyland was trying to stop doesn't even exist anymore.
Once again, Toadie raises his palms, this time for longer.
TOADIE: Isn't that right Mr Robinson?
Robert is breathing more heavily and Toadie asks him again if this is right. Robert replies through gritted teeth that yes, he's fine. Toadie explains that what they see before them is a calm and collected individual. A model citizen, almost - hardly someone to fear and dread. Once again Toadie raises his palms and this time we can see what's written on them. On one, it says 'SHE NEVER' and on the other, 'LOVED YOU'. We see this through Roberts eyes when we flash between shots of each hand and suddenly Robert leaps up and runs towards Toadie, screaming 'You liar! She never loved you she loved me.' Extraordinarily, the judge stays silent and just uses her gavel to try and command silence as the commotion begins. Robert is being taken out by security guards and is shouting, 'I'm gonna get you and your family. Katya, I'll come for you one day, we belong together you know that.' Then he looks at Paul and points at him, saying, 'You! You will pay.' Everyone looks shocked and surprised.
*Sorry if it's a bit muddled, that was a really difficult scene to summarise.
Scarlet Bar
Toadie pops open a champagne bottle and everyone cheers. As he pours the champagne, he tells everyone to charge their glasses because they've got some celebrating to do. Steph comes and takes the champagne out of Janae's hand and replaces it with orange juice, explaining that rules are rules. Susan comes over to Max and Steph and exclaims how happy she is for both of them.
Toadie has gone over to pour a glass of champagne for Katya (who is standing with Rachel) and tells her how he impressed he was with her and how he almost believed her himself. Katya says she was just doing what she was told.
Back to Max, Steph and Susan and this time BeardedKarl has approached and is saying to Max that he knew he'd get off. Max comments that he wouldn't exactly say he got off. Toadie points out that an eight year sentence suspended for five and no jail sounds like Max got off. Over with Katya and Rachel and Rachel is telling 'Kat' how proud she is of her. Toadie decides he wants to propose a toast - to freedom. They all toast freedom, watched by a sulking Rosie who is sat at a table by herself looking a little hacked off. Toadie goes and sits down with her and says it's a pretty good result. Rosie replies that he took a pretty big risk to achieve it. Toadie explains that it's big stakes, big risks. Rosie just nods and smiles patronisingly. Toadie observes that she doesn't like admitting when she's wrong. She just looks away so Toadie tells her that she's going to be a really good lawyer and that she's got it all over him when it comes to organisation but there are other things that she doesn't know yet, like when to take risks. Rosie is looking at him with an expression like, 'What are you on?' but Toadie explains that if she spent more time watching and less time thinking that she actually knew everything she might actually learn something.
Max and the rest of the Hoylands come over to him just as Rosie stalks off. Max wants to thank him properly and Janae cracks some joke about who knew he was actually good at his job and she points out that Boyd certainly didn't. Sheepishly, Boyd admits that he did have his doubts but that he shouldn't have and he congratulates Toadie on having done a good job. Max goes on to say that he's not just thanking him for today, he wants to thank him for everything Toadie has done for him and his family. Toadie doesn't really say anything, but then he says he'd better scoot off because his job is never done. The Hoylands say bye and as Toadie gets to the door he looks back at the Hoylands, looking pensive.
Number 28
There's some quite groovy music playing as we see Toadie, sat on the Kennedys' sofa drinking a beer and talking to his trusty friend Bob about Bob not being able to drink the beer until he's eighteen. We cut to outside the front door where Steph rushes up and knocks before saying, 'Toad! Toad it's Steph. I just wanted to thank you. I... I know it can't have been easy.' She brings her arm up to knock again but takes it away and stands there for a few seconds in contemplation. She sighs and walks away. Toadie looks a little let down before he looks at his hands, where the words 'she never loved you' are still written.
