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Neighbours Episode 8055 from 2019 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8054 - 8056>>
Episode title: 8055 (International Women's Day)
Australian and UK airdate: 08/03/19
Writer: Ceinwen Langley
Director: Kate Kendall
Guests: None
- "Trouble Woman" by Sweet Barrio
- "Lullaby" by Brie Angellina
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
- Sonya tells her Ramsay Street friends that they're incredibly special people
- After teaching Nell that she can be an astronaut, Sonya plans an International Women's Day event
- Elly starts to panic when Mark leaves for some time away to think; will he be back for the wedding?
- Finn wakes up from his coma, claiming to believe it's 2007 - David wonders whether he's faking
- David later tells Susan and Bea that Finn's been diagnosed with amnesia, and seems to think he's 19
No 28
Susan and Bea are talking about Finn. Susan reminds Bea that the retrograde amnesia diagnosis was only an initial finding - the hospital is still investigating. Bea is sceptical and thinks Finn is just faking it, but Susan says they have to keep an open mind.
BEA: An open mind - about Finn?! He is making it up!
SUSAN: He has been in a coma for months, because of me. Who knows what kind of damage that's done to his brain?
But Bea remains convinced that Finn is just using this as a way to get out of jail time.
BEA: How can somebody suddenly forget massive chunks of their life?
SUSAN: It happens.
BEA: Yeah. To people on TV.
SUSAN: And to me.
BEA: What?!
SUSAN: About twenty years ago, I fell - I hit my head - and when I came to, I was convinced that I was sixteen years old.
No 24
Chloe finishes up a phone call to Aaron; she tells Elly that Aaron is going to go and check Kate's grave to see if Mark's there. Elly thinks they should call around to find out where Mark may have gone. She asks Chloe to call Fay and Tyler, and says she'll call Steph and Lucas.
CHLOE: At the end of the day, he's probably not in any danger.
ELLY: His best friend's memorial's tomorrow!
CHLOE: And he won't miss that. Look, maybe he's just taking the night to clear his stupid, uptight head.
ELLY: He said he needed some time away. Is one night enough?
CHLOE: He'll come around. He wants this wedding as much as you do.
Piper turns up at Terese's office, to find Terese organising donations for care packages for International Women's Day, based on Sonya's plans for the event. Terese has accrued more donations from local businesses by ringing round, and the packages are to be distributed by the local women's shelter.
TERESE: It's a real shame that Sonya's idea of a big gathering of women from the community won't be going ahead.
No 28
Susan continues to explain to Bea about how frightening her retrograde amnesia was, waking up in a world she didn't recognise.
BEA: What about Karl?
SUSAN: Oh, that was hate at first sight! I couldn't believe everyone was telling me I was married to this old man! I thought it was a joke, or a nightmare!
BEA: And you didn't recognise your kids?
BEA: What did you do?
SUSAN: I ran away to find my high-school boyfriend! (...) And of course, he was shocked - and then, when he didn't want me, I moved into an apartment, and I worked with a counsellor to make peace with what had happened.
BEA: And you didn't try to get your memory back?
SUSAN: Oh, I just didn't think it was possible. So I got to know the kids; I went to uni. I fell in love with Karl all over again. I made a new life. And then, I finally got my memory back.
BEA: Yeah. So, if Finn does have this, the police can still charge him? He still did what he did.
SUSAN: I've got no idea.
BEA: But he's the same person.
SUSAN: And I suppose, if he believes he's nineteen, then he doesn't remember what happened to him in South America, either.
BEA: Awesome (!) So he gets to forget what hurt him, but we don't?
SUSAN: We're not defined by our trauma - we're not. Sweetheart, I know you're angry - I know you're confused. But if Finn's genuine, then I think we need to reassess what justice means for us.
Bea nods.
Piper has been taking all the donations for the care packages down to her car. Terese tells Piper to take them home; they'll package them all up there and distribute them to the shelter, in honour of Sonya. Piper has an idea too.
PIPER: Sonya wanted all of us to share our female heroes with each other, right?
PIPER: Well, what about I interview everyone - and I can do, like, a special vlog on it?
Terese thinks that's a great idea, and says she'll rally the troops.
No 28
Bea and Susan have apparently been roped into helping with the care packages, and they are making up boxes as they continue to talk. Bea points out that Finn had access to Susan's medical records while he was working on the MS trial - so he may have read about her retrograde amnesia and have identified it as a way of manipulating her now.
Elly comes in, and Bea tells her about Finn's amnesia, saying she still thinks he's pretending.
BEA: He's got zero memory of his whole, evil adult life (!)
SUSAN: The doctors have declared him psychologically unfit to face charges, until they know more.
ELLY: Well, they're wrong!
SUSAN: Well, we don't know that for sure.
ELLY: Are you kidding me?
SUSAN: He would have to be superhuman to concoct a story like that, immediately after coming out of a coma - not to mention fooling a neurologist!
ELLY: This is the same guy who woke up from brain surgery and pretended he was paralysed!
BEA: He conned me for a long time. He lived a lie.
SUSAN: I'm not on his side! I hope he is faking it, so we get to see him pay for what he's done. I'm just saying, we won't know for sure until he the hospital does more tests.
ELLY: I can't listen to this! (...) I'm not gonna let Finn worm his way back into our heads! Our friend just died - I'm getting married in a few days! Isn't that enough for now?
Elly storms out.
No 22
