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Neighbours Episode 0188 from 1986 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0187 - 0189>>
Episode title: 0188 (Scott Robinson returns (Jason Donovan's first episode))
Australian airdate: 12/02/86
UK airdate: 23/07/87
UK Gold: 21/07/93
Writer: Ginny Lowndes
Director: Andrew Friedman
Guests: Scott: Jason Donovan
Douglas Blake: James Condon
Beth Travers: Virginia Hey
Michelle: Dianne Mitchell
Kelly: Tamsin West
Summary/Images by: Graham
- Jim telling Paul, Helen and Max that the body found in the river wasn't Scott.
- Shane preparing for his date with Beth Travers.
- Madge showing Douglas Blake the diamond she's had removed from her ring.
As Douglas stares at the diamond, Madge tells him:
MADGE: I have nine others just like it. I took them when my husband told me what he was up to.
DOUGLAS: A kind of, um, unofficial alimony?
MADGE: *He* was the one who walked out on *me* after twenty years. I think I deserved *some* sort of compensation, don't you?
DOUGLAS (quickly): Oh, I'm not criticising; as a matter of fact, I rather envy you.
MADGE (raising her eyebrows): Why?
DOUGLAS: Because I didn't think of doing something like that when my ex-wife left *me*!
MADGE (muses): Some people think they can get away with murder these days, don't they?!
DOUGLAS: You made sure that *one* didn't.
MADGE: Yes... but on the other hand, I didn't realise quite how difficult things would be on my own.
DOUGLAS: Are you in some kind of trouble?
MADGE (quickly): No. I can manage.
DOUGLAS (carefully): Correct me if I'm wrong... I know you have the diamonds, but, er, forgive me: are you somewhat short of cash? I mean, it happens to the best of us at times.
MADGE (sounding helpless): I never thought it would happen to *me*, though...
DOUGLAS: I may be able to help you, if you'd like to tell me about it.
Madge pauses before saying meekly:
MADGE: I can't pay my hotel bill.
DOUGLAS (looking surprised): But you have a small fortune in diamonds: surely you can sell *those*?
MADGE: I'm terrified my husband will find out. At the moment, they're useless to me. Silly really - I'm worth a fortune but I haven't got any money.
DOUGLAS: Well, we'll have to see what we can do about that, won't we...?
Madge smiles at Douglas, warmly...
Ramsay Street
Zoe is whistling cheerfully as she walks along the street. She passes Jim, who's retrieving the newspaper from the mailbox outside No. 26, and smiles:
ZOE: Good morning!
JIM (flatly): Lovely day isn't it?
Zoe comments that it doesn't sound like he believes it. Jim explains that Scott's still missing; it's driving him crazy not knowing where to look; he just doesn't understand why Scott hasn't contacted him. Zoe suggests that maybe he's hurt. Jim, however, sighs:
JIM: No. No, we'd have found him if he was; the hospital would've contacted us.
ZOE (points out): A lot of kids get *scared* when they're in trouble.
JIM: But Scott knows whatever it is he can always come to *me*.
ZOE: *My* parents always used to say that - 'til I got into trouble and came home!
JIM: Has Mike said anything more about Scott?
ZOE: No - and I've eavesdropped on some of the other kids: *they* don't know anything either.
JIM (sighs): Oh, I wish I knew where he was.
A blond-haired teenager is lying asleep in a hospital bed. He has a dressing on his forehead. A nurse comes into his room with a tray of food and he yawns and wakes up. The nurse says to him:
NURSE: And how are *you* this morning, 'John Doe'?
TEENAGER (yawns): OK, I guess.
NURSE (sighs): All right, I'll bite: are you going to tell us your proper name yet?
NURSE: Whatever you did, it couldn't've been *that* bad.
TEENAGER (mutters): *You* wouldn't know.
NURSE: Your family must be frantic with worry.
TEENAGER (retorts): It's none of your business.
NURSE: Why don't you ring and tell them you're all right?
TEENAGER (tersely): I can *handle* it.
NURSE: You're quite well enough to go home.
TEENAGER: I had a bad headache last night.
NURSE: No you didn't! Look, you're not making out as well as you think, are you, so why don't you just drop the act and ring your folks?
Scott - for it is he, now played by Jason Donovan rather than Darius Perkins - doesn't respond. The nurse sighs that she'll come back for the tray later. As she leaves the room, Scott calls after her:
SCOTT: I still won't tell you.
No. 26