Ned is standing in the kitchen looking at some papers and Charlie's piggybank is in front of him. Katya comes in to see Ned reach towards the piggybank and exclaims, 'If you're even thinking about stealing from a child, it's gone too far.' Ned talks about there being a sure thing in the seventh with really great odds. He says that if he takes Midnight Jellyfish as a banker and boxes the three and the eight, he'll...Katya cuts him off and asks him to listen to himself. Ned points out that he's paid back his mother, Stuart (I miss Stuart. I miss the House of Trouser.) and Max. He goes on to say that he may not be in the best financial shape but he's getting there.
KATYA: By stealing from Charlie?!
Ned says he's not that bad; he's not evil. Katya relaxes and says she knows he's not. After a short pause, she suggests he go to Adelaide with her for a new start, just the two of them.
Our first glimpse is a very flattering one of Springsteen, the cockerel that's not a chook. Karl is talking to him about this being the one. We can also see a piece of card. Then we cut to see Karl holding the cockerel that's not a chook under his arm and Karl is telling Springsteen that he's got good taste. The door opens and Susan and Rachel come in. Within literally nanoseconds Susan has noticed the rooster and just has that expression of 'for goodness sake' written all over her face. She asks if it has to be near the kitchen bench. Karl quite clearly doesn't care about that, but tells Susan quite joyously that he's solved Springsteen's problem - it's colour related. It appears that certain colours serve to stimulate the mood, some sooth the mood. Apparently he's been reading up about it. Rachel says what thousands of us are thinking and suggests that it's pretty weird. Karl says no, he's going to build a dedicated mood room off the dome and paint the inside Tunisian Sunrise, which should solve the problem. Susan is looking at him with an expression of disbelief before asking, sarcastically and clearly knowing the answer, if there's any lunch.
KARL: Oh. Sorry, got a... bit distracted.
SUSAN: Oh no problem. There's only a chicken to go around.
KARL: Eh, eh, eh not funny.
SUSAN (raised voice, forcefully): Eh, eh, eh not mean to be!
RACHEL: Eh, eh, eh, uh speaking of the school blog...zine, did you get the printout of the site's homepage I asked for.
Susan presents Rachel with a piece of paper that says 'B.U.N.S.'. Rachel just says, 'Buns?' and Susan explains that it's, 'Borough Uncut News Service.' Rachel exclaims that it's ridiculous but Susan tells her that the majority rules and that Rick came up with the idea and all the other kids agreed. Rachel says trust Rick to come up with something stupid like that. Susan tells her it doesn't matter because it's all bought and paid for now. Rachel shouts that it sucks! Karl, still holding the damned cockerel, says he thinks it's great and uses an example: 'Mr Prime Minister, Rachel Kinski from BUNS.' He laughs and says it's terrific. Rachel looks at him as though he's wired to the moon.
Paul is saying to Elle that he would have thought seeing him in court would be enough for her for one day. Elle says she's just wondering if Paul's ok. Paul says he could handle Robert's outburst but having memories of Cameron dredged up was hard. Elle tells Paul she's glad Max got off but she can't bring herself to celebrate with them. She explains that she's supposed to be problem solving for Boyd but she can't focus. Paul asks what problem. Elle tells him that her friend Forrest is coming to stay and it turns out that she and Boyd had a fling when he was in Tasmania. A sadistic smile spreads over Paul's face as he points out how delightfully convenient it is. Elle explains that she can't stay with her and Dylan. Paul asks why not as Janelle loves a full house. Elle tells him that she's Boyd's mother-in-law and she'll go nuts. Paul starts laughing and says it gets better and better. Elle tells him that she's got to get it sorted out before she goes away with Dylan and the others for Valentines day because she'll be there when she gets back. Paul suggests she doesn't go. Elle tells him that it's what couples do - they hang out, they have fun. Paul says that Forrest is welcome to stay there and so is Elle.
ELLE: You almost sounded like a father then.
PAUL: Hm...Which reminds me, weren't you going to dob me in to the cops for setting up Janelle?
ELLE: You just can't help yourself, can you? You know what, Forrest can stay at Lassiters I would not leave her alone with you anyway.
PAUL: Ah, we've just put up the room rates though. That's not going to be a problem, is it?