Sheila turns up with donations for the care packages for the shelter, including packets of undies and kids' toys. Piper gratefully receives them; Terese is out collecting donations from elsewhere. Sheila says she's thrilled Piper and Terese decided to push on with Sonya's plans.
SHEILA: I think this is exactly what Sonya would've wanted - you know, us doing something positive, instead of moping around.
PIPER: Yeah. She was always so good at getting the whole community together, wasn't she? Remember the liveability contest?
SHEILA: Hard to believe she inflicted Karl and his smelly durian compost onto us!
Amy turns up with more donations - some travel cards and gift vouchers for The Handywoman. Piper asks if Amy will take part in her International Women's Day vlog. Amy agrees, and Sheila is keen to take part too.
No 24
Elly is filling Chloe in on the latest developments with Finn.
CHLOE: So wait - does he not know who he is at all, or does he think it's, like, 1999 and has an overwhelming urge to get his tips frosted?
ELLY: Neither - he's faking it. Anyway, I don't want to talk about it.
CHLOE: Aaron called again. Mark wasn't at Kate's grave, so he's checking with his cop mates at the station.
ELLY: I don't want to talk about that either - sorry.
CHLOE: Do you want to go to a super-loud club, so nobody can talk to you about anything?
ELLY: Actually, I would like to just hang out here with you. If that's alright.
CHLOE: Yeah, sure. I could use the company too.
Elly correctly guesses that Chloe is finding things hard after the break-up with Mel.
CHLOE: Pretty petty and selfish, right? Given Sonya just passed away.
ELLY: No, not at all. Just because we can't turn off our Feelings™, doesn't mean we're hurting for Sonya any less.
Elly clocks the awful 'pistachio' nail varnish Chloe's putting on, and gives her an alternative hue. Chloe smiles.
No 28
Piper is with Bea and Susan, helping them make up some of the care packages. She suggests they put pads and tampons in every package.
BEA: Yeah, nothing worse than having your period and no cash.
Susan notices a photo of herself and Sonya on the sideboard, and says she's glad they could help with the Women's Day effort. They head over to the couch to do Susan and Bea's vlog interviews. Piper films Susan first.
SUSAN: She was such a strong woman. Mary Wollstonecraft was English - she was a writer, and a philosopher.
We cut to Bea's vlog.
BEA: You're probably not going to get this, but the woman I most admire is... Wonder Woman. I mean, no-one could mess with her.
No 32
We cut to Piper filming Dipi and Yashvi.
DIPI: Beyoncé.
YASHVI: Really, Mum - Beyoncé?!
PIPER: She's a boss!
DIPI: She looked like me more than any other woman on TV - and now she's this great mum, and this hard-working, creative legend.
We move to Yashvi's interview.
YASHVI: She's a superhero. Actually, they both are - to me, anyway.
PIPER: I know Moana Hope plays footie - but sorry, who's Lavinia?
YASHVI: Mo's younger sister, Vinny. She suffers from a neurological disorder, Möbius syndrome. And Mo is her full-time carer.
PIPER: Wow, that's beautiful.
No 22
Terese comes in, and tells Piper she's cleaned every supermarket out of sanitary pads.
TERESE: I've never been given stranger looks in my life!
Piper says she needs to head next door, but that after that they can start the production line, and then think about dinner. But Terese says she's not going to be here tonight; she's staying at Paul's. Piper seems surprised and disappointed.
No 24
Piper is filming Chloe now.
CHLOE: The woman I idolise is Laverne Cox. She is an actress, an author, and an advocate for the transgender community.
PIPER: And why do you idolise her?
CHLOE: Because she's fabulous! And because she's a great example of how we should all live - by being our best selves, and letting others be their best selves. Whatever that means to them.
PIPER: Excellent choice, Chloe!
Elly asks if Piper's shot her own video yet; Piper says no - she's made a list of all the women who inspire her, but had to stop at two double-sided pages! It's Elly's turn now.
ELLY: My International Women's Day hero is Louisa Lawson. She was the founder and the editor of The Dawn, Australia's first journal written for women, by women. This is one of my favourite quotes of hers - I think it really captures her wit.
But before she can read the quote, Elly gets a text from Mark - and promptly bursts into tears.
ELLY: He says he can't... he can't marry me. He has to call the wedding off.
No 22
Piper is back with Terese, helping her make up the care packages, and telling her about how horrible it was to see Elly so upset.
PIPER: It's just so unlike Mark to hurt anyone like this - but Elly?
TERESE: Well, he must be going through a terrible time.
PIPER: Oh, Mum, come on - that's no excuse.
TERESE: No, but people behave irrationally when it comes to grief.
PIPER: We're all grieving.
TERESE: Yeah. But sometimes we need to let people grieve in their own way.
PIPER: Hey, umm... I was just wondering if you could stay home tonight?
TERESE: Yeah, of course I can, if you want me to?
PIPER: I know that you want to spend time with Paul. But with the memorial tomorrow, and Nell saying goodbye to Sonya - I just think it'd be really nice if you and I could spend the night together. You know, just you and me.
Terese takes Piper's hand.
TERESE: Yeah, of course, sweetie!
No 24
Elly is in floods of tears. Chloe suggests Elly should leave Mark a message - demand an explanation.
ELLY: There's no point.
CHLOE: Then I'll call him.
ELLY: I should've trusted my instincts! I should've postponed the wedding!
Chloe gets Mark's voicemail.
CHLOE: Mark, call me back. Or better yet, stop being an idiot - come home and talk to your fiancée. And yes, I said fiancée - because calling off a wedding via text is a bunch of bull crap!
ELLY: He's not gonna call you back!
CHLOE: Then let's get in the car, and drive until we find him (...)