There's a knock on the back door and Madge comes in. Jim is in the kitchen and he tells Madge that Helen is just dropping Lucy off at school; she shouldn't be too long. Madge asks if there's been any news yet, but Jim sighs that there's not a word. Madge tells him that she's sorry. She then adds that she knows it's cold comfort, but he's just going to have to get on with his life until he hears something.
JIM: I keep wondering what I did *wrong*... where did I go wrong?
MADGE: You just did what you did. I don't think we have any control over what our children do with it.
JIM (sighs): He was always such a *level-headed* kid.
MADGE: With *you*, yes. Maybe he was different away from home?
Madge then comments that she sometimes wonders when one *finishes* with parenting.
JIM: It feels like never!
MADGE: You know, if I'd known what it was going to be like, I think I might've thought twice about it!
JIM: Yeah, it isn't easy - I mean, Scott's missing, and now I've got Paul to contend with as well...
MADGE: Mine always used to do that as well.
JIM: Always checking to see whether you're playing favourites...
MADGE: Yes. I used to bend over backwards trying not to... Maybe that's the problem with Paul?
JIM (insists): They both know I love them.
MADGE: Well... maybe they *don't*?
JIM: Well, Paul's old enough to know better. Scott isn't.
Jim's voice tails off. Madge asks gently:
MADGE: What are you going to do to Scott when you find him?
JIM (sincerely): Hold him.
No. 24
Shane is having breakfast when Clive walks in through the back door and comments coolly that he hopes they're going to have a job to go to this morning.
SHANE: Why wouldn't we?
CLIVE: Who knows *what* you got up to?
SHANE: I wasn't up to *anything*. As a matter of fact, I got home quite early.
CLIVE (taunts): *Bored* was she?!
Madge comes in and asks Clive and Shane tersely to cut it out. She then asks what they're arguing about. Shane explains:
SHANE: Beth Travers - the woman who we're doing the job for - took me out to dinner last night.
MADGE (aghast): You didn't *go* did you?
CLIVE: Yes he did.
MADGE: Oh Shane, haven't you got any sense at all?
CLIVE: That's exactly what *I* reckon.
SHANE: It was absolutely *harmless*.
MADGE: Nevertheless, you should never mix business with pleasure.
CLIVE: Or have any pleasure at *all*, especially not with *Mrs* Travers.
MADGE (looking horrified): She's *married*?
SHANE: She's divorced.
MADGE: That doesn't make one scrap of difference.
SHANE: Nothing happened.
MADGE: It's the principle of the thing, Shane - something you could learn from Danny.
SHANE (looking astonished): Eh?
MADGE: You could take a leaf out of his book on how to conduct yourself like a gentleman.
SHANE: Danny wouldn't know what one *was*!
MADGE: He does *now*.
With that, Clive suggests to Shane that they'd better get to work.
Coffee Shop
Zoe and Mike are cleaning tables. Zoe tells Mike that it's nearly 9am - he'll be late for school. Mike, however, shrugs that he doesn't mind missing out on sport.
ZOE: I don't want you to get into trouble with your parents.
MIKE: I won't be around much longer, anyway.
ZOE: What does *that* mean?
MIKE: I'll have enough saved up so me and mum can move away from dad.
ZOE: Does your mother know about it?
MIKE: It's all we ever talk about: getting away from the old man.
ZOE (warily): Have you talked to anyone *else* about this?
MIKE: No, just you. I trust you.
ZOE: Maybe you should tell Daphne?
MIKE: Why?
ZOE: She's had much more experience dealing with these things.
MIKE: I've got everything under control, all right?
Zoe hesitates before then saying:
ZOE: Mike, I know I've asked you this before, but I'm asking as a friend; because I care: why does your father hit you?
MIKE (reluctantly): I don't know. It only started about a year ago. Mum never used to talk about it. Things between her and dad got really tense; he seemed to have problems at work and he just changed. The slightest thing would send him off; it didn't seem to matter *which* one of us he took it out on.
ZOE (sighs): So he hits her, too?
MIKE: Sometimes.
ZOE: Why doesn't your mother get out? I mean, there are places you can go.
MIKE: She's scared of him, that's all. She goes back there so we'll have a roof over our heads.
ZOE: You can get that somewhere *else*.
MIKE (sighs): You don't understand.
ZOE: I'm trying to.
MIKE: Mum and I are really close - I'd do *anything* for her.
ZOE: Including taking beatings from your father?
Looking annoyed, Mike snaps:
MIKE: I thought I could *talk* to you.
He then storms off, leaving Zoe looking worried.
St. Agnes Memorial Hospital