ELLE: I'll manage.
Elle storms off and Paul watches her go, clearly upset at what's happened and looking, it must be said, a little helpless.
Toadie asks Ned if he's going or not. Ned replies that he couldn't say no. Susan thinks it's terrific. Toadie tells him 'good riddance' and quickly says, 'Sorry, good luck.' Ned says he's looking forward to it and Toadie tells him to take one day at a time. Ned asks if he's going to chuck anymore clichés at him before Karl interrupts and asks what they know about self composting toilets. Susan makes a frankly lame joke about them being better than self combusting ones. Toadie says he doesn't know a lot but he does know that they don't make good dinner conversation (Karl and Susan are setting up for dinner). Susan mumbles 'yeah' but Karl's keen to take the discussion further: he means in terms of cost effectiveness. Susan interrupts him and tells him to stop repulsing the guests and dish up. A proper meal around the table, it's just like old times! Susan walks back into the kitchen area and is accosted by Katya, who gives her a big hug. Susan is surprised and asks what it's for.
KATYA: For everything.
SUSAN: Oh, sweetheart, it's been worth it just to see you blossom.
There's a knock at the door and Rachel goes to answer it. It's Janae, who says she's sorry to interrupt but she just got a message from Scotty and he's been really held up at uni. Rachel says ok and thanks her for giving the message. Janae goes on to say that Stingray just wanted Rachel to know because he's got this huge assignment for summer school or something. Rachel says yeah, she understands and it's fine. Janae seems surprised that Rachel's so ok with this and tells her that if Rachel ever wants to have a chat about this... stuff, she knows where to find her. Rachel reiterates that she's fine. Janae backs out and says ok, but Rachel's got her number.
We cut to Karl, sitting at the head of the table drinking wine very casually. He tells everyone to sit down because dinner is served. Katya sits next to Rachel and asks if everything is alright. Rachel replies that yeah, actually, it is. They smile.
Steph is cleaning in the kitchen and Max is staring into the middle distance *again*. Boyd comes in and asks if they've heard about Ned going to Adelaide with Katya. Steph says his rooms going to be free and suggests to Max that they repaint it. Max thinks it's a good idea. Boyd stops, telling them that he hasn't even packed yet. Max ignores him and asks Steph what colour she reckons. Steph doesn't know off the top of her head, they should just browse the paint store. Boyd's phone has gone off and the caller ID says it's Glenn Forrest. Steph and Max, who are clearly overenthusiastic at the prospect of painting a room, go off to the DIY store. Boyd tells them he doesn't want to go with them. Janae comes in as they go out and observes that they seem to be fired up and it's good to see them happy and gone. Janae and Boyd hug and Janae says she feels yucky because she had to lie to Rachel after Scotty asked her to cover for him because he's doing some art project with Sky. She adds that she won't be doing it again because lying sucks. Boyd starts to look anxious and Janae asks him what's wrong. Boyd says there's something he needs to tell her that she's not going to like.
Paul brings Rosie, who is doing some paperwork, a glass of wine. She rejects it saying she's there on business and she likes to keep a clear head because the contracts can get complicated. Paul says he's sure they are but he saw her in court today and she doesn't miss a trick. Rosie exclaims that it must have been awful for him and she's really sorry that she never got to warn him about Robert. Paul says it's ok and she doesn't need to apologise and anyway he thought it was a stroke of genius. Rosie explains that it wasn't on her part, it was all Jared. She adds that she thought he was deliberately trying to sabotage the case just to spite Max but as it turns out he knew what he was doing all along and she just got in the way. She doesn't know what's wrong with her at the moment, she's all over the place and she wouldn't blame Toadie if he just got rid of her altogether. Paul asks her why she thinks he's got her on the Lassiters pay roll. Rosie says it's beyond her. Paul asks what brought all this on and Rosie explains that it's everything - she feels completely overloaded and now her father's put her in a terrible position: but she shouldn't be talking about her private life, she's there to work. Paul says the contracts can wait and he's an excellent listener. He hands Rosie the glass of wine, which she stupidly takes.