ELLY: I'm done! I'm done chasing him all the time!
Chloe offers to call Aaron and David, and ask them to look - but Elly tells Chloe not to bother, and bursts into tears again.
CHLOE: You love Mark - don't forget that.
ELLY: Yeah, I do - but I'm so sick of trying to make him love me.
CHLOE: He does love you.
ELLY: Mm-hm. But not enough to marry me.
CHLOE: What are you gonna do?
Elly pauses for a long time, before declaring...
ELLY: I think we should drink wine.
Some time later, Elly and Chloe are doing just that. Chloe tells Elly she has been 'dumped' once - in the Sistine Chapel - by a guy who she made out with two weeks before, who didn't like her rubbing elbows with another woman and had a strop! Elly points out that this doesn't really qualify as a dumping, and Chloe concedes the point.
ELLY: Don't worry - I've been dumped enough times for the two of us.
CHLOE: Does it count if I feel like I was dumped by Mel?
ELLY: ... If you felt it, it counts. What did she say?
CHLOE: That I am damaged goods, and nobody will ever love me because I'm gonna die in my forties or fifties.
ELLY: Chloe, that is not okay! You don't believe her, do you? That nobody should love you?
CHLOE: Look at what Toadie's going through. Anyone who loves me will have to watch me die. How can I knowingly inflict that on someone?
ELLY: Because that's the deal.
CHLOE: Watching each other die?
ELLY: No. That spending your life with someone - that's what it involves.
CHLOE: It's different for me. I've got an expiration date.
ELLY: No, Chloe - you have a diagnosis. The doctors gave Stephen Hawking two years - he lived another fifty-five. A few months ago, Sonya thought she had decades to live.
CHLOE: Is there a point to this stirring speech?
ELLY: That we can't see the future. You are not damaged goods. You deserve to be loved unconditionally - and anyone who tells you otherwise isn't worthy of your time.
They finish the bottle.
No 28
Bea is with Susan; she assumes Elly must be staying over at Mark's tonight with the memorial being tomorrow. Susan is distracted, and when Bea prompts her, she says...
SUSAN: I need to see Finn; I need to talk to him.
BEA: When?
SUSAN: Tonight.
BEA: What - why?!
SUSAN: Because tomorrow, I have to say goodbye to someone I love - and all I can think about is Finn! Elly was right - we need to forget about him; and to do that, we need to learn the truth!
BEA: But you said we need to leave it up to the doctors!
SUSAN: And you said you think he's faking. So let's get the proof, and be done with it.
BEA: How? If he can fool the neurologist, he can fool you!
SUSAN: No - no. Not with this; I'll know. Finn has had power over us for far too long! It's time we took it back.
She heads for the front door. Bea looks worried.
No 22
Terese is now filming Piper herself, for the final segment of the vlog.
PIPER: When I landed on the topic of today's vlog, I made a list of all the women that inspire me. But today has made me realise that none of them have had as much of an impact on me as the woman that I want to tell you about.
Piper starts to get teary.
PIPER: Sonya Rebecchi was the most generous person I've ever met. She was infectiously fun, and she always had time for you, you know? No matter who you were - friend, stranger, night or day. And I know that I'm making her sound like a saint - and in many ways she was. But she'd also be the first to admit that she had her flaws. She struggled from addiction most of her adult life, and she made mistakes. But she never let them, or any hardship, turn her bitter or resentful. She constantly fought to better herself. And she fought for her family, and she fought for her community. And she fought her cancer. I mean, it was Sonya's idea to devote today to helping other women in need - and it was her idea for all of us to get together, and share the females in our lives that inspire us. And I just wish that she was here, so that I could tell her that she's mine.
Terese ends the video, and hugs a crying Piper.
No 24
We're back with Elly and Chloe, who are still drinking wine. Chloe is fiddling with Elly's hair.
ELLY: I thought I was going to be amazing when I grew up. I was going to have this big house on the beach, a gorgeous husband, three beautiful kids, that I'd juggle with my perfect career.
CHLOE: Nobody actually lives like that except Reese Witherspoon! And you are amazing.
ELLY: I'm unemployed, and my fiancé just dumped me via text. I'm a mess.
CHLOE: None of that is your fault.
ELLY: I drove him away.
CHLOE: As if! He pushed you away. You did absolutely everything right. And so what if you're not working? It's a gig economy - practically everyone's unemployed!
ELLY: You're sweet.
CHLOE: I don't do sweet, I do honest. You're not a mess. You are the total package. It sucks that you can't see that about yourself.
ELLY: You don't have to do this, Chloe - it's fine.
CHLOE: I thought that the idea of spending my entire life with one person was insane. Until I fell in love with you. I've met so many interesting, incredible people - and you outshine every single one of them.
Elly goes quiet.
CHLOE: I don't want to weird you out; I know you don't feel the same way. But I just want...
But before she can finish, Elly leans in and kisses Chloe on the lips!
CHLOE: Are you sure?
Elly nods, and they kiss again...
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Elly is on the phone, saying, 'let's just find him, and then we'll figure everything else out'
- Aaron is in Silverton in far- west New South Wales, and he's got a lead
- Chloe tells Elly that she and Mark weren't Meant To Be™
- Aaron tells Chloe that Mark loves Elly; he can't ignore that because Chloe has a thing for her
- We see Elly and Mark in wedding garb, looking happy
- Chloe watches at the ceremony, trying to hold back tears
<<8054 - 8056>>
Bea Nilsson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8055
Bea Nilsson, Susan Kennedy