Scott is sitting on a chair next to his bed as the nurse bustles around straightening up the bed linen. As she does so, she tells Scott that his mother's probably had another sleepless night because of him. Scott just shrugs that his mother's *dead*. At that moment, a girl of about 12 or 13 walks in and says:
GIRL: So's mine.
The nurse looks at her and asks:
NURSE: What are *you* doing here, Kelly?
KELLY: I got bored. Can I stay? I promise I won't be a pest!
SCOTT (muses): *Lucy* always says that.
NURSE: Who's Lucy?
SCOTT: My little sister.
KELLY (sitting down on the edge of Scott's bed): You got any more in your family?
SCOTT: Yeah.
The nurse tells them to enjoy themselves; *she's* got *other* things to do. Scott climbs back into bed and Kelly takes his chair. She asks him:
KELLY: What's your name?
SCOTT: Um, John.
KELLY (pointedly): *No*, I mean your *real* name.
SCOTT: You won't tell anyone?
Kelly shakes her head.
SCOTT: Scott.
KELLY (muses): I suppose it's better than 'John'. Don't you *want* to go home?
SCOTT (mutters): No.
KELLY (teases): Are you too chicken?
SCOTT (flatly): Of course I'm not. I'll go when I'm ready.
KELLY: *I* live in an *orphanage* - but it's not *too* bad.
SCOTT: Don't you have any relatives?
KELLY: No. Who else have *you* got - apart from Lucy?
SCOTT: Well, there's Paul and Julie - they're my older brother and sister - and Lucy: she's about your age, I suppose.
KELLY: They must be really weird!
SCOTT: No they're not!
KELLY: Then why don't you want to go home? I'd be *rapt* having a family - *and* a *home*. Know what? I reckon you're out of your mind!
Scott sits up in bed, looking thoughtful.
Coffee Shop
Zoe is working in the kitchen when Jim comes in. She sighs at him that she can't cope: Mike's gone to get more bread and she's on her own. She asks Jim if he can organise two Cokes. Mike comes back with the bread and tells Zoe that there's another six orders waiting. Zoe just mutters that she'll get to them - one at a time. Mike then says softly:
MIKE: Sorry about before - I know you were only trying to help.
Zoe throws her arms around him and gives him an appreciative hug. Jim hands Mike the Cokes and Mike takes them out to the customers. Zoe then asks Jim what he stopped by for. Jim smiles that, believe it or not, he wanted a cup of coffee!
St. Agnes Memorial Hospital
Kelly and Scott are playing poker! Kelly lays down her hand and beams:
KELLY: Licked you again!
SCOTT: I *let* you win!
KELLY: Bet you say that to *all* the girls!
SCOTT: Where'd you learn how to play, anyway?
KELLY: From the gardener at the orphanage!
SCOTT: Yeah, it figures.
Changing the subject, Kelly asks:
KELLY: Why did you take off?
SCOTT (sighs): The funny thing is, I wasn't running *away* from home, I was running *to* it.
KELLY (exclaims): You *are* nuts!
SCOTT: Yeah, crazy to get mixed up with those guys from school.
Kelly looks at him and says sincerely:
KELLY: I won't tell a soul.
Scott then starts explaining:
SCOTT: I met a girl on the school tour. To cut a long story short, I took her to the dance. Later, we went outside and some of the other boys followed us out; I was trying to get *them* to go away - to leave us alone - when the girl saw her father coming. Suddenly it all turned ugly.
KELLY (declares): He said you were fooling around with his daughter.
SCOTT (looking surprised): How did *you* know?
KELLY: It happened to one of the boys at the Home.
Scott goes on:
SCOTT: Well, he threatened me with the police, so I decided to take off.
KELLY: How did you end up in *here*?
SCOTT: I was mugged while I was trying to get a hitch home.
KELLY: I still don't understand why you didn't call your parents.
SCOTT (shrugs): I wanted to tell dad myself. Now it's too late - he would've already found out.
KELLY: So what? Your word against theirs.
SCOTT: Yeah, but the other boys lied to keep themselves out of trouble.
KELLY: They said you *did* it?
SCOTT: Yeah - so you can see why I can't go home.
With that, Kelly hands Scott the deck of cards and says:
KELLY: You deal while I think of some ways to get you out of it!
Beth Travers' back garden
Shane is digging over some soil. Clive is doing some weeding nearby, but he suddenly cries that he's cut his hand. Shane takes a look and then mutters that it's just a cut.
CLIVE (curtly): It would be a different story if it was *you*.
SHANE (retorts): *You* just don't like hard work, do you?
CLIVE (accuses): You think I'm trying to get out of it?
SHANE: I *know* you are.
Beth walks over to them at that moment and, smiling a good morning, says softly to Shane:
BETH: We had the best night last night, didn't we?
SHANE: Sure did!
BETH: We must do it again some time.
SHANE: Can't wait.