Janae looks furious, and says really calmly to Boyd, 'She's coming here?' Boyd confirms this and Janae asks where she'll be staying. Boyd says with Elle, apparently they're best friends.
JANAE: With Elle? What, in my old room? No way!
She jumps up, irate. Boyd explains that he tried to stop her and he was practically on his knees begging her. Janae says that Elle is a guest in her family's home and if she thinks she can have this Glenn tart staying with her... Boyd runs towards her and says he's sorry and that he did everything he could. Janae says that's clearly not good enough so it looks like she gets to have a go.
Rosie's saying how it drives her insane. Paul says he can see she's angry. Rosie explains that it's not so much with her dad but she's furious at herself for letting him get to her.
PAUL: Well families have a habit of doing things like that, blood is thicker and all that.
ROSIE: Well I'm getting a transfusion.
PAUL: Ow! You haven't given the money away, have you?
ROSIE: How did you pick it?
PAUL: Let's just call it that worldly wisdom I was talking about. You see what Elle is missing out on?
ROSIE: Well she could do a lot worse than confiding in such a wise man.
PAUL: Well I always think it's best to confide in those closest to us. Which begs the question, why aren't you sharing all of this stuff with that boyfriend of yours.
Rosie's smile is quickly wiped off her face as she points out that just as she thought he was actually being considerate, he tries it on again.
PAUL: Try it on? No, it's just a little test to see if that mind of yours is still sharp and your wits are in tact and you passed with flying colours. So come on, let's get back to work, eh?
Rosie looks at him disbelievingly and sighs.
Elle is watching television as Janae bursts in.
JANAE: You are going to get on that phone right now and tell your little friend that she's not welcome.
ELLE: Well hello Janae, how are you?
JANAE: How could you even think of asking her to stay? I mean that is so not on it's not funny.
ELLE: I presume you're talking about Forrest?
ELLE: She's not staying here, it's already sorted.
JANAE: Oh. Ok.
ELLE: She's staying at Lassiters.
JANAE: Lassiters is still in Erinsborough, Elle. That's not good enough!
ELLE: She is one of my oldest friends, what was I supposed to do?
JANAE: Oh, yeah, some friend.
ELLE: She didn't know that Boyd was married.
JANAE: You're a Timmins, ok, whether we like it or not. And with that comes a certain code of loyalty.
ELLE: Oh, come on!
JANAE: No, you're with Dyl. That makes you part of the family. You're with the family, you're with the code, you get me? (Very calmly) Please? Elle, I'm really trying to fix my marriage here.
Elle looks at Janae and after a few moments of contemplation, she acquiesces and says she'll call her first thing tomorrow and ask her not to come. Janae looks relieved, pleased and grateful as she thanks Elle.
Ramsay Street
Ned is packing the car for Adelaide as Paul approaches him and says there was thinking Ned was on his way out but now he's Katya's little lapdog, scarpering to the click of her fingers. Ned says nothing, so Paul goes on, commenting on the timing and how Ned's going to miss out on a big game of poker by a matter of hours. Ned just looks at him. Paul apologises, did he not mention it? There's going to be a big game at his place tonight with some big spenders - bunnies with more bucks than brains. Ned just says, 'Good luck' and Paul tells him to give his regards to City of Churches*.