Chloe Brennan, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8055
Chloe Brennan, Elly Conway

Piper Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8055
Piper Willis, Terese Willis

Susan Kennedy, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8055
Susan Kennedy, Bea Nilsson

Piper Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8055
Piper Willis, Terese Willis

Elly Conway, Bea Nilsson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8055
Elly Conway, Bea Nilsson, Susan Kennedy

Amy Williams, Sheila Canning, Piper Willis in Neighbours Episode 8055
Amy Williams, Sheila Canning, Piper Willis

Chloe Brennan, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8055
Chloe Brennan, Elly Conway

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8055
Susan Kennedy

Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8055
Bea Nilsson

Dipi Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8055
Dipi Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi

Terese Willis, Piper Willis in Neighbours Episode 8055
Terese Willis, Piper Willis

Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8055
Chloe Brennan

Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8055
Elly Conway

Piper Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8055
Piper Willis, Terese Willis

Elly Conway, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8055
Elly Conway, Chloe Brennan

Chloe Brennan, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8055
Chloe Brennan, Elly Conway

Bea Nilsson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8055
Bea Nilsson, Susan Kennedy

Piper Willis in Neighbours Episode 8055
Piper Willis

Terese Willis, Piper Willis in Neighbours Episode 8055
Terese Willis, Piper Willis

Chloe Brennan, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8055
Chloe Brennan, Elly Conway

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