CLIVE (bluntly): Neither can the *garden*.
Clive declares that he can't work with his hand like it is. He tells Shane that *he'll* take the shovel and Shane can do the weeds. Shane bends down to where Clive was working - but then recoils in pain straight away and cries that he's got thorns in his finger. Clive takes a look and mutters dismissively:
CLIVE: Ah, what a shame. Poor little pinkie.
Beth is still in earshot and she walks over to Shane and takes a look. She then exclaims:
BETH: Oh, that looks really nasty. Come in the house - I'll fix it up for you.
SHANE: If it's not too much trouble...
CLIVE (exclaims): What about *me*?
BETH (coolly): What *about* you?
SHANE: You'll just have to finish the gardening on your own, won't you!
Madge is sitting with Douglas in the hotel restaurant having morning tea, and he tells her that he's glad he bumped into her. Madge muses that they seem to be making a habit of it!
DOUGLAS: To tell the truth, I rang your room earlier, but you weren't there.
MADGE: No, I went for a walk. I always find it helps clear the cobwebs away.
DOUGLAS: And did you come up with any solution?
MADGE: No, I'm afraid I didn't.
Madge adds quickly that she doesn't expect Douglas to pay for her morning tea as well. Douglas, however, insists that he'd be glad to.
MADGE: No, really, you've been very kind and I'm very grateful, but I can't rely on you forever.
DOUGLAS (smiles): Well, I won't be here that long. Meantime, whatever I can do to help you would be my pleasure.
He pauses before then saying:
DOUGLAS: Um, I hope you don't mind but I've made a few discreet enquiries on your behalf.
MADGE (aghast): You haven't mentioned my name to anyone, I hope?
DOUGLAS: No, no, no, no, no. I just happened to run into a friend of mine who's a jeweller: he'd be very happy to value your diamonds for you.
MADGE: Oh, I see.
DOUGLAS: Perhaps he could put you in touch with a buyer?
MADGE (hesitantly): No... I don't think I could take that risk.
DOUGLAS: *I* could take the diamonds to be valued for you. Of course, I don't expect you to trust me alone with them, so you're very welcome to come with me.
MADGE (quickly): No, no, I couldn't do that.
DOUGLAS: Why not?
MADGE: Because I think my husband is having me watched.
DOUGLAS (exclaims): Surely not!
MADGE: You don't know him! Perhaps I could give you the diamond that I have *with* me?
DOUGLAS: How do you know I won't abscond with it?
MADGE (warmly): I think I'm a fairly good judge of character. You won't run off with it.
Douglas smiles at Madge in delight!
Coffee Shop
Jim is fixing a light on the wall and Zoe tells him that she really is grateful for his help; she really doesn't know how Daphne manages! Jim asks her if she needs a hand with anything else. Zoe asks what he's like at slicing tomatoes! As Jim accepts the challenge, he comments:
JIM: *Mike* seems like a nice kid.
ZOE (sighs): Yeah. He's got a lot of problems, though.
JIM: Oh? I'd have said he looks like he doesn't have a care in the world - but with Scott missing, I'm a bit reluctant to make sweeping statements like that. What's his problem?
ZOE: Well... I suppose it's not that confidential: he's got enough bruises on him.
JIM: I thought they were from football.
ZOE: No... His father tends to use him as a punching bag.
JIM (sympathetically): Poor kid.
ZOE: Yeah... I don't know what to *say*.
JIM: What about his mother?
ZOE: That's it; she lies about it too because she's in the firing line.
JIM: What does Mike want to *do*?
ZOE: Oh, he's got this crazy idea that he and his mother are going to move out when Mike's got enough money saved.
JIM: Sounds like it's some hope to hang his hat on.
ZOE: What do I *do*? I can hardly go to the police and make the accusations *for* him.
JIM: Well... *we* could put him up until Daphne gets back.
ZOE (sighs): He seems to resent too much interference.
JIM: Well, the offer's there if you need it. Other than that, wait until Daphne gets back, because she's had a lot of experience of kids and families in similar circumstances. She'll know what to do.
Zoe smiles at him.
Beth Travers' back garden
Shane is resting on a sun lounger. Clive walks over to him and asks him if he's coming back to work or not. He then holds out his hand and adds:
CLIVE: Mine's worse than yours.
SHANE: Not according to the boss! Besides, you're lucky I don't sue you for worker's compensation!
Beth walks over to them with a tray of drinks, and she invites Shane to join her for a swim before lunch. As Shane strips off and dives into the pool, Beth says to Clive:
BETH: He's a really nice guy, isn't he?
CLIVE (sarcastically, indicating Shane swimming): Must be agony for his finger.
BETH (coolly, indicating the pool): Aren't you going in?
CLIVE: No, I'm going to get myself some lunch.
Coffee Shop
A short time later, Clive walks into the Coffee Shop and mutters to Zoe - who's behind the counter - that Shane is the biggest show-off in history: Beth Travers thinks he's terrific just because he can swim. Zoe asks him how come he didn't join them in the pool. Clive retorts that he didn't want to - not everyone wants to parade around in a swimming pool. Zoe stares at him and realises:
ZOE: You can't swim, can you?!
CLIVE (admits): No!
ZOE (laughs): We make a great pair: *I* can't cook... *you* can't swim...!
CLIVE: Maybe we should join forces?
ZOE (smiles): I'm not *that* crazy!
St. Agnes Memorial Hospital
Kelly is sitting watching as Scott has the dressing on his forehead changed by the nurse. As she completes the procedure, the nurse asks Scott if he's thought any more about going home.
KELLY: I've already told him he's nuts if he doesn't.
SCOTT: Get off my back, will you? As soon as I'm through here, I'll go, OK?
NURSE: How you going to get there?
SCOTT: I'll hitch, I suppose.
NURSE: Come on - that's how you got *here* in the first place.
KELLY: See, I told you he was nuts!
SCOTT (sighs): I can't talk to dad over the 'phone, that's all.
NURSE: Why not?
SCOTT: Just because.
KELLY: Because he's too chicken.
SCOTT (retorts): I'm *not* chicken.
NURSE: Look, the hardest job is the one you put off. Your father will understand.
KELLY: I told him that too, and he's not even guilty!
Scott looks at Kelly in annoyance and mutters:
SCOTT: Blabbermouth.
KELLY: It just sort of slipped out - sorry. But I didn't tell her your *real* name.
NURSE (impatiently to Scott): Look, I don't even want to know what it is, or what you've done, but I *do* know that the administration here want some answers, so I think you should ring your father and get him to come and pick you up.
KELLY: That's what *I* reckon, too.
NURSE: The 'phone's in the corridor.
KELLY: And *I've* got the twenty cents.
With that, Kelly places the money in Scott's hand. He stares at it.
No. 26
Jim is talking on the 'phone to Julie, telling her that they haven't heard a word since last time she rang. He adds that he loves her, and he hangs up.
St. Agnes Memorial Hospital
Scott, Kelly and the nurse are all standing around the pay phone in the corridor. Scott has the 'phone to his ear, but he mutters that it's engaged, and he hangs up. Kelly points out that it means someone's at home. Scott retorts that he knows that.
NURSE: Well try again - this is no time for pride.
SCOTT: I will - later.
NURSE (sternly): You will - *now*.
No. 26/St. Agnes Memorial Hospital
Jim is pacing the lounge room floor when the 'phone starts ringing again. He picks it up and says;
JIM: Hello. Jim Robinson.
At the hospital, Scott just stands there with the 'phone to his ear. Kelly prompts:
KELLY: Say 'Hello, dad'!
Scott says hesitantly:
SCOTT: Hello, dad.
JIM (excitedly): Scott! Are you all right?
SCOTT (hesitantly): No, I'm fine. I'm sorry, dad.
JIM: Thank goodness!
Jim stands there looking immensely relieved.
<<0187 - 0189>>
Douglas Blake, Madge Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0188
Douglas Blake, Madge Mitchell

Jim Robinson, Zoe Davis in Neighbours Episode 0188
Jim Robinson, Zoe Davis

Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0188
Scott Robinson

Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0188
Scott Robinson

Jim Robinson, Madge Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0188
Jim Robinson, Madge Mitchell

Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0188
Mike Young

Kelly, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0188
Kelly, Scott Robinson

Jim Robinson, Zoe Davis in Neighbours Episode 0188
Jim Robinson, Zoe Davis

Beth Travers, Shane Ramsay, Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 0188
Beth Travers, Shane Ramsay, Clive Gibbons

Douglas Blake, Madge Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0188
Douglas Blake, Madge Mitchell

Zoe Davis, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0188
Zoe Davis, Jim Robinson

Beth Travers in Neighbours Episode 0188
Beth Travers

Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 0188
Clive Gibbons

Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0188
Scott Robinson

Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0188
Jim Robinson

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