Rachel and Katya come out of the Kennedys' and Rachel is telling Katya not to forget to email her every day. Katya says twice a day and four times on Sundays. Susan comes out telling the girls to mind their backs. She's carrying a basket cage thing that you put cats in and says, 'Community service coming through!' She seems really excited. She thanks Katya for doing this and Katya says it's fine. Karl comes out and Susan laughes nervously as she swiftly closes the door and babbles, 'Well here we all are, isn't this exciting?!' Karl asks if they're all packed and ready, which they are. Rachel hugs Katya and says she misses her already. Katya turns to Susan, who tells her she's a wonderful girl and everything's going to be just great. Susan tells them to give their love to Zeke. Katya and Ned get into the car and just as they're about to pull off, there's the sound of a rooster. Karl growls and says, 'Nobody move.' Susan looks mightily disappointed and whispers 'dammit' under her breath as she moves away from the car so Karl can do the inevitable and rescue it. Karl takes the rooster towards Susan and looks at her in that way he does when he's basically saying, 'And what is the meaning of this?' Susan folds her arms and slumps her shoulders defensively as she says, 'He was going to a better place.' Karl says nothing but brings the rooster towards him and says, 'It's alright mate, you're safe now,' before looking at Susan with an expression of anger, resentment and disappointment. Susan, it must be said, looks a little sheepish and as Karl walks back into the house, she and Rachel look at each other and Rachel rolls her eyes. Katya and Ned finally pull off.
All the Hoylands (except Charlie) are sat in the kitchen - Steph and Max sat at the table silently eating their breakfast and Boyd cooking breakfast as Janae gets some orange juice out of the fridge. She walks towards Boyd as he asks her if she wants one egg or two. Two, she replies, as pinning Elle to the ground certainly gave her an appetite. The Kennedys and Rachel burst through the door and call out as they head for the kitchen. Karl's clearly still on one about the cockerel/rooster/chook/whatever because Susan is informing him that she was looking out for it.
KARL: Him. Ok, he is a him. Roosters are male...
SUSAN: Yeah whatever!
KARL:...They have dreams, they have aspirations...
Susan cuts him off as they enter the kitchen with a cheery 'hello' to the Hoylands. Susan apologises, she's just trying to wrangle Karl's rooster fetish. Steph tells her not to try bringing 'that thing' over to theirs. Karl, extremely affronted, tells them that 'she' (he means Susan) tried to smuggle him (the rooster) across the border.
SUSAN: Ach! I thought he would be happy on a farm, roaming free, where he could make as much noise as he wanted to.
KARL: Is that right, is that what you do with a child, just pack it off when it gets annoying.
(Hoylands are laughing)
SUSAN: Karl, shut up.
KARL: I don't know why everyone's laughing.
MAX: Because it's funny.
KARL: Oh, this is fanta... I come to see a friend, come to see how he is, I get this. There's no... no respect.
Karl and Susan notice the paint in the corner and Susan asks if they're doing some 'renos'. Steph says yes, the spare room. Susan comments on how it didn't take them long. Karl, in the meantime, has walked towards it and asks them if they're completely sold on the colour. Steph asks if he doesn't like it. Karl says it's not that, it's just a matter of taste but there's a fantastic colour called Tunisian Sunrise. Susan and Rachel look at each other before Rachel exclaims, 'What, so you can paint the chook "mood room" with what's left over?' Steph smiles, and Max just turns to Karl and asks with a tone of total disbelief and lack of understanding, 'The chooks "mood room"?' We cut to Janae and Boyd who are laughing and then they look at each other lovingly as Boyd puts his arm around Janae and she puts her head on his shoulder.
Scarlet Bar
Katya asks Ned if the tyre is all fixed and Ned says yes, but it's not a great start to their big adventure. Katya reckons it's fine, they can get all the bad luck out of the way now. Ned comments on her being ever the optimist and they leave. As they do, Katya takes out a section of the paper and puts it on the table, but Ned sees and asks her what she's doing. She says nothing, she's just getting rid of the boring bits. Ned knows it's the sports section and tells her that he's totally cool and he can even read the racing results and...he's distracted by the fact that a trifactor came in - the one with Midnight Jellyfish. He's really annoyed about it but Katya tells him it doesn't matter. Ned explains that he could have won $45 000. Katya says they have each other and that he's more important to her than any windfall. She hopes she means the same to him. Ned, however, thinks they're just a couple of losers trying to run away.
One commercial break later, and Paul opens his front door to find Ned standing there telling him he wants in on the game. Paul tells him that he needs to have $2 000 to play. Ned tells him he'll have that by tonight. Paul says ok, he can play. Paul closes the door and makes a call to tell some guy the game is on.